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templates other essential elements for the final adaptation of the site<br />

for museum purposes, particularly those dedicated to its interpretation<br />

through computer and multimedia systems. In this sense, the<br />

architectural reconstruction of the south-west corner of the portico<br />

that surrounds the square, as well as a small stretch of the cryptoporticus<br />

which defines the religious area have meant that there are two<br />

covered interpretation areas able to house this kind of installation.<br />

1 The writing of this piece of work was carried out within the framework of<br />

and with the support of the research project “Protecting and Disseminating<br />

Archaeological Heritage. Conceptualisations and Current Uses of<br />

Archaeological Heritage (PACUPC)”. A project developed within the<br />

framework of the National Research and Development Plan, with a subsidy<br />

from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology, reference number<br />

HAR2008-00132.<br />

BiBliograPhy<br />

X. Aquilué, P. Castanyer, M. Santos, J. Tremoleda, Intervencions arqueològiques<br />

a Empúries (l’Escala, Alt Empordà), Quartes Jornades d’Arqueologia<br />

de les Comarques de Girona (Figueres, 20-21 November 1998), Figueres<br />

1998, p. 114-135.<br />

X. Aquilué, P. Castanyer, M. Santos, J. Tremoleda, Empúries, Guies del<br />

Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, Tarragona 1999.<br />

X. Aquilué, P. Castanyer, M. Santos, J. Tremoleda, “El campo de silos<br />

del área central de la ciudad romana de Empúries”, in Romula, 1, Sevilla<br />

2002, p. 9-38.<br />

X. Aquilué, P. Castanyer, M. Santos, J. Tremoleda, “Primers resultats del<br />

projecte d’intervenció arqueològica a les termes públiques de la ciutat romana<br />

d’Emporiae (Empúries, L’Escala, Alt Empordà)”, in Empúries, 53,<br />

Girona 2002, p. 241-260.<br />

X. Aquilué, P. Castanyer, M. Santos, J. Tremoleda, “Greek Emporion<br />

and its relationship to Roman Republican Empúries”, in L. Abad, J. S.<br />

Keay, S. Ramallo (eds.), Early Roman Towns in Hispania Tarraconense (second<br />

century BC - first century AD), Journal of Roman Archaeology, Supplementary<br />

Series, 62, Portsmouth, Rhode Island 2006, p. 19-31.<br />

X. Aquilué, J. M. Nolla, E. Sanmartí, “Das Römische Forum von Ampurias<br />

(L’Escala, Al Empordà, prov. Girona)”, in Madrider Mitteilungen, 27,<br />

Mainz 1986, p. 225-234.<br />

X. Aquilué, R. Mar, J. M. Nolla, J. Ruíz de Arbulo, E. Sanmartí, “El<br />

fòrum romà d’Empúries (Excavacions de l’any 1982). Una aproximació<br />

arqueológica al procés históric de la romanització al nord-est de la Península<br />

Ibèrica”, in Monografies Emporitanes, VI, Barcelona 1984.<br />

X. Aquilué, J. Monturiol (eds.), Forum Emporiae MMIV. El forum romà<br />

d’Empúries, 2004 anys d’història, exhibition catalogue (Sant Martí d’Empúries,<br />

July-September 2004), Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya-Empúries,<br />

Girona 2004.<br />


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