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tions were carried out with little historic rigour but have, without a<br />

doubt, helped the visiting public to understand the archaeological<br />

remains better.<br />

Later, in 1992, work in this sector of the Roman city was started<br />

again, with the aim of excavating the area of some buildings and improving<br />

the overall presentation of the remains (Aquilué, Castanyer,<br />

Santos, Tremoleda, 1998, p. 114-135). The data obtained in<br />

the interventions carried out at the end of the 1990s allowed the<br />

archaeological sequence of the civic centre of the city proposed in the<br />

monograph published in 1984 to be substantially corrected, as well<br />

as most of the later work based on the same data (Aquilué, Nolla,<br />

Sanmartí, 1986, p. 225-234; Mar, Ruiz de Arbulo, 1986, p. 367-<br />

374; Id., 1993, p. 218-224). In addition to the scientific objectives,<br />

the results of recent excavations should serve to increase the interest<br />

of visitors to this important sector of the Roman city.<br />

The Empúries Forum<br />

The forum area consists of a series of buildings of various kinds,<br />

sizes and uses, corresponding to diverse construction phases that<br />

are a reflection of the evolution of the city from the beginning of the<br />

first century BC to its definitive abandonment during the second<br />

half of the third century AD. Of the various phases that make up<br />

the constructive sequence of this urban centre, the one that is least<br />

perceptible from an archaeological point of view is, without a doubt,<br />

that which corresponds to the initial phase of the city. In this first<br />

phase, the square seems to have been only delimited in the north by<br />

a large rectangular building, later integrated into the cryptoporticus<br />

that surrounded the religious area of the forum, forming the central<br />

wing of the construction. To the south of this building, on the<br />

other hand, excavations have shown the existence of a large storage<br />

area that was in service until almost the Augustan age (Aquilué,<br />

Castanyer, Santos, Tremoleda, 2002, p. 241-260; Ibid., p. 9-38).<br />

The discovery of numerous silos, of considerable sizes and with a<br />

large capacity, excavated in the subsoil of the square and under adjacent<br />

buildings shows this.<br />

The definitive disabling of this field of silos, at the end of the first<br />

century BC made the architectural systematisation of the forum area<br />

possible, with the construction of most of the buildings whose remains<br />

are currently visible. From this moment on it was perfectly<br />

defined. In the north, the religious area or sacred temenos, organised<br />


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