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Editors<br />

Marco vaUdetti<br />

Full Professor of Interior Architectures.<br />

Since 1980 he has been operated in the Department of Architectural and<br />

Industrial Design of the Politecnico di Torino.<br />

He takes part in the Ph.D. of Architecture of Interiors and Exhibit of the<br />

Politecnico di Milano.<br />

He takes part of the Scientific Committee of Master in Conservation,<br />

management and enhancement of industrial heritage, in collaboration<br />

between the Department of Architectural Design of the Politecnico di<br />

Torino, Department of History, Università di Padova, Department of Urban<br />

Planning - IUAV Venice.<br />

Since 1990 he has been carried out research:<br />

- in the field of Museography and Exhibit with detailed analyses of the<br />

problems of conservation and display, with general studies and analysis of<br />

museums heritage in Piedmont;<br />

- in the field of eco-museums and visitor centre, which place side by side<br />

itself in traditional locations to convey the material culture of the places, in a<br />

territorial dimension of Exhibit.<br />

From 2010 he’s member of IaM (Istituto di Architettura Montana).<br />

valeria MinUcciani<br />

Researcher and aggregate professor at the Politecnico di Torino, where she<br />

teaches Museography and she studies many issues related to museum design<br />

and organization (the archaeological musealization, but also the outdoor/<br />

spread museum, and the museum of sacred art and religious heritage).<br />

She carried out design advices on these issues. Until 2007 she was a member<br />

of the Diocesan Liturgical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of Turin;<br />

since 2010 she’s member of Professors Committee of the course “Diocesan<br />

Museums. Guidelines” of the Cei (National Bureau for Ecclesiastical<br />

Cultural Heritage).<br />

She’s member of the Scientific Committee “Nuova museologia agraria”<br />

magazine. She’s author of many publications about Museography (with<br />

reference to art/sacred art museums, the musealization of ancient contexts, the<br />

use of new communication technologies in contemporary museum).<br />


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