1 Prime pagine ok.indd - accademia degli intronati

1 Prime pagine ok.indd - accademia degli intronati

1 Prime pagine ok.indd - accademia degli intronati


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78<br />

John Koenig<br />

in a highly devotionalized good deed. The final act was a “bellissima<br />

processione” through the city, in which its fraternities and religious<br />

orders, the Madonna, the fifty young virgins, the government, and all the<br />

people to<strong>ok</strong> part. The Virgin was doubtless most pleased by the assistance<br />

rendered these needy young women, which was an established way of<br />

honoring her as Mary Immaculate 58 .<br />

The final donazione in March 1555 was pretty much a carbon copy<br />

of the preceding one, without the charity vow. It was again to the main<br />

altar that the Madonna (now, as in 1550, identified as the Madonna del<br />

Duomo) was taken for the submission ceremony, in which the cathedral<br />

canon who celebrated mass (the entire government communicating)<br />

received the keys from and returned them to the prior on behalf of<br />

the Virgin Mary. Again, a sombre, penitential mood prevailed (which<br />

reflected the darkened, mid-siege atmosphere, as hope of a rescue by<br />

the French receded): the mass was deprived of its music, the ceremonial<br />

trumpets were silent, and the prior’s pre-offering prayer exuded even<br />

more supplicatory pathos, as he informed the Madonna (truthfully) that<br />

never before, since first sheltering under her most glorious cloak (as<br />

the Madonna della Misericordia), had Siena been in such need. It was<br />

his great hope that the “profound abyss of… [their] miseries” would be<br />

lost “in the infinitude of [her] mercy.” And, when he bestowed on her<br />

the keys to the city, he implored her to accept and keep them (emphasis<br />

added) 59 , since they themselves, “having through their sins lost all power<br />

and knowledge,” were incapable of using them, and to employ them in<br />

her power and wisdom to close the city’s gates to war and open them to<br />

peace and to their allies and to shut them to destructive discord and open<br />

them to domestic peace and unity (“unione”). The prior also twice asked<br />

her, as the Mother of God (emphasis added), to intercede for Siena, “since<br />

our prayers are not worthy to reach the sacred ears of your most beloved<br />

58 On this point, KOENIG, Saving Siena, 164; and for evidence that the procession was a<br />

supplicatory one, ibid., 169-70.<br />

59 Not to be taken literally. In his 1550 oration, the prior presented the keys to the Virgin as one<br />

“più secura e più potente a custodirle.”

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