1 Prime pagine ok.indd - accademia degli intronati

1 Prime pagine ok.indd - accademia degli intronati

1 Prime pagine ok.indd - accademia degli intronati


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Mary, sovereign of Siena, Jesus, king of Florence 55<br />

lasting, altogether, for well over a month. Already laid low by foreign<br />

invaders, the Lombard capital was now again a battleground as (in the<br />

midst of plague and famine) the French and their allies fought to retake<br />

this prize from Spain. Tomasso began his work on Sunday 11 April<br />

1529, when he preached a three-day supplicatory tour de force that was<br />

to commence the following Friday. It was organized thematically 18 :<br />

for the Friday procession (that was preceded by a Mass of the Holy<br />

Cross and featured the banner of St. Ambrose, as well as a cross) it was<br />

Christ and His Passion; for the Saturday procession (that was preceded<br />

by a Mass of the Virgin, on this her special day) it was the Virgin;<br />

and for Sunday’s Eucharistic procession (that was preceded by a Mass<br />

of the Holy Spirit) it was the Deity 19 . Father Tomasso then proceeded<br />

to exploit the post-Lenten liturgy. He told the people that he was on<br />

a mission that would last until they were delivered; and, during his<br />

weekly Sunday sermons, he introduced devotions for this purpose,<br />

which centered on the feasts of the triune God – Ascension Thursday<br />

(7 May), Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, and Corpus Christi (3 June) – and<br />

included a spate of Eucharistic processions, in addition to the annual<br />

one on this last feast 20 .<br />

The discussion has again confronted us with the adventurous<br />

nature of Christian crisis religion, which in spirit was not so far removed<br />

from what magicians, astrologers, and alchemists attempted with<br />

18 BURIGOZZO, Storia, 485-89; Ordine della processione triduana.<br />

19 Ordine della processione triduana, 18-19. This was the same theme-based triduum of<br />

crisis processions used at Siena in 1482, which was the invention of Mariano da Genazzano, whom I<br />

mentioned earlier. KOENIG, Saving Siena, 88. For the Friday procession, see below n. 193. The Sunday<br />

procession was commented upon by J. BURCKHARDT, who saw its pathetic supplicants reflecting the<br />

depths of despair into which Milan had sunk, which, as he saw it, awakened a medievalism that<br />

subverted the rebirth of thought and culture. The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, trans. S. G. C.<br />

Middlemore (London 1965), 301; and see on this point KOENIG, Saving Siena, 202n. 413.<br />

20 BURIGOZZO, Storia, 491. We also have evidence of the use of Pentecost in crisis circumstances<br />

at Florence, by the New Republic, for which see below n. 130, and by Savonarola in 1495, upon the<br />

return from Naples of Charles VIII. Archivio di Stato di Firenze, Signori e Collegi, Deliberazioni fatte<br />

in forza di ordinaria authorità 97, ff. 59, 69v (hereafter, ASF, Deliberazioni); GIROLAMO SAVONAROLA,<br />

Prediche sopra i Salmi, ed. Vincenzo Romano 1 (Rome 1969), 234-35.

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