1 Prime pagine ok.indd - accademia degli intronati

1 Prime pagine ok.indd - accademia degli intronati

1 Prime pagine ok.indd - accademia degli intronati


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160<br />

John Koenig<br />

to the calamities of war and starvation, the city now fell victim to the<br />

plague 234 .<br />

Following these false celebrations, the government deluded itself<br />

with false hopes of a military victory, deciding without dissent that the<br />

time had come to take the offensive and wage war (“che si dovesse<br />

combattere senza manco nessuno”). On the 23 rd , the gonfaloniere<br />

conveyed this decision to the assembled political and military leaders,<br />

including Malatesta and the other mercenary captains: they (the<br />

professional soldiers) would now face the enemy; and with customary<br />

valor, in a just cause, with Christ as their king, they would certainly<br />

achieve a great victory against an adversary who was not nearly as<br />

strong as he was said to be. They would also in this way avenge Italy,<br />

which, after its glorious imperial past, had become, to the shame of its<br />

people, the humbled servant of barbarous nations, earning eternal fame<br />

and glory by vanquishing the enemy’s soldiers, who were no less their<br />

human enemies than rebels against God (emphasis added), who had<br />

most cruelly sacked and burned Rome and despoiled all Italy. Their valor<br />

would save the noble city of Florence from being razed and its women<br />

from being violated. Having finished, Girolami wept as, with open arms,<br />

he fixed his gaze on the heavens 235 . In response, Malatesta and the other<br />

captains signalled their eagerness to take up arms.<br />

This was not, however, a decisive step towards action. The pratica<br />

that met later that day continued the search for a religious solution, with<br />

Girolami stressing the need to attend to spiritual as well as military<br />

needs by devoutly confessing and communicating 236 ; and on 29 July, the<br />

234 Ibid., 412-13. See n. 240; this was a serious outbreak.<br />

235 This recalls the ancient Roman supplicatory position – “ad caelum manus tendere.” Ibid., 419-<br />

24. For another example of this prayer position – raising hands towards heaven “supplichevolmente,”<br />

n. 151. 236 Having noted the extreme danger in which the city found itself and the consequent need for<br />

God’s mercy, Bernardo Castiglione, representing the Ten on War, wanted litanies chanted during all<br />

masses, which is suggestive of a direct state involvement in such “church matters,” which at Siena is<br />

well documented. He also wanted the city’s female religious to pray on behalf of the government for<br />

divine guidance in its decision making. Then, turning his attention to practical matters, he cited the

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