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Istanza di permesso di ricerca di idrocarburi denominata “La Capriola” Delta Energy ltd. Lentini F., Carbone S., Di Stefano A., Guarnieri P., (2002). Stratigraphical and structural constrains in the Lucanian Apennines (southern Italy): tools for reconstructing the geological evolution. In Journal of Geodynamics 34, 141-158. Lentini F., Catalano S., Carbone s., (1996). The external thrust system in the southern Italy: a target for petroleum exploration. Petroleum Geoscience , 2, 333-342. Leopold L. B., F. E. Clarke, B. B. Hanshaw, and J. E. Balsley. (1971). A procedure for evaluating environmental impact. U.S. Geological Survey Circular 645, Washington, D.C. Masini M (2007). Strain prediction using cross-section restoration. M.Sc. Thesis, Royal Holloway, Univ. of London. Mateu-Vicens G., Pomar L.,Tropeano M., (2008), Architectural complexity of a carbonate trangessive systems tract induced by basement physiography . Sedimentology, 55, 1815-1848. Mattavelli L., Novalli L., (1990), Geochemistry and Habitat of the Oils in Italy. The American Association of Petroleum Geologist Bulletin, 74, 1623-1639. Mazzoli S., Barkham S., Cello G., Gambini R., Mattinoni L., Shiner P., Tondi E., (2001), Reconstruction of continental margin architecture deformed by the contraction of the Lagonagro Basin, southern Apennines, Italy. Journal of the Geological Society, 158, 309-319. Morelli A., Bonardi G., Colonna V., Dietrich D., Giunta G., Ippolito F., Liguori V., Lorenzoni S., Paglionico A., Perrone V., Piccarretta G., Russo M., Scandone P., Zanettini – Lorenzioni E., Zuppetta A., (1976), L’arco Calabro - Peloritano nell’Orogene Appenninico Magrebide. Mem. Soc. Geol. It, 17, 1-60. Mosca F., Sciamanna S., Sassi W., Rudkiewicz J.L., Gambibi R., (2004), Predicting hydrocarbon generation and expulsion in the Southern Apennines Thrust belt by 2-D integrated structural and geochemical modeling: part II – geochemical modeling. Ogniben L., (1969) - Schema introduttivo all. geologia del Confine calabro-Iucano, Mem. Soc. Geol. ltal., 8,453-763,1969. Parotto M., Praturlon A., (2004), The southern Apennine arc. Special Volume of the Italian Geological Society for the IGC 32, 33-58. Patacca E., Scandone P. (2001). Late thrust propagation and sedimentary response in the thrust beltforedeeep system of the Southern Apennines (Pliocene – Pleistocene). In: VAI G.B., Martini I.P. (Eds.): “ Anatomy of a mountain: The Apennines and adjacent Mediterranean basins”. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 401-440. Patacca E., Scandone P., (2007). Geology of the Southern Apennines, Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Spec. Issue, 7, 75- 119. Peacock, D. C. P., & Mann, A. (2005). Evaluation of the Controls on Fracturing in Reservoir Rocks. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 28(4), 385-396. Pollard D.D. and A. Aydin, (1988). Progress in understanding jointing over the past one hundred years.Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 100, p. 1181-1204. Price N. J. (1966). Fault and joint development in brittle and semi-brittle rock. Pergamon Press, New York, 176 p. Rohrbaugh Jr et Al, (2002). Estimating Fracture Trace Intensity, Density, and Mean Length Using Circular Scan Lines and Windows, AAPG Bulletin; v. 86; no. 12; p. 2089-2104. Sella M., Turci C., Riva A., (1988). Sintesi geominerarion della fossa bradanica (avanfossa della catena appenninica meridionale). Mem. Soc. Geol. It., 41, 87-107. Shaocheng et al., (1998). A revised model for the relationship between joint spacing and layer thickness. Journal of Structural Geology, Volume 20, Issue 11, Pages 1495-1508. 122

Istanza di permesso di ricerca di idrocarburi denominata “La Capriola” Delta Energy ltd. Sharkeley A (2007). Fracture network characteristics and impact on reservoir connectivity: the example of the cretaceous to tertiary carbonates of Maiella mountain (Italy). Master of Science Thesis Iin Petroleum Geology, Imperial College, Univ. of London. Shiner P., Beccaccini A., Mazzoli B., (2004). Thin-skinned versus thick-skinned structural models for Apulian carbonate reservoirs: constraints from the Val d’Agri Fields, S Appennines, Italy. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 21, 805-827. Steckler S. M., Agostinetti P. N., Wilson C.K., Roselli P., Seeber L., Amato A., Lerner – Lam A., Crustal structure in the Southern Apennines from teleseismic receiver functions. The Geology Society of America., 36, 155-158. Stossel I., (1999). Rudists and Carbonates Platform Evolution: the Late Cretaceous Maiella Carbonate Platform Margin, Abruzzi, Italy. Mem. Sc. Geol., v.51/2, 333-413. Tavarnelli E., (1996). The effects of pre-existing normal faults and on thrust ramp development: an example from the northern Apennines, Italy. Geologische Rundschau, 85, 363-371. Tavarnelli E., Prosser G., (2003). The complete Apennine orogenic cycle preserved in a transient single outcrop near San Fele, Lucania, southern Italy. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 160, 429- 434. Turrini C., Renninson P., (2004). Structural style from the southern Apennines’ hydrocarbon province – an integrated view. In MClay K.R., Thrust tectonics and hydrocarbon system, AAPG Memoir 82, 558-578. Van Dijk J.P., Bello M., Toscano C., Bersani A., Nardon S., (2000). Tectonic model and three-dimensional fracture network analysis of Monte Alpi (southern Apennines). Tectonophysics, 324, 203 -237. Wennberg O. P., Svana T., Azizzadeh M., Aqrawi A. M. M., Brockbank P., Lyslo K. B. and Ogilvie S. (2006). Fracture intensity vs. mechanical stratigraphy in platform top carbonates: the Aquitanian of the Asmari Formation, Khaviz Anticline, Zagros, SW Iran, Petroleum Geoscience; v. 12; no. 3; p. 235-246. Zappaterra E., (1994). Source rock distribution model of the Periadriatic Region. AAPG Bulletin, 1994, 78, 333-354. Sitografia 123

Istanza <strong>di</strong> permesso <strong>di</strong> ricerca <strong>di</strong> idrocarburi denominata “La Capriola” Delta Energy ltd.<br />

Sharkeley A (2007). Fracture network characteristics and impact on reservoir connectivity: the example of<br />

the cretaceous to tertiary carbonates of Maiella mountain (Italy). Master of Science Thesis Iin<br />

Petroleum Geology, Imperial College, Univ. of London.<br />

Shiner P., Beccaccini A., Mazzoli B., (2004). Thin-skinned versus thick-skinned structural models for Apulian<br />

carbonate reservoirs: constraints from the Val d’Agri Fields, S Appennines, Italy. Marine and<br />

Petroleum Geology, 21, 805-827.<br />

Steckler S. M., Agostinetti P. N., Wilson C.K., Roselli P., Seeber L., Amato A., Lerner – Lam A., Crustal<br />

structure in the Southern Apennines from teleseismic receiver functions. The Geology Society of<br />

America., 36, 155-158.<br />

Stossel I., (1999). Ru<strong>di</strong>sts and Carbonates Platform Evolution: the Late Cretaceous Maiella Carbonate<br />

Platform Margin, Abruzzi, Italy. Mem. Sc. Geol., v.51/2, 333-413.<br />

Tavarnelli E., (1996). The effects of pre-existing normal faults and on thrust ramp development: an example<br />

from the northern Apennines, Italy. Geologische Rundschau, 85, 363-371.<br />

Tavarnelli E., Prosser G., (2003). The complete Apennine orogenic cycle preserved in a transient single<br />

outcrop near San Fele, Lucania, southern Italy. Journal of the Geological Society, London, 160, 429-<br />

434.<br />

Turrini C., Renninson P., (2004). Structural style from the southern Apennines’ hydrocarbon province – an<br />

integrated view. In MClay K.R., Thrust tectonics and hydrocarbon system, AAPG Memoir 82, 558-578.<br />

Van Dijk J.P., Bello M., Toscano C., Bersani A., Nardon S., (2000). Tectonic model and three-<strong>di</strong>mensional<br />

fracture network analysis of Monte Alpi (southern Apennines). Tectonophysics, 324, 203 -237.<br />

Wennberg O. P., Svana T., Azizzadeh M., Aqrawi A. M. M., Brockbank P., Lyslo K. B. and Ogilvie S. (2006).<br />

Fracture intensity vs. mechanical stratigraphy in platform top carbonates: the Aquitanian of the<br />

Asmari Formation, Khaviz Anticline, Zagros, SW Iran, Petroleum Geoscience; v. 12; no. 3; p. 235-246.<br />

Zappaterra E., (1994). Source rock <strong>di</strong>stribution model of the Periadriatic Region. AAPG Bulletin, 1994, 78,<br />

333-354.<br />

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rs<strong>di</strong><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

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