Press Report Europe WSF 2009 - OpenFSM!

Press Report Europe WSF 2009 - OpenFSM! Press Report Europe WSF 2009 - OpenFSM!


Looking for a better world in the Amazon (Swiss Info) Related stories 25.01.2007 Swiss see positive impact of World Social Forum Press Report Europe WSF 2009 Billed as an alternative to the World Economic Forum meeting in the Swiss resort of Davos, the WSF, which starts on January 27, will gather anti-globalisation campaigners and non-governmental organisations from around the world including a Swiss delegation. Belém is situated in northern Brazil. The organisers did not choose the "Cidade das Mangueiras" or city of mango trees, as it is known, for the seventh forum by chance. Capital of the state of Parà, it is home to one million inhabitants and is one of the main entry points into the Amazon rainforest. This overexploited area is "under constant pressure from the most savage forces of capitalism," according to Antonio Martins, one of the forum's founders, in a recent interview with a Geneva newspaper. The Amazon rainforest is nevertheless fertile ground for social movements, such as the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) or the Quilombolas Community, representing the descendents of slaves, which are both firmly rooted in the region. Return to its origins The return of the forum to the country where it was born – the first three events were held in Porto Alegre – will once again throw the spotlight on the anti-globalisation movement. Around 100,000 people from 4,000 non-governmental organisations and other groups, coming from more than 150 countries are expected to attend the six-day meeting. There have been fears that the WSF was in danger of losing its momentum after its the last meeting in 2007 in Nairobi, Kenya, which came under fire for quality of its debates and the high registration costs. However, the present economic crisis has given the forum new strength. "This globalised system has shown everyone its limits," said Peter Niggli, director of Alliance Sud, the Swiss Alliance of Development Organisations, and member of the Belém delegation. "I am expecting two things from this forum: on the one hand, to know how much social movements can influence political powers in different countries, and on the other, to see which proposals are put forward to combat the crisis and to change the financial architecture." No miracles For his part, the Green Party senator Luc Recordon, the only Swiss parliamentarian taking part in the delegation, is not holding his breath for any miracles. "I don't think that the forum will be the place for the birth of ideas, but rather the place for ideas to spread and for debate," he told swissinfo. "For example, you don't see great industrial innovations at the autumn fair, but people go there to see what industry is offering." For social movements and NGOs, meetings such as the WSF are important because they allow representatives to keep up to date with what is going on in other parts of the world and, above all, to build up a large network of contacts. "The forum allowed us to establish relations with union officials from other countries, especially those who deal with multinationals who have their headquarters in Switzerland," explained Rita Schiavi, a board member of Unia, 196

the largest trade union organization in Switzerland. Press Report Europe WSF 2009 "For example, we invited union officials from Nestlé in the Philippines and managed to put them in contact with the The World Social Forum, which a Swiss delegation is attending, starts ... Imagination needed Niggli describes the WSF as a "bazaar of ideas" which allows horizons to be widened. "It's a meeting point where you can find out about past and future campaigns," he told swissinfo. "It's also a place where you can promote new activities. In the past the forum helped launch the Tax Justice Network, a global network which combats tax evasion and fiscal havens and which is having an influence on the United Nations and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development." However, the forum has been criticised in the past for not generating enough concrete ideas, concentrating too much on local initiatives and for being limited to producing somewhat vague critiques of neo-liberal ideas. The organisers are aware that the meeting now has to rise to the challenge of "quickly overcoming the political culture which likes to denounce it," according to Martins. "People need firm answers, so we'll have to be imaginative," he said. swissinfo, based on an Italian article by Daniele Mariani L'Amazzonia è stata la protagonista mercoledì al Forum sociale mondiale in corso a Belém. (Swiss Info) Il popolo della foresta era presente in massa per portare la sua testimonianza e per lanciare un appello alla salvaguardia del suo habitat. "Sono venuta qui per far progredire la causa delle donne e per difendere la natura", ci dice Feliciana, un'anziana donna peruviana vestita con uno splendido abito tradizionale. Come Feliciana, per far sentire la loro voce sono venuti dai quattro angoli dell'Amazzonia. Dal Brasile, naturalmente, ma anche dalla Guiana, dalla Bolivia, dalla Colombia, dall'Ecuador... E per evocare i problemi ai quali sono confrontati e ai quali è confrontata la loro terra hanno spesso preferito delle danze e dei canti ai grandi discorsi. Come ad esempio un gruppo proveniente dalla regione del Rio Madeira, in Perù, che per parlare della distruzione del territorio da parte delle compagnie minerarie ha inscenato una danza. O una tribù indios di Tucurui, nello Stato brasiliano del Parà, che ha evocato gli sbarramenti idroelettrici che spesso hanno un impatto enorme sul fragile ecosistema amazzonico. Le storie che si sentono sono storie di disboscamento, di violenza, di espropriazione, di problemi quasi insormontabili per vedersi riconoscere la proprietà della terra... Le risorse dell'Amazzonia, non è un mistero per nessuno, fanno gola a molti. Una situazione che peggiora Con l'elezione di Lula sei anni fa, però, molti speravano in un miglioramento della situazione. Il leader del Partito dei lavoratori ha in parte deluso le aspettative. "Per Lula e il suo governo – afferma il teologo della liberazione Leonardo Boff, che non si può certo considerare un detrattore del presidente – l'ecologia è prima di tutto un ostacolo allo sviluppo". L'accento messo dallo Stato brasiliano sulla produzione di biocarburanti e la forte accelerazione dell'esportazione di carne bovina hanno addirittura aver peggiorato la situazione. 197

Looking for a better world in the Amazon (Swiss Info)<br />

Related stories<br />

25.01.2007<br />

Swiss see positive impact of World Social Forum<br />

<strong>Press</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>Europe</strong> <strong>WSF</strong> <strong>2009</strong><br />

Billed as an alternative to the World Economic Forum meeting in the Swiss resort of Davos, the <strong>WSF</strong>, which starts<br />

on January 27, will gather anti-globalisation campaigners and non-governmental organisations from around the<br />

world including a Swiss delegation.<br />

Belém is situated in northern Brazil. The organisers did not choose the "Cidade das Mangueiras" or city of mango<br />

trees, as it is known, for the seventh forum by chance.<br />

Capital of the state of Parà, it is home to one million inhabitants and is one of the main entry points into the<br />

Amazon rainforest.<br />

This overexploited area is "under constant pressure from the most savage forces of capitalism," according to<br />

Antonio Martins, one of the forum's founders, in a recent interview with a Geneva newspaper.<br />

The Amazon rainforest is nevertheless fertile ground for social movements, such as the Landless Workers'<br />

Movement (MST) or the Quilombolas Community, representing the descendents of slaves, which are both firmly<br />

rooted in the region.<br />

Return to its origins<br />

The return of the forum to the country where it was born – the first three events were<br />

held in Porto Alegre – will once again throw the spotlight on the anti-globalisation<br />

movement.<br />

Around 100,000 people from 4,000 non-governmental organisations and other groups, coming from more than 150<br />

countries are expected to attend the six-day meeting.<br />

There have been fears that the <strong>WSF</strong> was in danger of losing its momentum after its the last meeting in 2007 in<br />

Nairobi, Kenya, which came under fire for quality of its debates and the high registration costs. However, the<br />

present economic crisis has given the forum new strength.<br />

"This globalised system has shown everyone its limits," said Peter Niggli, director of Alliance Sud, the Swiss<br />

Alliance of Development Organisations, and member of the Belém delegation.<br />

"I am expecting two things from this forum: on the one hand, to know how much social movements can influence<br />

political powers in different countries, and on the other, to see which proposals are put forward to combat the crisis<br />

and to change the financial architecture."<br />

No miracles<br />

For his part, the Green Party senator Luc Recordon, the only Swiss parliamentarian taking part in the delegation, is<br />

not holding his breath for any miracles.<br />

"I don't think that the forum will be the place for the birth of ideas, but rather the place for ideas to spread and for<br />

debate," he told swissinfo.<br />

"For example, you don't see great industrial innovations at the autumn fair, but people go there to see what industry<br />

is offering."<br />

For social movements and NGOs, meetings such as the <strong>WSF</strong> are important because they allow representatives to<br />

keep up to date with what is going on in other parts of the world and, above all, to build up a large network of<br />

contacts.<br />

"The forum allowed us to establish relations with union officials from other countries, especially those who deal<br />

with multinationals who have their headquarters in Switzerland," explained Rita Schiavi, a board member of Unia,<br />


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