AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...


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<strong>AIC</strong><br />

concrete pratiche,<br />

rispecchiamenti estetici di prassi<br />

e idee politiche. L'impegno, al<br />

contrario, è quello di restare con<br />

i piedi per terra. E non trovo<br />

nulla di male a considerarmi<br />

ingranaggio, allo stesso livello del<br />

regista e di altri lavoratori del<br />

cinema, di un meccanismo di<br />

mercato.<br />

Il peggio sarebbe se io non fossi<br />

consapevole di tutto ciò e<br />

mascherassi la mia ignoranza<br />

rincorrendo la favola di una<br />

bellezza prodotta dalla luce che<br />

pura più non è, innocente lo è<br />

ancora meno.<br />

There is a lot of talk nowadays —<br />

maybe, too much — about the Director<br />

of Photography's right to be called a<br />

Photographic Author. If it were merely<br />

a question of semantics, then the whole<br />

thing would be of minor importance;<br />

although, it is true that words are<br />

important and, often, changes in<br />

definition, like the above, can either be<br />

the result of a new cultural trend or<br />

contribute to creating one. However,<br />

campaigning for a mere verbal<br />

adjustment, is like debating the sex of<br />

"Oci Ciornie" di Franco Di Giacomo<br />

angels.<br />

On the other hand, if the question<br />

being discussed is merely that of<br />

royalties that would be due to the<br />

Director of Photography should he be<br />

nominated "co-author", then one<br />

would be ignoring the cultural aspect,<br />

which I feel is particulary relevant, and<br />

regarding which 1 would like to make<br />

the following points:<br />

Who is at the service of what? And<br />

what is the precise relationship<br />

between the Director of Photography<br />

and the Director? When one talks<br />

about collaboration, one has to<br />

recognize that the Director of<br />

Photography is at the service of the<br />

film; at the service of a particular<br />

vision of the world, in which the<br />

individual talents that go to create it<br />

are utilized according to Director's<br />

wishes, and as his intelligence decrees.<br />

And as his vision of the film implies<br />

our beautiful photography being<br />

interpreted in a particular way, it is<br />

the Director of Photography's duty,<br />

having accepted the assignment, to<br />

help the Director realize what he<br />

wants to achieve aesthetically in the<br />

photography. This is what 1 mean by<br />

being at the service of a film.<br />

Even though Film and Director can be<br />

said to be one in the same, this dues<br />

not mean that the Director of<br />

Photography automatically has to<br />

embrace the Director's choices<br />

regarding the photography. However,<br />

what could possibly justify the Director<br />

of Photography's asserting his own<br />

judgment, or acting on his own<br />

initiative?<br />

If, for example, a Director asks a<br />

Director of Photography to shoot a<br />

film without back lighting, this doesn't<br />

necessarily mean that the Director of<br />

Photography has to feel that his<br />

creative freedom is being curbed, or his<br />

capacity for making decisions<br />

questioned. Eventual differences of<br />

opinion can always be discussed and<br />

resolved, as long as there is mutual<br />

respect. In fact, this is exactly what<br />

happened to me when I was working<br />

on Oci Ciornie when, because of M.'s<br />

preference for natural light, as opposed<br />

to artifical light, 1 found myself having<br />

to adjust the relationship between the<br />

exteriors and interiors in a way to<br />

which 1 was unaccustomed.<br />

However, in this case, the Director<br />

proved to be right, as — and this is<br />

what I particularly want to emphasize<br />

— the aesthetic quality of the images<br />

perfectly expressed what he wanted to<br />

communicate in the film.<br />

But let's go back to the beginning and<br />

the question I asked earlier: it is<br />

obvious that the Director of<br />

Photography's being considered an<br />

"author" is related to his knowledge of<br />

lighting techniques and his capacity to<br />

utilize them. However, when the word<br />

"author" is used in a grandiose sense,<br />

it immediately evokes equally<br />

grandiose interpretations of Light,<br />

Beauty, and Truth. It is as if the<br />

Director of Photography had become a<br />

worshipper of esoteric ideas, or a<br />

defender of abstract ideals. In reality, it<br />

is our job, as Directors of Photography,<br />

to create the images, which we realize,<br />

using both our fantasy and the various<br />

technologies at our disposal which, if<br />

used correctly, give us a greater<br />

possibility of expressing ourselves. The<br />

danger is, that we run the risk of<br />

believing that we are the Champions<br />

of a Lost Beauty, or that the Beauty<br />

we create is synonymous with the<br />

Meaning of Life and Truth.<br />

The various changes that society has<br />

undergone in the last few centuries<br />

have, in fact, produced similar<br />

fascinating concepts which, briefly<br />

speaking, are not so much the<br />

abstractions of one man, but concrete<br />

expressions and artistic interpretations<br />

of political beliefs.<br />

A Director of Photography has to keep<br />

his feet on the ground.<br />

And 1, myself, have no problem in<br />

considering myself a part of the general<br />

cinema mechanism, along with the<br />

Director and anyone else who works in<br />

movies.<br />

The worst thing would be if I were not<br />

aware of the above, and still believed —<br />

out of ignorance — in the fabled<br />

concept of Beauty, created by Light,<br />

when that same light is no longer pure,<br />

and lost its innocence way, way back.

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