AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...


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<strong>AIC</strong><br />

cinematografica medesima.<br />

La materia che patrocina oggi la<br />

legge sul diritto d'autore<br />

appartiene ad una realtà molto<br />

più complessa e distante da<br />

quella del 1941, quando andò in<br />

vigore.<br />

Per questo, mancando dei<br />

necessari adattamenti alle<br />

mutate tecnologie delle opere<br />

audiovisuali e al mutato<br />

substrato socio-politico, la<br />

legislazione va ammodernata.<br />

I diritti che emergeranno da tale<br />

opportuno riconoscimento,<br />

eccetto quelli di natura<br />

patrimoniale di trascurabile<br />

entità, per più stimolanti ragioni<br />

sono i "diritti morali sul film",<br />

quali il diritto alla paternità e il<br />

diritto all'integrità dell'opera.<br />

Benefici riconosciuti soltanto agli<br />

autori dell'opera e considerati<br />

inalienabili dalla legge.<br />

Queste tutele consentirebbero,<br />

tra l'altro, d'instaurare il<br />

principio in base al quale:<br />

qualsiasi difformità dalla copia<br />

eletta a campione, per<br />

qualsivoglia motivo o causa<br />

dovesse manifestarsi, potendo<br />

disattendere suggestioni visive ed<br />

estetiche fuorvianti le intenzione<br />

che si sono volute esprimere<br />

unanimamente con il regista,<br />

durante le riprese e al<br />

licenziamento delle copie per la<br />

stampa, può essere censurata.<br />

La "fotografia cinematografica",<br />

non esibendo unicamente gli<br />

oggetti, con propri segni, un suo<br />

linguaggio ed una propria<br />

struttura narrativa, si costituisce<br />

essa stessa in "OGGETTO".<br />

"If you know how to look you will be<br />

able to see entire landscapes,<br />

mountains, battles, human figures,<br />

animal and an infinity of other strange<br />

things, in the clouds, the rocks and<br />

even the stains on a wall".<br />

(Leonardo da Vinci)<br />

The Director of Photography is the<br />

only man in whom the pioneer spirit of<br />

the cinematograph and the<br />

individuality expressed in today's<br />

cinema is combined.<br />

The sum total of the various technical<br />

discoveries made in 19th Century<br />

regarding the applications and<br />

development of photography, resulted<br />

in the invention of the cinematograph,<br />

and the first person to actually operate<br />

it was, without a doubt, the<br />

cameraman/photographer/author.<br />

This "realizer", pioneer and scientist,<br />

performed almost all the functions<br />

which went into creating his<br />

product": moving picture for the<br />

public.<br />

At the same time, he invented, built<br />

and operated his equipment and also<br />

processed, projected and sold his films.<br />

From filming reality, one progressed to<br />

telling stories with images: one moved<br />

on from the cinematograph, understood<br />

as technical apparatus, to cinema,<br />

understood as a means of expression.<br />

After having passed through the initial<br />

phase of exploring reality, the<br />

cinematograph made its first attempt<br />

at creating a primitive kind of<br />

entertainment for the public, which<br />

obviously had parallels with the<br />

theatre. And having gone through the<br />

"circus attraction" stage, during which<br />

the films were often shown alongside<br />

the "freaks" that were on exhibition in<br />

the tents, the cinematograph decided<br />

to attract its audiences by offering<br />

them apriore sophisticated form of<br />

entertainment.<br />

Drawing its inspiration from literature,<br />

and picking ub all the theatre's<br />

dramaturgical techniques with ease,<br />

the cinematograph soon required that<br />

its "realizer" devoted himself more, and<br />

gave greater consideration, to the<br />

actual mise en scène.<br />

As well as the establishment of new<br />

production processes, and the<br />

improvements in actual working<br />

methods, specific and complex<br />

techniques were invented which made<br />

it necessary for the "realizer's" tasks to<br />

be allotted and his being "split" into<br />

two people: the director ("metteur en<br />

scène") borrowed from the theatre,<br />

and the cameraman.<br />

This "fission" took the actual filming<br />

out of Director's hands and put in into<br />

the cameraman's thus putting the<br />

exclusive and specific qualities of the<br />

cinematograph, which were then being<br />

Il d e c r e t o del P r e s i d e n t e <strong>della</strong><br />

R e p u b b l i c a n° 19 dell'8.01.79<br />

c h e stabilisce c h e "la f o t o g r a -<br />

fia q u a n d o sia frutto di u n a<br />

p e r s o n a l e a p p l i c a z i o n e creati-<br />

va, è s e m p r e o p e r a intellettua-<br />

le", l ' A I C c h i e d e g i à dal 1 9 8 0<br />

agli o r g a n i c o m p e t e n t i gli a d e -<br />

g u a t i r i c o n o s c i m e n t i p e r l e g g e<br />

e le t u t e l e c h e c o m p e t o n o a n -<br />

c h e a l l ' o p e r a dei direttori di<br />

fotografia.<br />

— L e istanze inoltrate d a l l ' A i e ,<br />

t e n d e n t i al r i c o n o s c i m e n t o e x<br />

l e g e del d i r e t t o r e <strong>della</strong> f o t o -<br />

grafia q u a l e " c o a u t o r e " del<br />

film, r i g u a r d a n o la m o d i f i c a<br />

<strong>della</strong> l e g g e sul diritto d ' a u t o r e<br />

(n.° 6 6 3 del 22.04.41) a f f i n c h é<br />

p r e n d a s o t t o la s u a tutela<br />

l ' o p e r a del d i r e t t o r e <strong>della</strong> f o t o -<br />

grafia e n e integri l'autore tra i<br />

c o a u t o r i d e l l ' o p e r a c i n e m a t o -<br />

grafica, e l ' u n i f o r m a r s i <strong>della</strong><br />

v i g e n t e l e g g e sul c i n e m a (n.°<br />

1 2 1 3 del 4.11.65), negli articoli<br />

e nei p u n t i c h e lo c o n t e m p l i n o ,<br />

alla l e g i t t i m a r i c h i e s t a di citare<br />

i direttori <strong>della</strong> f o t o g r a f i a tra i<br />

c o a u t o r i del film.<br />

defined and developed to the full, at his<br />

disposal.<br />

This allowed the cameraman to<br />

develop his "shooting technique"<br />

independently, also by using the light<br />

as a means of artistic expression.<br />

The first cinematographic works<br />

already contained all the elements and<br />

provided all the stimuli responsible for<br />

further development in "shooting<br />

technique", and it was from them that<br />

Director of Photography evolved his<br />

working methods.<br />

Because of his very origins, the<br />

Director of Photography is the most<br />

valuable source of technical<br />

cinematographic knowledge, which he<br />

has inherited virtually in its entirety,<br />

thanks to the traditions of the cinema<br />

through which he expresses himself,<br />

creating differences in each film which<br />

are certainly not merely formal.<br />

Although the Director of<br />

Photography's creativity is part of a<br />

joint work, realized in its totality by<br />

the Director, he neverthless expresses<br />

himself in a unique way, by<br />

establishing a balance between the<br />

way he sees the film, which must also<br />

coincide with the way the others see it,<br />

and the way in which he "expresses"<br />

himself which is his and his alone.<br />

All kinds of different techniques and<br />

talents combine to create the<br />

cinematographic image; neverthless, it<br />

is the Director of Photography who<br />

intuits and makes the final choice as to<br />

how it is to be filmed, which results in<br />

the creation of an original image.<br />

The entire film's bearing the stamp of<br />

his individual personality, is the<br />

undeniable proof of the creative, as<br />

well as technical, contribution he<br />

makes to a film.<br />

The profound knowledge he has of the<br />

Law N.°19, in fact, established by<br />

the president of the Italian Republic,<br />

and which came into force<br />

on January 8th, 79, declares that:<br />

"Photography is to be considered<br />

an intellectual work when it is the<br />

result of a individual creative process",<br />

The A. I.C. has requested<br />

repeatedly, since 1980, that the<br />

relevant government authorities<br />

duly recognize them by law and<br />

protect their work in a just manner.<br />

The specific and legitimate requests<br />

made by the A.I.C. concerning<br />

the Director of Photography's<br />

recognition by law as<br />

"co.author" of a film, relate to the<br />

copirightlaw, N.°633 which came<br />

into force on aprile 2nd, 1941,<br />

and its being modified to protect<br />

also the Director of Photography's<br />

work and recognize him as<br />

one of the film's co-authors; and<br />

to the current cinema law N.°<br />

1213 which came into force on<br />

November 4th, 1965 being modified<br />

also to cite the Director of<br />

Photography as one of the film's<br />

"co-authors", in those clauses<br />

and articles which specifically refer<br />

to him.<br />

economic and industrial factors which<br />

influence film-making, makes him a<br />

unique figure, even when compared to<br />

people in other professions.<br />

Neither must one underestimate those<br />

particular qualities he has to possess in<br />

order to be one of the protagonists in a<br />

joint creative project, the realization of<br />

which is also based on economic,<br />

cultural and psychological strategies,<br />

and delicate and shifting balances.<br />

Apart from anything else, he is also the<br />

only one of the "authors" who follows<br />

the visual realization of the film<br />

through every one of its phases:<br />

conception, preparation, shooting,<br />

editing, printing and distribution, and<br />

defends it, thus preserving identity of<br />

the film as a whole, as it was conceived<br />

by the Director and "authors".<br />

The creation of the image, understood<br />

as the result of a creative thought<br />

process, is one of the highest and most<br />

qualifying of the Director of<br />

Photography's intellectual functions.<br />

Having established how the Director of<br />

Photography's intellectual contribution<br />

manifests itself in the concrete and<br />

tangible form of the image; being<br />

aware of how much a contribution we<br />

make to the finished film, and how<br />

essential a part we play in recounting<br />

the story, we photographic authors of<br />

the A.I.C. feel an essential need to be<br />

recognized as "co-authors" of the films<br />

we work on.<br />

The Copyright Law which came into<br />

force in 1941 is inadequate to protect<br />

the author's rights today, as the<br />

situation has become infinitely more<br />

complex It should, therefore, be<br />

modified, taking into consideration the<br />

technological developments and<br />

underlying social and political changes<br />

which have occurred since its creation.<br />

Should the Director of Photography be<br />

recognize by law, which hopefulty he<br />

will be, he would not only have a share<br />

in the patrimonial rights — which, in<br />

fact, would be negligible — but also be<br />

granted "moral" rights, which would<br />

be far more interesting. The "moral"<br />

rights include the right to the paternity<br />

of the work, and also a right to protect<br />

it as a complete and integral whole.<br />

These latter rights are assigned solely<br />

to the "authors" of the work and are<br />

considered inalienable by law.<br />

These rights would permit, amongst<br />

other things, the drawing up and<br />

eventual insertion of a clause on the<br />

following lines: any difference from the<br />

selected work print that might<br />

manifest itself, for any reason or cause<br />

in prints that are subsequently struck,<br />

and which could give rise to visual or<br />

aesthetic effects inconsonant with<br />

those which the Director of<br />

Photography and Director together<br />

desired to achieve, either during filming<br />

or when the laboratory was instructed<br />

to strike the prints, may be consored<br />

by the interested parties.<br />

If the photography of a film does not<br />

communicate "things" with a<br />

particular visual feeling, language and<br />

narrative structure, then it, itself, is<br />

relegated to the level of a thing.

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