AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...


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<strong>AIC</strong><br />

she moves away, whereas, to the<br />

audience, she remains the same.<br />

The little boy becomes bolder again<br />

and, ready to dodge a backhander,<br />

asks: how can something on the screen<br />

move away or move closer? Perhaps the<br />

«thing» we call Marilyn Monroe is not<br />

actually «on» the screen perhaps it is<br />

something different to the thing<br />

which is on the screen which we can<br />

measure, as this would explain the<br />

difference in the size of the image<br />

according to whether we measure it<br />

with a linear method (physics) or<br />

optically (judgment).<br />

If we think that a certain amount of<br />

energy strikes every point on a screen<br />

(retina, film, cinema screen or T.V.),<br />

then we can consider the combined<br />

points as points on which the energy is<br />

concentrated, calling these combined<br />

points an ethereal image; if we then<br />

add quantity to these combined points,<br />

we can call them an energetic image;<br />

and if we go even further and think<br />

about the form of the combined points<br />

on which the energy is concentrated,<br />

we can call them a geometric image,<br />

and so on. It is precisely this geometric<br />

image that we can measure with a<br />

ruler.<br />

The images mentioned above, plus all<br />

the others associated with the ethereal<br />

image (the conventional three-colour<br />

image, for example) have a very<br />

indistinct realtionship to that which I<br />

see (psychogenic or phenomenal<br />

image); so much so that whether it is<br />

the actual linear dimension or the<br />

energetic properties that vary (within<br />

relatively wide limits) that which I see<br />

does not vary: Marilyn Monroe will<br />

always be Marilyn Monroe, whether I<br />

see her in the cinema or on T.V.;<br />

however the dimension of the screens<br />

might vary, or the energy used to<br />

project the image.<br />

Using the «Paralipomena ad<br />

Vitellicmem» ' (a continuation of the<br />

Vitellione) of 1604, Keplero was the<br />

first to work out a geometric formula<br />

as applied to vision, based on what is<br />

known as the diastimetric triangle<br />

(triangulum distanziae mensorum)<br />

and the distinct difference between two<br />

types of image or, better still, two<br />

«things», which should not both be<br />

termed images as they cannot be<br />

compared.<br />

(Fig. 2)<br />

'Vitellione, Vitellw, Witelio, a Polish<br />

monk who lived in 1,300, author of a<br />

book on perspectiva communis<br />

(optics, or science of vision) entitled:<br />

Opticae Libri Decern<br />

a book that was very widely read up<br />

until the end of the Renaissance, and<br />

which borrowed heavily from<br />

De Aspectibus<br />

by Abu Al Mohammed AKA Ad<br />

Hasan AKA Al Haytham (965-1038<br />

A.D.), and known in the West as Al<br />

Hazen.<br />

This book began circulating in the<br />

West, in the 12th Century, in Latin;<br />

and in more common language the<br />

beginning of the 14 th Century, under<br />

the title of:<br />

De Li Aspecti<br />

This latter version was widely read in<br />

artistic circles (see, for example:<br />

Lorenzo Ghiberti's «Commentari III»),<br />

and most probably provided the<br />

guidelines for the theory of perspective<br />

as applied to painting: the perspectiva<br />

artificiata o pingendi (see, for<br />

example, Vita di Antonio di<br />

Tuccio-Manetti).<br />

Keplero makes the distinction between<br />

imagines rerum and picturae (Fig. 2),<br />

the first being a result of process of<br />

seeing (psychogenic image or optical<br />

phenomenon); and the second, the<br />

maps which are drawn on a screen<br />

when it is placed in the direct path of<br />

the visible radiation.<br />

Keplero's geometric formula for<br />

demonstrating how vision functions,<br />

and which still forms the basis of<br />

geometric optics is based solely on the<br />

picturae, completely excluding the<br />

imagines rerum, and acts as a rule for<br />

establishing an indisputable<br />

relationship between the surface<br />

points of an object (source of radiant<br />

energy) and the surface points of the<br />

retina (point in which energy is<br />

concentrated, or on which it<br />

converges), and further, as the eye is<br />

«similar» to a camera obscura, a rule<br />

for establishing the indisputable<br />

relationship between the surface<br />

points of an object and the surface<br />

points of the screen of the camera<br />

obscura (even a simple convex lens<br />

combined with a screen, can constitute<br />

a camera obscura).<br />

As far as Keplero was concerned, it<br />

was quite clear that the pittura<br />

retinica was not the actual image of<br />

the object, as the latter was what we<br />

would, today, call a psychogenic<br />

image or optical phenomenon, to<br />

distinguish it from the other images<br />

that the mind is capable of<br />

constructing from the object (tactile,<br />

cinesthetic, gustative etc.)<br />

Today, we also know that the psyche's<br />

construction of the optical image<br />

begins with the pittura retinica, but<br />

that this is only partly responsible for<br />

its construction, as a series of other<br />

«non-optical» factors (tactile,<br />

cinesthetic, and even cultural etc.) play<br />

an equally important part. Therefore,<br />

to call oneself the «author» of an<br />

image that is for the most part<br />

constructed by the viewer, is pushing<br />

things somewhat.<br />

The vagueness of many thoughts and<br />

comments regarding the image derives<br />

mostly from the concept of the image<br />

having been manipulated, as if<br />

Kepler's geometric formula were<br />

considered to be valid for phenomenal<br />

images ; in the other words,<br />

maintaining that an indisputable<br />

relationship exists between that which<br />

is there, outside and that which I see,<br />

by retaining that, at times, they are<br />

one in the same.<br />

The theory holds up very well when<br />

applied to many cases of direct vision,<br />

so much so that, when we are sober, we<br />

can apply it without running into any<br />

problems: for example, when we are<br />

tired — and sober — and we sit down,<br />

we rarely find ourselves sitting on the<br />

floor, because we have «sat» on the<br />

mere «image» of chair, instead of the<br />

chair itself<br />

Yet, in other instances of direct<br />

vision, which are far fewer, «things»<br />

can appear to be contradictory, quite<br />

baffling: «...after having left the<br />

Earth's orbit, we no longer felt as if we<br />

were moving. It seemed that we were<br />

stationary, or rather that the Earth<br />

itself was moving away from us... first,<br />

it looked about the size of a basket<br />

ball then, as we moved further away, it<br />

gradually became smaller, until it was<br />

the size of a marble — that's how it<br />

looked to us from the Moon.» Jim<br />

Irwing, astronaut.<br />

The retinal image (map) of the Earth,<br />

as seen from the Moon, is about four<br />

times larger than the retinal image of<br />

the Moon, as seen from the Earth; yet,<br />

the size of the Moon, as it appears to<br />

us on Earth, is certainly not<br />

comparable to the size of a marble, but<br />

is infinitely larger. In this instance,<br />

that which I see is in direct<br />

contradition with the pictura retinica:<br />

the smaller pictura retinica<br />

corresponds to the larger phenomenal<br />

image, and vice versa.<br />

Today, direct vision is only part of a<br />

person's visual experience, and is not<br />

even considered to be the most<br />

important part by the people concerned<br />

with creating images, which sometimes<br />

don't even «belong» to an object, or<br />

have a materia reference (tactile,<br />

cinesthetic etc.): the spaceship in a<br />

sci-fi movie, the optical<br />

spaceship-image, does not «belong»,<br />

does not «correspond» to any<br />

spaceship-object.<br />

For this reason, our indiscriminately<br />

defining as image that which we see<br />

(psychogenic image) and the place<br />

where the rays transmitted by the<br />

different things we see converge —<br />

which is a geometric formula<br />

(pictura) and, therefore, measurable;<br />

and defining as image, the combined<br />

concentrations of energy corresponding<br />

to the points upon which the rays<br />

converge, in their turn quantifiable in<br />

terms of energy; and, further, defining<br />

as image, the combination of the<br />

"marks" (photography) which<br />

correspond to the concentrations of<br />

energy, has resulted in the<br />

psychogenic image being considered<br />

something physical, palpable to a<br />

degree and, therefore, measurable<br />

(thus, at the beginning of the 19th<br />

Century, psychophysics came into<br />

being, with all its mathematical<br />

formulae relating to vision and its<br />

functions). Photography, in fact,<br />

finishes up by strengthening and<br />

confirming the belief that the image —<br />

without distinguishing between the<br />

different types — is something physical<br />

presenting us with the undeniable<br />

proof of its tactility: we can hold the<br />

photograph — the image — in our<br />

hands!<br />

Now, that the ancient Keplerian<br />

distinction between imago rei and<br />

pictura lies buried beneath the<br />

cobwebs of the centuries, no one as<br />

much as suspects that that which one<br />

touches when one has a photograph in<br />

one's hands, is not the phenomenal<br />

image, but rather a map (a graphic)<br />

created by the transduction of the<br />

concentrations of energy into<br />

concentrations of matter, which has<br />

taken place in the camera obscura.<br />

It is not surprising when a<br />

photographer says: «I photograph what<br />

I see», — to the extent that the act of<br />

filming is referred to as: the shoot, the<br />

take, «la prise de vue», all terms which<br />

infer «capturing» that which we see,<br />

which is often identified with that<br />

which is there, outside or, in other<br />

words, the «object», to magically<br />

secure it forever on film, where it will<br />

became palpable. But that which I see<br />

is a phenomenal image, a psychogenic<br />

manifestation.<br />

So what do I actually photograph?<br />

Briefly speaking, photography is<br />

setting up the conditions for the<br />

formation of the pictura in the camera<br />

obscura and, therefore, the<br />

transduction of the corresponding<br />

energy maps according to a graphic,<br />

photochemical or photoelectric<br />

process... But, at this point, the little<br />

boy who asks why there is a moon in<br />

the sky, has found an opening for one<br />

of his questions: as the Keplerian<br />

pictura is a geometric formula and, as<br />

even the ethereal image is a<br />

physicomathematical formula, both,<br />

therefore, constructed in the mind, how<br />

can you photograph a phenomenal<br />

image, which is also a psychogenic<br />

manifestation? One way of answering<br />

him, would be to come up with a new<br />

formula, in other words, define<br />

photography as the transduction of<br />

modulated energy; or, putting it<br />

another way, causing the different<br />

concentrations of energy on different<br />

points of a surface to leave «marks», a<br />

design: different «grains» of material,<br />

electricity or magnetism which we call<br />

the revealed image, and which we<br />

would do better to call a map depicted<br />

on the screen of the camera obscura, a<br />

form created by the different energies.<br />

But the little boy is not about to give<br />

up. He points out — even though it is<br />

more than his life's worth — that the<br />

concentrations of energy and the forms<br />

created by these combined<br />

concentrations, the geometric maps<br />

and the «grains» of material, electricity<br />

and magnetism are also images,<br />

formulae, maps of «reality», so...<br />

Don't drawn maps for me, Mister! My<br />

head is a map... a map of the whole<br />


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