AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...


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<strong>AIC</strong><br />

addensamenti di energia resti<br />

una traccia, un segno: differenti<br />

"grani" di materia o elettricità o<br />

magnetismo che chiamiano<br />

immagine rivelata e che sarebbe<br />

meglio chiamare mappa <strong>della</strong><br />

presenza, sullo schermo <strong>della</strong><br />

camera oscura, di una forma<br />

delle differenze energetiche.<br />

Ma il bambino non si dà per<br />

vinto, pronto a rischiare la vita<br />

ci fa notare che anche gli<br />

addensamenti e le forme degli<br />

insiemi di addensamenti, le<br />

mappe geometriche, i '-'grani" di<br />

materia, elettricità, magnetismo<br />

sono immagini, modelli, mappe<br />

<strong>della</strong> "realtà" per cui<br />

non<br />

disegnarmi mappe Signore, la mia<br />

testa è una mappa,<br />

una mappa del mondo intero.<br />

* Vitellione, Vitellio, Witelio,<br />

monaco polacco vissuto nel XIII<br />

secolo, è l'autore di un volume di<br />

perspectiva communis (ottica o<br />

scienza <strong>della</strong> visione) dal titolo:<br />

0pticae Libri decern<br />

volume notissimo fino a tutto il<br />

rinascimento e che è<br />

sostanzialmente una parafrasi del<br />

volume:<br />

De aspectibus<br />

di Abu Al Mohammed ibn Al<br />

Hasan ibn al Haytham<br />

(965-1038 d.C.) meglio<br />

conosciuto in Europa col nome<br />

di Al Hazen.<br />

Questo volume cominciò a<br />

circolare in Europa fin dal XII<br />

secolo nella versione latina e a<br />

partire dal XIV secolo, nella<br />

versione volgare sotto il titolo:<br />

De li aspecti<br />

versione notissima quest'ultima<br />

nell'ambiente artistico (vedi p.es.<br />

Lorenzo Ghiberti — Commentari<br />

l'I) e che molto probabilmente<br />

fu il testo guida per la<br />

costruzione <strong>della</strong> teoria<br />

prospettica in pittura, la<br />

perspectiva artificialis o pingendi<br />

(v. p. es. Antonio di Tuccio<br />

Manetti — Vita di Filippo di Ser<br />

Brunellesco).<br />

To protect the monacus albiventes, the<br />

marsicanus bear and the little boy who<br />

ish why there is a moon in the sky.<br />

Fig. 1<br />

-Hus, black, white and all the other<br />

colours will appear to be generated by<br />

'he eye's perceiving something which is<br />

moving towards it, that which we see<br />

one colour or another, is neither<br />

'hat which the eye perceives moving<br />

towards it, nor the eye itself, rather<br />

something that is generated in the<br />

middle<br />

if<br />

one becomes sentient, it is necessary to<br />

become sentient of something, as it is<br />

possible to become sentient but not<br />

sentient of nothing; similarly,it also<br />

necessary that the particular thing of<br />

which one becomes sentient, when it<br />

becomes bitter or sweet or of another<br />

flavour, becomes such for somebody, as<br />

it is possible to become sweet, but not<br />

sweet for nobody...<br />

(Empedocles of Agrigento 500 B.C.)<br />

What exactly are the images we<br />

«create»?<br />

"Il frullo del passero" di Luigi Verga<br />

Of which we claim to be the<br />

«authors»?<br />

What do we utilize and how, when we<br />

create images? And once they have<br />

been created, where do they live, where<br />

do they sleep?<br />

Furthermore, are all images the same?<br />

And how does one establish the<br />

simililarity or diversity between them?<br />

So often, it happens that, either<br />

reading about or listening to highly<br />

technical and/or artistic dissertations<br />

concerning the image, turns into the<br />

most horrifyingly non-communicative<br />

experience, and the line taken is<br />

irritatingly similar to the medieval<br />

arguments about God's existence,<br />

which took for granted that one knew<br />

who or what God was, and therefore<br />

that He/It existed; it is very rare that<br />

the speaker, or writer, makes the<br />

distinction between the various types of<br />

image: whether they are optical,<br />

tactile, psychogenic, phenomenal,<br />

scientific, or real, virtual, etherea,<br />

energetic, photographic, electronic,<br />

magnetic, projected, geometric, retinal,<br />

latent, revealed, or then again, whether<br />

if they constitute a concept, an idea,<br />

simalcrum effigy, figure, representation,<br />

model, map etc. we live in a constant<br />

whirlwind of images, and are about to<br />

bwe buried alive by a veritable<br />

snowstorm caused by a multitude of<br />

indirect vision devices, such as the<br />

magnifying glass, microscope, telescope,<br />

graphics, photography, cinema,<br />

television etc., (Fig. 2, 3,4, 5)<br />

in our optical field (direct vision , on<br />

the other hand, means that nothing is<br />

interposed between the object of our<br />

vision which transmits the visible<br />

radiation, and the eye itself except the<br />

air we breathe).<br />

Some of the above devices, which<br />

permit the memorization of images,<br />

and the multiplication of those<br />

memories, are frequently responsible<br />

for transforming the snowstorm into a<br />

blizzard. A blizzard in which the<br />

images paradoxically become blinding,<br />

so much so that one is no longer able<br />

to tell the difference between them,<br />

and sees only a whirling white mass.<br />

And yet, it was quite common, both in<br />

ancient times and during the Middle<br />

Ages and Renaissance, that images<br />

were «seen» as being of different types,<br />

of a different nature.<br />

«... the first marvellous thing that<br />

manifests itself in painting is a wall or<br />

other plane which seems to stand out<br />

distinctly, beguiling the judgment by<br />

its not being divided in any way by the<br />

surface...»<br />

(Leonardo da Vinci)<br />

Perhaps, it would simplify things a<br />

little, if we were to put ourselves in the<br />

place of the little boy who asks why<br />

there is a moon in the sky, and take,<br />

for example, a simple postage stamp<br />

and examine it with an ordinary<br />

magnifyng glass, an indirect visual<br />

device which has existed for at least e<br />

2,500 years (see: "The Clouds of<br />

Aristofanes ", Socrates-Strepsiades<br />

dialogue 423 B.C.)<br />

As we will see a «larger» postage<br />

stamp when we look through the<br />

magnifying glass, it will therefore seem<br />

reasonable to ask: where is the large<br />

postage stamp actually?<br />

Which will naturally elicit the: where<br />

the small postage stamp is, where do<br />

you think?!<br />

Q. but... it's impossible to see both of<br />

them<br />

together... how do 1 know they are<br />

together?... and anyway,"how can<br />

something large be in the same place<br />

as something small?<br />

A. The stamp is a thing, and that<br />

which you see through the magnifying<br />

glass is its image. They are two<br />

different things...<br />

Q. Do things have an image then?<br />

A You could say that... in a certain<br />

sense...<br />

Q.How can you tell how much bigger<br />

the image is than the stamp?<br />

A. First, take a ruler and place it on<br />

the stamp, then place it on...<br />

Q. How can I place the ruler on the<br />

image of the stamp?<br />

A...??...<br />

Q. How can 1 place a ruler on<br />

something, when 1 don't know where it<br />

is? Why don't you show me?<br />

Just try measuring the image you see<br />

through a magnifying glass, you'll find<br />

it extremely difficult!.<br />

If we didn't silence the chil inside us,<br />

we would also find ourselves in an<br />

extremely difficult situation every time<br />

we made a film (creation of images) or<br />

watched a show (cinema, T.V. etc.)<br />

Every time we use the exposure meter<br />

(radiometer) to measure the light, we<br />

think that we are «in reality»<br />

measuring the energy of the visible<br />

radiation that strikes the photoelectric<br />

cell, and we ako think that a<br />

proportional amount of this energy will<br />

strike a corresponding point on the<br />

film; then we think about the<br />

proportional amount of energy that<br />

will strike the corresponding point of<br />

the screen while the film is being<br />

projected; and finally, we think about<br />

that which we will see when we look<br />

at that corresponding point on the<br />

screa', what will actually appear<br />

there.<br />

We are sitting in front of a T.V. screen<br />

«on» which we are watching various<br />

images of a film set in New York. If we<br />

place a ruler on the screen, we see<br />

immediately that the «nearest»<br />

skyscrapers are about 20 - 30 cms.<br />

high, and those «in the background»<br />

are, in fact, only 2 cm. high!<br />

We are now in a cinema watching<br />

more images of the same film «on» the<br />

screen. If we place a decametre up<br />

against the screen, we will see<br />

immediately that the star, Marilyn<br />

Monroe, is 5 or 6 metres tall.<br />

Moreover,according to the decametre,<br />

Marilyn becomes incredibly tiny when

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