AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

AIC, 1988 - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...


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<strong>AIC</strong><br />

recommended me to Federico<br />

Fellini, for a part in "81/2". I did<br />

a screen test for Fellini, which was<br />

an absolute disaster!<br />

However, in spite of this major<br />

"flop", I went on to make 52 films<br />

with some of the most famous<br />

actors and directors in the world.<br />

Then, erotic films became the<br />

vogue, and I had to decide whether<br />

1 was going to change my image,<br />

or retain the one of the "magic<br />

circus fairy" which so enchanted<br />

and gave joy to children, mothers<br />

and grandparents alike.<br />

It was a choice between being a<br />

famous movie star and having a<br />

lot of money, and a past filled with<br />

wonderful memories, a different<br />

kind of success, a tremendous<br />

amount of sacrifice, and the<br />

warmth that being part of the<br />

great circus family gives one.<br />

Once again, the magic of the<br />

Liana Orfei e Totò in "Signori si nasce'<br />

Circus won, but it was with a<br />

great deal of regret that 1<br />

abandoned my Cinema career.<br />

Nevertheless, I have to<br />

acknowledge that what I have<br />

been able to attain both in the<br />

Circus and my private life, is very<br />

much thanks to the success 1<br />

enjoyed in films, for all those<br />

marvellous and unforgettable<br />

years.<br />

I'm convinced that, as far as the<br />

public are concerned, my circus<br />

and cinema image have become<br />

one; they can no longer tell them<br />

apart.<br />

They have had an image of me'<br />

over all these years of a magic<br />

person, who could do almost<br />

anything.<br />

I find this very beautiful. It gives<br />

me incredible pleasure, and a glow<br />

in those moments when life<br />

inevitably deludes one.

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