ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...


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<strong>AIC</strong><br />

La mia<br />

La nostra è sempre stata ed è<br />

una delle più belle professioni<br />

del mondo, del cinema, in<br />

quanto chi la esercita può<br />

raccontare, dire, dipingere con la<br />

luce, con le ombre, creando<br />

inquadrature, composizioni,<br />

sviluppando ogni idea, ogni tipo<br />

di copione. E anche quando il<br />

film non è ancora sonorizzato,<br />

come all'origine, lo spettatore<br />

avverte immediatamente<br />

l'atmosfera, sia di una situazione<br />

allegra, che di un funerale, di<br />

una scena di morte, ecc. e<br />

all'esecutore fa provare la magia<br />

d'essere direttore <strong>della</strong><br />

fotografia.<br />

Nella mia lunga carriera ho<br />

avuto la fortuna di lavorare a<br />

fianco di registi, produttori,<br />

architetti amanti del cinema.<br />

Che senza tante chiacchiere si<br />

comprendevano reciprocamente<br />

perché conoscevano a fondo il<br />

copione, vivevano una vita<br />

interiore intensa, dividendo coi<br />

collaboratori idee, difficoltà di<br />

realizzazione, ecc. In tal modo ci<br />

si trovava in continua<br />

concentrazione, aspettando solo<br />

con ansia di vedere la proiezione,<br />

che rivelava se si era riusciti o<br />

meno a illuminare secondo le<br />

esigenze di copione. Allora la<br />

bacchetta del regista dirigeva<br />

l'intera orchestra, mentre il<br />

solista era costituito dal direttore<br />

di fotografia, il primo violino.<br />

professione<br />

Noi direttori di fotografia siamo<br />

gli ultimi a concentrare<br />

attraverso l'obiettivo il lavoro di<br />

tutti i reparti: dal costo del film,<br />

Our profession is, and always has been, one of the greatest in the cinema<br />

and, indeed, in the world, giving whoever makes it theirs the possibility<br />

of recounting, communicating and painting with light and shadow,<br />

creating and composing shots, interpreting every kind of script,<br />

developing each single idea. Even when a film is without sound, as it is'<br />

at the beginning, whoever sees it is able to pick up the atmosphere<br />

immediately, whether they are watching a happy scene, a death scene, a<br />

funeral or whatever, and it is then that we experience the magic of being<br />

a Director of Photography.<br />

During my long career, I have been lucky enough to work alongside<br />

Directors, Producers and Set Designers who loved the Cinema. People who<br />

understood one another without wasting a lot of words, because they had<br />

studied the script in depth, were very active spiritually and mentally,<br />

and shared ideas and problems involved in the realization of the film<br />

etc., with their collaborators.<br />

In this way, one found one's energies were always concentrated on the<br />

Particular film, while one also waited anxiously to see it projected, when<br />

t is we Directors of Photography who bring the work of all the other<br />

departments together, via the camera lens, from the actual creation of the<br />

budget, sets and costumes, to the good and bad aspects of the acting.<br />

speed with which the film is realized, the taste with which the<br />

images are created, and the correction of other people's errors and<br />

oversight, are all our responsibility and depend on our talent, thus<br />

"taking us the fulcrum of the film.<br />

ai costumi, costruzioni, pregi e<br />

difetti <strong>della</strong> recitazione.<br />

Tutto viene affidato alla nostra<br />

abilità facendo di noi il perno del<br />

GABOR<br />

POGANY<br />

"Piano meccanico"<br />

We are able to make a leading lady, who is no longer in her prime, look<br />

younger, and fit four days shooting into one. If the Director's nervous, we<br />

play nursemaid to him. We treat everyone with diplomacy, thus<br />

obtaining the best from them and allowing them to feel that they have<br />

successfully contributed to the realization of the film.<br />

Nowadays, unfortunately, it has become more and more difficult to work<br />

in the above way, as there is a great influx of failures into the cinema,<br />

people from other business — jacks of all trades, and masters of none —<br />

who have suddenly decided to enterfilm production, but who rarely have<br />

any understanding of the business.<br />

With the supersensitive emulsions that are available nowadays, anyone<br />

can shoot a film, or become a Director of Photography. When I think of<br />

how much work I had to put in to creating the photography for some of my<br />

films (I saw one of them onT.V. a few Sundays ago, made as far back as<br />

1942, and on which Federico Fellini, Zeffirelli, Maselli, Franco Rossi,<br />

Bolognini etc., worked as "assistants")! And it is in this same way, after<br />

years of hard work alongside our great cinema maestros that people like<br />

myself, Tonino Delli Colli, Nannuzzi and others have succeeded in<br />

becoming number one in our profession.<br />

The incredible number of people pouring into the cinema astounds me,<br />

and not only do I wonder where they all come from, but also where they<br />

learned their profession!<br />

Their first film may be hailed as a miracle, but the second is usually a<br />

flop, and they are obliged 10 change professions — thank God!<br />

I don't want to appear nasty, neither do I wish to name any names; but I<br />

will go asfar as saying that having a famous father is not enough! When<br />

I see these young people making films, which turns out to be flops, I am<br />

even more convinced that there is nothing left to invent in this world!

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