ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...


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<strong>AIC</strong><br />

PAOLA ??<br />


MAN RAY<br />

Meret Oppenheim<br />

(1929)<br />

...vide Dio che la luce era buona,<br />

e la divise dalle tenebre..."<br />

"And, God saw the light, that is was good: and God divided the light from<br />

the darkness... "<br />

(Genesis I, 3-4)<br />

"Light of my life, I'm immensely illumined, to bring the most deeply<br />

hiddenfeelings to light, he saw the light, the flame in him died"; and as a<br />

euphemism for birth and death, "Dixitque Deus: Fiat Lux. Et facta est<br />

lux... "<br />

Even from the beginning of the Old Testament, the light and its<br />

components (colours), and its negation (shadow), has always functioned<br />

as inspiration, subject and metaphor in various forms of artistic, poetic<br />

and literary expression.<br />

For example, entering a Dantean dark wood, indicates a fear of the<br />

unconscious-darkness, as opposed to feeling secure in the light of rational<br />

consciousness.<br />

Words become symbols, rather than merely being significant in<br />

themselves, in "The Shadow-line" and "Heart of Darkness" by Conrad, in<br />

which the words "shadow" and "darkness" symbolize a journey back to<br />

man's very origins — Kurtz in "Heart of Darkness" is a negative version of<br />

Prometheus, who has put out the fire and returned to the blackness (AA<br />

Rosa); this same symbolism is expressed magnificently, both<br />

conceptually and photographically, in "Apocalypse Now", when Marlow<br />

embarks cm the journey back to his origins, and the hot, vibrant light of<br />

day gives way to the dark jungle, and nights filled with danger.<br />

Pasolini treated the transition from words to images (cinema) as a<br />

virgin area where he constantly researched expressive forms which<br />

manifested themselves, in the photography of many of his films, in the<br />

(Genesi I, 3-4)<br />

Luce dei miei occhi, m'illumino<br />

d'immenso, portare alla luce le<br />

più recondite emozioni, ha visto<br />

la luce, si è spento, come<br />

eufemismo ad indicare la nascita<br />

e la morte, Dixitque Deus: Fiat<br />

Lux. Et Facta est lux fin dalle<br />

pagine dell'Antico Testamento, la<br />

luce con i suoi componenti<br />

(colori) e la sua negazione<br />

(ombra) è sempre stata essa<br />

stessa soggetto, metafora,<br />

ispirazione di varie espressioni<br />

artistiche, poetiche e letterarie.<br />

Come ad esempio l'addentrarsi<br />

nella selva oscura dantesca<br />

evidenzia il timore verso<br />

l'inconscio-oscurità rispetto alla<br />

luce <strong>della</strong> conoscenza razionale.<br />

Parole come simboli più che<br />

significanti in se, in "Linea<br />

d'ombra" e "Cuore di tenebra" di<br />

Conrad, shadow e darkness,<br />

rappresentano simbolicamente<br />

un viaggio alle radici dell'essere<br />

all'origine di noi stessi — il Kurtz<br />

di "Cuore di tenebra è una<br />

specie di Prometeo alla rovescia<br />

che ha spento il fuoco ed è<br />

rientrato nella nera tenebra" (A.<br />

A. Rosa) questa simbologia è<br />

stata splendidamente<br />

rappresentata, da un punto di<br />

vista ideologico e fotografico in<br />

Apocalypse Now, dove mentre<br />

Marlow si addentra nel viaggio<br />

verso la conoscenza delle<br />

proprie radici, la luce calda e<br />

baluginante del giorno lascia<br />

light and shadow contrast of black and white, where the light itself<br />

expresses the anguish, alienation and desolation experienced by the<br />

human soul.<br />

Man Ray made the transition from painting to photography:<br />

"Photography is the quickest way I have found of expressing myself; in a<br />

few seconds, I am able to create what would take me six months to express<br />

in painting; it is the light that does the work, not me".<br />

Perhaps it is not by mere chance that Jungian psychology uses the term<br />

"shadow" as a metaphor for our anxieties and all the things we are<br />

unable to accept, the entire corpus, in fact, that a personality in conflict<br />

refuses to consider rationally or consciously analyse, actually keeping<br />

them in "shadow"; according to Jung, the task of psychoanalysis is to<br />

bring to "light" the problems which can tear a human soul to pieces.<br />

Shadow, therefore, as darkness, and the negation of life; and light, as the<br />

language of love. Georgia O'Keefe's husband was a great photographer,<br />

and when speaking of his death, she said: "Steigliz was like the sun to<br />

me, and the only way I could bring him back was to paint images that<br />

were so filled with light, thay chased out darkness that had invaded my<br />

soul".<br />

Reading, itself, is a process by which we conjure up images from words.<br />

Calvino define the characters in Cavalcanti's poems as being like "sighs,<br />

brilliant rays, images created with light", using the intangibility of the<br />

light particles to define the ethereal quality of the poet's verse.<br />

And it is one again Calvino, who maintains that Leopardi has worked<br />

the miracle of fining down language to the point that it is as pure as<br />

moonlight; and, even though the moon appears in many of his poems but<br />

in few verses, they suffice to communicate all the "colours" of her light, or<br />

the shadow cast by her absence.

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