ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...


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<strong>AIC</strong><br />

Ciò che si vede<br />

"Parliamo, ovviamente, di ciò che<br />

si vede.<br />

E che senso avrebbe discutere di<br />

ciò che non si vede,<br />

e che dunque non si può<br />

conoscere?"<br />

Fondato è il dubbio che noi<br />

possiamo presentarci<br />

impreparati ad integrarci<br />

attivamente nel contesto<br />

economico, politico e culturale<br />

europeo del '93, quando la<br />

nostra realtà nazionale dovrà<br />

adeguarsi sotto il profilo<br />

normativo, economico ed<br />

organizzativo al nuovo regime di<br />

libera concorrenza. Ma lasciarsi<br />

indurre all'apprensione, ogni<br />

qualvolta che se ne ipotizza un<br />

confronto, è esagerato, mentre è<br />

d'uopo diffidare di chi,<br />

intimorendoci, cerca solo<br />

consenso a favore d'iniziative<br />

che, spesso solo in apparenza,<br />

sono finalizzate a temerne meno<br />

gli esiti in futuro.<br />

Dietro una sempre ostentata e<br />

ipocrita vocazione europea, nel<br />

settore delle comunicazioni<br />

audiovisuali, di operatori<br />

economici, amministratori<br />

pubblici e politici, si intravede un<br />

più ampio scenario. Questi,<br />

abbinandosi di volta in volta con<br />

grandi imprese, con<br />

multinazionali e con autorevoli<br />

gruppi editoriali nazionali ed<br />

esteri, danno vita a potenti lobby.<br />

La loro strategia di fondo mira<br />

all'integrazione dell'editoria con i<br />

network televisivi e i nuovi mezzi<br />

dell'informazione in generale.<br />

Solo attraverso il controllo di<br />

questi "mezzi" si<br />

determineranno e compiranno i<br />

destini sociali e culturali oltre<br />

che politici ed economici di tutti.<br />

Il settore <strong>della</strong> comunicazione<br />

sta assumendo un valore di<br />

guida e di volano dell'economia<br />

di tutti i paesi, come<br />

precedentemente era avvenuto<br />

"We speak, obviously, about that which we can see.<br />

For what sense would there be in discussing that<br />

which we cannot see and which, therefore, cannot be known?"<br />

One does well to doubt that the current unprepared state in which we<br />

find ourselves will enable iis to participate economically, politically and<br />

culturally in Europe '93; especially when, as a nation, we still have to<br />

organize ourselves, and adapt our laws and economy, to be able to<br />

compete in this new "free market".<br />

Even though it may be a little exaggerated to allow ourselves to be seized<br />

by apprehension every time we find ourselves having to face competition,<br />

we must necessarily be suspicious of people who, fearing what the future<br />

might hold, seek approval for undertakings, which are only capable of<br />

dealing with it superficially.<br />

Economists, public administrators and politicians have always<br />

vigorously sustained their hypocritical European "vocation", but a wider<br />

scenario is now coming into view. These people, associating alternately<br />

with large companies, multinationals and influential publishing groups<br />

both in Italy and abroad, are becoming powerful lobbyists.<br />

Their principal strategy is to integrate the world of publishing with the<br />

television networks, and the new informative media in general.<br />

It is only by controlling these media that the political and economical, as<br />

well as the social and cultural, destinies of everyone can be determined<br />

and realized<br />

The Communications industry is becoming an economic leader in all<br />

countries, like the chemical, and iron and steel industries before it, and<br />

the latest discoveries circulate with an incredible rapidity.<br />

Last January, in Milan, an impressive "group " of private and public<br />

organizations, from both Italy and abroad, formed an association to<br />

RENATO<br />

TAFURI<br />

per la chimica prima e la<br />

siderurgia poi.<br />

Nel gennaio scorso, a Milano un<br />

grosso "cartello" misto, pubblico<br />

e privato, italiano ed estero, s'è<br />

consorziato per dare vita ad un<br />

centro per la ricerca e lo studio<br />

delle nuove tecnologie<br />

dell'informazione e i vincoli con<br />

l'elettronica, l'informatica e<br />

telematica. Ad erigere questa<br />

technocity concorrono assieme<br />

al comune di Milano, la regione "Metropoli'<br />

create a centre dedicated to the study and research of the new<br />

informative technologies, and the possible tie-ups with electronics,<br />

informatics and telematics.<br />

The actual organizatons that combined to build this "Technocity" were:<br />

the Milan City Council, the Lombardy County Council, the Polytechnic,<br />

the State University, Assolombardia, Italtel, Pirelli, Telettra, IBM and Bull.<br />

Another of these "technocities" is about to be built in Milan, this time by<br />

Fininvest. All the most advanced activity in the field of information,<br />

publicity and communications in general will be concentrated in this<br />

"Communications Citadel".<br />

In the name of confrontation, association and competition, and the<br />

necessity of having to compete in a 'free market", a great deal of pressure<br />

is being brought to bear on the audiovisua l market to speed up the<br />

re-conversion and renewal of its technologies.<br />

The "technological centrality" of the system which creates and<br />

communicates images, in which enormous interests are at stake and<br />

renewal has to be constant, increasingly requires more space and<br />

investment, above all, in the new, widespread audiovisual industry.<br />

It is Milan, once more, that towards the end of the third trimester of '89<br />

boasts the highest production levels and concentration of the audiovisual<br />

industry, and which is authoritatively setting itself up as leader of a<br />

technological revolution in this industry, presumably destined to have a<br />

considerable effect on the way its products are created, communicated<br />

and enjoyed.<br />

In 1986, the RAI Production Department in Milan, faithfully following<br />

market trends, made a film ("Giulia e Giulia"), for which they became<br />

famous throughout the world Unfortunately, this megaproduction had no<br />

sequel. The RAI, in association with Sony, perfected a High Definition

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