ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...


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<strong>AIC</strong><br />

radar tranquillizzava e affievoliva<br />

le preoccupazioni degli uomini<br />

addetti al comando.<br />

Le rondini antartiche<br />

sfrecciavano nel cielo azzurro<br />

intenso. I pinguini fendevano le<br />

onde prodigandosi in un<br />

incessante carosello intorno alla<br />

nave dando il benvenuto al<br />

"Covadonga" che si avvicinava<br />

alla base Arturo Prat. Sullo<br />

sfondo si intravedeva la costa a<br />

tratti scoperta dai perenni<br />

ghiacciai. L'aria era cristallina e<br />

tutto ciò che si osservava era<br />

imbevuto di un colore azzurro. Il<br />

panorama sembrava un<br />

paesaggio di un altro pianeta.<br />

Un "Pattugliero" (speciale<br />

rimorchiatore) si avvicinò per<br />

dare il benvenuto, e quando si<br />

incrociarono le imbarcazioni, la<br />

nave in avvicinamento sparò<br />

alcuni colpi a salve in segno di<br />

Saluto.<br />

Il Covadonga gettò l'ancora<br />

vicino ad una petroliera, la<br />

Rancagua. I motori restarono<br />

accesi al minimo, precauzione<br />

presa da tutte le imbarcazioni<br />

affinché in caso che il mare si<br />

geli siano pronte a muovere.<br />

All'invito del comandante del<br />

Rancagua gli ufficiali delle due<br />

navi e la troupe italiana si<br />

riunirono intorno ad una tavola<br />

imbandita per consumare una<br />

sontuosa cena. Lo scambio di<br />

opinioni diede il via ad un<br />

distensivo conversare.<br />

Il mattino seguente si visitò la<br />

base Prat. Gli edifici, in lamiera<br />

ondulata rivestiti internamente<br />

in legno a doppia parete, erano<br />

costruiti su di un lembo di<br />

roccia antartica. All'interno si<br />

potevano osservare la sala di<br />

lettura con annessa biblioteca,<br />

l'apparecchio radio, dischi, radio<br />

was made all the more enjoyable by an exange of opinions that gave rise<br />

to some very interesting conversation.<br />

The next morning, we visited the Base itself, which stood on a narrow<br />

strip of rock, and had been constructed in corrugated iron and lined, on<br />

the inside, with double-walled wood Inside we saw that there was a<br />

reading room, radio, record playing equipment radio transmitter,<br />

showers, carpentry shop and garage: everything, in fact to make the<br />

year's stay there as comfortable as possible.<br />

The visitors' names were entered into the register, and their passports<br />

post-marked with the date.<br />

Another smaller hut stood adjacent to the main building, about fifty<br />

meters away, for use in case of fire.<br />

They also had huskies on the Base, indispensible to scientific<br />

expeditions, and some of them were harnessed to sledges to enable us to<br />

photograph the surrounding landscape.<br />

A small launch with an outboard motor was also put at our disposal, so<br />

that we could sail right up close to the icebergs, without any danger.<br />

From the motor launch, we were able to observe the seals basking in the<br />

sun on the icefloes; however, as soon as we headed towards them, they<br />

dove into the water, and swiftly disappeared.<br />

The launch was piloted by an officer from the Base, accompanied by an<br />

N.C.O. marksman It was his job to shoot the seals, and he could kill one<br />

from a distance of300 mts. The seal meat was the huskies staple diet in<br />

"winter" and it was cut up into chunks and stored in a hole in the snow.<br />

Without warning, the officer steered the launch towards an iceberg and,<br />

when we reached it asked us to disembark on the enormous mass of<br />

floating ice. We then helped him slide the boat across the ice to the<br />

opposite side, where we lowered it into the water once more. Then, we got<br />

trasmittente, ufficio postale,<br />

infermeria, cucina, camerate,<br />

bagni, docce, falegnameria,<br />

officina meccanica e altri<br />

accessori per rendere il<br />

soggiorno di un anno<br />

confortevole.<br />

Gli ospiti <strong>della</strong> base vennero<br />

registrati sul diario e il timbro<br />

postale apposto sul passaporto.<br />

Adiacente alla baracca centrale,<br />

a cinquecento metri di distanza,<br />

sorgeva un'altra baracca di<br />

dimensioni più modeste da<br />

usufruire in caso d'incendio.<br />

I cani da slitta sono<br />

indispensabili per le escursioni<br />

scientifiche, e così alcune slitte<br />

vennero allestite per dare modo<br />

alla troupe cinematografica di<br />

poter filmare il panorama<br />

• . t<br />

A<br />

mvio-rtoHTT<br />

circostante alla base.<br />

Un'imbarcazione leggera, una<br />

lancia, con motore fuoribordo fu<br />

messa a disposizione dei<br />

documentaristi per potersi<br />

avvicinare agli iceberg senza<br />

timore di pericolo. Durante la<br />

perlustrazione con la lancia si<br />

potevano osservare le foche che,<br />

adagiate su lastre di ghiaccio, si<br />

godevano i raggi solari. Ma<br />

disturbate dall'imbarcazione nel<br />

loro riposo si gettavano in acqua<br />

dileguandosi.<br />

La lancia era pilotata da un<br />

ufficiale <strong>della</strong> base<br />

accompagnato da un graduato<br />

tiratore scelto. Il compito del<br />

graduato era quello di cacciare<br />

le foche. Riusciva a centrare il<br />

bersaglio sino da una distanza di<br />

in and headed swiftly back to the Base.<br />

At dinner, the Captain sat at the head of table, with his officers on either<br />

side, and the documentary crew was also present. At a certain point the<br />

Captain addressed the officer who had piloted the launch, asking him<br />

how our excursion had gone. The officer's reply was somewhat<br />

disquieting: "I spotted a killer whale that had picked up our scent,<br />

following us at distance, and so I was obliged to land on one of the<br />

icebergs and slide the launch across to the other side, in order to shake it<br />

off..."<br />

The killer whale is a mammal 15 metres long, and has a double row of<br />

sharp teeth which it uses to tear its prey to pieces, before devouring it It<br />

will also attack and kill a normal whale, which is twice its size. Not for<br />

nothing, is it called a "killer whale"!<br />

Before finally leaving the "Arthur Prat" base, we attended a Memorial<br />

Service for Serjeant Rojas.<br />

We set sail once more, and the "Covadonga" continued to head further<br />

South, towards the "O'Higgins"Base. This last base was located at 7Cf<br />

latitude, where the light is 20.000 kelvins, dawn breaks at 3.00 am. and<br />

the sun sets at 10.30 p.m.. The "summer" temperature can be as low as -<br />

30 "C. The mountains which tower up to the sky are covered with thick<br />

snow, and the icebergs that form from their glaciers are enormous. The<br />

landscape all around the Base was totally unreal. But here, the huskies"<br />

were the real stars, as they had to work harder than anyone!<br />

The documentary crew prepared to film the spectacular way in which<br />

icebergs were formed — with a little help from man — and the<br />

"Covadonga" heaved to, a safe distance from a sheer wall of ice that<br />

formed the side of one of the mountains. A cutter, with three sailors and a<br />

machine-gun on board, was lowered into the sea, and headed towards a

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