ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...


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<strong>AIC</strong><br />

"La grande muraglia"<br />

cinese, in quanto, come membro<br />

di una troupe all'estero,<br />

sembravo più ricco <strong>della</strong><br />

popolazione locale. Una volta gli<br />

lasciai più denaro di quanto<br />

necessario, quasi per farmelo<br />

amico. Gli avevo anche regalato<br />

un orologio. Ma il lunedì<br />

seguente non lo vidi all'uscita.<br />

Pensai: "Mi ha fregato, i cinesi<br />

sono peggio degli altri... appena<br />

beccano qualcosa di più, non si<br />

fanno più vedere". Solo, dopo tre<br />

o quattro giorni lo rividi col suo<br />

rishiò: era buio in volto, molto<br />

sciupato. Seppi così che gli era<br />

morto il figlio. L'uomo me ne<br />

raccontò la storia conducendomi<br />

ad assistere al funerale del<br />

bimbo cinese.<br />

Fu uno spettacolo straziante che<br />

to him, and he had wanted to invite me in and show me where he lived:<br />

however he was so poor that he didn't have any tea. The only thing he<br />

had was water, and he had heated some for me to show me his generosity<br />

and friendship.<br />

Almost certainly, that poor family had used the last of their oil to heat the<br />

water, and had to make do with a cold supper that evening.<br />

This, my first contact with the people of China, gave me the possibility of<br />

comparing our two systems of behaviour. Just think, if a Chinese had<br />

leant up against the wall of a house in Sicily... he would have been shot<br />

And even though they might not have shot him in the Veneto district, they<br />

certainly wouldn't have invited him in!<br />

After this experience, I began, to study all the Chinese with whom I came<br />

in contact, in an attempt to understand their character.<br />

When I left my hotel in Peking, I was always followed by about eight or<br />

ten children The shop assistants were always eager to help me. I had also<br />

made friends with one of the rickshaw bearers who take you on tours of<br />

the city, and found him waiting for me two or three times on. the trot<br />

I always gave him some Chinese currency as, being a member of a<br />

foreign film crew, I seemed to have more money than the locals. Once I<br />

gave him more than was really necessary, in the hope that he might<br />

become my friend I had also given him a watch The following Monday,<br />

he wasn't waiting for me outside the hotel, and I thought to myself<br />

"Fooled again.. The Chinese are worse than all the rest., as soon as you<br />

give them a little bit more, they vanish". It was not until three or four<br />

days later, that he reappeared, with his rickshaw, outside the hotel. He<br />

looked awful, and his face was very drawn I could see immediately that<br />

something terrible had happenend, and he told me that his small son<br />

had died He recounted the story, as I accompanied him to the funeral.<br />

ti fa piangere per dieci giorni.<br />

Il padre si carica sulle spalle la<br />

cassa che s'è costruito da solo.<br />

La porta a seppelire vicino a<br />

casa. Gli amici e i parenti hanno<br />

intanto costruito di carte o di<br />

legno i giocattoli più ambiti dal<br />

piccolo morto, tutto quello che<br />

pensano il bimbo potrebbe aver<br />

desiderato nella vita: un cavallo,<br />

una valigetta, una bambola, ecc.<br />

Tutti questi oggetti sono posti<br />

sulla tomba e dati alle fiamme in<br />

modo che il fuoco porti in cielo<br />

quei doni <strong>della</strong> vita terrena.<br />

Queste immagini struggenti mi<br />

hanno ancora di più legato al<br />

popolo cinese.<br />

A Shangai sostammo per oltre<br />

due mesi senza girare un solo<br />

metro di pellicola. In questa<br />

occasione io vissi sempre coi<br />

cinesi. La nostra troupe era<br />

divisa in due, noi e i cinesi. Io<br />

stavo coi cinesi, mangiavo coi<br />

cinesi, passeggiavo coi cinesi.<br />

Era nata un'amicizia<br />

indissolubile.<br />

In quel soggiorno ho potuto<br />

notare come funzionavano i<br />

treni a Shangai. La stazione giace<br />

nel centro <strong>della</strong> città e dista dalla<br />

periferia sei o sette chilometri.<br />

Prima di entrare in città il treno<br />

si ferma e i macchinisti<br />

scendono dalla locomotiva, che è<br />

sempre una di quelle enormi<br />

macchine americane a quattro<br />

cilindri, come i vecchi treni del<br />

West. Di fronte alle piccole ruote<br />

anteriori veniva applicata una<br />

tavola imbottita di materassi.<br />

Il viaggio riprendeva quindi<br />

lentamente verso la stazione e il<br />

treno impiegava anche un'ora e<br />

mezzo per coprire i sei, sette<br />

chilometri necessari.<br />

I macchinisti stavano affacciati e<br />

dalla locomotiva urlavano alla<br />

gente di scostarsi. Ogni tanto<br />

fermavano il convoglio e<br />

raccoglievano un maiale, delle<br />

galline, un bambino, che si erano<br />

parati davanti. Li sollevavano<br />

dolcemente e li spostavano ai<br />

lati. Una scena di un'umanità<br />

indescrivibile ma che, purtroppo,<br />

non fu possibile riprendere<br />

perché esclusa dal copione.<br />

In conclusione posso dire che<br />

quando si abbia un minimo di<br />

sensibilità, la fotografia non può<br />

prescindere da quello che è la<br />

storia del mondo in quel<br />

particolare momento. Che senso<br />

ha fare una "bella" fotografia?<br />

Non son mai riuscito a capire<br />

cosa ciò significhi!<br />

La mia fotografia, per modesta<br />

che sia, è sempre frutto del<br />

The little ceremony was so heart-rending, it made you want to weep for<br />

ever! The father himself carried the small coffin, that he had made with<br />

his own hands, on his shoulder. Meanwhile, relatives and friends had<br />

fashioned, either from wood or paper, all the toys they thought the small<br />

boy would have wished for, had he lived: a doll, a horse, a little case etc.<br />

These objects were placed on the grave and then set fire to, so that the<br />

flames might carry the terrestrial gifts to his spirit in the sky. This<br />

extraordinarily moving scene created an even closer bond between<br />

myself and the Chinese.<br />

We then moved onto Shanghai, where we stayed for two months without<br />

shooting a single foot of film Here, I actually lived with the Chinese. The<br />

film crew was divided into two camps: Italian ad Chinese. I threw in my<br />

lot with the Chinese, I ate with the Chinese, even went for walks with the<br />

Chinese. An incredible friendship had been born!<br />

While I was in Shanghai, I was able to see how the trains functioned The<br />

railway station itself, is located in the centre of the city, about six or<br />

seven kilometres from the outskirts. When the train arrives outside<br />

Shanghai, it makes a brief stop, and the engineers jump down from the<br />

locomotive, which is always one of those enormous four-cylinder<br />

American engines — like the trains of the wild West. It was at this point<br />

that a wooden board, padded with mattresses, was fixed onto the front of<br />

the train<br />

The train then continued slowly on its way to the station, taking about an<br />

hour and a half to cover the six or seven kilometres!<br />

The engineers would lean out of the engine, yelling to the people to move<br />

out of the way. Every so often, they stopped the train, to gather up a pig,<br />

some chickens or a young child that had wandered onto the tracks, which<br />

they picked up very gently, and carefully placed to one side, out of harm's

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