ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...

ITALIANA - AIC Associazione Italiana Autori della Fotografia ...


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<strong>AIC</strong><br />

Simile<br />

alla sua cagione<br />

"Talvolta noi vediamo una<br />

nuvola prendere forma di<br />

drago; talvolta un cirro la<br />

forma di leone o d'orso o di<br />

turrita citta<strong>della</strong> o d'un aereo<br />

picco; di forcuta montagna, di<br />

azzurri promontori vestiti<br />

d'alberi, che fanno cenno al<br />

mondo giù e ci illudono gli<br />

occhi con un gioco d'aria"<br />

(Antonio e Cleopatra -<br />

Shakespeare)<br />

Le figure 1 e 2 sono una<br />

ricostruzione schematica delle<br />

condizioni ottico-geometriche<br />

delle due dimostrazioni del<br />

metodo <strong>della</strong> "... intersegazione<br />

<strong>della</strong> piramide visiva... " che il<br />

Brunelleschi verso il 1420 "...<br />

mise innanzi et in atto lui<br />

proprio, quello che dipintori oggi<br />

dicono prospettiva...".<br />

"...sarà adunque pittura non<br />

altro che intersegazione <strong>della</strong><br />

piramide visiva, secondo data<br />

distanza, posto il centro e<br />

costituiti i lumi, in una certa<br />

superficie con linee e colori<br />

artificiose rappresentata... ".<br />

De Pictura - L.B. Alberti -<br />

1434<br />

Il Biografo Antonio Manetti,<br />

intorno al 1480, nella 'Vita di<br />

Filippo di Ser Brunellesco" così<br />

racconta: "... et questo caso <strong>della</strong><br />

prospettiva nella prima cosa in<br />

punto di vi/to<br />

foro<br />

tavolo dipinto<br />

che e' la mostrò (fig. 1) fu una<br />

tavoletta di circha mezo braccio<br />

quadro (c. 30 cm) dove fecie<br />

una pittura assimilitudine del<br />

tempio di fuori di Santo<br />

Giovanni di Firenze ...e pare che<br />

sia stato a ritirarlo dentro alla<br />

porta del mezo di Santa Maria<br />

del Flore, qualche braccia tre<br />

(c. 2 mt)... e per quanto s'avea a<br />

dimostrare di cielo, cioè che le<br />

muraglie del dipinto<br />

scampassono (si stagliassero)<br />

nell'aria, messo d'ariento<br />

brunito, acciò che l'aria e i cieli<br />

naturali vi si specchiassero<br />

drento... la quale dipintura,<br />

"Sometime we see a cloud that's dragonish,<br />

a vapour sometime, like a bear, or lion,<br />

A tower'd citadel, a pendent rock,<br />

a forked mountain, or blue promontary<br />

with trees upon't, that nod unto the world,<br />

and mock our eyes with air..."<br />

Antony and Cleopatra - Shakespeare<br />

Figures 1 & 2 are schematic reconstructions of the optical-geometrical<br />

conditions of the two demonstrations of the "... intersection of the visual<br />

pyramid..." method that, towards 1420, Brunelleschi "...himself, put<br />

forwards and experimented, and which painters today call perspective... "<br />

"... painting, therefore, is none other<br />

than intersection of the visual pyramid,<br />

according to a given distance, the centre having<br />

been established and the light determined, skilfully represented with lines<br />

and colours on a certain surface..."<br />

LB. Alberti - "De Pictura"<br />

In 1480, or thereabouts, the biographer (probably Antonio Manetti)<br />

recounts the following in his "Vita di Filippo de Ser Brunellesco ": "... and<br />

the first manner in which he demonstrated (fig. 1) this perspective, was<br />

by taking a small wooden tablet measuring approximately 30 sq. cms., on<br />

which he painted a view of the Baptistry of St John in Florence, from<br />

outside... and it would seem that he painted it while standing about two<br />

yards inside the central door of the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Flower...<br />

and as regards that portion of the sky to be painted, so that the walls<br />

would stand out against it, he applied a burnished silver colour, in which<br />

/pe echio<br />

N<br />

LUIGI<br />

VERGA<br />

tavolo dipinto<br />

perché il dipintore bisogna che<br />

lo presupponga un luogo solo<br />

donde s'ha a vedere la sua<br />

dipintura... aveva fatto un buco<br />

nella tavoletta... el quale buco era<br />

piccolo quanto una lenta da lo<br />

lato <strong>della</strong> dipintura e da rovescio<br />

si allargava piramidalmente... E<br />

voleva che l'occhio si ponessi<br />

da rovescio dond'egli (il buco)<br />

era largo... e con una mano<br />

s'accostassi l'occhio e nell'altra<br />

tenessi uno specchio piano al<br />

dirimpetto che vi si veniva a<br />

specchiare dentro la pittura...<br />

pareva che si vedessi 'l proprio<br />

vero... "<br />

oriento ti brunito<br />

the air and skies of Nature were mirrored... because the artist must<br />

presuppose that one single place exists from which his painting can be<br />

viewed... he had made a hole in the wooden tablet... this hole being as<br />

small as a lens on the side where the painting had been executed, and<br />

widening out into a pyramid form at the back... And he wanted to look<br />

through the hole from the back, where it was wider... and, with one hand,<br />

he lifted the tablet up to his eye, while holding a mirror with a flat surface<br />

directly in front of the painting which was reflected in it., and it seemed<br />

that he was looking at the real Baptistry..."<br />

".. he painted the 'Piazza <strong>della</strong> Signoria' in perspective... " (fig. 2). Here,<br />

the Biographer suddenly interrupts his account, to ask himself "... why,<br />

as this was also a painting in perspective, did he not, as he did for the<br />

Baptistry of St. John seen from the Cathedral, make a hole through which<br />

to view the subject?... " and then answers himself, saying: "This came<br />

about because the wooden tablet would have had to have been extremely<br />

large for the Piazza to have been painted cm it., and it would, therefore,<br />

not have been possible, as it was with the first one on which the Baptistry<br />

of St. John was painted, to hold it up to the eye with one hand, and hold<br />

the mirror in the other... "He finally concludes: "... where he applied the<br />

burnished silver colour in the painting of the Baptistry, here he cut away<br />

the part of the wooden tablet on which the sky was depicted, then took the<br />

painting with him to the Piazza to view it "in situ"..."<br />

Manettis account gave rise to endless writings, which sought to<br />

reconstruct the two optical-geometrical experiments, and establish their<br />

significance in art but which, as one proceeded, appeared more as a<br />

highly-complicated mass of hypotheses and analyses, all differing totally<br />

from one another, and drawing on mediaeval treatises on perspective<br />

which were completely stupefying, and in which one never even

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