AAS 74 - Vaticano

AAS 74 - Vaticano AAS 74 - Vaticano


930 Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale in this country but throughout the world. Imitate his humility and his obédience to God ; pray for a wisdom like his, a wisdom that can come from God alone. 5. "Jesus breathed on them and said : 'Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven ; for those whose sins you retain, 1jhey are retained' ". On that first Pentecost our Saviour gave the Apostles the power to forgive sins when he poured into their hearts the gift of the Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit comes to you today in the Sacrament of Confir­ mation, to in volve you more completely in the Church's fight against sin and in her mission of fostering holiness. He comes to dwell more fully in your hearts and to strengthen you for the struggle with evil. My dear young people, the world of today needs you, for it needs men and women who are fìlled with the Holy Spirit. It needs your courage and hopefulness, your faith and your persévérance. The world of tomorrow will be built by you. Today you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit so that you may work with deep faith and with abiding charity, so that you may help to bring to the world the fruits of reconciliation and peace. Strengthened by the Holy Spirit and his manifold gifts, commit y our sel ves wholeheartedly to the Church's struggle against sin. Strive to be unselfish ; try not to be obsessed with material things. Be active members of the People of God ; be reconciled with each other and devoted to the work of justice, which will bring peace on earth. 6. "How many are your works, O Lord !" 4 These words of the responsorial psalm evoke gratitude from our hearts and a hymn of praise from our lips. Indeed how many are the works o f the Lord, how great are the effects of the Holy Spirit's action in Confirmation ! When this sacrament is conferred, the words of the psalm are fulfilled among us : "You send forth your spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the earth". 5 On the first day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit carne upon the Apostles and upon Mary and filled them with his power. Today we remember that moment and we open our seines again to the gift of that same Holy Spirit. In that Spirit we are baptized. In that Spirit we are confirmed. In that Spirit we are called to share in the mission of Christ. In that 4 5 Ps 104:24. Ps 104:30.

Acta Ioannis Pauli Pp. II 931 Spirit we shall indeed become the People of Pentecost, the apostles of our time. "Come, O Holy Spirit, fili the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love". Amen. * * * Edimburgi, ad Christianos fratres ab Apostolica Sede seiunctos habita.* "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren". 1 1. It is a joy to meet with you this morning and I am very ap­ préciative of your courtesy in coming at this early hour. Yesterday, ' soon after my arrivai in Scotland, I had the happiness of being greeted by the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the Right Reverend Professor John Mclntyre. In this regard, I cannot fail to recali that first historie meeting in 1961 between the then Moderator, Dr Archibald Craig, and my own predecessor John XXIII ; or the courtesy of Dr Peter Brodie during his Moderatorial year in attending, in 1978, both my own installation and that of John Paul I. I am aware too of the signifìcance of last night's happy venue, the precinets of the Assembly Hall itself, the seat of the Church of Scotland's Supreme Court, and also the locus of that momentous meeting in 1910 of the World Missionary Conference which is generally regarded as marking the beginning of the modera Ecumenical Movement. 2. It was in that same spirit of prayerful ecumenical endeavour that I also had the great pleasure last Saturday of meeting représenta­ tives of the Church of Scotland and the Episcopal Church in Scotland, together with other British Church leaders. I am sure that you will agrée with me that such meetings as this have an importance of their own ; the very fact that they take place is a witness before the world that, despite the sad history of di vision between Christ's followers, all of us who worship the one true God are desirous today of collaborating in the name of God and of working together for the promotion of the human values of which he is the true Author. 3. In particular I have been pleased to learn of the f ruit ful dialogues in which the Catholic Church in this country has been engaged with the Church of Scotland, the Episcopal Church in Scotland and other * Die 1 m. Iunii a. 1982. 1 Gal 6:18.

Acta Ioannis Pauli Pp. II 931<br />

Spirit we shall indeed become the People of Pentecost, the apostles of<br />

our time. "Come, O Holy Spirit, fili the hearts of your faithful and<br />

kindle in them the fire of your love". Amen.<br />

* * *<br />

Edimburgi, ad Christianos fratres ab Apostolica Sede seiunctos habita.*<br />

"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren". 1<br />

1. It is a joy to meet with you this morning and I am very ap­<br />

préciative of your courtesy in coming at this early hour. Yesterday, '<br />

soon after my arrivai in Scotland, I had the happiness of being greeted<br />

by the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, the<br />

Right Reverend Professor John Mclntyre. In this regard, I cannot<br />

fail to recali that first historie meeting in 1961 between the then<br />

Moderator, Dr Archibald Craig, and my own predecessor John XXIII ;<br />

or the courtesy of Dr Peter Brodie during his Moderatorial year in<br />

attending, in 1978, both my own installation and that of John Paul I.<br />

I am aware too of the signifìcance of last night's happy venue, the<br />

precinets of the Assembly Hall itself, the seat of the Church of Scotland's<br />

Supreme Court, and also the locus of that momentous meeting in 1910<br />

of the World Missionary Conference which is generally regarded as<br />

marking the beginning of the modera Ecumenical Movement.<br />

2. It was in that same spirit of prayerful ecumenical endeavour<br />

that I also had the great pleasure last Saturday of meeting représenta­<br />

tives of the Church of Scotland and the Episcopal Church in Scotland,<br />

together with other British Church leaders. I am sure that you will<br />

agrée with me that such meetings as this have an importance of their<br />

own ; the very fact that they take place is a witness before the world<br />

that, despite the sad history of di vision between Christ's followers, all<br />

of us who worship the one true God are desirous today of collaborating<br />

in the name of God and of working together for the promotion of the<br />

human values of which he is the true Author.<br />

3. In particular I have been pleased to learn of the f ruit ful dialogues<br />

in which the Catholic Church in this country has been engaged with<br />

the Church of Scotland, the Episcopal Church in Scotland and other<br />

* Die 1 m. Iunii a. 1982.<br />

1<br />

Gal 6:18.

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