AAS 74 - Vaticano

AAS 74 - Vaticano AAS 74 - Vaticano


702 Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale J'ai commencé avec saint Paul. Permettez-moi de terminer avec lui : « Ne contristez pas l'Esprit Saint de Dieu, qui vous a marqués de son sceau pour le jour de la rédemption ». a est notre vie, que l'Esprit nous fasse aussi agir ». 2? « Puisque l'Esprit Avec ce souhait plein d'affection, j'implore sur vous les bénédictions de Dieu : que Dieu tout-puissant vous bénisse, le Père, le Fils et le Saint-Esprit ! III Ad Exc.mum Virum Marcum E. Heath, Magnae Britanniae apud Sanctam Sedem constitutum Legatum, crediti sibi muneris testes Litteras Summo Pontifici tradentem.* Mr Ambassador, I am pleased to receive Your Excellency as the Envoy Extraor- dinary and Ambassador Plenipotentiary of Her Majesty Queen Eliz­ abeth II. The présentation of your Letters of Oredence today' together with the accréditation of the first Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to the Court of Saint James's, marks an historie moment in the relations between the Holy See and Britain. It serves as a sign of the understanding and good will which characterize our diplomatie ties, and it affords a basis for expecting still closer collaboration in the future. I appreciate the cordial greeting which you have conveyed to me from Her Majesty and I would ask you to assure her of my personal regard and highest esteem. Mindful of your country's rieh cultural tradition and of its special contribution to the history of civilization, I look for ward with joy ful anticipation to visiting Her Majesty and the people of Britain in the near future. My fortheoming journey to your country is primarily of a religious nature, a pastoral visit to the members of the Catholic Church. I am also looking forward to the happy opportunity of meeting the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland and other distinguished ecclesiastics and churchmen. These meetings, together with the prayers of so many, will undoubtedly further the great work of promoting unity among Christians. 22 23 Ep 5, 30. Ga 5, 25. * Die 1 m. Aprilis a. 1&82.

Acta Ioannis Pauli Pp. II 703 I welcome the référence which you have made to recent events in Poland and your deep interest in the well-being of the Polish people. You also mention the vital need for an end to violence in Northern Ireland and the importance of safeguarding human rights in all the countries of the world. It is a sad fact of our time that basic personal rights are not every where respected and ensured. Social and cultural discrimination still exist in far too many forms, and many people lack true freedom of conscience and the right to practise their religion, even in their own homelands. We cannot remain silent in the face of such injustices. As long as basic human rights are denied in any land there can be no enduring international peace. For a fundamental human bond links the destiny of the peoples of every nation. Thus no country can fully en joy its own freedom, knowing that in other countries the dignity of the human person is being violated. I wish to assure you, Mr Ambassador, that you can count on the continued interest and assistance of the Holy See in the fulfilment of your mission, and I invoke God's blessings upon Her Majesty, her Government and all her people. IV Ad quosdam Galliae sacros praesules occasione oblata « ad Limina » visi­ tationis coram admissos.* Chers Frères dans Vépiscopat, 1. Après vous avoir écoutés l'un après l'autre dans un dialogue per­ sonnel, je suis heureux de vous accueillir ensemble, en pensant aux lourdes responsabilités pastorales que vous portez chacun dans votre diocèse, ou au niveau de la région, ou au niveau national, dans les commissions et comités, ou même, pour Monseigneur Jean Vilnet, à la Présidence de la Conférence episcopale. Sachant votre courage qui n'épargne aucun effort, je vous souhaite un ministère à la fois fécond et serein, grâce à l'espérance qui nous vient du mystère pascal. Je prie le Seigneur à toutes vos intentions, et à l'intention des prêtres, reli­ gieux et fidèles d'Alsace, de Lorraine et de Franche-Comté. Ce sont là des provinces françaises qui ont, de par leur histoire chargée de vicissitudes, une physionomie particulière, très attachante. * Die 1 m. Aprilis a. 1982.

702 Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale<br />

J'ai commencé avec saint Paul. Permettez-moi de terminer avec<br />

lui : « Ne contristez pas l'Esprit Saint de Dieu, qui vous a marqués<br />

de son sceau pour le jour de la rédemption ». a<br />

est notre vie, que l'Esprit nous fasse aussi agir ». 2?<br />

« Puisque l'Esprit<br />

Avec ce souhait plein d'affection, j'implore sur vous les bénédictions<br />

de Dieu : que Dieu tout-puissant vous bénisse, le Père, le Fils et le<br />

Saint-Esprit !<br />

III<br />

Ad Exc.mum Virum Marcum E. Heath, Magnae Britanniae apud Sanctam<br />

Sedem constitutum Legatum, crediti sibi muneris testes Litteras Summo<br />

Pontifici tradentem.*<br />

Mr Ambassador,<br />

I am pleased to receive Your Excellency as the Envoy Extraor-<br />

dinary and Ambassador Plenipotentiary of Her Majesty Queen Eliz­<br />

abeth II. The présentation of your Letters of Oredence today' together<br />

with the accréditation of the first Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to the Court of<br />

Saint James's, marks an historie moment in the relations between<br />

the Holy See and Britain. It serves as a sign of the understanding<br />

and good will which characterize our diplomatie ties, and it affords<br />

a basis for expecting still closer collaboration in the future.<br />

I appreciate the cordial greeting which you have conveyed to me<br />

from Her Majesty and I would ask you to assure her of my personal<br />

regard and highest esteem. Mindful of your country's rieh cultural<br />

tradition and of its special contribution to the history of civilization,<br />

I look for ward with joy ful anticipation to visiting Her Majesty and<br />

the people of Britain in the near future.<br />

My fortheoming journey to your country is primarily of a religious<br />

nature, a pastoral visit to the members of the Catholic Church. I am<br />

also looking forward to the happy opportunity of meeting the Arch-<br />

bishop of Canterbury, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the<br />

Church of Scotland and other distinguished ecclesiastics and churchmen.<br />

These meetings, together with the prayers of so many, will undoubtedly<br />

further the great work of promoting unity among Christians.<br />

22<br />

23<br />

Ep 5, 30.<br />

Ga 5, 25.<br />

* Die 1 m. Aprilis a. 1&82.

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