Tempo e predicazione nella sintassi delle frasi copulari (tesi di laurea)

Tempo e predicazione nella sintassi delle frasi copulari (tesi di laurea)

Tempo e predicazione nella sintassi delle frasi copulari (tesi di laurea)


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parlava <strong>di</strong> "syntactic connectedness". In particol are:<br />

"he showed that connectedness was not simply a feature<br />

of free relatives but occured in other copular sentences<br />

as well" (Williams (1983), p. 429)<br />

Un es. citato da Williams:<br />

A fear of himself is John's greatest problem.<br />

dove il pronome riflessivo, in modo anomalo, precede<br />

l'elemento referenziale cui si lega.<br />

E' a questo punto che s'inserisce l'idea dell'inversione:<br />

"In light of an analysis of specificational<br />

pseudocleft, we are in a position to put forward a<br />

statement were connectedness will be found that was not<br />

available to Higgins:<br />

22) A subject is "syntactically correlated to"<br />

its pre<strong>di</strong>cate and not vicecersa.<br />

This means that a reflexive can have a non c-comman<strong>di</strong>ng<br />

antecedent if the reflexive is in a subject and the<br />

antecedent is in the pre<strong>di</strong>cate, but not viceversa; this<br />

is true of the specificational pseudo cleft ••. and some<br />

other cases as well:<br />

23) [Hi' A pi cture of hi msel f,'J [V" upset John(' J<br />

[Ali" *A picture of John;J ["p upset himself(·J<br />


Under this view what has been called "backward<br />

reflexivisation" is simply another case of syntactic<br />

connectedeness of a subject (asymmetrically) connected<br />

to its pre<strong>di</strong>cate, as in 22). If 22) is correct, as 23)<br />

would tend to suggest, then we have a further reason to<br />

analyse the specificational pseudoclef as having a<br />

pre<strong>di</strong>cate free relative NP and a referential XP:<br />

"connectedness" runs in only one <strong>di</strong>rection, from subject<br />

to pre<strong>di</strong>cate" (Williams (1983), p.430).<br />

L'ipo<strong>tesi</strong> <strong>di</strong> Williams, come si vede, si muove in<br />

<strong>di</strong>rezione opposta ai risultati <strong>di</strong> Ruwet: a mio parere le<br />

idee <strong>di</strong> Ruwet sono da tenere come valide almeno in<br />

quanto escludono, stando all'attuale rappresentazione<br />


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