fine arts 2008-2009 - The British School at Rome

fine arts 2008-2009 - The British School at Rome

fine arts 2008-2009 - The British School at Rome


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<strong>fine</strong> <strong>arts</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />






<strong>fine</strong> <strong>arts</strong> <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Sara Barker<br />

Joseph Bedford<br />

Gabriella Bisetto<br />

Penelope Cain<br />

Dragica Janketic Carlin<br />

Luke Caulfield<br />

K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon<br />

Graham Durward<br />

Pierre Gendron<br />

Celia Hempton<br />

C<strong>at</strong>h Keay<br />

Rebecca Madgin<br />

Amanda Marburg<br />

Ruth Murray<br />

Eddie Peake<br />

Liz Rideal<br />

James Robertson<br />

David Spero<br />

Amikam Toren<br />



<strong>The</strong> projects realised by GABRIELLA BISETTO, PENELOPE CAIN,<br />

AMANDA MARBURG have been assisted by the Commonwealth<br />

Government through the Australia Council, its Arts funding and<br />

advisory body.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Arts Council England Helen Chadwick Fellowship is<br />

organised and administered by <strong>The</strong> Ruskin <strong>School</strong> of Drawing<br />

and Fine Art, University of Oxford and <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong><br />

<strong>Rome</strong> with the support of Arts Council England and St Peter’s<br />

College, Oxford.<br />

Acknowledgements<br />

David Chandler, Photoworks, London<br />

Prof. Mihai Barbulescu, Romanian Academy, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Martin Brody, American Academy in <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Joachim Blüher, Pia Gottschaller, German Academy Villa<br />

Massimo, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Marianna Di Giansante, Francesca Monari, Timothy Mitchell,<br />

Æmilia Hotel, Bologna<br />

Gianm<strong>at</strong>teo Nunziante, Nunziante Magrone Studio Legale<br />

Associ<strong>at</strong>o, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Casa dell’Architettura, Ordine degli Architetti P.P.C. di Roma e<br />

Provincia, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Marco Dalla Vedova, Dalla Vedova Studio Legale, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Assessor<strong>at</strong>o alle Politiche Culturali, Comune di Roma<br />

Veronica Della Scala, RialtoSantambrogio, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Daniela Voso, ESC Atelier Occup<strong>at</strong>o, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Benedetta Cestelli Guidi, s.t. fotolibreriagalleria, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Daniele Bianca, Fabio Campagna, Giulia Cantisani,<br />

Marco Delogu, P<strong>at</strong>rizia Mania, Mirela Pribac,<br />

Luigi Prisco, Monica Scanu, Shara Wasserman<br />

Don<strong>at</strong>ella Astolfi, Fulvio Astolfi, Alba Cor<strong>at</strong>ti, Lucy Davis,<br />

Marina Engel, David Forgacs, Alessandra Giacinti, Maria Pia<br />

Malvezzi, Eleanor Murkett, Antonio Palmieri, Ren<strong>at</strong>o Parente,<br />

Giuseppe Pellegrino, Cristiana Perrella, Susan Russell, Marisa<br />

Scarsella, Valerie Scott, Chris Siwicki, Geraldine Wellington<br />

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Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />



Edited by Jacopo Benci<br />

Graphic design Silvia Stucky<br />

Photography courtesy of the artists and architects, except<br />

Claudio Ab<strong>at</strong>e (pp. 16-17, 47), Serafino Am<strong>at</strong>o (pp. 30-31),<br />

Luke Caulfield (pp. 13, 46), Fernando Maquieira (pp. 24-25),<br />

Jacopo Benci (cover image; pp. 6-11, 51, 64)<br />

Transl<strong>at</strong>ions Jacopo Benci<br />


<strong>at</strong> <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> Academy, 10 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5AH<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Via Gramsci, 61 00197 Roma<br />

Registered Charity No. 314176<br />

ISSN 1475-8733 ISBN 978-0-904152-55-5

C O N T E N T S<br />

04 Preface Andrew Wallace-Hadrill<br />

06 Introduction Jacopo Benci<br />

12 Sara Barker<br />

14 Joseph Bedford<br />

16 Gabriella Bisetto<br />

18 Penelope Cain<br />

20 Dragica Janketic Carlin<br />

22 Luke Caulfield<br />

24 K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon<br />

26 Graham Durward<br />

28 Pierre Gendron<br />

30 Celia Hempton<br />

32 C<strong>at</strong>h Keay<br />

34 Rebecca Madgin<br />

36 Amanda Marburg<br />

38 Ruth Murray<br />

40 Eddie Peake<br />

42 Liz Rideal<br />

44 James Robertson<br />

46 David Spero<br />

48 Amikam Toren<br />

51 Biographies<br />


P REFACE<br />

This is the fourteenth time I have written a preface to the annual BSR Fine Arts c<strong>at</strong>alogue, and it cannot be without a<br />

certain regret th<strong>at</strong> it is the last. Among the many factors which make the experience of living and working in the <strong>British</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong> so extraordinary and rewarding, an outstanding one is the presence of artists and architects in the<br />

residential community. Diverse, imagin<strong>at</strong>ive and energetic, they constantly invite us to look <strong>at</strong> the experience of <strong>Rome</strong> and<br />

Italy with fresh eyes, and to find surprise and excitement in wh<strong>at</strong> might seem to have been reduced to the banal by<br />

centuries of over-exposure. This year, I have been taught to look <strong>at</strong> the run-down post-industrial suburbs of the Ostiense<br />

area in a new light by Rebecca Madgin, inaugural holder of the new Giles Worsley Travel Fellowship in Architecture,<br />

studying transform<strong>at</strong>ions of industrial space, and by Celia Hempton, Sainsbury Scholar in Painting, whose murals and<br />

canvases capture the same wastelands in the bright, hazy colours of <strong>Rome</strong>’s light. Liz Rideal, the last in a <strong>fine</strong> line of<br />

Wing<strong>at</strong>e <strong>Rome</strong> Scholars in the Fine Arts, and Penelope Cain, one of a distinguished tradition of resident artists from<br />

Australia, have shown me Herculaneum, the site <strong>at</strong> which I myself work, in a new light by their projections: the washing,<br />

fluttering on the lines of the modern town’s most crowded and poverty-stricken quarter, gave the city of the dead a ghostly<br />

new life. <strong>The</strong>se are only examples of the constant interaction between disciplines and re-imagining of the physical<br />

environment which seems to me a key contribution of the institution.<br />

For this we have to thank, as ever, the many Arts Councils, found<strong>at</strong>ions and bodies which support these precious<br />

scholarships. It is always a pleasure to welcome new initi<strong>at</strong>ives: in addition to the travel scholarship set up in memory of<br />

Giles Worsley by his wife Joanna Pitman, open alike to architects and architectural historians, we welcome the fellowship<br />

in photography funded by Photoworks, with its inaugural fellow David Spero, and the first Québec Architecture Resident,<br />

Pierre Gendron, supported by the Conseil des <strong>arts</strong> et des lettres du Québec. We also express thanks to the Harold Hyam<br />

Wing<strong>at</strong>e Found<strong>at</strong>ion for supporting over the years a series of excellent artists. And as each year, we express warm<br />

appreci<strong>at</strong>ion to the bodies th<strong>at</strong> continue to support awards, to the Linbury Trust in the persons of Lord and Lady Sainsbury<br />

of Preston Candover for their enthusiastic support of two scholarships and the efforts they make to ensure the <strong>at</strong>tractiveness<br />

of these awards to outstanding candid<strong>at</strong>es, to the Edwin Austin Abbey Council, the longest and most loyal of supporters of<br />

the Fine Arts <strong>at</strong> BSR; to the Australia Council for its ongoing support of four three-month residencies; to the collabor<strong>at</strong>ive<br />

efforts, led by Richard Wentworth and Paul Bonaventura of the Ruskin <strong>School</strong> of Drawing & Fine Art, supported by the<br />

Arts Council England and St Peter’s College, Oxford, to sustain the Helen Chadwick Fellowship in both <strong>Rome</strong> and<br />

Oxford; and to Jo B<strong>at</strong>terham and the Trustees of the Derek Hill Found<strong>at</strong>ion for the support of a scholarship in painting,<br />

this year in portraiture.<br />

Finally, I would like to thank the many individuals to whose efforts both in <strong>Rome</strong> and in London the success of the<br />

programme owes so much: to the Faculty of the Fine Arts, and especially its outgoing and incoming Chairs, Jenni Lomax<br />

and John Gill; to Gill Clark who as Registrar handles the complex procedures of selection; to Silvia Stucky, to whose<br />

design this c<strong>at</strong>alogue owes an elegance out of proportion to its modest budget; and finally to Jacopo Benci, who as<br />

Assistant Director for the Fine Arts adds so much to the richness of the experience of the resident artists and architects.<br />

Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill<br />

Director<br />

4<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>


Questa è la qu<strong>at</strong>tordicesima volta che scrivo una prefazione per l’annuale c<strong>at</strong>alogo Fine Arts dell’Accademia Britannica,<br />

e non senza un certo rammarico noto che è l’ultima. Fra i molti f<strong>at</strong>tori che rendono tanto straordinaria e gr<strong>at</strong>ificante<br />

l’esperienza di vivere e lavorare all’Accademia, uno dei più notevoli è la presenza di artisti e architetti nella comunità dei<br />

residenti. Diversi, immaginosi ed energici, ci invitano costantemente a guardare all’esperienza di Roma e dell’Italia con<br />

occhi nuovi, e a trovare sorpresa e emozione in ciò che potrebbe sembrare esser st<strong>at</strong>o reso banale da secoli di<br />

sovraesposizione. Quest’anno, ho impar<strong>at</strong>o a guardare sotto una nuova luce alla f<strong>at</strong>iscente periferia post-industriale<br />

dell’area Ostiense da Rebecca Madgin, prima titolare della nuova Giles Worsley Travel Fellowship in Architecture, che<br />

studia le trasformazioni dello spazio industriale, e da Celia Hempton, Sainsbury Scholar in Painting, i cui dipinti<br />

murali e su tela colgono quelle stesse aree abbandon<strong>at</strong>e nei colori vivaci e vel<strong>at</strong>i della luce romana. Liz Rideal, l’ultima<br />

di una serie di eccellenti Wing<strong>at</strong>e <strong>Rome</strong> Scholars in the Fine Arts, e Penelope Cain, appartenente a una illustre<br />

tradizione di artisti residenti australiani, mi hanno mostr<strong>at</strong>o Ercolano, il sito su cui mi trovo a lavorare, in una nuova<br />

luce con le loro proiezioni: le lenzuola svolazzanti dai balconi del quartiere più affoll<strong>at</strong>o e povero del borgo moderno<br />

hanno d<strong>at</strong>o alla città dei morti una spettrale nuova vita. Questi sono solo alcuni esempi della costante interazione fra<br />

discipline e del ripensare l’ambiente fisico che mi paiono un contributo essenziale dell’istituzione.<br />

Per tutto ciò dobbiamo ringraziare, come sempre, i molti Arts Councils, fondazioni ed enti che sostengono queste<br />

preziose borse di ricerca. È sempre un piacere accogliere nuove inizi<strong>at</strong>ive: in aggiunta alla ‘travel scholarship’ cre<strong>at</strong>a in<br />

memoria di Giles Worsley da sua moglie Joanna Pitman, aperta ad architetti e storici dell’architettura, diamo il<br />

benvenuto a David Spero, titolare della prima ‘fellowship’ in fotografia finanzi<strong>at</strong>a da Photoworks, e al primo Québec<br />

Architecture Resident, Pierre Gendron, sostenuto dal Conseil des <strong>arts</strong> et des lettres du Québec. Esprimiamo inoltre il<br />

nostro ringraziamento alla Harold Hyam Wing<strong>at</strong>e Found<strong>at</strong>ion per aver sostenuto negli anni una serie di eccellenti artisti.<br />

E come ogni anno, esprimiamo il nostro caloroso apprezzamento agli enti che continuano a finanziare delle residenze: al<br />

Linbury Trust nelle persone di Lord e Lady Sainsbury of Preston Candover per il loro appassion<strong>at</strong>o sostegno di due<br />

‘scholarships’ e per l’impegno che pongono per far sì che questi premi continuino ad <strong>at</strong>tirare candid<strong>at</strong>i di vaglia;<br />

all’Edwin Austin Abbey Council, il più antico e più fedele sostenitore delle Belle Arti all’Accademia; all’Australia<br />

Council per il suo costante sostegno a qu<strong>at</strong>tro residenze trimestrali; all’azione congiunta di Richard Wentworth e Paul<br />

Bonaventura della Ruskin <strong>School</strong> of Drawing & Fine Art, sostenuta dall’Arts Council England e dal St Peter’s College di<br />

Oxford, per mantenere la Helen Chadwick Fellowship a Roma e Oxford; e a Jo B<strong>at</strong>terham e ai Trustees della Derek Hill<br />

Found<strong>at</strong>ion per il loro sostegno a una ‘scholarship’ in pittura, quest’anno dedic<strong>at</strong>a al ritr<strong>at</strong>to.<br />

In conclusione, vorrei ringraziare tutti coloro, a Roma e a Londra, al cui lavoro così tanto deve il successo del<br />

programma: alla Faculty of the Fine Arts, e specialmente ai suoi Direttori uscente e entrante, Jenni Lomax e John Gill; a<br />

Gill Clark che come Registrar si prende cura delle complesse procedure di selezione; a Silvia Stucky, al cui lavoro grafico<br />

questo c<strong>at</strong>alogo deve un’eleganza non commisur<strong>at</strong>a al suo modesto budget; e in<strong>fine</strong> a Jacopo Benci, che come Assistant<br />

Director for the Fine Arts tanto contribuisce alla ricchezza dell’esperienza degli artisti e architetti residenti.<br />

Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill<br />

Direttore<br />


<strong>The</strong> year <strong>2008</strong>-09 was marked by a large number of exhibitions and projects involving BSR artists and architects, who had<br />

frequent contacts with residents of the other foreign institutions, especially the American, German, Romanian, Spanish<br />

Academies and the Swiss Institute. <strong>The</strong>se activities built upon contacts set in place during the previous years, and the interest of<br />

the new city government in developing rel<strong>at</strong>ionships with the cre<strong>at</strong>ive <strong>arts</strong> programmes of the foreign academies. At the beginning<br />

of October Umberto Croppi, the new ‘Assessore’ (Head) of the Department for Culture of the Comune di Roma, called for a<br />

meeting <strong>at</strong> Palazzo delle Esposizioni with represent<strong>at</strong>ives of the foreign academies and cultural institutes, in order to discuss how<br />

the Comune and the foreign institutions could collabor<strong>at</strong>e on <strong>arts</strong> projects.<br />

At the end of September <strong>2008</strong>, a brief exhibition entitled Tempo Reale presented works cre<strong>at</strong>ed <strong>at</strong> the <strong>School</strong> during<br />

September <strong>2008</strong> by Fine Arts scholars C<strong>at</strong>h Keay, Amanda Marburg, Liz Rideal, and by other artists then resident (Christopher<br />

Cook, and former Fine Arts scholars Richard Kirwan and Tony Lloyd). It was a spontaneous event th<strong>at</strong> demonstr<strong>at</strong>ed the<br />

collabor<strong>at</strong>ive spirit often in evidence <strong>at</strong> the <strong>School</strong>, and which was gre<strong>at</strong>ly appreci<strong>at</strong>ed by September residents, as our formal<br />

events programme does not commence until October.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first of three BSR scholars’ introductory talks took place on 30 October. In the audience was Veronica Della Scala, <strong>arts</strong><br />

officer of RialtoSantambrogio, an altern<strong>at</strong>ive venue with which the Fine Arts programme has collabor<strong>at</strong>ed on several projects.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following night, <strong>at</strong> RialtoSantambrogio, Fine Arts scholars met Fabio Campagna (cur<strong>at</strong>or of Aisling Hedgecock’s Hula-Gloop<br />

Experiment in April <strong>2008</strong>), starting a collabor<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> would bear fruit throughout the year.<br />

A l<strong>at</strong>e November visit to Herculaneum, organized by the Director, led to site-rel<strong>at</strong>ed video projections by Liz Rideal and<br />

Penelope Cain, and discussion of possible future <strong>arts</strong> events under the auspices of the Herculaneum Conserv<strong>at</strong>ion Project.<br />

<strong>The</strong> exhibition Figure of 8 opened <strong>at</strong> the <strong>School</strong> on 12 December <strong>2008</strong>, comprising works by Joseph Bedford, Penelope Cain,<br />

Dragica Carlin, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Ruth Murray, Eddie Peake, Liz Rideal, and a collabor<strong>at</strong>ion between Celia Hempton and Rebecca<br />

Madgin. <strong>The</strong> exhibition – supported by Dalla Vedova Legal Practice – had a good <strong>at</strong>tendance, with many visitors from the other<br />

academies and the <strong>Rome</strong> art community.<br />

Thanks to a contact secured by the Director, on 18 December Penelope Cain, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon and Liz Rideal exhibited new<br />

works under the title Avvolgere Svolgere, <strong>at</strong> Nunziante Magrone legal practice’s Christmas cocktail party.<br />

On 23 December, Fabio Campagna organized Bites, an outdoor video projection of works by Penelope Cain and Liz Rideal<br />

<strong>at</strong> ESC Atelier Occup<strong>at</strong>o, an altern<strong>at</strong>ive venue in San Lorenzo.<br />

Over a weekend in early January <strong>2009</strong>, Joseph Bedford, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Celia Hempton, Eddie Peake and Liz Rideal visited<br />

the museums, churches and historical sites of Bologna, explored its streets and experienced its ambience as guests of Marianna<br />

Di Giansante <strong>at</strong> her Æmilia Hotel, with a view to the third consecutive exhibition of BSR Fine Arts scholars <strong>at</strong> Æmilia Hotel’s<br />

Spazio Cultura, which took place in May.<br />

On 30 January six Fine Arts scholars exhibited <strong>at</strong> RialtoSantambrogio in an event titled 123456 – Craack!, cur<strong>at</strong>ed by Fabio<br />

Campagna. <strong>The</strong> event involved video projections by Liz Rideal, Penelope Cain, Joseph Bedford, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Eddie Peake, drawings<br />

by Celia Hempton, and a performance by K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Celia Hempton and Eddie Peake, wearing costumes cre<strong>at</strong>ed by Eddie.<br />

At the invit<strong>at</strong>ion of Fabio Campagna and Daniele Bianca, Eddie, K<strong>at</strong>ie and Celia reworked this performance as Tracce,<br />

walking from the Pantheon to a stage set in the Temple of Hadrian, on the final night of the yearly Alta Roma fashion show on<br />

3 February. <strong>The</strong> performance was photographed and filmed and was covered by the media.<br />

<strong>The</strong> next scholars’ exhibition <strong>at</strong> the BSR, Our Lives Are Full of Remarkable Coincidences, opened on 13 March (until 21<br />

March), presenting works by Sara Barker, Joseph Bedford, Gabriella Bisetto, Luke Caulfield, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Celia Hempton,<br />

6<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />



L’ann<strong>at</strong>a <strong>2008</strong>-09 è st<strong>at</strong>a car<strong>at</strong>terizz<strong>at</strong>a dalla partecipazione a un gran numero di mostre e progetti da parte degli artisti e<br />

architetti dell’Accademia Britannica, e dai loro frequenti cont<strong>at</strong>ti coi residenti delle altre istituzioni straniere, in particolare le<br />

Accademie di Germania, Romania, Spagna, St<strong>at</strong>i Uniti, e l’Istituto Svizzero. Queste <strong>at</strong>tività hanno potuto svilupparsi grazie<br />

a cont<strong>at</strong>ti inizi<strong>at</strong>i negli anni precedenti, e all’interesse della nuova amministrazione capitolina nello sviluppo delle relazioni<br />

con i programmi di arti cre<strong>at</strong>ive delle accademie straniere. All’inizio di ottobre <strong>2008</strong> Umberto Croppi, il nuovo Assessore alla<br />

Cultura del Comune di Roma, ha voluto incontrare al Palazzo delle Esposizioni i rappresentanti delle istituzioni culturali<br />

straniere, per discutere come il Comune potesse collaborare con queste per progetti artistici.<br />

Alla <strong>fine</strong> di settembre <strong>2008</strong>, una breve mostra intitol<strong>at</strong>a Tempo Reale ha present<strong>at</strong>o opere cre<strong>at</strong>e all’Accademia dai nuovi<br />

residenti C<strong>at</strong>h Keay, Amanda Marburg, Liz Rideal, e da altri artisti ospiti durante il mese (Christopher Cook, e gli ex borsisti<br />

Richard Kirwan e Tony Lloyd). La n<strong>at</strong>ura spontanea della mostra manifestava lo spirito di collaborazione che car<strong>at</strong>terizza<br />

spesso l’Accademia, e che è st<strong>at</strong>o molto apprezz<strong>at</strong>o dagli altri residenti, d<strong>at</strong>o che il programma formale di eventi non sarebbe<br />

inzi<strong>at</strong>o che a ottobre.<br />

La prima di tre conferenze introduttive dei residenti dell’Accademia sul loro lavoro ha avuto luogo il 30 ottobre. Fra il<br />

pubblico vi era Veronica Della Scala, addetta per le arti del RialtoSantambrogio, spazio altern<strong>at</strong>ivo con cui il Programma Fine<br />

Arts ha collabor<strong>at</strong>o per diversi progetti. La sera seguente, al RialtoSantambrogio, artisti e architetti incontravano Fabio<br />

Campagna (cur<strong>at</strong>ore ad aprile <strong>2008</strong> di Hula-Gloop Experiment di Aisling Hedgecock), mettendo le basi di una collaborazione<br />

che avrebbe d<strong>at</strong>o frutti durante l’anno.<br />

Da una visita a Ercolano organizz<strong>at</strong>a a <strong>fine</strong> novembre dal Direttore, sarebbero n<strong>at</strong>e videoproiezioni di Liz Rideal e Penelope<br />

Cain leg<strong>at</strong>e al luogo, e discussioni su possibili progetti artistici futuri sotto gli auspici del Herculaneum Conserv<strong>at</strong>ion Project.<br />

La mostra Figure of 8 si è inaugur<strong>at</strong>a all’Accademia il 12 dicembre <strong>2008</strong>, con opere di Joseph Bedford, Penelope Cain,<br />

Dragica Carlin, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Ruth Murray, Eddie Peake, Liz Rideal, e una collaborazione fra Celia Hempton e Rebecca<br />

Madgin. La mostra – con il sostegno dello Studio Legale Dalla Vedova – ha avuto una buona affluenza di pubblico, sia delle<br />

altre accademie che del mondo dell’arte romano.<br />

Grazie a un cont<strong>at</strong>to cre<strong>at</strong>o dal Direttore, il 18 dicembre Penelope Cain, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon e Liz Rideal hanno esposto nuove<br />

opere, sotto il titolo Avvolgere Svolgere, in occasione del cocktail party n<strong>at</strong>alizio dello studio legale Nunziante Magrone.<br />

Il 23 dicembre, Fabio Campagna ha organizz<strong>at</strong>o Bites, videoproiezione in esterni di opere di Penelope Cain e Liz Rideal<br />

all’ESC Atelier Occup<strong>at</strong>o, spazio altern<strong>at</strong>ivo a San Lorenzo.<br />

All’inizio di gennaio <strong>2009</strong>, Joseph Bedford, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Celia Hempton, Eddie Peake e Liz Rideal si sono rec<strong>at</strong>i a<br />

Bologna, ospiti all’Æmilia Hotel di Marianna Di Giansante, per visitare musei, chiese e siti storici, esplorare il tessuto urbano<br />

e gustare l’ambiente della città, in vista della terza mostra di residenti della BSR nello Spazio Cultura dell’Æmilia Hotel, da<br />

realizzare in maggio.<br />

Il 30 gennaio l’evento 123456 – Craack!, a cura di Fabio Campagna, ha port<strong>at</strong>o al RialtoSantambrogio video proiezioni di<br />

Penelope Cain, Joseph Bedford, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Eddie Peake, Liz Rideal, disegni di Celia Hempton, e una performance di K<strong>at</strong>ie<br />

Cuddon, Celia Hempton e Eddie Peake, con costumi cre<strong>at</strong>i da Eddie.<br />

Su invito di Fabio Campagna e Daniele Bianca, poi, il 3 febbraio Eddie, K<strong>at</strong>ie e Celia hanno rielabor<strong>at</strong>o la performance<br />

camminando dal Pantheon fino a un palco allestito al Tempio di Adriano, per la ser<strong>at</strong>a finale dell’annuale evento Alta Roma.<br />

La performance, intitol<strong>at</strong>a Tracce, è st<strong>at</strong>a fotograf<strong>at</strong>a e film<strong>at</strong>a per riviste e siti web.<br />

La successiva mostra all’Accademia, Our Lives Are Full of Remarkable Coincidences, inaugur<strong>at</strong>asi il 13 marzo (fino al 21<br />


C<strong>at</strong>h Keay, Eddie Peake, and James Robertson.<br />

<strong>The</strong> exhibition was also the subject of an on-site<br />

lecture of the Contemporary European Art<br />

History course of the Università della Tuscia, taught by P<strong>at</strong>rizia Mania.<br />

Several projects and exhibitions took place during the spring, starting on 21 March with Celia Hempton’s performance of<br />

improvised music <strong>at</strong> an architecture & fashion soirée in San Lorenzo.<br />

Accademia delle Accademie, involving 28 artists from eight foreign academies, cur<strong>at</strong>ed by Shara Wasserman, took place from<br />

1 to 5 April <strong>at</strong> the Temple of Hadrian as part of <strong>The</strong> Road to Contemporary Art intern<strong>at</strong>ional art fair. <strong>The</strong> exhibition, under the<br />

p<strong>at</strong>ronage of the Department for Culture of the Comune di Roma, was very well <strong>at</strong>tended. A new gener<strong>at</strong>ion of <strong>British</strong> artists was<br />

brought to a wider public through the work of BSR participants Sara Barker, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Celia Hempton and Eddie Peake.<br />

Marco Delogu, director of the yearly FotoGrafia intern<strong>at</strong>ional festival, and Monica Scanu, liaison officer of the Department<br />

for Culture of the Comune di Roma, invited the foreign academies to particip<strong>at</strong>e in the <strong>2009</strong> edition of the festival with their<br />

photographers in residence. David Spero, the first Photoworks Fellow, represented the <strong>School</strong>. Photoworks generously supported<br />

the project by securing the shipment of David’s photographs to <strong>Rome</strong>. <strong>The</strong> exhibition, David Spero: Churches, opened <strong>at</strong> the<br />

BSR gallery on 15 May and ran until 6 June. On 29 May David gave a talk about his work <strong>at</strong> the Palazzo delle Esposizioni as part<br />

of the events programme of FotoGrafia <strong>2009</strong>, and on 31 May he did a ‘book signing’ of his Churches monograph <strong>at</strong> s.t.<br />

fotolibreriagalleria. Concurrently, David was put in touch with <strong>arts</strong> liaisons officers <strong>at</strong> the American Academy, the German<br />

Academy and the Romanian Academy, in order for him to visit spaces suitable for his ongoing photo-sculptural project, Balls,<br />

Wood and Audiotape.<br />

Grand Tour Bologna – <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong> II opened on 12 May <strong>at</strong> Æmilia Hotel in Bologna (until 15 June), presenting<br />

works by Joseph Bedford, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Celia Hempton, Eddie Peake and Liz Rideal.<br />

Joseph Bedford, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Celia Hempton and Eddie Peake particip<strong>at</strong>ed in the seventh edition of Spazi Aperti <strong>at</strong> the<br />

Romanian Academy, opening on 27 May, cur<strong>at</strong>ed by Mirela Pribac.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second edition of Academy Architects <strong>at</strong> the Acquario, cur<strong>at</strong>ed by Shara Wasserman, opened on 3 June <strong>at</strong> the Casa<br />

dell’Architettura in <strong>Rome</strong> and included Joseph Bedford and Pierre Gendron, the first Québec Architecture Resident.<br />

Don’t Look Away, the final Fine Arts exhibition for <strong>2008</strong>-09, opened on 12 June, involving new works by Joseph Bedford, K<strong>at</strong>ie<br />

Cuddon, Graham Durward, Pierre Gendron, Celia Hempton, Eddie Peake, David Spero, and Amikam Toren.<br />

This long list of events and exhibitions does not fully represent the breadth of experiences th<strong>at</strong> Fine Arts scholars enjoy during<br />

their residencies. It would take more than the available space to list the number of visits, in <strong>Rome</strong> and elsewhere, to sites d<strong>at</strong>ing<br />

from antiquity to the 21 st century; the lectures, exhibitions, conferences and screenings th<strong>at</strong> take place throughout the year <strong>at</strong> the<br />

<strong>School</strong>; the concerts, lectures, exhibitions, parties and informal social occasions <strong>at</strong> the other foreign academies; and the scholars’<br />

individual and group explor<strong>at</strong>ions of <strong>Rome</strong>’s many different facets. One should not overlook the moments of leisure and<br />

relax<strong>at</strong>ion (on the football pitch, tennis court, ping pong table; the running and cycling...) th<strong>at</strong> necessarily complement<br />

commitment and labour.<br />

Our thanks go to all of the above-mentioned individuals and institutions for allowing and facilit<strong>at</strong>ing the realiz<strong>at</strong>ion of so many<br />

projects. We are gr<strong>at</strong>eful as always to all of the staff <strong>at</strong> the <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong>; particularly to Alessandra Giacinti, Fine Arts Research<br />

Assistant, for her reliability, commitment and enthusiasm; and to Don<strong>at</strong>ella Astolfi, Fulvio Astolfi, Alba Cor<strong>at</strong>ti, Antonio Palmieri,<br />

Ren<strong>at</strong>o Parente, Giuseppe Pellegrino and Marisa Scarsella, for their technical and practical support.<br />

Jacopo Benci<br />

Assistant Director Fine Arts<br />

8<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

marzo), ha present<strong>at</strong>o nuove opere di Sara Barker, Joseph Bedford, Gabriella Bisetto, Luke<br />

Caulfield, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Celia Hempton, C<strong>at</strong>h Keay, Eddie Peake, e James Robertson. La<br />

mostra è st<strong>at</strong>a anche il soggetto di una lezione ‘in situ’ del corso di Storia dell’Arte dei Paesi<br />

Europei dell’Università della Tuscia, tenuto da P<strong>at</strong>rizia Mania.<br />

Diversi altri progetti e mostre hanno avuto luogo durante la primavera, a partire dalla performance di musica improvvis<strong>at</strong>a<br />

tenuta da Celia Hempton durante una ser<strong>at</strong>a di moda e architettura a San Lorenzo, il 21 marzo.<br />

Accademia delle Accademie, a cura di Shara Wasserman, ha present<strong>at</strong>o dall’1 al 5 aprile al Tempio di Adriano opere di 28<br />

artisti di otto accademie straniere, nell’ambito della fiera internazionale <strong>The</strong> Road to Contemporary Art. L’evento, p<strong>at</strong>rocin<strong>at</strong>o<br />

dall’Assessor<strong>at</strong>o alla Cultura del Comune di Roma, ha avuto un ampio pubblico, che ha potuto scoprire una nuova generazione<br />

di artisti britannici rappresent<strong>at</strong>a per la BSR da Sara Barker, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Celia Hempton e Eddie Peake.<br />

Marco Delogu, direttore del festival internazionale FotoGrafia, e Monica Scanu, incaric<strong>at</strong>a dell’Assessor<strong>at</strong>o alla Cultura del<br />

Comune di Roma, hanno invit<strong>at</strong>o le accademie straniere a partecipare con i loro fotografi residenti all’edizione <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

L’Accademia Britannica ha design<strong>at</strong>o David Spero, primo Photoworks Fellow; e Photoworks ha generosamente sostenuto il<br />

progetto finanziando la spedizione delle fotografie di David a Roma. La mostra David Spero: Churches si è aperta nella<br />

Galleria della BSR il 15 maggio, fino al 6 giugno. Nell’ambito del programma di FotoGrafia <strong>2009</strong>, il 29 maggio David ha<br />

tenuto una conferenza sul suo lavoro al Palazzo delle Esposizioni, e il 31 maggio un ‘book signing’ del suo libro Churches presso<br />

s.t. fotolibreriagalleria. Contemporaneamente, David è st<strong>at</strong>o posto in cont<strong>at</strong>to con i coordin<strong>at</strong>ori per le arti visive delle<br />

Accademie Americana, Tedesca e di Romania, per consentirgli di visitare spazi utilizzabili per il suo progetto foto-scultoreo in<br />

corso, Balls, Wood and Audiotape.<br />

Grand Tour Bologna – <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong> II si è inaugur<strong>at</strong>a il 12 maggio all’Æmilia Hotel a Bologna (fino al 15<br />

giugno), presentando opere di Joseph Bedford, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Celia Hempton, Eddie Peake e Liz Rideal.<br />

Joseph Bedford, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Celia Hempton e Eddie Peake hanno partecip<strong>at</strong>o alla settima edizione di Spazi Aperti, a<br />

cura di Mirela Pribac, inaugur<strong>at</strong>asi all’Accademia di Romania il 27 maggio.<br />

La seconda edizione di Academy Architects <strong>at</strong> the Acquario, a cura di Shara Wasserman, si è aperta il 3 giugno alla Casa<br />

dell’Architettura di Roma con la partecipazione per la BSR di Joseph Bedford e di Pierre Gendron, primo Québec Architecture<br />

Resident.<br />

A conclusione del programma Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-09, si apre il 12 giugno la mostra Don’t Look Away, con nuove opere di Joseph<br />

Bedford, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Graham Durward, Pierre Gendron, Celia Hempton, Eddie Peake, David Spero e Amikam Toren.<br />

Questa lunga lista di eventi e mostre non rappresenta a pieno la gamma di esperienze offerte agli artisti e architetti durante<br />

le loro residenze. Ci vorrebbe ben più dello spazio qui disponibile per citare le visite a siti dall’antichità al XXI secolo, a Roma<br />

e altrove; le conferenze, mostre, convegni, proiezioni che hanno luogo durante l’anno all’Accademia; i concerti, conferenze,<br />

mostre, feste, occasioni informali di socializzazione delle altre accademie straniere; e le esplorazioni individuali e di gruppo dei<br />

molteplici volti di Roma. Né vanno trascur<strong>at</strong>i i momenti di svago e relax (sul campo di calcio e da tennis, al tavolo da ping<br />

pong, correndo e andando in bicicletta...) che sono necessario complemento dell’impegno e del lavoro.<br />

Vogliamo ringraziare tutte le persone e istituzioni sopra cit<strong>at</strong>e per aver consentito e agevol<strong>at</strong>o la realizzazione di tanti<br />

progetti. Siamo gr<strong>at</strong>i come sempre a tutto il personale dell’Accademia Britannica; in particolare ad Alessandra Giacinti, Fine<br />

Arts Research Assistant, per la sua affidabilità, impegno ed entusiasmo; e a Don<strong>at</strong>ella Astolfi, Fulvio Astolfi, Alba Cor<strong>at</strong>ti,<br />

Antonio Palmieri, Ren<strong>at</strong>o Parente, Giuseppe Pellegrino e Marisa Scarsella, per il loro sostegno tecnico e pr<strong>at</strong>ico.<br />

Jacopo Benci<br />

Assistant Director Fine Arts<br />


10<br />

Figure of 8, 12-20 December <strong>2008</strong><br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Our Lives Are Full Of Remarkable Coincidences, 13-21 March <strong>2009</strong>


T EMPO R EALE 26-27 September <strong>2008</strong><br />

C<strong>at</strong>h Keay, Amanda Marburg, Liz Rideal,<br />

Christopher Cook, Richard Kirwan, Tony Lloyd<br />

F IGURE OF 8 12-20 December <strong>2008</strong><br />

Joseph Bedford, Penelope Cain, Dragica Janketic Carlin, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon,<br />

Celia Hempton, Rebecca Madgin, Ruth Murray, Eddie Peake, Liz Rideal<br />

O UR L IVES A RE F ULL O F R EMARKABLE C OINCIDENCES 13-21 March <strong>2009</strong><br />

Sara Barker, Joseph Bedford, Gabriella Bisetto, Luke Caulfield, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon,<br />

Celia Hempton, C<strong>at</strong>h Keay, Eddie Peake, James Robertson<br />

D ON’ T L OOK AWAY 12-20 June <strong>2009</strong><br />

Joseph Bedford, K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon, Graham Durward, Pierre Gendron,<br />

Celia Hempton, Eddie Peake, David Spero, Amikam Toren<br />


Sara Barker<br />

Selecting a floor, the elev<strong>at</strong>or regul<strong>at</strong>es the movement of<br />

adverbial, while they in turn trim the story lines short;<br />

restricting time and place, they dwell on manner and pass<br />

over cause in silence. <strong>The</strong>y reduce plot to a minimum. But<br />

it is not they who are the essence of the invisible structure,<br />

just as it is not the ropes strung over the abyss, nor the<br />

ocean currents, nor the precipitous lines of the graphs of<br />

market reports in the Financial Times. Its core and<br />

found<strong>at</strong>ion may turn out to be the predic<strong>at</strong>es of sentences,<br />

which as a rule are unfeeling and, like judicial sentences,<br />

irreversible. No one knows where they come from; the<br />

narr<strong>at</strong>or does not know either. <strong>The</strong>y become visible only<br />

when they are firmly fixed in tenses; they take the space of<br />

the sentences into their possession. And when they pass on,<br />

a void is left behind.<br />

From Moving P<strong>arts</strong>, Magdalena Tulli, a gift from my friend Harry.<br />

Text transl<strong>at</strong>ed from the Polish by Bill Johnston, Archipelago<br />

Books, 2005, p. 123<br />

12<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Selezionando un piano, l’ascensore regola il movimento<br />

avverbiale, mentre essi a loro volta accorciano gli intrecci;<br />

limitando tempo e luogo, si soffermano sul comportamento<br />

e sorvolano la causa in silenzio. Riducono la trama al<br />

minimo. Ma non sono loro l’essenza della struttura<br />

invisibile, così come non lo sono le corde tese sull’abisso, né<br />

le correnti oceaniche, né le ripide linee dei diagrammi<br />

dell’andamento dei merc<strong>at</strong>i nel Financial Times. Il suo<br />

nucleo e fondamento potrebbero rivelarsi essere i predic<strong>at</strong>i<br />

delle frasi, che di norma sono insensibili e, come sentenze<br />

giudiziarie, irreversibili. Nessuno sa da dove vengano;<br />

nemmeno il narr<strong>at</strong>ore. Diventano visibili solo quando sono<br />

fermamente fiss<strong>at</strong>e in tempi verbali; prendono in loro<br />

possesso lo spazio delle frasi. E quando procedono oltre, si<br />

lasciano dietro un vuoto.<br />

Da Moving P<strong>arts</strong> di Magdalena Tulli, un dono del mio amico<br />

Harry. Testo tradotto dal polacco da Bill Johnston, Archipelago<br />

Books, 2005, p. 123<br />

Inside a crypt <strong>at</strong> the non-c<strong>at</strong>holic cemetery<br />

in <strong>Rome</strong>

Unfolding arms behind my back, <strong>2009</strong><br />

cement, clay, woodfiller, card, acrylic, plywood, mahogany, 118 x 79 x 220 cm<br />

Courtesy of Mary Mary, Glasgow<br />


Joseph Bedford<br />



Architecture has always been an image of stability and<br />

presence; its memory has lent words their weight. But this<br />

stability also contains a forgotten violence: the violence of<br />

walls and locked doors, of towers and keeps, of bastions and<br />

ramp<strong>arts</strong>; of cloistered sanctuary, and walled courtyards; of<br />

veiling porticos and false windows. As walls structure our<br />

words and their memories form our dream worlds, the past<br />

becomes absorbed into a slipstream of sp<strong>at</strong>ial metaphors:<br />

from firewalls, ch<strong>at</strong> rooms and websites to windows, portals<br />

and trap doors; a past architectural Real haunts a future<br />

virtual Imaginary.<br />

<strong>The</strong> agonistic and antagonistic exclusions sedimented<br />

in the architectural unconscious of <strong>Rome</strong> reveal parallels<br />

in the l<strong>at</strong>ent exclusions of our technologically medi<strong>at</strong>ed<br />

world: from the explicit Walls of Aurelian fortific<strong>at</strong>ions to<br />

the many implicit walls of centuries of courtyards, palaces<br />

and villas – the myths of <strong>Rome</strong> provide a source for<br />

understanding the myths of our 21 st century boundaries.<br />

At the gre<strong>at</strong>est scale <strong>Rome</strong>’s city walls are s<strong>at</strong>ur<strong>at</strong>ed by<br />

myth. Romulus left a violent mark upon invisible<br />

boundaries; their sp<strong>at</strong>ialized significance kept alive by<br />

augurs and emperors. And Janus left a w<strong>at</strong>chful presence<br />

over the g<strong>at</strong>es of the walls; looking behind and beyond,<br />

opening and closing their doors, setting a compass for<br />

empire and an origin for retre<strong>at</strong>. At the smaller scale, these<br />

multiplied walls, once turned <strong>Rome</strong>’s inside into another<br />

outside. Its papal, merchant and mendicant islands<br />

became an archipelago of separ<strong>at</strong>ions, which, today, are no<br />

longer visible past tourist brochures and retail stores.<br />

It is no longer obvious how freedom was once<br />

conditioned by masonry and, although the hardware of<br />

our cities is changing, the software of our cities remains<br />

the same. <strong>The</strong> same separ<strong>at</strong>ions and seductions still<br />

persist; only their visibility and symbolis<strong>at</strong>ion is no longer<br />

constitutive of their power. <strong>The</strong> surveillance networks,<br />

pass-cards, wireless encryptions, security scans, tinted<br />

screens, biometric prints, one-way mirrors, anti-climb,<br />

anti-sk<strong>at</strong>e, anti-pigeon, autom<strong>at</strong>ed, electronic and<br />

hydraulic doors recede behind images of connectivity and<br />

intimacy.<br />

Something of the visual articul<strong>at</strong>ion th<strong>at</strong> once<br />

accompanied structural exclusion in the urban<br />

topography of <strong>Rome</strong> may offer a way to rethink the<br />

recuper<strong>at</strong>ion of the visibility of power th<strong>at</strong> is needed today<br />

for the proper functioning of our political space.<br />

14<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />



L’architettura è sempre st<strong>at</strong>a un’immagine di stabilità e<br />

presenza; la sua memoria ha d<strong>at</strong>o alle parole il loro peso.<br />

Ma questa stabilità contiene anche una violenza<br />

dimentic<strong>at</strong>a: la violenza di mura e porte chiuse, di torri e<br />

mastii, di bastioni e baluardi; di rifugi appart<strong>at</strong>i, e cortili<br />

cinti da mura; di portici dissimulanti e false <strong>fine</strong>stre. Così<br />

come i muri strutturano le nostre parole e i loro ricordi<br />

formano i nostri mondi onirici, il pass<strong>at</strong>o viene assorbito in<br />

una scia di metafore spaziali: da ‘firewalls’, ‘ch<strong>at</strong> rooms’ e<br />

siti web a <strong>fine</strong>stre, portali e ‘trap doors’; un pass<strong>at</strong>o Reale<br />

architettonico infesta un futuro Immaginario virtuale.<br />

Le esclusioni agonistiche e antagonistiche sediment<strong>at</strong>e<br />

nell’inconscio architettonico di Roma rivelano paralleli con<br />

le l<strong>at</strong>enti esclusioni del nostro mondo tecnologicamente<br />

medi<strong>at</strong>o: dalle esplicite fortificazioni delle Mura Aureliane<br />

alle molte mura implicite di secoli di cortili, palazzi e ville –<br />

i miti di Roma offrono una fonte per comprendere i miti dei<br />

nostri confini del XXI secolo.<br />

Su scala massima, le mura urbane di Roma sono s<strong>at</strong>ur<strong>at</strong>e<br />

dal mito. Romolo impresse un segno violento su confini<br />

invisibili; il loro signific<strong>at</strong>o spazializz<strong>at</strong>o fu tenuto vivo da<br />

auguri e imper<strong>at</strong>ori. E Giano lasciò una vigile presenza sulle<br />

porte delle mura; guardando indietro e oltre, aprendo e<br />

chiudendo le loro porte, stabilendo un ambito per l’impero e<br />

un’origine per la ritir<strong>at</strong>a. Su scala minima, queste mura<br />

moltiplic<strong>at</strong>e, un tempo mutarono l’interno di Roma in un<br />

altro esterno. Le sue isole papali, mercantili e mendicanti<br />

divennero un arcipelago di separazioni che, oggi, non sono<br />

più visibili al di là delle brochures turistiche e dei negozi.<br />

Non è più ovvio come la libertà fosse un tempo<br />

condizion<strong>at</strong>a dalla mur<strong>at</strong>ura e, sebbene lo ‘hardware’ delle<br />

nostre città stia cambiando, il loro ‘software’ rimane lo stesso.<br />

Le stesse separazioni e seduzioni persistono; solo che le loro<br />

visibilità e simbolizzazione non è più costitutiva del loro<br />

potere. Reti di sorveglianza, ‘pass-cards’, criptografie per<br />

‘wireless’, scansioni corporali di sicurezza, vetri oscur<strong>at</strong>i,<br />

impronte biometriche, specchi semitrasparenti, sistemi antieffrazione,<br />

anti-sk<strong>at</strong>e, anti-piccioni, porte autom<strong>at</strong>iche,<br />

elettroniche e idrauliche recedono dietro immagini di<br />

connettività e intimità.<br />

Qualcosa dell’articolazione visiva che un tempo<br />

accompagnava l’esclusione strutturale nella topografia<br />

urbana di Roma può offrire un modo per ripensare il<br />

recupero della visibilità del potere che è oggi necessaria per il<br />

corretto funzionamento del nostro spazio politico.

Nested Space<br />

Separ<strong>at</strong>ed Space<br />

Reconnected Space<br />


Gabriella Bisetto<br />

me <strong>2009</strong><br />

collagene casing<br />

16<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

you / god <strong>2009</strong><br />

bread, hair<br />


Penelope Cain<br />

Pound <strong>2009</strong><br />

video install<strong>at</strong>ion, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong> (video still)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Voice: If you build it, he will come.<br />

Annie Kinsella: If you build wh<strong>at</strong>, who will come?<br />

Ray Kinsella: He didn’t say.<br />

Field of Dreams<br />

18<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

La Voce: Se lo costruisci, egli verrà.<br />

Annie Kinsella: Se costruisci cosa, chi verrà?<br />

Ray Kinsella: Lui non l’ha detto.<br />

L’uomo dei sogni

Pedestrians / Struscio <strong>2009</strong><br />

digital print on transparent acet<strong>at</strong>e and board, pins, detail of install<strong>at</strong>ion 8 m x 2 m, University of East London Gallery<br />


Dragica Janketic Carlin<br />

Gaze <strong>2008</strong><br />

20<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

Circles <strong>2008</strong><br />

oil on canvas, 90 x 90 cm<br />


Luke Caulfield<br />

“Atti del Seminario Europeo ‘Falcon One’ sulla Criminalità Organizz<strong>at</strong>a”, Roma, 26/27/28 aprile 1995<br />

Str<strong>at</strong>egia terroristico-mafiosa connessa con gli <strong>at</strong>tent<strong>at</strong>i del 1993 in Italia: una ricostruzione<br />

1.1 Nel centro di Firenze, tra le ore 1.02 e le ore 1.04 del 27.5.1993, si verificava una<br />

violentissima esplosione...<br />

L’esplosione cagionava il crollo di un'ala della Torre del Pulci ove ha sede l'Accademia dei<br />

Georgofili, con la sovrastante abitazione del custode che decedeva con la moglie e due giovani figlie.<br />

Altre numerose persone (36) riportavano lesioni a seguito della deflagrazione e dei devastanti effetti<br />

prodotti dalla stessa. I vicini palazzi storici venivano sventr<strong>at</strong>i e nell'incendio del palazzo ubic<strong>at</strong>o<br />

in via Lambertesca n. 3..., decedeva uno studente che lì abitava.<br />

Gli effetti della deflagrazione, devastanti per l’elev<strong>at</strong>o numero delle vittime, risultavano gravissimi<br />

anche per gli enormi danni m<strong>at</strong>eriali agli edifici monumentali, artistici e storici ed alle opere<br />

d’arte...<br />

...venivano gravemente danneggi<strong>at</strong>e le seguenti opere: ...Van der Weyden - “Deposizione nel Sepolcro”;<br />

Sebastiano del Piombo - “Morte di Adone”...<br />

1.3.3 Rispettivamente alle ore 23,58 del 27.7 ed alle ore 00,02 ca. del 28.7.1993, in Roma nella<br />

Piazza San Giovanni in L<strong>at</strong>erano ed ancora in<br />

Roma alla Chiesa di San Giorgio al Velabro,<br />

si verificavano due esplosioni determin<strong>at</strong>e da<br />

due autobomba: la prima esplosione cagionava,<br />

tra l'altro, i seguenti eventi: gravi danni<br />

alle strutture murarie della Basilica di San<br />

Giovanni in L<strong>at</strong>erano e del Palazzo<br />

L<strong>at</strong>eranense; danni più o meno ingenti ai<br />

veicoli in sosta o in transito nelle<br />

vicinanze.<br />

La seconda esplosione cagionava, tra l'altro:<br />

danni alle strutture murarie della Chiesa di<br />

San Giorgio al Velabro ed agli edifici<br />

limitrofi...<br />

Time Machine <strong>2009</strong><br />

acrylic and ink on card, card, m<strong>at</strong>ches 30 x 42 cm; 28 x 40 cm; 5.1 x 5 x 6 cm (x 2)<br />

Courtesy of One in the Other, London<br />

22<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

“Papers of the European Meeting ‘Falcon One’ on organised crime”, <strong>Rome</strong>, April 26/27/28, 1995<br />

Mafia Terrorist Str<strong>at</strong>egy Rel<strong>at</strong>ed to the 1993 Bomb Attacks in Italy: a Reconstruction<br />

1.1 Between 1.02 and 1.04 a.m. of 27.5.1993, a massive explosion occurred in the centre of<br />

Florence...<br />

<strong>The</strong> explosion caused the collapse of one wing of the Torre del Pulci, headquarters of the<br />

Georgofili Academy, and the home of the caretaker who died together with his wife and two young<br />

daughters.<br />

Many other people (36) were injured by the blast and its devast<strong>at</strong>ing effects. Historical buildings<br />

nearby were demolished and a student died in the fire th<strong>at</strong> broke out in the building where he was<br />

living, loc<strong>at</strong>ed in Via Lambertesca, 3...<br />

<strong>The</strong> explosion effects were devast<strong>at</strong>ing causing a number of casualties and damage to monuments,<br />

artistic and historical buildings and works of art...<br />

...the following works of art were severely damaged:<br />

...Van der Weyden - "Deposition in the sepulchre";<br />

Sebastiano del Piombo - "De<strong>at</strong>h of Adonis"...<br />

1.3.3 Two explosions occurred in <strong>Rome</strong>, in Piazza San<br />

Giovanni in L<strong>at</strong>erano and in front of the Church of San<br />

Giorgio in Velabro, on 27.7.1993 <strong>at</strong> 11.58 p.m. and on<br />

28.7.1993 <strong>at</strong> 0.02 a.m. respectively. Both explosions<br />

were produced by a car bomb.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first caused the following: severe damage to the<br />

walls of the Basilica di San Giovanni in L<strong>at</strong>erano and<br />

to the Palazzo L<strong>at</strong>eranense; damage to vehicles parked<br />

or in transit around the area.<br />

<strong>The</strong> second blast caused the following: damage to the<br />

walls of the Church of San Giorgio al Velabro and<br />

nearby buildings...<br />

Return of the Living Dead <strong>2009</strong><br />

acrylic on linen, card, m<strong>at</strong>ches 31 x 31 cm (x 2); 5.1 x 5 x 6 cm (x 2)<br />

Courtesy of One in the Other, London<br />


K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon<br />

Untitled Hunting Appar<strong>at</strong>us <strong>2008</strong><br />

plaster, log, steps<br />

24<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

May It Always Be <strong>2009</strong><br />

plaster, wood, pen and pencil on paper<br />


Graham Durward<br />

Thurifer of light (2) <strong>2009</strong><br />

oil on canvas, 167.6 x 142.2 cm<br />

26<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

When I was young I had no head my eye was single and my body filled with light <strong>2009</strong><br />

oil on canvas, 121.9 x 101.6 cm<br />


Pierre Gendron<br />

My work functions as a device which offers a perceptual<br />

experience th<strong>at</strong> momentarily splits us from reality and<br />

moves us towards a fictional and ideal space. This<br />

experience is often achieved by a simultaneous perception<br />

of real views, still images, transparencies, translucencies,<br />

and reflections. Precise points of view, d<strong>at</strong>ums, and<br />

alignments organize and give specific shape to my work.<br />

<strong>The</strong> development of a project arises from a careful and<br />

precise mapping of a site or situ<strong>at</strong>ion. Images from this<br />

document<strong>at</strong>ion are then manipul<strong>at</strong>ed, multiplied, and<br />

decomposed to eventually become something other. As a<br />

basis for the development of form, I am interested in using<br />

numerical structures, the notion of time, and perception as<br />

a conceptual framework. <strong>The</strong> layering of those elements<br />

cre<strong>at</strong>es a perceptual complexity which conceals the logic<br />

and process of the work.<br />

one foot x one foot x one second 2007<br />

birch plywood and laser-cut plexiglass, 30 x 30 x 30 cm<br />

28<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Il mio lavoro funziona come dispositivo che offre<br />

un’esperienza percettiva che ci separa momentaneamente<br />

dalla realtà e ci sposta verso uno spazio finzionale e ideale.<br />

Questa esperienza è spesso ottenuta per mezzo di una<br />

percezione simultanea di vedute reali, immagini st<strong>at</strong>iche,<br />

trasparenze, traslucenze, e riflessi. Precisi punti di vista,<br />

d<strong>at</strong>i, e allineamenti organizzano e danno specifica forma al<br />

mio lavoro. Lo sviluppo di un progetto nasce dall’<strong>at</strong>tento e<br />

preciso rilevamento di un sito o di una situazione.<br />

Le immagini derivanti da questa documentazione sono poi<br />

manipol<strong>at</strong>e, moltiplic<strong>at</strong>e, e decomposte per divenire in<strong>fine</strong><br />

qualcosa d’altro. Quale base per lo sviluppo della forma,<br />

mi interessa usare strutture numeriche, la nozione di<br />

tempo, e la percezione come telaio concettuale. La<br />

str<strong>at</strong>ificazione di questi elementi crea una complessità<br />

percettiva che dissimula la logica e il processo del lavoro.

60 seconds wall 2006<br />

digital print on photographic paper, 100 x 100 cm<br />


Celia Hempton<br />

30<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

Quay Cur <strong>2008</strong><br />

acrylic on wall, 300 x 1040 cm<br />


C<strong>at</strong>h Keay<br />

‘ERA’<br />

Childhood memories, fixed through play, amusement, or<br />

surprise, de<strong>fine</strong> the limits of lived reality. <strong>The</strong> 1930s are<br />

the decade furthest in the recall of most our oldest rel<strong>at</strong>ives<br />

and acquaintances, a moment of utopian thought th<strong>at</strong><br />

subsequently hardened into dogma. I researched Italian<br />

Colonie and Case del Balilla from this era as vivid<br />

architectural forms expressing the recollections of some<br />

gener<strong>at</strong>ions ago. <strong>The</strong>y show a playful innocence in the<br />

shadow of impending war and upheaval, mirroring the<br />

Futurists’ transform<strong>at</strong>ion of engineering fe<strong>at</strong>s into aesthetic<br />

ends in themselves.<br />

In Calambrone, the Colonia Principe di Piemonte takes the<br />

form of an aeroplane if viewed from above, an<br />

architectural embodiment of the contemporaneous<br />

Futurist aeropitture. In C<strong>at</strong>tolica, dormitories suggest<br />

streamlined trains welcoming exp<strong>at</strong>ri<strong>at</strong>e children. <strong>The</strong>se<br />

optimistic holiday buildings appear free from the dict<strong>at</strong>es<br />

associ<strong>at</strong>ed with the modernism of the l<strong>at</strong>er Fascist era, yet<br />

commands written on the walls belie an insipient credo of<br />

regiment<strong>at</strong>ion.<br />

I explored the continued significance of the colonie as<br />

form<strong>at</strong>ive childhood memories, mining the tension<br />

between spontaneous mass play and assumptions of mass<br />

compliance with visionary imper<strong>at</strong>ives. <strong>The</strong> works<br />

regener<strong>at</strong>e living memories through the interpol<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />

resonant images, recollections and associ<strong>at</strong>ions. Wax av<strong>at</strong>ars<br />

of the buildings invite the overhaul of a swarm of bees, and<br />

texts can dissip<strong>at</strong>e as well as dict<strong>at</strong>e. Such mutable and<br />

mercurial m<strong>at</strong>erials as colonies of ants or fire on a windy<br />

beach exhort command and its inherent failure; uncertain<br />

ideology th<strong>at</strong> embraces the fragment<strong>at</strong>ion of multiplicity.<br />

I ricordi d’infanzia, fiss<strong>at</strong>i <strong>at</strong>traverso il gioco, il<br />

divertimento, o la sorpresa, definiscono i limiti della<br />

realtà vissuta. Gli anni Trenta sono il decennio più<br />

lontano nel ricordo di gran parte dei nostri più anziani<br />

congiunti e conoscenti, un momento di pensiero utopico<br />

che in seguito si sarebbe indurito in dogma. Ho compiuto<br />

ricerche sulle Colonie e Case del Balilla italiane di<br />

quell’era, in quanto vivide forme architettoniche che<br />

esprimono i ricordi di alcune generazioni addietro. Esse<br />

mostrano una giocosa innocenza su cui gettano ombra<br />

l’imminente guerra e sconvolgimento, rispecchiando la<br />

trasformazione futurista di imprese ingegneristiche in fini<br />

estetici in sé stessi.<br />

32<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Insabbiare <strong>2009</strong><br />

carved firelighters on the beach <strong>at</strong> Ostia Lido, 100 cm<br />

A Calambrone, la Colonia Principe di Piemonte vista<br />

dall’alto ha la forma di un aeroplano, incarnazione<br />

architettonica delle contemporanee aeropitture futuriste.<br />

A C<strong>at</strong>tolica, i dormitori suggeriscono aerodinamici treni<br />

che accolgono bimbi esp<strong>at</strong>ri<strong>at</strong>i. Questi ottimistici edifici<br />

per le vacanze sembrano immuni dai dettami associ<strong>at</strong>i al<br />

modernismo della tarda era fascista, eppure le parole<br />

d’ordine scritte sui muri nascondono un insipiente credo<br />

di irreggimentazione.<br />

Ho esplor<strong>at</strong>o il dur<strong>at</strong>uro signific<strong>at</strong>o delle colonie in<br />

quanto form<strong>at</strong>ivi ricordi d’infanzia, indagando la tensione<br />

fra gioco di massa spontaneo e supposta conformità di<br />

massa a imper<strong>at</strong>ivi visionari. Le opere rigenerano memorie<br />

viventi <strong>at</strong>traverso l’interpolazione di immagini, ricordi e<br />

associazioni risonanti. Gli av<strong>at</strong>ar di cera degli edifici<br />

invitano la ristrutturazione da parte di sciami d’api, e i<br />

testi si possono dissipare tanto quanto imporre. M<strong>at</strong>eriali<br />

mutevoli e mercuriali quali colonie di formiche o il fuoco<br />

su una spiaggia ventosa ammoniscono il comando e il suo<br />

intrinseco fallimento; incerta ideologia che abbraccia la<br />

frammentazione della molteplicità.

Principe di Piemonte <strong>2009</strong><br />

beeswax, 70 x 50 x 15 cm<br />


Rebecca Madgin<br />


34<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

To the eyes of the foreigner and the visitor,<br />

<strong>Rome</strong> is the city contained within the old<br />

Renaissance walls. <strong>The</strong> rest is a vague,<br />

anonymous periphery, unworthy of<br />

interest. 1<br />

Contemporary regener<strong>at</strong>ion schemes are forced to reevalu<strong>at</strong>e<br />

the existing environment. In carrying out this reassessment<br />

of the built environment the values assigned to<br />

certain buildings, architectural styles, structures and<br />

cultural markers are altered. Values are not ‘inherent in any<br />

cultural items or properties received from the past’, r<strong>at</strong>her<br />

value ‘depends on the particular cultural, intellectual,<br />

historical and psychological frames of reference held by the<br />

particular individuals or groups involved’. 2 <strong>The</strong>se frames of<br />

reference rest with the urban context, the remit of the<br />

agencies involved and broader cultural trends.<br />

Ostiense, on the periphery of <strong>Rome</strong>, is one such example<br />

of an area currently undergoing regener<strong>at</strong>ion in order to<br />

meet the needs of contemporary <strong>Rome</strong>. <strong>The</strong> process of<br />

remaking places involves both the physical reconstruction<br />

and mental represent<strong>at</strong>ion of urban space. Intrinsic to this<br />

regener<strong>at</strong>ive process is the built legacy left from <strong>Rome</strong>’s<br />

industrial past, i.e. the gas towers, Merc<strong>at</strong>i Generali,<br />

Magazzini Generali and Mira Lanza. <strong>The</strong> re-use of the<br />

Montemartini power plant into a museum and the ongoing<br />

plans for Merc<strong>at</strong>i Generali to become a ‘City of Youth’<br />

complete with leisure, retail and commercial facilities is<br />

part of a wider city-wide ideological transform<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

concerning the value of the historic environment.<br />

<strong>The</strong> twenty-first century Piano Regol<strong>at</strong>ore shifted the focus<br />

from the ‘historic centre’ of <strong>Rome</strong> to the ‘historic city’<br />

through an extension of the chronological boundaries of<br />

value to embrace the nineteenth and early twentieth-century<br />

architecture, primarily loc<strong>at</strong>ed on the outskirts of <strong>Rome</strong>.<br />

As such industrial, hidden, redundant Ostiense, which had<br />

previously been ‘unworthy of interest’ and loc<strong>at</strong>ed on an<br />

‘anonymous periphery’ was given a contemporary value th<strong>at</strong><br />

rel<strong>at</strong>ed to its capability to contribute to the planned<br />

polycentric growth of <strong>Rome</strong> during the twenty-first century.<br />

1. Pier Paolo Pasolini, ‘Il fronte della città’, Vie Nuove, 24 May 1958; transl<strong>at</strong>ed as ‘<strong>The</strong> city’s true face’, in P.P. Pasolini, Stories from the City of<br />

God: Sketches and Chronicles of <strong>Rome</strong>, 1950-1966, ed. by W. Siti, trans. by M. Harss (New York: Handsel Books, 2003), pp. 166-7.<br />

2. W.D. Lipe, ‘Value and Meaning in Cultural Resources’, in H.F. Cleere (ed.), Approaches to the Archaeological Heritage (Cambridge:<br />

Cambridge University Press, 1984), p. 2.


Per lo straniero e il visit<strong>at</strong>ore Roma è la<br />

città contenuta entro le vecchie mura<br />

rinascimentali: il resto è vaga e anonima<br />

periferia, che non vale la pena di vedere. 1<br />

I progetti contemporanei di rigenerazione devono<br />

riconsiderare l’ambiente esistente. Nell’effettuare questa<br />

nuova valutazione dell’ambiente edific<strong>at</strong>o, i valori <strong>at</strong>tribuiti<br />

a certi edifici, stili architettonici, strutture e marc<strong>at</strong>ori<br />

culturali vengono alter<strong>at</strong>i. I valori non sono ‘inerenti a<br />

qualsivoglia oggetti o proprietà culturali ricevuti dal<br />

pass<strong>at</strong>o’; il valore, piuttosto, ‘dipende dalle particolari<br />

strutture di riferimento culturali, intellettuali, storiche e<br />

psicologiche che car<strong>at</strong>terizzano gli specifici individui o<br />

gruppi implic<strong>at</strong>i’. 2 Queste strutture di riferimento<br />

dipendono dal contesto urbano, dalle competenze degli<br />

organismi coinvolti e dalle più generali tendenze culturali.<br />

Ostiense, alla periferia di Roma, è un esempio di area<br />

<strong>at</strong>tualmente in fase di rigenerazione per rispondere alle<br />

necessità della Roma contemporanea. Il processo di<br />

rifacimento dei luoghi comprende sia la ricostruzione fisica<br />

sia la rappresentazione mentale dello spazio urbano.<br />

Intrinseco a tale processo rigener<strong>at</strong>ivo è il retaggio edific<strong>at</strong>o<br />

del pass<strong>at</strong>o industriale di Roma, vale a dire il gazometro, i<br />

Merc<strong>at</strong>i Generali, i Magazzini Generali e la Mira Lanza.<br />

Il riuso della Centrale Montemartini come museo e<br />

l’<strong>at</strong>tuale progetto per fare dei Merc<strong>at</strong>i Generali una ‘Città<br />

della Gioventù’ completa di strutture per il tempo libero e<br />

le <strong>at</strong>tività commerciali sono parte di una più vasta<br />

trasformazione ideologica su scala cittadina, che concerne<br />

il valore dell’ambiente storico.<br />

Il Piano Regol<strong>at</strong>ore del XXI secolo ha spost<strong>at</strong>o l’<strong>at</strong>tenzione<br />

dal ‘centro storico’ di Roma alla ‘città storica’ tramite<br />

un’estensione dei limiti cronologici di valore per includere<br />

l’architettura dei secoli XIX e XX, sita primariamente ai<br />

margini di Roma. A Ostiense, area industriale, nascosta,<br />

ridondante, che in pass<strong>at</strong>o ‘non valeva la pena di vedere’,<br />

posta in una ‘anonima periferia’, è st<strong>at</strong>o conferito un valore<br />

contemporaneo connesso alla sua capacità di contribuire alla<br />

prevista crescita policentrica di Roma durante il XXI secolo.<br />


Amanda Marburg<br />

V <strong>2009</strong><br />

oil on linen, 106 x 76 cm<br />

36<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

VIII <strong>2009</strong><br />

oil on linen, 106 x 76 cm<br />


Ruth Murray<br />

Pars Fortuna <strong>2008</strong><br />

oil on canvas, 80 cm diameter<br />

38<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

Child of the Gre<strong>at</strong> Transformers <strong>2008</strong><br />

oil on canvas, 120 x 100 cm<br />


Eddie Peake<br />

40<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

Liz Rideal<br />


It was with the intention of studying Bernini and his<br />

drapery th<strong>at</strong> I came to <strong>Rome</strong>. But on a visit to the Palazzo<br />

Barberini I stood inside his square staircase and then did<br />

the same with Borromini’s elegant twisting helicoidal<br />

staircase opposite, and immedi<strong>at</strong>ely sensed the excitement<br />

of the space; the swirling oval grad<strong>at</strong>ion embodying a<br />

feeling of utter balance and exquisite form.<br />

So began a quest, to experience the spaces of Borromini in<br />

the city, and to anim<strong>at</strong>e them with my drapery, using it to<br />

highlight the sp<strong>at</strong>ial ambiguities of his architecture, to<br />

complete the circle, to stand <strong>at</strong> the point where the<br />

spect<strong>at</strong>or is implied, even invited by him. Borromini’s<br />

restrained decor<strong>at</strong>ion, unique interpret<strong>at</strong>ion of architectural<br />

language, and his m<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ic logic become the perfect foil<br />

for the subtleties of the ephemeral, richly coloured<br />

transparent silks, th<strong>at</strong> billow and twist with sublim<strong>at</strong>ed<br />

sexual energy. <strong>The</strong> gauze veils and reveals details of his<br />

buildings, and tantalisingly implies the human presence,<br />

evoking fleeting figures and a variety of emotional st<strong>at</strong>es.<br />

<strong>The</strong> chaotic movement of the drapery contrasts with the<br />

deliber<strong>at</strong>e grace of Borromini’s details, while the colour<br />

complements his monochrome spaces.<br />

Drappeggio in Ercolano was projected outdoors in a variety<br />

of venues, making much of layering and sp<strong>at</strong>ial<br />

ambiguities. <strong>The</strong> open air of Neapolitan washing led to the<br />

contained spiritual space, and I photographed<br />

confessionals; suggesting an analogy with my earlier<br />

photobooth collages. I was intrigued by the physical<br />

similarity of the confessional and photobooth, both priv<strong>at</strong>e<br />

and yet a conduit for content, one side for performers, the<br />

other for audience, one for religion, the other secular.<br />

42<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />


Ero giunta a Roma con l’intento di studiare Bernini e i suoi<br />

panneggi. Ma durante una visita a Palazzo Barberini sostai<br />

entro il suo scalone a pianta quadr<strong>at</strong>a e poi feci lo stesso con<br />

l’elegante scala elicoidale serpeggiante di Borromini al l<strong>at</strong>o<br />

opposto, e immedi<strong>at</strong>amente percepii l’emozione dello spazio;<br />

la vorticosa gradazione ovale incarnava un sentimento di<br />

assoluto equilibrio e squisita forma.<br />

Così ho inizi<strong>at</strong>o una ricerca, per esperire gli spazi di<br />

Borromini nella città, e animarli con i miei panneggi,<br />

usandoli per sottolineare le ambiguità spaziali della sua<br />

architettura, per completare il cerchio, per stare nel punto<br />

dove lo spett<strong>at</strong>ore è implic<strong>at</strong>o, perfino invit<strong>at</strong>o dall’architetto.<br />

La sobria decorazione di Borromini, la sua interpretazione<br />

unica del linguaggio architettonico, e la sua logica<br />

m<strong>at</strong>em<strong>at</strong>ica danno perfetto rilievo alle sottigliezze delle<br />

effimere, trasparenti sete dai ricchi colori, che si gonfiano e si<br />

avvolgono con sublim<strong>at</strong>a energia sessuale. La mussola vela e<br />

rivela dettagli dei suoi edifici, e implica, provocante, la<br />

presenza umana, evocando fuggevoli figure e una varietà di<br />

st<strong>at</strong>i emozionali. Il caotico movimento del panneggio<br />

contrasta con la deliber<strong>at</strong>a grazia dei dettagli borrominiani,<br />

mentre il colore fa da complemento ai suoi spazi monocromi.<br />

Drappeggio in Ercolano è st<strong>at</strong>o proiett<strong>at</strong>o in esterni in<br />

diversi luoghi, valorizzando le str<strong>at</strong>ificazioni e ambiguità<br />

spaziali. Il ‘plein air’ dei panni stesi napoletani ha condotto<br />

a uno spazio spirituale contenuto, e ho fotograf<strong>at</strong>o dei<br />

confessionali, suggerendo un’analogia con i miei precedenti<br />

collage di foto autom<strong>at</strong>iche. Ero affascin<strong>at</strong>a dalla<br />

somiglianza fisica fra confessionale e cabina per foto<br />

autom<strong>at</strong>iche, ambedue luoghi priv<strong>at</strong>i eppure condotto per il<br />

contenuto, un l<strong>at</strong>o per i performer, l’altro per il pubblico,<br />

uno religioso, l’altro secolare.<br />

Drappeggio in Ercolano <strong>2008</strong><br />

projected onto the Aurelian Wall <strong>at</strong> Via D. Fontana, 21.12.08<br />

7.5 minutes, HDV

Dancing with Borromini: Palazzo Spada <strong>2008</strong><br />

digital inkjet print on Hahnemühle paper, edition 1-3, 100 x 120 cm<br />

Liz Rideal would like to thank Lisa Beaven, Fabio Campagna and Cristiana Perrella.<br />


James Robertson<br />

<strong>The</strong> display demonstr<strong>at</strong>es work in progress for the<br />

methodological element of my doctoral research, Faith &<br />

R<strong>at</strong>ionality: Jack Coia and the Impact of Modern<br />

Ecclesiastical Architecture in Scotland and Europe. It is a<br />

snapshot of a continuing exercise, and will form part of a<br />

larger analytical study.<br />

Based on the concept of a taxonomy of churches, the work<br />

aims to contextualise the ecclesiastical oeuvre of Jack Coia,<br />

of the architectural firm of Gillespie, Kidd & Coia, within<br />

the Roman setting with which it is contemporary, and<br />

within which it becomes possible to draw parallels and<br />

contrasts between Coia, the Scottish-Italian architect, and<br />

his Italian contemporaries. This work marks a shift in<br />

focus, since studying in <strong>Rome</strong>, from a Europe-wide study to<br />

an analysis of predominantly Italian church design of the<br />

first half of the twentieth century, and of the associ<strong>at</strong>ed<br />

architectural themes and characteristics.<br />

Faith & R<strong>at</strong>ionality – Church Taxonomy Map <strong>2009</strong><br />

print, ink, and coloured pencil on paper, each image 15 x 15 cm<br />

44<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Questa presentazione illustra il lavoro in corso per<br />

l’elemento metodologico della mia ricerca di dottor<strong>at</strong>o,<br />

Faith & R<strong>at</strong>ionality: Jack Coia and the Impact of<br />

Modern Ecclesiastical Architecture in Scotland and<br />

Europe. È l’istantanea di un’indagine in <strong>at</strong>to, e farà parte<br />

di un più ampio studio analitico.<br />

Bas<strong>at</strong>o sul concetto di una tassonomia di chiese, il lavoro<br />

mira a contestualizzare l’opera in campo ecclesiastico di<br />

Jack Coia, dello studio di architetti Gillespie, Kidd & Coia,<br />

in rapporto all’ambito romano ad essa contemporaneo,<br />

entro cui è possibile tracciare paralleli e contrasti fra Coia,<br />

architetto scozzese-italiano, e i suoi contemporanei italiani.<br />

Questo lavoro, in quanto svolto a Roma, segna uno<br />

spostamento di centro focale da uno studio su scala<br />

europea a un’analisi su base prevalentemente italiana della<br />

progettazione di chiese nella prima metà del ventesimo<br />

secolo, e dei connessi temi e car<strong>at</strong>teri architettonici.

Faith & R<strong>at</strong>ionality – Church Taxonomy Map <strong>2009</strong><br />

print, ink, and coloured pencil on paper, each image 15 x 15 cm<br />


David Spero<br />

Studio 3, Hallitusk<strong>at</strong>u 7, Oulu 2007<br />

C-type photographic print, dimensions variable, 2007<br />

<strong>The</strong>se photographs are from an ongoing series Balls, Wood and Tape which explores building minimal forms and structures within<br />

existing spaces. <strong>The</strong> spaces in which the images have been made are mostly uninhabited. <strong>The</strong>y provide an almost neutral<br />

environment in which arrangements of balls, wood, tape and present objects are used to construct delic<strong>at</strong>ely balanced temporary<br />

structures, to be viewed from the camera position from which they are finally photographed. <strong>The</strong>y are then dismantled.<br />

<strong>The</strong> results are delic<strong>at</strong>e lines and nodal points marking out three dimensional forms in space, cre<strong>at</strong>ed by a process th<strong>at</strong> sits somewhere<br />

between sculpture and drawing. <strong>The</strong> structures, which we only see reduced to a two dimensional photograph, appear to fluctu<strong>at</strong>e<br />

between different planes within the image as our sense of perspective shifts back and forth between different points of reference.<br />

<strong>The</strong>se delic<strong>at</strong>e forms subtly respond to the spaces in which they have been constructed, cre<strong>at</strong>ing gentle choreographies between<br />

structure, light and space.<br />

46<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

Pikisaarentie 10 A, Oulu 2007 (I)<br />

C-type photographic print, dimensions variable, 2007<br />

Queste fotografie appartengono alla serie in corso Balls, Wood and Tape che esplora la costruzione di forme e strutture minimali entro<br />

spazi esistenti. Gli spazi in cui sono st<strong>at</strong>e realizz<strong>at</strong>e le immagini sono per lo più disabit<strong>at</strong>i. Essi offrono un ambiente quasi neutrale in<br />

cui le disposizioni di sfere, legno, nastro e oggetti presenti vengono us<strong>at</strong>e per costruire strutture temporanee dal delic<strong>at</strong>o equilibrio, che<br />

vanno viste dall’angolazione da cui vengono in<strong>fine</strong> fotograf<strong>at</strong>e. Vengono quindi smantell<strong>at</strong>e.<br />

Ciò che ne risulta sono delic<strong>at</strong>e linee e punti nodali che delineano forme tridimensionali nello spazio, cre<strong>at</strong>e con un procedimento<br />

che si pone in un qualche punto fra scultura e disegno. Le strutture, che vediamo solo ridotte a fotografia bidimensionale, sembrano<br />

fluttuare fra piani diversi entro l’immagine, con lo slittare avanti e indietro del nostro senso prospettico fra diversi punti di<br />

riferimento. Queste delic<strong>at</strong>e forme rispondono sottilmente agli spazi in cui sono st<strong>at</strong>e costruite, creando lievi coreografie fra struttura,<br />

luce e spazio.<br />


Amikam Toren<br />

Black Hole 1997-2006<br />

orange peel, plastic bag, 70 x 60 x 60 cm<br />

48<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>

Plan B 2003<br />

mixed media, 152 x 100 x 70 cm<br />





<strong>Rome</strong> Scholar in the Fine Arts, February-April <strong>2009</strong><br />

Born in Manchester, England, 1980. Lives & works in Glasgow<br />


1999-03 BA (Hons) Fine Art, Painting, Glasgow <strong>School</strong> of Art<br />

1998-99 History of Art, University of Glasgow<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Four Gallery, Dublin<br />

<strong>2008</strong> All these are for my personal use, Present Futures,<br />

Artissima, Turin<br />

hanging a way of dressing, Glasgow Project Rooms,<br />

Glasgow<br />

2007 Mary Mary, Glasgow<br />

2006 New Work Scotland, Collective Gallery, Edinburgh<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Ville du Parc Centre d’Art Contemporain, Geneva<br />

<strong>The</strong> Actuality of the Idea, Stuart Shave/Modern Art,<br />

London<br />

Accademia delle Accademie, Temple of Hadrian, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Our Lives Are Full of Remarkable Coincidences, <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Solid Objects, Bettina Buck invites Sara Barker, Merko<br />

Mayer, Cologne<br />

<strong>2008</strong> Base: Object (Sara Barker, P<strong>at</strong>rick Hill, M<strong>at</strong>thew<br />

Monahan, William J. O’Brien, Sterling Ruby), Andrea<br />

Rosen Gallery, New York<br />

Open Eye Club, Tramway, Glasgow<br />

Fl<strong>at</strong>works, exhibition as a public<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

Esse Quam Videri (Laura Aldridge, Sara Barker, Tim<br />

Facey, Lynn Hynd, Conal McStravick), Fabio Tiboni<br />

Gallery, Bologna<br />

Claire Barclay, Sara Barker, Neil Clements, Sally<br />

Osborn, Jon<strong>at</strong>han Owen, Albrecht Schafer,<br />

Doggerfisher, Edinburgh<br />

2007 Studio Voltaire, London<br />

2006 Pe<strong>at</strong>on House, Cove Park, Argyll & Bute<br />

2005 Re-Escape, Hamburg, Germany<br />

Sara Barker, Neil Bickerton, Gregor Johnson,<br />

Transmission, Glasgow<br />


<strong>2009</strong> <strong>Rome</strong> Scholarship in the Fine Arts, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

2005 Cove Park, Argyll and Bute<br />

52<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />


<strong>Rome</strong> Scholar in Landscape Architecture, October <strong>2008</strong>-June<br />

<strong>2009</strong><br />

Born Huddersfield, October 7 th , 1981<br />


2005-07 5yr Professional B.Arch, <strong>The</strong> Cooper Union for the<br />

Advancement of Science and Art, New York<br />

2000-03 BA, MA First Class Honours, Cambridge University<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Atopia, New York<br />

2007-08 Architecture Research Office, New York<br />

2005 Meadowcroft Griffin Architects, London<br />

2004 Edward Cullinan Architects, London<br />

2003 Michael Hopkins and Partners, London<br />


<strong>2008</strong>-09 Towards DeTermin<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

<strong>2008</strong>-10 Form without Polemic: Stirling & Gowan’s Leicester<br />

Engineering Building, with Jessica Reynolds<br />

2006-07 Molach: <strong>The</strong> New York City Blackout of 1977<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Unpacking My Library, Municipal Art Society, New<br />

York (Cur<strong>at</strong>or)<br />


2006-07 Pr<strong>at</strong>t Institute, Brooklyn, New York (<strong>The</strong>sis Supervisor)<br />


2006 Log 8, New York (Copy-editor)<br />

2004 Scroope, Cambridge Architecture Journal, London<br />

(Editor)<br />

AWARDS<br />

<strong>2008</strong>-09 <strong>Rome</strong> Scholarship in Landscape Architecture, <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

2007 Azham Kahn Award for Urban Design, <strong>The</strong> Cooper<br />



Australia Council Resident Artist, January-March <strong>2009</strong><br />

Adelaide, Australia<br />


2002-08 Studio Head, Ceramics and Glass University of South<br />

Australia<br />

<strong>2008</strong> Invited Speaker, Ausglass conference, Canberra<br />

Demonstr<strong>at</strong>ion with Janet Lawrence, Ausglass<br />

conference, Canberra<br />

Instructor, Pilchuck Glass <strong>School</strong>, Se<strong>at</strong>tle, USA<br />

Advisory Board member, AsiaLink Committee<br />

2007 Invited Speaker, Take a Deep Bre<strong>at</strong>h conference, T<strong>at</strong>e<br />

Modern, London<br />

2006 Artist in Residence – Glass workshop, Alberta College<br />

of Art and Design, Calgary, Canada<br />

Visiting Artist, Glass workshop, Alfred University, New York<br />

2004 Instructor, Canberra <strong>School</strong> of Art Summer <strong>School</strong>,<br />

Canberra<br />

1996-99 Production Manager, Glass Department, JamFactory<br />

Craft and Design Centre, Adelaide<br />

1997- Founding member, blue pony studio, Adelaide<br />

1993-96 Self-employed glassblower<br />

1990-92 Resident Designer and Glassblower, JamFactory Craft<br />

and Design Centre, Adelaide<br />

1986-90 Bachelor of Visual Art – Glass, Institute of the Arts,<br />

ANU, ACT<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Our Lives Are Full of Remarkable Coincidences, <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong> Trades, Jam Factory Craft and Design, Adelaide<br />

2007 Limited Lines, Canberra Glassworks, Canberra<br />

New Work (solo), BMG Gallery, Adelaide<br />

Little Bre<strong>at</strong>hs (solo), Masterworks Gallery, Auckland,<br />

New Zealand<br />

2006 Australia – Art and About, Gaffer Glass Gallery, Hong<br />

Kong<br />

2005 Sculptural Objects, Functional Art (SOFA), Chicago<br />

SIX, BMG Art, Adelaide<br />

2004 Permut<strong>at</strong>ions, Foster White Gallery, Se<strong>at</strong>tle<br />

Distend (solo), Masterworks Gallery, Auckland, New<br />

Zealand<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Australia Council for the Arts Residency, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

2006 Leadership Grant, Arts SA<br />

Professional Experience Program (PEP) July 2006-Jan<br />

2007<br />


Queensland Art Gallery, Australia<br />

South Australian Art Gallery, Australia<br />

Parliament House, Canberra ACT<br />

Canberra Institute of Art<br />


Australia Council Resident Artist, October-December <strong>2008</strong><br />

Lives and works in Sydney<br />


BA Visual Arts (Hons), Australian N<strong>at</strong>ional University<br />

Bachelor of Veterinary Science (Hons), University of Sydney<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Infest<strong>at</strong>ion, Australian Centre for Photography, Sydney,<br />

Australia (forthcoming)<br />

Drum Be<strong>at</strong>, MOP Gallery, Sydney (forthcoming)<br />

Sink or Swim, Billboard <strong>at</strong> QUT Kelvin Grove,<br />

Brisbane<br />

Antiparallelogram, University of East London Gallery,<br />

London<br />

<strong>2008</strong> Out of Office Message, Australian Commerce Offices,<br />

Taipei, Taiwan<br />

2007 Bull Market, Ground Floor Gallery, Sydney<br />

2005 Beam (video projections), assorted venues, Canberra<br />

CBD<br />

2004 Domestic Interiors, First Draft Gallery, Sydney<br />

2001 N<strong>at</strong>uralistic (install<strong>at</strong>ion), IGA Supermarket, Canberra<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Contemporary Flânerie: Reconfiguring Cities, Oakland<br />

University Art Gallery, USA (cur<strong>at</strong>or Vagner M.<br />

Whitehead)<br />

<strong>2008</strong> Avvolgere/Svolgere, Nunziante Magrone, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Figure of 8, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Intrude: Shanghai, Shanghai, China<br />

Shadow Boxing, MOP Gallery, Sydney (cur<strong>at</strong>or Holly<br />

Williams)<br />

2007 Citylogue, Barry Gallery, TAV, Taipei, Taiwan<br />

Concrete Cannot Stop <strong>The</strong>m, <strong>The</strong> Big Screen,<br />


Liverpool (cur<strong>at</strong>or Bren O’Callaghan)<br />

Figur<strong>at</strong>ively Speaking: the Figure in Contemporary<br />

Video Art, QUT Art Museum, Brisbane (cur<strong>at</strong>or<br />

Simone Jones)<br />

2006 safARI, MOP Gallery, Sydney (cur<strong>at</strong>ors Lisa Corsi and<br />

Margaret Farmer)<br />

2005 Experimenta Vanishing Point, Melbourne (cur<strong>at</strong>or Liz<br />

Hughes)<br />

Mira Como Se Mueven (See How <strong>The</strong>y Move), Salas de<br />

Exposiciones de Fundación Telefonica, Madrid<br />

(cur<strong>at</strong>or Martì Peran)<br />

2001 Welcome to the Hotel California, Canberra<br />

Contemporary Art Space, Canberra<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Australia Council for the Arts Residency, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

2007 Asialink fellowship and residency <strong>at</strong> Taipei Artists<br />

Village, Taiwan<br />

Churchie Emerging Arts Prize: Overall winner,<br />

Brisbane, Australia<br />

2003 Artist Residency <strong>at</strong> Megalo Print Studios, Canberra,<br />

Australia<br />

2001 CCAS Emerging <strong>arts</strong> prize, Canberra, Australia<br />


Abbey Fellow in Painting, October-December <strong>2008</strong><br />

Lives and works in London<br />

www.dragicacarlin.com<br />


1998 MA Fine Art, Chelsea College of Art, London<br />

1994-97 BA Fine Art, Chelsea College of Art, London<br />


2007 Pleasance <strong>The</strong><strong>at</strong>re, North Road, London<br />

2006 Harefield Heart Hospital, Middlesex<br />

1998 Gallery Differenti<strong>at</strong>e, Shad Thames, London<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Figure of 8, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Centrefold art project, Zoo Art Fair, London<br />

2007 Art Works, Newcastle upon Tyne<br />

2004 Independent Space, Commercial Street, London<br />

2000 Blink, Princelet Street, London<br />

54<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

1998 MA on A4, <strong>The</strong> Pump House Gallery, London<br />

1995 Mayday Mayday, 148 Charing Cross Road, London<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Abbey Fellowship in Painting, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong><br />

<strong>Rome</strong><br />

2007 Bunch Design Sponsorship<br />

1994 Laura Ashley Sponsorship<br />


Abbey Fellow in Painting, January-March <strong>2009</strong><br />

Born 1969, London<br />


1996-2000 Fine Art, Slade <strong>School</strong> of Fine Art, University of<br />

London (UCL)<br />

1995-96 Fine Art, Kensington & Chelsea College, London<br />

1988-91 Drama/Classics, University of London (QMW)<br />


<strong>2008</strong> One in the Other, London<br />

2006 One in the Other, London<br />

2004 Stasjon K, Sandnes Kunstforening, Stavanger, Norway<br />

Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen, Norway (<strong>British</strong><br />

Council) (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

Rogaland Kunstsenter, Stavanger, Norway (<strong>British</strong><br />

Council) (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

2001 Dazed and Confused Gallery, London<br />


2010 Neuchâtel Centre d’Art, Switzerland (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

<strong>2009</strong> Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

<strong>2008</strong> Phillips de Pury, London (<strong>British</strong> Friends Art<br />

Museums of Israel) (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

2007 Fieldg<strong>at</strong>e Gallery, London E2<br />

2006 Pallant House Gallery, Chichester (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

Schauspielhaus, Zurich<br />

2005 Le Musée de Marrakech, Morocco (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

2004 Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art, Sunderland<br />

(c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

Empire, London (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

2003 Tullie House Museum, Carlisle (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

2002 Laurent Delaye Gallery, London<br />

Cornerhouse Gallery, Manchester (c<strong>at</strong>.)

Bloomberg Space, London (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

Air Guitar, Milton Keynes Gallery, Milton Keynes<br />

(c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

Club, Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers, France<br />

Oriel Mostyn Gallery, Llandudno<br />

Kelvingrove Museum, Glasgow (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

2001 Beaconsfield, London<br />

Sotheby’s, Bond St, London<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Abbey Fellowship in Painting, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong><br />

<strong>Rome</strong><br />

2006 Arts Found<strong>at</strong>ion Fellowship (short-listed)<br />

2004 AIR Residency, Norway<br />

2003 Cochemé Fellowship, Central St Martin’s (Byam<br />

Shaw)<br />

2002 Mostyn Open 12<br />

2000 ACAVA First Base Studio Award<br />

1999 John Moores 21 (Liverpool Biennial)<br />

1998 N<strong>at</strong>west Art Prize (Runners-up Prize)<br />


Vanessa Branson<br />

Paul Smith<br />

<strong>The</strong> Wonderful Fund<br />

Nelson Woo<br />

Anita Zabluduwicz (own collection and works to be don<strong>at</strong>ed to<br />

T<strong>at</strong>e Gallery)<br />


Sainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture, October <strong>2008</strong>-<br />

September <strong>2009</strong><br />


2004-06 MA, Royal College of Art, London<br />

2002-03 MPhil, Glasgow <strong>School</strong> of Art<br />

1999-2002 BA (Hons), Glasgow <strong>School</strong> of Art<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Accademia delle Accademie, Temple of Hadrian,<br />

<strong>Rome</strong><br />

Our Lives Are Full of Remarkable Coincidences, <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong> Avvolgere/Svolgere, Nunziante Magrone, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Figure of 8, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Present Volume, <strong>The</strong> Space, Deutsche Bank, London<br />

Overshoot and Collapse, Globe Gallery, Newcastle<br />

upon Tyne (solo)<br />

Salon, Whitecross Gallery, London<br />

Supermarket, Independent Art Fair, Stockholm, in<br />

associ<strong>at</strong>ion with Alma Enterprises Gallery<br />

<strong>The</strong> Painting Room, Transition Gallery, London<br />

2007 Est<strong>at</strong>e Covers, live-art commission for the Coastal<br />

Currents Festival 2007, Hastings<br />

Stick, Stamp, Fly, with a performance present<strong>at</strong>ion of<br />

Common Fish <strong>at</strong> the exhibition closing event, It’s<br />

Going To Be A Long Night, Gasworks, London<br />

Alma Auction, Alma Enterprises Gallery, Vyner Street,<br />

London<br />

Target Text, Turf Gallery, London<br />

Comfort Zones, n<strong>at</strong>ional touring exhibition with Oriel<br />

Davies Gallery, Newtown, Powys<br />

Drawing Bre<strong>at</strong>h, intern<strong>at</strong>ional touring exhibition<br />

with the Jerwood Found<strong>at</strong>ion and Wimbledon<br />

College of Art<br />

2006 Tekenlust, Kunsthalle Lophem – Centre for<br />

Contemporary Art, Loppem-Zedelgem, Belgium<br />

Jerwood Drawing Prize, n<strong>at</strong>ional touring exhibition<br />

with the Jerwood Found<strong>at</strong>ion and Wimbledon College<br />

of Art<br />


<strong>2008</strong>-09 Sainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture, <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

2007-08 Research Fellow in Sculpture, Newcastle University<br />

2004 Winston Churchill Travel Fellowship<br />

2005 Jerwood Drawing Prize, Second prize<br />

2002 RIAS Millennium Award<br />

Deutsche Bank Pyramid Award<br />


<strong>2008</strong> K<strong>at</strong>ie Cuddon (essays by Sally O’Reilly, K<strong>at</strong>harine<br />

Stout and Paul Usherwood), Art Editions North<br />

2007 Target Text (essay by Sue Haddon), Turf Gallery,<br />

London<br />



Abbey Fellow in Painting, April-June <strong>2009</strong><br />

Born Aberdeen, UK, currently lives and works in New York<br />


1986 Whitney Museum Independent Study Program<br />

1978 Postgradu<strong>at</strong>e, Edinburgh College of Art<br />

1977 Edinburgh College of Art<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Maureen Paley, London<br />

2007 White Room, White Columns, New York<br />

2001 AC Projects, New York<br />

1997 Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York<br />

1994 P<strong>at</strong>rick Callery, New York<br />

1993 Shedhalle, Zurich<br />


<strong>2008</strong> <strong>The</strong> Hidden, Maureen Paley, London<br />

2006 Looking Back, White Columns, New York<br />

2003 20th Anniversary Show, Gavin Brown’s Enterprise,<br />

New York<br />

2001 A painting, Trans Hudson Gallery, New York<br />

2000 Under Pressure, Swiss Institute, New York<br />

New Videos, Ad Hoc, New York<br />

1998 I Love NY, video show cur<strong>at</strong>ed by Graham Durward<br />

for <strong>The</strong> Edinburgh Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Festival<br />

1996 Boesky Callery, New York<br />

John Michael Kohler Art Center, Sheboygan, Wisconsin<br />

Gender Affects, Kinsey Institute, Indiana University<br />

1995 <strong>The</strong> Masculine Masquerade (cur<strong>at</strong>ed by Andrew<br />

Perchuk and Helaine Posner), MIT List Visual Arts<br />

Center, Cambridge, MA<br />

1994 <strong>The</strong> Use of Pleasure (cur<strong>at</strong>ed by Robert Nickas),<br />

Terrain, San Francisco, CA<br />

1993 Dance ‘93 (cur<strong>at</strong>ed by Noemi Smolik), Munich<br />

1992 Mr B’s Curiosity Shop (cur<strong>at</strong>ed by Saul Ostrow),<br />

Threadwaxing Space, New York<br />


1994 Blackw<strong>at</strong>ch, P<strong>at</strong>rick Callery, New York.<br />

1984 Edinburgh Fruit Market Gallery Festival, Scottish Art<br />

Now<br />

Poor B.B. (performance), 369 Gallery, Edinburgh<br />

Poor B.B., <strong>The</strong> Traverse <strong>The</strong><strong>at</strong>re, Edinburgh<br />

J.A.W. Taped (film), London Filmmakers’ Co-oper<strong>at</strong>ive<br />

1983 J.A.W. Taped, Dublin Film Festival<br />

56<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

AWARDS<br />

<strong>2009</strong> Abbey Fellowship in Painting, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong><br />

<strong>Rome</strong><br />

2007 Reema Hort Mann Found<strong>at</strong>ion Award<br />


Québec Architecture Resident, April-June <strong>2009</strong><br />

www.pierregendron.com<br />


2002-03 Master of Architecture, McGill University, Montréal,<br />

Canada<br />

1996 Summer studio, École d’architecture Paris-Villemin,<br />

Paris, France<br />

1993-97 Bachelor of Architecture, Université de Montréal,<br />

Montréal<br />


Ordre des Architectes du Québec (OAQ), Canada<br />


2005-08 Adjunct professor, Université de Montréal <strong>School</strong> of<br />

Architecture, Montréal<br />

2003 Teaching assistant, McGill University <strong>School</strong> of<br />

Architecture, Montréal<br />

2001 Visiting critic, Southern California Institute of<br />

Architecture, Los Angeles<br />

2000 Visiting critic, Iowa St<strong>at</strong>e University <strong>School</strong> of<br />

Architecture, Ames, USA<br />

Visiting professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute<br />

<strong>School</strong> of Architecture, Troy, USA<br />


<strong>2008</strong>- Pierre Gendron architecte, Montréal<br />

2007-09 Provencher + Roy et associés architectes, Montréal<br />

2001-02 George Yu Architects, Los Angeles<br />

1998-2006 Atelier Big City, Cormier Cohen Davies architectes,<br />

Montréal<br />

1997-98 Brisbin Brook Beynon Architects, Ottawa<br />


2007 70 Architects On Ethics and Poetics, Centre de Design<br />

de l’UQAM, Montréal<br />

1996 RECIPROCITY P<strong>at</strong>kau +16, Canadian Pavilion,<br />

Architecture Biennale, Venice

AWARDS<br />

<strong>2009</strong> Québec Architecture Residency, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong><br />

<strong>Rome</strong><br />

2007 Finalist, Jardins éphèmères Espace 400e Competition,<br />

Québec<br />

2006 First Prize (ex aequo), Architecture-Québec magazine<br />

Ideas Competition<br />

2005 First Prize (ex aequo), Sign<strong>at</strong>ure extérieure de la<br />

Banque Laurentienne Ideas Competition<br />

1998 Third Prize (ex aequo), Plans d’avenir pour un<br />

nouveau confort Ideas Competition<br />


2007 Exhibition c<strong>at</strong>alogue, 70 Architects On Ethics and<br />

Poetics, Centre de Design de l’UQAM<br />

2007 Architecture-Québec magazine, Villabyrinthe ARQ<br />

No. 140, Jeunes Pr<strong>at</strong>iques, August 2007<br />

1998 Competition c<strong>at</strong>alogue, Plans d’avenir pour un<br />

nouveau confort, Hydro-Québec<br />

1996 Venice Biennale of Architecture, Canadian Pavilion<br />

exhibition c<strong>at</strong>alogue: RECIPROCITY P<strong>at</strong>kau +16<br />


TRACK 1, Project for the 1996 Venice Biennale of<br />

Architecture, Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal,<br />

Canada<br />


Sainsbury Scholar in Painting and Sculpture, October <strong>2008</strong>-<br />

June 2010<br />

Born 1981, Stroud<br />


2005-07 MA Painting, Royal College of Art, London<br />

2000-03 BA (Hons) Fine Art, Painting, Glasgow <strong>School</strong> of Art<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Atlas: Separ<strong>at</strong>ed by Intervals, <strong>The</strong> Crypt Gallery <strong>at</strong><br />

Saint Pancras Church, London<br />

Accademia delle Accademie, Temple of Hadrian, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Our Lives Are Full of Remarkable Coincidences, <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong> Figure of 8, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Celia Hempton, Contemporary Art Projects, London<br />

00 N<strong>at</strong>ure, Contemporary Art Projects, London<br />

2007 My Penguin, 39 Gallery, London<br />

Royal Academy Summer Show, Royal Academy of Arts,<br />

London<br />

S.A.W. Show, Sawmill, Glasgow<br />

M<strong>at</strong>erial Intelligence, Keith Talent Gallery <strong>at</strong> Trinity<br />

Buoy Wharf, London<br />

Hot for Teacher, Nog Gallery, London<br />

2006 St Mungo and Me, Lightbox Gallery, Los Angeles<br />

2005 Circus Circus, Park Circus Gallery, Glasgow<br />

2004 Discerning Eye Exhibition, Mall Galleries, London<br />

Panorama, <strong>The</strong> Jail, Glasgow<br />

New Scottish Contemporaries, Leith Gallery, Edinburgh<br />


<strong>2008</strong>-10 Sainsbury Scholarship in Painting and Sculpture, <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

<strong>2008</strong> Shortlisted for Sovereign European Art Prize, Chelsea<br />

Space, London<br />

2007 Neville Burston Memorial Award, Royal College of<br />

Art, London<br />

2003 Carnegie Travel Award, Royal Scottish Academy,<br />

Edinburgh<br />

Landscape Drawing Prize, Glasgow <strong>School</strong> of Art<br />


Arts Council England Helen Chadwick Fellow, September<br />

<strong>2008</strong>-March <strong>2009</strong><br />


2005- PhD Sculpture, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon<br />

Tyne<br />

2000-02 MFA (Sculpture), Edinburgh College of Art,<br />

Edinburgh<br />

1987-92 BA (Hons) Fine Art, Glasgow <strong>School</strong> of Art, Glasgow<br />


2006 A New Destiny is Prepared, An Tobar, Tobermory<br />

2005 Only the Facts are Clear, Atelier am Eck, Düsseldorf<br />

Laing Solo: C<strong>at</strong>h Keay, Laing Art Gallery, Newcastle<br />

upon Tyne<br />

2004 Improve the Shining Hour, Market Gallery, Glasgow<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Award Winners, JD Fergusson Gallery, Perth<br />

Our Lives Are Full of Remarkable Coincidences, <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />


<strong>2008</strong> Tempo Reale, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Inspire: Mortal and Visible, Wallspace Gallery,<br />

London<br />

2006 Scottish Collective, Royal Scottish Academy,<br />

Edinburgh<br />

2005 Roaring Out Confidences, An Tobar, Tobermory<br />

See Scotland, Dick Institute, Kilmarnock<br />

2004 Wh<strong>at</strong> in the World Could Be More Beautiful?,<br />

Crawford Arts Centre, St. Andrews<br />

Presence, St Mary’s C<strong>at</strong>hedral, Glasgow<br />

2000 Von Hier bis Dahin, Akademie Gallery, Munich<br />

AWARDS<br />

<strong>2008</strong>-09 Arts Council England Helen Chadwick Fellowship,<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong> and <strong>The</strong> Ruskin <strong>School</strong><br />

of Drawing and Fine Art, Oxford<br />

2004 Norma Lipman Scholarship for PhD study <strong>at</strong><br />

Newcastle University<br />

2004 Scottish Arts Council, Professional Development<br />

Grant<br />

2003 Royal Incorpor<strong>at</strong>ion of Architects in Scotland –<br />

Millennium Award<br />

2003 Laing Open – Solo show <strong>at</strong> Laing Art Gallery,<br />

Newcastle (2005)<br />

2002 John Kinross Travel Scholarship to Florence. Royal<br />

Scottish Academy<br />

1998 J.D. Fergusson Travel Scholarship to Japan<br />


Giles Worsley Travel Fellow, October-December <strong>2008</strong><br />


2004-08 Doctor of Philosophy, Centre for Urban History,<br />

University of Leicester (no amendments required).<br />

<strong>The</strong>sis: Urban Renaissance: <strong>The</strong> Meaning,<br />

Management and Manipul<strong>at</strong>ion of Place, 1945-2002<br />

2003-04 MA European Urbanis<strong>at</strong>ion, Centre for Urban History,<br />

University of Leicester<br />

2000-03 BA (Honours), History, 2:1, University of Leicester<br />


<strong>2009</strong>- Department of Urban Studies, University of Glasgow<br />

2007-08 Centre for Institutional Studies, University of East<br />

London<br />

2003-07 Economic and Social Research Council and<br />

University of Leicester<br />

58<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />


<strong>2008</strong> Figure of 8, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />


<strong>2008</strong> Giles Worsley Travel Fellowship, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong><br />

<strong>Rome</strong><br />

2007 European Fellowship for Training in Urban Studies –<br />

FUTURE<br />

2003-07 Economic and Social Research Council, 1+3 Full<br />

Studentship<br />


<strong>2009</strong> ‘Using Culture to turn De-industrial Space into Postindustrial<br />

Place: a <strong>British</strong>-French Comparison’, in<br />

Eckardt, F. and Nystrom, L. (eds), Culture and City,<br />

Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag (forthcoming)<br />

‘Contesting Liberty: <strong>The</strong> Place of Industrial Heritage<br />

in Leicester’s Urban Regener<strong>at</strong>ion’, in Rodger, R. (ed),<br />

Leicester: A Modern History, Lancaster: Carnegie Press<br />

(forthcoming)<br />

<strong>2008</strong> ‘Making the Most of our Existing Urban Assets? New<br />

Labour’s Focus on the Historic Urban Environment’,<br />

in Nail, S. and Fee, D. (eds), Vers une Renaissance<br />

Anglaise, Paris: Presse de la Sorbonne Nouvelle.<br />


Australia Council Resident Artist, July-September <strong>2008</strong><br />

Born 1976, Melbourne<br />


1999 BFA (Painting), Victorian College of the Arts<br />

1996 Associ<strong>at</strong>e Diploma of Visual Art (Painting), Western<br />

Metropolitan College of TAFE, Melbourne<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Guardians of <strong>The</strong> Departed, Uplands, Melbourne<br />

2007 Lobster, Rex Irwin Art Dealer, Sydney<br />

<strong>The</strong> Other Side, Uplands, Melbourne<br />

2006 Hell needs this town, and it’s goin’ back and goin’ damn<br />

quick, Melbourne Art Fair<br />

2005 Mad Love Is Strange, Rex Irwin Art Dealer, Sydney<br />

2004 Giving the Devil His Due, Melbourne Art Fair &<br />

Newcastle Region Art Gallery<br />

2003 Misery & Gin, Rex Irwin Art Dealer, Sydney<br />

2002 Paintings, Rex Irwin Art Dealer, Sydney

2001 <strong>The</strong> Bomb, TCB Art Inc., Melbourne<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Tempo Reale, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

2007 Primavera, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney<br />

2005 Love and Other Bruises (with K<strong>at</strong>i Rule), TCB Art Inc.,<br />

Melbourne<br />

2004 <strong>The</strong> Sure Thing (with K<strong>at</strong>i Rule), Dudespace,<br />

Melbourne<br />

2003 Cover Image Coming Soon, TCB Art Inc., Melbourne<br />

Depth of Field, Shepparton Art Gallery & Monash<br />

University Gallery<br />

2001 Glacier, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne & tour<br />

Jon Campbell’s Rock <strong>The</strong> Bo<strong>at</strong>, Uplands Gallery,<br />

Melbourne<br />

Roger Kemp Memorial Exhibition, VCA Gallery,<br />

Melbourne<br />

Five, Span Gallery, Melbourne<br />

Unsigned Artists, Niagara Galleries, Melbourne<br />

2000 Setting Up, Sutton Gallery, Melbourne<br />

Fascin<strong>at</strong>ion, Centre for Contemporary Photography,<br />

Melbourne<br />

A Brush With De<strong>at</strong>h, La Trobe Street Gallery,<br />

Melbourne<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Australia Council for the Arts Residency, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

2005 Art & Australia / ANZ Priv<strong>at</strong>e Bank Emerging Artist<br />

Program<br />

2001 Five, Span Gallery, Melbourne<br />

1999 Roger Kemp Memorial Award, VCA, Melbourne<br />


Derek Hill Found<strong>at</strong>ion Scholar, October-December <strong>2008</strong><br />

Born 26 July 1984<br />


2006-08 MA Painting, Royal College of Art, London<br />

2003-06 BA (Hons) Fine Art, Loughborough University<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Figure of 8, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

4 New Sens<strong>at</strong>ions, <strong>The</strong> Truman Brewery, Brick Lane,<br />

London<br />

Pentimenti, Permanent Gallery, Brighton<br />

Blank Canvas, 1-2 Carnaby Street, London<br />

Show RCA – Postgradu<strong>at</strong>e Art and Design Annual<br />

Show <strong>2008</strong>, Royal College of Art, London<br />

RCA Painters, Bank of America, Canary Wharf,<br />

London<br />

Royal Society of Portrait Painters, Annual Exhibition<br />

<strong>2008</strong>, <strong>The</strong> Mall Galleries, London<br />

Figur<strong>at</strong>ive Art Prize, <strong>The</strong> Boundary Gallery, London<br />

2006 Spent, Three Colts Gallery, London<br />

Celeste Art Prize Finalists’ Exhibition, Old Truman<br />

Brewery, Brick Lane, London<br />

N<strong>at</strong>ionwide Mercury Music Art Prize, Finalists<br />

Exhibition, <strong>The</strong> Hospital Gallery, London<br />

AWARDS<br />

<strong>2008</strong> Derek Hill Found<strong>at</strong>ion Scholarship, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

<strong>The</strong> Sheldon Bergh Award<br />

De Laszlo Prize<br />

Boundary Figur<strong>at</strong>ive Art Prize<br />

2006-07 Stanley-Smith Scholarship<br />

2006 Astra Zeneca Purchase Prize<br />

2005 Alan Quiney Award<br />

2004 Alan Quiney Award<br />


Abbey Scholar in Painting, October <strong>2008</strong>-June <strong>2009</strong><br />

Born 22 nd August 1981. Lives and works in London<br />


2002-06 Slade <strong>School</strong> of Fine Art, London<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Ladies, Parade, London <br />

2007 <strong>The</strong> Caspar Erasmus <strong>School</strong> of Art, <strong>The</strong> Hex, London<br />

<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Middlemarch, auto-italia south east, London<br />

<br />

Autofell<strong>at</strong>io: Boy In Da Corner, Take Courage, London<br />

<br />



Wing<strong>at</strong>e <strong>Rome</strong> Scholar in the Fine Arts, September <strong>2008</strong>-<br />

January <strong>2009</strong><br />

Lectures <strong>at</strong> the Slade and the N<strong>at</strong>ional Portrait Gallery, London<br />

www.lizrideal.com<br />



<strong>2009</strong> Hawthorn Hall of Mirrors, 454308E-205690N,<br />

Radcliffe Churchill Hospital, Oxford<br />

2007 Cloth Fair, Bart’s, London<br />

2006 Fall, River, Snow, Compton Verney, Warwickshire<br />

Suc des Vosges, Lucas Schoormans Gallery, New York<br />

Above and Below Ground, Gallery 339, Philadelphia<br />

2000-05 Glass Drapes & Light Column, Birmingham<br />

Hippodrome <strong>The</strong><strong>at</strong>re<br />

2004 Kerfuffle, BBC Broadcasting House, London<br />

2002 Mandrake Tango/Works 1992-2002, University of<br />

Massachusetts<br />

Monotypes, Aurobora Press, San Francisco<br />

2001 Stills, Lucas Schoormans Gallery, New York<br />

2000 Photographs 1996 -1998, Lucas Schoormans Gallery,<br />

New York<br />

Seasonal Stills, HackelBury Fine Art, London<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Avvolgere/Svolgere, Nunziante Magrone, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Figure of 8, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

2006-08 Picturing Eden, <strong>The</strong> George Eastman Kodak Museum,<br />

Rochester, Museum for Photographic Arts, San Diego,<br />

California & USA tour<br />

2005 Revealed, Castle Museum, Nottingham, fe<strong>at</strong>uring<br />

Tapis Volant; a tapestry (made <strong>at</strong> Dovecot Studios,<br />

Edinburgh) commissioned by the Contemporary Arts<br />

Society for the museum collection<br />

2001 Hall of Mirrors: Variants of the Portrait, Museet for<br />

Fotokunst, Denmark<br />

Nageant vers Noël – Swimming towards Christmas<br />

(projection), Town Hall, Lyon, France<br />

AWARDS<br />

<strong>2008</strong> Wing<strong>at</strong>e <strong>Rome</strong> Scholarship in Fine Arts, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong><br />

<strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

2006 Fundación Valparaíso, Mojácar, Spain<br />

2005 <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> Council<br />

2004 <strong>The</strong> Lorne Award<br />

2002 RIBA (Special Mention for Glass Drapes <strong>at</strong> the<br />

60<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Birmingham Hippodrome <strong>The</strong><strong>at</strong>re)<br />

1997 London Arts Board, Individual Artist Award<br />


Arts Council of England<br />

Bibliothèque N<strong>at</strong>ionale, Paris<br />

<strong>British</strong> Broadcasting Corpor<strong>at</strong>ion<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> Museum<br />

<strong>The</strong> Government Art Collection<br />

Museet for Fotokunst, Denmark<br />

<strong>The</strong> N<strong>at</strong>ional Portrait Gallery<br />

T<strong>at</strong>e, London<br />

Vancouver Art Gallery, Canada<br />

Victoria & Albert Museum<br />


<strong>Rome</strong> Scholar in Architecture, January-March <strong>2009</strong><br />

Born 5 July 1978. Lives and works in Manchester<br />


2004 RIBA Advanced Diploma in Professional Practice in<br />

Architecture (Part 3), Pass<br />

2001-02 Postgradu<strong>at</strong>e Diploma in Advanced Architectural<br />

Studies (RIBA Part 2), Pass with Distinction, <strong>The</strong> Scott<br />

Sutherland <strong>School</strong> of Architecture (Robert Gordon<br />

University), Aberdeen<br />

1996-2001BSc (Hons) Architecture with Languages (RIBA Part<br />

1), First Class, <strong>The</strong> Scott Sutherland <strong>School</strong> of<br />

Architecture, Aberdeen<br />

AWARDS<br />

1998 Honourable Mention, Structur’Halle Competition,<br />

Grenoble, France<br />

Stage 2 Student Prize, Scott Sutherland <strong>School</strong> of<br />

Architecture<br />

1997 Stage 1 Student Prize, Scott Sutherland <strong>School</strong> of<br />

Architecture<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Our Lives Are Full of Remarkable Coincidences, <strong>The</strong><br />

<strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

2002 Royal Scottish Academy Student Exhibition, Glasgow<br />


2007-08 WhiteBox Architecture, Knutsford, Cheshire, UK

2006-07 Richard Drinkw<strong>at</strong>er Architects, Manchester<br />

2002-06 Broadway Malyan (Architects), Manchester<br />

2000 Triangle Architects, Manchester<br />

1999-2000 Bergami-Gay Architectes, Clermont-Ferrand, France<br />


Photoworks Fellow, April-June <strong>2009</strong><br />

Lives and works in London<br />

www.davidspero.co.uk<br />


1990-93 MA Photography, Royal College of Art, London<br />


<strong>2009</strong> Churches, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong><br />

Balls, Wood & Audiotape, <strong>The</strong> Winchester Gallery,<br />

Winchester<br />

2006 Settlements, New Art Gallery, Wallsall<br />

2005 Settlements, Photographers’ Gallery, London<br />


<strong>2008</strong> By Itself, Room Art Gallery, London<br />

2007 How We Are: Photographing Britain, T<strong>at</strong>e Britain,<br />

London<br />

Something Th<strong>at</strong> I’ll Never Really See. Contemporary<br />

Photographs from the V&A, touring exhibition<br />

Look07 Photography Festival, CUBE Gallery, Manchester<br />

2006 Arcadia, Yancey Richardson Gallery, New York<br />

Saudade, Highbury Studios, London<br />

Green, <strong>The</strong> Winchester Gallery, Winchester<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mouse Th<strong>at</strong> Roared, Project 133, London<br />

2005 Peculiar Encounters, Arts Space EC1, London<br />

PhotoEspaña, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid<br />

Door To <strong>The</strong> River, Flaca, London<br />

2004 Art of the Garden, T<strong>at</strong>e Britain, London<br />

2003 <strong>The</strong>n Things Went Quiet, MWProjects, Frieze Art Fair,<br />

London<br />

2001 Darklight, Galerie Martin Kudlek, Cologne<br />

Gone Missing, Frederieke Taylor Gallery, New York<br />

Percy Miller Gallery, London<br />

2000 Bre<strong>at</strong>hless, Photography and Time, Victoria & Albert<br />

Museum, London<br />

1999 P<strong>at</strong>h, Chisenhale Gallery, London<br />

1998 Re-Presenting Architecture, Victoria & Albert Museum,<br />

London<br />

<strong>The</strong> Citibank Collection, Photographers’ Gallery, London<br />

Airport, Netherlands Photo Institute, Rotterdam<br />

1997 Airport, Photographers’ Gallery, London<br />

Little Boxes, Fotofusion Gallery, London<br />

Zelda Che<strong>at</strong>le Gallery, London<br />

1994 B.T. New Contemporaries, Camden Arts Centre,<br />

London; Cornerhouse, Manchester; Arnolfini, Bristol;<br />

Fruitmarket, Edinburgh<br />

AWARDS<br />

<strong>2009</strong> Photoworks Fellowship, <strong>The</strong> <strong>British</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>Rome</strong>:<br />

2007 Arts Council Intern<strong>at</strong>ional Artists Fellowship, Finland,<br />

managed by Fotonet, hosted by <strong>The</strong> Northern<br />

Photographic Institute, Oulu<br />


2007 Churches, SteidlMACK, London<br />


Victoria & Albert Museum, London<br />

Citibank Collection, London<br />

<strong>British</strong> Council<br />


Sargant Fellow, May-July <strong>2009</strong><br />

Born in 1945, Israel<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Carrots, Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London<br />

2006 Ten Last Drawings, <strong>The</strong> Room, London<br />

2005 Plan B, Noga Gallery, Tel Aviv<br />

2003 Golem, Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London<br />

1997 Hand in Glove, Galerie Gabrielle Maubrie, Paris<br />

1991 Chisenhale Gallery, London<br />

1990 Ikon Gallery, Birmingham (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

1989 Rotterdam Kunststichting, Rotterdam<br />

1984 Actualities, M<strong>at</strong>t’s Gallery, London (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

1981 Mirroring, Lewis Johnstone Gallery, London<br />

1979 Replacing, ICA, London (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

1976 Serpentine Gallery, London<br />

1973 Annely Juda Fine Art, London<br />


<strong>2009</strong> <strong>British</strong> Subjects 1948-2000, Neuberger Museum of Art,<br />

New York<br />


<strong>2008</strong> Marc Camille Chaimowicz – In <strong>The</strong> Cherished<br />

Company of Others, de Appel, Amsterdam; PMMK,<br />

Oostende, Belgium<br />

Intimacy, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art,<br />

Victoria, Australia<br />

2005 Wh<strong>at</strong>ever Happened to Social Democracy, Rooseum<br />

Center for Contemporary Art, Malmö<br />

2000 Live in Your Head: Concept and Experiment in Britain,<br />

1965-75, Whitechapel Art Gallery, London (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

1999 <strong>British</strong> Artists, Galerie Krinzinger, Vienna<br />

John Moores Exhibition 21, Liverpool (Prize winner)<br />

1998 A-Z (cur<strong>at</strong>or M<strong>at</strong>thew Higgs), <strong>The</strong> Approach, London<br />

1997 L’empreinte, Musée N<strong>at</strong>ional d’Art Moderne, Centre<br />

Georges Pompidou, Paris<br />

1993 Second Tyne Intern<strong>at</strong>ional, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (c<strong>at</strong>.)<br />

1992 And Wh<strong>at</strong> Do You Represent?, Anthony Reynolds<br />

Gallery, London<br />

1991 Kunstlandschaft Europa, Kunstverein Freiburg<br />

1986 Furniture Sculpture, Victoria Miro Gallery, London<br />

1984 Problems of Picturing, Serpentine Gallery, London<br />

1977 On Site, Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol<br />

1967 Paris Biennale<br />


1991 Amikam Toren (preface Elisabeth A. Macgregor, texts<br />

by Christoph Blase, Michael Archer, Conor Joyce and<br />

Desa Philippi), Ikon Gallery, Birmingham; Arnolfini<br />

Gallery, Bristol<br />

1987 Amikam Toren, Pidgin Paintings (text by P<strong>at</strong>ricia<br />

Bickers), Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London<br />

1984 Amikam Toren, Actualities (text by David Coxhead),<br />

M<strong>at</strong>t’s Gallery, London<br />

Problems of Picturing (text by Sarah Kent), Serpentine<br />

Gallery, London<br />

1979 Replacing, Amikam Toren (text by Sarah Kent),<br />

Institute of Contemporary Art, London<br />

62<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>


Director Andrew Wallace-Hadrill<br />

Assistant Director Susan Russell<br />

Research Professor in Archaeology Simon Keay<br />

Research Professor in Modern Studies David Forgacs<br />

Molly Cotton Fellow Helen P<strong>at</strong>terson<br />

Cary Fellow Robert Co<strong>at</strong>es-Stephens<br />

Assistant Director (Fine Arts) Jacopo Benci<br />

Fine Arts Research Assistant Alessandra Giacinti<br />

Cur<strong>at</strong>or, Contemporary Arts Programme Cristiana Perrella<br />

Assistant, Contemporary Arts Programme Maria Cristina Giusti<br />

Librarian Valerie Scott<br />

Deputy Librarian Be<strong>at</strong>rice Gelosia<br />

Library Assistants Francesca De Riso, Francesca Deli<br />

Archivist Alessandra Giovenco<br />

Registrar & Public<strong>at</strong>ions Manager (London Office) Gill Clark<br />

Director’s Assistant Eleanor Murkett<br />

<strong>School</strong> Secretary Maria Pia Malvezzi<br />

Hostel Supervisor Geraldine Wellington<br />

Subscriptions Secretary Jo Wallace-Hadrill<br />

Bursar Alvise Di Giulio<br />

Accounts Clerk Isabella Gelosia<br />

Domestic Bursar Ren<strong>at</strong>o Parente<br />

Maintenance Fulvio Astolfi<br />

Technical Assistant & Waiter Giuseppe Pellegrino<br />

Cleaners Don<strong>at</strong>ella Astolfi, Alba Cor<strong>at</strong>ti, Marisa Scarsella<br />

Cooks Giuseppe Parente, Dharma Wijesiriwardana<br />

Waiters/Porters Antonio Palmieri, P<strong>at</strong>hirannehelage Somapala<br />

via Gramsci, 61 00197 Roma<br />

tel. +39 06 3264939 fax +39 06 3221201<br />

www.bsr.ac.uk<br />


64<br />

Fine Arts <strong>2008</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Printed in Italy by Società Tipografica Romana, <strong>Rome</strong><br />

May <strong>2009</strong>

Published by THE BRITISH SCHOOL AT ROME London<br />

ISSN 1475-8733 ISBN 978-0-904152-55-5

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