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Personal Information:<br />

Date of birth: May 07, 1978<br />

Place of birth: Ceglie Messapica (Brindisi), Italy<br />

Citizenship: Italian<br />

Civil Status: Married, two children<br />

Personal Profile: Psychologist, PhD<br />

<strong>COSIMO</strong> <strong>URGESI</strong><br />

Department of Human Sciences, University of Udine<br />

Via Margreth, 3 - 33100 Udine (Italy)<br />

Voice: +39-0432-249889, Fax: +39-0432-556545<br />

e-mail: cosimo.urgesi@uniud.it<br />

http://people.uniud.it/page/cosimo.urgesi<br />

Scientific Institute (IRCCS) "E. Medea", Polo Friuli Venezia Giulia<br />

Via della Bontà, 7 - 37078 San Vito al Tagliamento (PN) Italy<br />

Present Position<br />

Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Udine.<br />

Senior Researcher, Scientific Institute “E. Medea”, Polo Friuli Venezia Giulia.<br />

Research activities<br />

Urgesi’s major expertise is in single pulse and repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) of body and<br />

action representation. In a series of studies, he and his colleagues have demonstrated for the first time ever<br />

that transitory ‘lesion’ of extrastriate body area (EBA), which is selectively activated by pictures of human body<br />

and parts of it, impaired the visual processing of body-related, non facial stimuli (Urgesi et al., 2004).<br />

Furthermore, they demonstrated the causative role played by two different neural systems, extrastriate visual<br />

areas and premotor cortex, in extracting morphology- or action-related features from pictures of body parts<br />

(Urgesi et al., 2007a; 2007b). The TMS studies in healthy individuals have been conducted in parallel with the<br />

neuropsychological study of brain lesion patients, describing the existence of new forms of selective visual<br />

recognition disorders, namely body form and body action agnosia (Moro et al., 2008). In recent years, he has<br />

translated the results of his basic neuroscience researches on the neuropsychological and neurophysiologic<br />

evaluation of mental disorders, and in particular of eating disorders. Furthermore, he serves as Scientific<br />

Consultant at the Scientific Institute “E. Medea”, a research child hospital specialized for neurodevelopmental<br />

disorders, where he has coordinated, with Prof. Fabbro Franco, the Italian standardization of the NEPSY-II, a<br />

neuropsychological battery of tests for children aged 3-16 years. Presently, he coordinates the TMS Laboratory<br />

at the Hospital Gervasutta of Udine, in collaboration with the University of Udine and with the Scientific Institute<br />

(IRCCS) “E. Medea”, where clinical-rehabilitative and basic research studies are conducted.<br />

His research interests include the study of:<br />

-the neural basis and development of corporeal knowledge;<br />

-the neural mechanisms involved in action prediction and anticipation,<br />

-the neural and cognitive correlates of elite sport performance and sport learning;<br />

-the neural bases of spiritual and religious experiences.<br />

Since 2004, he has published 27 peer-reviewed publications, including top neuroscience and multidisciplinary<br />

journals (Nature Neuroscience, Neuron, Current Biology, Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex), the Italian<br />

standardization of a neuropsychological test, 3 book chapters and 4 lay-people articles in Italian journals. His<br />

works have been cited 774 times and his H-index is 12 (march 2012).

National and International Collaborations<br />

- Social and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Dpt. of Psychology, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Director,<br />

Prof. Salvatore M. Aglioti), for neurophysiologic and neuroimaging research on the neural bases of body and<br />

action representations.<br />

- Neurosurgery Division, Hospital of Udine, (Head, Dr. Miran Skrap), for research on the plasticity of the neural<br />

representations of body image and on the neural bases of interindividual differences in neurosurgery patients.<br />

- Department of Psychology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Verona (Dr. Valentina Moro), for research<br />

on body perception disorders in brain lesion patients.<br />

- Spinal Injury Division, Rehabilitation Hospital Gervasutta of Udine (Dr. Emiliana Bizzarrini), for research on the<br />

neuroplastic changes of motor representations after functional electri stimulation in spinal cord injury patients.<br />

- Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki (Prof. Marit Korkman), for research on the neuropsychological<br />

evaluation of children.<br />

- Faculty of Psychology, University of Cordoba, Argentina (Dr. Julian Marino-Davolos), for research on the neural<br />

underpinnings of semantic and emotional control.<br />

Grants<br />

- 2012: Italian Ministry of Health, IRCCS “E. Medea”, Ricerca Corrente 2012. Configural and Local Processing of<br />

social stimuli: Neural bases, development and early mother-childre relationships. PI: 25,000 Euro<br />

- 2011-2013; Italian Ministry of University, Progetti di Ricerca di Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) 2009. Research Unit<br />

Coordinator: 49,000 Euro.<br />

- 2011-2012- Consorzio Universitario Italia Argentina (CUIA). Connectivity between executive and semantic<br />

neurocognitive systems in disexecutive dysfunctions. PI: 32,000 Euro.<br />

- 2011-2013: Young Researcher Grant 2008, Italian Ministry of health (PI). Neurofunctional Alterations of Body<br />

representation in Anorexia Nervosa: Neuropsychological Measures and Neurophysiologic Treatments. PI:<br />

585,000 Euro.<br />

- 2011: Italian Ministry of Health, IRCCS “E. Medea”, Ricerca Corrente 2011. Semantic knowledge for familiar<br />

people. Behavioural, neuropsychological and Transcranial Magentic Stimulation studies. PI: 25,000 euros<br />

- 2010-2013: Project SEED: Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), Genova, Italy. Predictive Action-perception<br />

Resonance and Mental Simulation (PARMS). Research Unit Coordinator: 60,000 Euro.<br />

- 2009: Italian Ministry of Health. Ministero della Salute, IRCCS “E. Medea”, Ricerca Corrente 2009. Motor and<br />

somatic components of motor imagery as a rehabilitation tools. Behavioral and TMS studies in healthy<br />

individuals and brain lesion patients. PI: 35,000 Euro.<br />

Teaching<br />

2006-2009: Acting Lecturer of Psychobiology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Udine.<br />

2006-2009: Acting Lecturer of Neurophysiology, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, University of Udine.<br />

2006-2009: Acting Lecturer of Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Udine.<br />

Supervisions<br />

Since 2006, he has been supervisor of 15 students for the degree thesis in Education Science, of 2 students for<br />

the degree thesis in Motor Science, and of 1 student for the master degree thesis in Rehabilitation Science at<br />

the University of Udine. He is currently supervisor of 1 post-doc fellow.<br />

Curriculum studiorum<br />

2006: PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Verona (supervisor: Prof. Giovanni Berlucchi).<br />

2002 - Degree (cum laude) in Psychology – Experimental Psychology at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.

Non-academic Achievements<br />

1997-2002: Fellowship at the Collegio Universitario “Lamaro - Pozzani” (www.rulp.it) of the Federazione<br />

Nazionale dei Cavalieri del Lavoro, Rome.<br />

2000: Grade B in the Examination for the First Certificate in English – University of Cambridge.<br />

2000: Summer School of English in Sciences, University of Warwick (UK).<br />

Prizes and acknowledgements :<br />

Gold Medal ”Mente e Cervello” 2007 and Medal from the President of Italy for his research in neuroscience.<br />

Young Investigator Award 2008, Italian Association of Psychology, Section of Experimental Psychology.<br />

Editorial Activity:<br />

He served as ad-hoc referee for Cerebral Cortex, European Journal of Neuroscience, Cortex, Neuropsychologia,<br />

Journal of Neurophysiology, PLOS One, Psychological Science, Brain and Cognition,, Experimental Brain<br />

Research, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, Frontiers in Psychology, Experimental<br />

Psychology, Biology Letters<br />

Previous Fellowships<br />

2007-2008: Post-Doc fellowship, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Udine. Project: Plasticity of the<br />

neural representation of body image. Supervisor: Prof. Franco Fabbro.<br />

2005-2008: Research Fellowship at the Research Institute “E. Medea”, Polo Friuli Venezia Giulia. Project: Italian<br />

Standardization of the NEPSY-II for the neuropsychological evaluation of children. Supervisor: Prof. Franco<br />

Fabbro.<br />

2002-2003: Research Fellowship at the “Associazione per le Neuroscienze G. Moruzzi”, of the Dpt. of<br />

Neurological and Vision Sciences, Section of Human Physiology, University of Verona. Project: Hemispheric<br />

Metacontrol and perception of chimeric stimuli in healthy individuals and split-brain patients. Supervisor: Prof.<br />

Salvatore M. Aglioti.<br />

Publications in peer reviewed journals<br />

1. Abreu AM, Macaluso E, Azevedo RT, Cesari P, Urgesi C, Aglioti SM (in press). Action anticipation beyond the action observation<br />

network: An fMRI study in expert basketball players. European Journal of Neuroscience.<br />

2. Avenanti A, Annella L, Candidi M, Urgesi C, Aglioti SM (2012) Compensatory Plasticity in the Action Observation Network: Virtual<br />

Lesions of STS Enhance Anticipatory Simulation of Seen Actions. Cerebral Cortex.<br />

3. Urgesi C, Romano’ M, Fornasari L, Fabbro F. (2012). Investigating the development of temperament and character in schoolaged<br />

children using a self-report measure. Comprehensive Psychiatry.<br />

4. Urgesi C, Fornasari L, Perini L, Canalaz F, Cremaschi S, Faleschini L, Balestrieri M, Fabbro F, Aglioti SM, Brambilla P. (in press).<br />

Visual discrimination of body form and body action in adolescent patients with anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating<br />

Disorders.<br />

5. Moro V, Pernigo S, Avesani R, Bulgarelli C, Urgesi C, Candidi M, Aglioti SM. (2011). Visual body recognition in a prosopagnosic<br />

patient. Neuropsychologia.<br />

6. Urgesi C, Savonitto MM, Fabbro F, Aglioti SM. (2011). Long- and short-term plastic modeling of action prediction abilities in<br />

volleyball. Psychological Research.<br />

7. Urgesi C., Avenanti A. (2011). Functional and epiphenomenal modulation of neural activity in body-selective visual areas.<br />

Cognitive Neuroscience. 2(3-4): 212-214.<br />

8. Olivieri I, Bova SM, Urgesi C, Ariaudo G, Perotto E, Fazzi E, Stronati M, Fabbro F, Balottin U, Orcesi S. (2011). Outcome of extremely<br />

low birth weight infants: What's new in the third millennium? Neuropsychological profiles at four years. Early Hum Dev. Epub ahead of<br />


9. Avenanti A, Urgesi C. (2011). Understanding 'what' others do: mirror mechanisms play a crucial role in action perception. Soc Cogn<br />

Affect Neurosci.6(3):257-9.<br />

10. Costantini M, Urgesi C, Galati G, Romani GL, Aglioti SM. (2011). Haptic perception and body representation in lateral and medial<br />

occipito-temporal cortices. Neuropsychologia. 49(5):821-9.<br />

11. Calvo-Merino B, Urgesi C, Orgs G, Aglioti SM, Haggard P (2010). Extrastriate body area underlies aesthetic evaluation of body stimuli.<br />

Exp Brain Res. 204(3):447-56.<br />

12. Urgesi C, Fornasari L, De Faccio S, Perini L, Mattiussi E, Ciano R, Balestrieri M, Fabbro F, Brambilla P. (2011). Body Schema and Self-<br />

Representation in Patients with Bulimia Nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders (3):238-48.<br />

13. Urgesi C, Aglioti SM, Skrap M, Fabbro F. (2010). The spiritual brain: Selective cortical lesions modulate human self transcendence.<br />

Neuron,65(3): 309-319.<br />

14. Urgesi C, Maieron M, Avenanti A, Tidoni E, Fabbro F, Aglioti SM. (2010). Simulating the future of actions in the human cortico-spinal<br />

system. Cerebral Cortex, 20(11):2511-21.<br />

15. Optale G, Urgesi C, Busato V, Marin S, Piron L, Priftis K, Gamberini L, Capodieci S, Bordin A. (2009). Controlling Memory Impairment in<br />

Elderly Adults Using Virtual Reality Memory Training: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study. Neurorehabil Neural Repair, 24(4):348-57.<br />

16. Moro V, Pernigo S, Urgesi C, Zapparoli P, Aglioti SM (2008). Finger recognition and gesture imitation in Gerstmann's syndrome.<br />

Neurocase, 15(1):13-23.<br />

17. Moro V, Urgesi C, Pernigo S, Lanteri P, Pazzaglia M, Aglioti SM. (2008). The neural basis of body form and body action agnosia.<br />

Neuron, 60(2): 235-246.<br />

18. Candidi M, Urgesi C, Ionta S, Aglioti SM. (2008). Virtual lesion of ventral premotor cortex impairs visual perception of biomechanically<br />

possible but not impossible actions. Social Neuroscience, 3(3-4): 388-400.<br />

19. Aglioti SM, Cesari P, Romani M, Urgesi C. (2008) Action anticipation and motor resonance in elite basketball players. Nature<br />

Neuroscience, 11: 1109-1116, 2008.<br />

20. Urgesi C, Calvo-Merino B, Haggard P, Aglioti SM. (2007). Transcranial magnetic stimulation reveals two cortical pathways for visual<br />

body processing. The Journal of Neuroscience, 27(30): 8023-8030.<br />

21. Urgesi C, Candidi M, Ionta S, Aglioti SM. (2007). Representation of body identity and body actions in extrastriate body area and<br />

ventral premotor cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 10: 30-31.<br />

22. Urgesi C, Moro V, Candidi M, Aglioti SM. (2006). Mapping Implied body actions in the human motor system. The Journal of<br />

Neuroscience, 26: 7942-7949.<br />

23. Urgesi C, Candidi M, Fabbro F, Romani M, Aglioti SM. (2006). Motor facilitation during action observation: topographic mapping of the<br />

target muscle and influence of the onlooker’s posture. European Journal of Neuroscience, 23: 2522-2530.<br />

24. Fourkas AD, Avenanti A, Urgesi C, Aglioti SM. (2006). Comparable Cortico-spinal Facilitation for First and Third Person Imagery.<br />

Experimental Brain Research, 168(1-2): 143-151.<br />

25. Urgesi C, Bricolo E, Aglioti SM. (2005). Hemispheric Metacontrol and Cerebral Dominance in Healthy Individuals Investigated by Means<br />

of Chimeric Faces. Cognitive Brain Research, 24(3): 513-525.<br />

26. Romani M, Cesari P, Urgesi C, Facchini S, Aglioti SM. (2005). Motor facilitation of the human cortico-spinal system during observation<br />

of bio-mechanically impossible movements. Neuroimage, 26(3): 755-763.<br />

27. Urgesi C, Berlucchi G, Aglioti SM. (2004). Magnetic Stimulation of Extrastriate Body Area Impairs Visual Processing of Non-facial Body<br />

Parts. Current Biology, 14(23): 2130-2134.<br />

Publications in non peer reviewed journals<br />

o Urgesi C. (2010). Neuropsicologia dell’Autotrascendenza. Antropologia della salute, 1: 183-196.<br />

o Urgesi C., Candidi M., Aglioti S.M. (2007). Gli strani miraggi del nostro corpo. Darwin, 18(3-4): 61-66.<br />

o Urgesi C. (2006). I disturbi dello sviluppo della coordinazione motoria. Saggi. Child Development & Disabilities, Vol XXXII<br />

(Neuropsicologia evolutiva e disturbi dell'apprendimento, Parte I) 4: 53-63.<br />

o Urgesi C. (2006). Sistemi neurali coinvolti nella percezione del corpo. Studi neurofisiologici. DiPAV- Quaderni, 15: 35-58, Franco Angeli.<br />

Book chapters<br />

o Marini, A., Urgesi, C. and Fabbro, F. Neurolinguistics of Bilingualism. (2011, in press). In Faust, M. (Ed.) Handbook of<br />

Neuropsychology of Language. Blackwell Publishing Group<br />

o Urgesi C., Fabbro F. (2009). The Neuropsychology of Second Language Acquisition. In (Ed. W.C. Ritchie and T.K. Bhatia) NEW<br />


o Urgesi C. (2008).Neuropsicologia dell’apprendimento della seconda lingua. In (Ed. E. Jafrancesco) PROCESSI DI APPRENDIMENTO<br />


2007. Le Monnier Italiano per Stranieri.<br />

Invited presentations<br />


DELLO SVILUPPO. Bologna, 2 march 2012.<br />

o November 2011 – Anticipatory simulation of body actions in sport: Psychophysics and TMS studies. Satellite symposium, Annual<br />

meeting of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology, Brescia, 14 November 2011.<br />

o December 2010 – Perception and representation of the body in the brain: clinical and research issues.. Conference “La Salute del<br />

Bambino tra Genetica e Neuroscienze”, IRCCS E. Medea, Bosisio Parini, 11 December 2011.<br />

o October 2010 – Neural representation of the human body and its actions. Conference “I Corpi nel Cervello. Prospettive di ricerca nel<br />

rapporto tra mente e corpo”. Ospedale del Sacro Cuore - Negrar, Verona, 07 October 2010.<br />

o October 2010 - Anticipatory Motor Simulation of Body Actions. The Trieste Symposium on Perception and Cognition. 28 October 2010.<br />

o October 2010 – Spiritual neuroplasticity. Conference “Plasticità del sistema nervoso centrale e riabilitazione: attuali conoscenze e<br />

nuove possibilità terapeutiche”, Pasian di Prato (Udine), 16 October 2010.<br />

o September 2010 - Neuropsychological investigation of spirituality: Selective cortical lesions modulate human self transcendence.<br />

Symposium, Second Meeting of the Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology (ESN), Amsterdam, 22 September 2010.<br />

o September 2010 – Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation- Seminar for students of the degree in Physical Therapy, University of Udine. 15<br />

September 2010.<br />

o June 2010 - Anticipatory Motor Simulation of body actions. Action colloquim. Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain<br />

Sciences. Leipzig, Germany, 29 June 2010.<br />

o May 2010 – Anticipatory Motor Simulation of body actions. Seminar at the Department of Psychology University of Rome La Sapienza .<br />

o April 2010 – Neuropsychology of SelfTranscendence. Conference “Evoluzione e filosofia della mente. Tra creatività e intelligenza<br />

artificiale”, International Institute for Humankind Studies, Firenze. “”. Brescia 25 April 2010.<br />

o December 2009 – The Body in the Brain: Perception and representation. Conference “Dottore, vorrei un corpo bionico! “Cibernetica e<br />

biorobotica.” Roma, 02 December 2009.<br />

o June 2009 - Neural body representation. Seminar for students of the degree in Physical Therapy, University of Udine, 30 June 2009.<br />

o June 2009 - Visual and Motor representation of body form and body action perception. DISCOS Summer School. Parma, 16 th -19 th June<br />

2009.<br />

o May 2009 - Neural Representation of the human body and its forms. Neurophilosophy Seminars. Department of Philosophy, University<br />

of Milan, 22 th May 2009.<br />

o November 2007 - Epidemiology of Developmental Disorders. Workshop “Percorsi della Neuroriabilitazione in età evolutiva”. Pasian di<br />

Prato (UD) 10 November 2007.<br />

o October 2007 - Neuropsychology of Second Language Acquisition. XVI Convegno Nazionale ILSA “PROCESSI DI APPRENDIMENTO<br />


o June 2007 - Italian Standardization of the NEPSY-II, Workshop “Applicazione clinica della batteria di valutazione neuropsicologica<br />

NEPSY-II in lingua italiana”. Pasian di Prato (Udine) 16 June 2007.<br />

o April 2007 - Neural representation of static and moving bodies. Workshop “IL CERVELLO MOTORIO: teoria, clinica, ipotesi riabilitative”.<br />

Rome, 14 April 2007.<br />

o May 2007 - Italian NEPSY-II. Workshop “La Neuropsicologia nel Lavoro Clinico con il Bambino e con l’Adolescente. Assergi (AQ), 11 -<br />

12 May 2007.<br />

o March 2007 - Neuropsychology of Self Transcendence. Brain Awareness Week Meeting “Il Cervello Mistico – The Mystic Brain”. Rome,<br />

13 - 15 March 2007.<br />

o December 2006 - Neurophysiologic bases of neural plasticity. Workshop “LO SVILUPPO NORMALE E PATOLOGICO DELLE FUNZIONI<br />

ADATTIVE NEL BAMBINO: affinità, diversificazioni, implicazioni educative e rieducative”. Modena, 5 December 2006.<br />

o November 2005 - Valutazione delle funzioni visuo-spaziali nel bambino. Workshop “Valutazione neuropsicologica dell'out-come<br />

riabilitativo del bambino”. Pasian di Prato (UD), 5 November 2005.<br />

Conference presentations:<br />

o Urgesi C. Basi neurali dell’agnosia per il corpo. (Neural Bases of Body Agnosia). Meeting of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP),

Section of Experimental Psychology, Chieti, September 2009.<br />

o Urgesi C, Maieron M, Avenanti A, Fabbro F, Aglioti SM. Anticipatory simulation of implied actions in the human motor system. Third<br />

International Conference on Transcranial Magnetic and Direct Current Stimulation. Gottingen, 1-4 October 2008 (Brain Stimulation,<br />

2008, 3 :253-254).<br />

o Urgesi C, Maieron M, Avenanti A, Fabbro F, Aglioti SM. Ruolo del sistema motorio nella simulazione anticipatoria delle azioni osservate:<br />

uno studio di TMS singolo impulso. Meeting of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP), Section of Experimental Psychology, Padova,<br />

September 2008.<br />

o Avenanti A, Annella L, Urgesi C. Fronto-temporal influences on the corticospinal mirror mapping of implied body actions. Rovereto<br />

Workshop on Concepts, Actions and Objects. Rovereto, 24 – 27 April 2008.<br />

o Urgesi C, Skrap M, Aglioti SM, Fabbro F. Neuropsychology of Self-Transcendence. Rovereto Body Representation Workshop, Rovereto,<br />

8 – 10 October 2007.<br />

o Urgesi C, Calvo-Merino B, Haggard P, Aglioti SM. Two cortical pathways for visual body processing investigated by means of<br />

transcranial magnetic stimulation. National Congress of the Italian Society of Neuroscience. Verona, 27 – 30 September 2007.<br />

o Pernigo S, Urgesi C, Aglioti SM, Moro V. Implicit Memory of Body Action and Body Form: A Behavioural Study. Rovereto Workshop on<br />

Concepts, Actions and Objects. Rovereto, 19 – 22 April 2007.<br />

o Moro V, Pernigo S, Urgesi C, Zapparoli P, Aglioti SM. Finger Cognition and Imitation in Gerstmann’s Syndrome. Rovereto Workshop on<br />

Concepts, Actions and Objects. Rovereto, 19 – 22 April 2007.<br />

o Urgesi C, Fabbro F. Valutazione Neuropsicologica di Bambini con DSL e Disturbi Comportamentali con la NEPSY-1. Atti del XXIII<br />

Congresso Nazionale S.I.N.P.I.A. Abano Terme, 25 – 28 October 2006.<br />

o Urgesi C, Moro V, Candidi M, Aglioti SM. Selective facilitation of the human motor system by observation of static snapshots that imply<br />

body actions. XII Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage, 2006 June; 31 (Supplemement 1): S139.<br />

o Candidi M, Urgesi C, Ionta S, Aglioti SM. The causative role of EBA and vPMc in mapping body action and body form. An event-related<br />

repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation study. XII Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, NeuroImage,<br />

2006 June; 31 (Supplemement 1): S162.<br />

o Urgesi C, Candidi M, Ionta S, Aglioti SM. Rappresentazione neurale del corpo fermo e in movimento. Studi di stimolazione magnetica<br />

transcranica ripetitiva. Comunicazione Orale, Riunione Primaverile della Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia (SINP), Bologna, May 2005.<br />

o Urgesi C, Berlucchi G, Aglioti SM. Selective disruption of human body recognition following magnetic stimulation of the extrastriate<br />

body area. Poster, Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN), San Diego, October 2004.<br />

o Urgesi C, Berlucchi G, Aglioti SM. Ruolo dell’Extrastriate Body Area (EBA) nel Riconoscimento Corporeo. Comunicazione Orale, Meeting<br />

of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP), Section of Experimental Psychology, Sciacca, September 2004.<br />

o Fourkas A.D, Avenanti A, Urgesi C, Aglioti SM. A TMS Study of Imagined Motion and Imagery Perspective. First Congress of the<br />

European Network of Neuropsychological Societies, Modena, April 2004.<br />

o Urgesi C, Bricolo E, Aglioti SM. Percezione di facce chimeriche e metacontrollo emisferico: uno studio comportamentale in soggetti<br />

normali. Comunicazione Orale, Meeting of the Italian Association of Psychology (AIP), Section of Experimental Psychology, Bari,<br />

September 2003.<br />

o Urgesi C, Bricolo E, Aglioti SM. Percezione di figure chimeriche e metacontrollo emisferico: uno studio comportamentale in soggetti<br />

normali. Comunicazione Orale, Riunione Primaverile della Società Italiana di Neuropsicologia (SINP), Bologna, May 2003.<br />

o Aglioti SM, Urgesi C, Boscaglia C, Bricolo E. Interhemispheric integration and hemispheric metacontrol in normal subjects investigated<br />

by means of chimeric figures. Poster, XI Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), New York, March 2003.<br />

o Urgesi C, Boscaglia C, Bricolo E, Aglioti SM. Cerebral Dominance and Hemispheric Metacontrol in Normal Subjects Investigated by<br />

Means of Chimeric Figures. Poster, “The Human Brain” International Conference, Roma, October 2002.

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