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The only truly alien planet is Earth. - UniCA Eprints - Università degli ...

The only truly alien planet is Earth. - UniCA Eprints - Università degli ...


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Nathan, il cui atteggiamento d<strong>is</strong>taccato nei confronti di Traven e <strong>degli</strong> altri pazienti evoca il<br />

fenomeno che Ballard denomina ‘death of affect’, una forma di individual<strong>is</strong>mo esasperato<br />

caratterizzato da un d<strong>is</strong>tacco emotivo tendente al patologico, tipico delle società ad alto tasso<br />

tecnologico, che trova un parallelo nel fondamentale testo di Herbert Marcuse, L’uomo a una<br />

dimensione 28 . Lo scrittore Iain Sinclair rileva una connessione tra Bataille e Ballard, attraverso<br />

Crash, nel rapporto tra morte e sessualità, già esplorato da Sade e Freud 29 . La coppia oppositiva<br />

Eros/Thanatos è pertanto alla base di un testo come Crash, nel quale la pulsione di morte ha un<br />

ruolo di primo piano, in una vicenda che si pone come sintomo di una deriva morale della società 30 .<br />

Analogamente, secondo lo stesso schema oppositivo, in <strong>The</strong> Drowned World la pulsione di morte<br />

finiva con il prevalere sul principio del piacere nel comportamento del protagon<strong>is</strong>ta, Kerans. A<br />

comporre il quadro di esplosioni di energia dion<strong>is</strong>iaca che segnano la narrazione di Crash<br />

concorrono le funzioni di coppie oppositive quali vita/morte e creazione/d<strong>is</strong>truzione. Ricarda Vidal<br />

aggiunge: «Crash suggests and explores a new sexuality, an alternative sexuality, which <strong>is</strong><br />

stimulated by the aesthetic, imaginary, and physical experience of the car crash, by the imaginary<br />

and the real fusion of body and technology» 31 .<br />

Qui non troviamo macchine da cucire e ombrelli. Piuttosto questi testi fanno riferimento a<br />

Sade e Bataille per il legame tra sesso e violenza, che li qualifica in ogni caso come opere debitrici<br />

nei confronti della poetica surreal<strong>is</strong>ta. In Crash questo debito è ascrivibile in particolare a H<strong>is</strong>toire<br />

de l'oeil e L’Erot<strong>is</strong>me di Bataille, nella m<strong>is</strong>ura in cui erot<strong>is</strong>mo e violenza si mescolano in una<br />

28 « […] [W]hat Ballard has diagnosed as the malady of the late twentieth century – the death of affect [corsivo<br />

dell’autrice]. Ballard coined th<strong>is</strong> term in ‘Tolerances of the Human Face” (1966) to refer to the overwhelming air of<br />

physical and emotional inertia that vitiates human consciousness. […] Ballard’s ‘death of affect’ thes<strong>is</strong> articulates clear<br />

parallels with Herbert Marcuse’s contemporaneous study One-Dimensional Man (1964), which similarly critic<strong>is</strong>ed the<br />

mechan<strong>is</strong>ation of human subjectivity by modern technological systems. Language, for Ballard and Marcuse, has been<br />

colon<strong>is</strong>ed by the mass-media systems, and with it all sense of agency, emotion and imagination has been replaced by<br />

ready-made formats. In the prosthetic environment of the post-war mediascape we do nothing more than approximate<br />

ourselves to one element or another of a pre-establ<strong>is</strong>hed dictionary. Moreover, the mechan<strong>is</strong>ms of representation are so<br />

well-concealed that perspectival space has collapsed altogether. Boundaries separating reality/representation,<br />

internal/external, psychic/social have been eroded, flattened by the two dimensional space of the telev<strong>is</strong>ion screen.»<br />

Jeannette Baxter, J. G. Ballard’s Surreal<strong>is</strong>t Imagination, op. cit., p. 73.<br />

29 «<strong>The</strong> connection between sex and death, between the ‘petit mort’ of orgasm and final annihilation has been made by<br />

many philosophers. <strong>The</strong> Marqu<strong>is</strong> de Sade was perhaps the most notorious writer on these themes. Sigmund Freud<br />

started h<strong>is</strong> work in psychoanalys<strong>is</strong> by foregrounding the sexual drives, but subsequently supplemented h<strong>is</strong> thought on<br />

sexuality with h<strong>is</strong> paradigm of Thanatos, the death instinct, the second major element in the psyche. <strong>The</strong> writings of<br />

Georges Bataille (2001) develop the connection, and bataillean themes are evidenced in the narrative and characters in<br />

Crash and the life and work of Bob Flanagan. Ian Sinclair argues both that “[Cronenberg’s] Crash <strong>is</strong> Georges Bataille<br />

serial<strong>is</strong>ed in Autosport”, and that it “<strong>is</strong> a movie de Sade would have adored” (Sinclair 1999 : 69).» Graeme Harper,<br />

Andrew Moor, Signs of life: cinema and medicine, London-New York, Wallflower Press, 2005, p. 61.<br />

30 «[…] by using the crash as a symbol of the fusion between destructive human desires and no less destructive<br />

technological imperatives, which interpenetrate and exacerbate each other (with neither able to take precedence), the<br />

text suggests that contemporary social ex<strong>is</strong>tence <strong>is</strong> powered by the death-drive.» Andrzej Gasiorek, J. G. Ballard,<br />

Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2005, p. 82.<br />

31 Ricarda Vidal, “Crash-Desire - <strong>The</strong> Post-Erotic Machine Men of J. G. Ballard‘s and David Cronenberg‘s Crash”, in<br />

Death and Desire in Car Crash Culture: <strong>The</strong> Many Returns of Futur<strong>is</strong>m, unpubl<strong>is</strong>hed thes<strong>is</strong>, London Consortium,<br />

University of London, 2007, pp. 140-155.<br />

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