The only truly alien planet is Earth. - UniCA Eprints - Università degli ...

The only truly alien planet is Earth. - UniCA Eprints - Università degli ...

The only truly alien planet is Earth. - UniCA Eprints - Università degli ...


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Gloeckner 25 ricordano la serie di immagini prodotte dall’art<strong>is</strong>ta belga Wim Delvoye denominate<br />

‘K<strong>is</strong>s’, ottenute attraverso un procedimento che prevede l’utilizzo dei raggi X 26 . In Crash la vicenda<br />

narrata ruota intorno all’aspetto psicologico dei fenomeni legati alle perversioni sessuali, ben<br />

presente anche in <strong>The</strong> Atrocity Exhibition. I protagon<strong>is</strong>ti di Crash, mossi da un malessere spirituale<br />

che si manifesta come una vera e propria psicopatologia, cercano l’appagamento sessuale nella sfida<br />

con la morte posta in essere attraverso gli incidenti automobil<strong>is</strong>tici. Alla base di entrambi i testi<br />

troviamo pertanto elementi quali violenza, tecnologia, erot<strong>is</strong>mo. Interrogato sullo strano<br />

accostamento tra sesso e automobili, Ballard spiega che l’accento non è tanto sull’auto quanto sulla<br />

tecnologia, servendosi di un’equazione che pare modellata su quella della teoria einsteiniana della<br />

relatività (energia = massa x velocità della luce al quadrato):<br />

[Domanda:] Sex and the motor car seems, on the face of it, rather an odd mixture, one a deep<br />

expression of humanity, the other a symbol of the machine age, why draw a correlation between the two<br />

when they seem so much like oil and water – or spermatic fluid and anti-freeze?<br />

[R<strong>is</strong>posta:] Crash <strong>is</strong> not so much about the motor car as about technology as a whole, and it <strong>is</strong><br />

prec<strong>is</strong>ely the sin<strong>is</strong>ter marriage between sex and technology which <strong>is</strong> the book's subject. Sex x Technology =<br />

the future. A d<strong>is</strong>quieting equation, but one we have to face. Incidentally, I do not see machines as necessarily<br />

forbidding or inhuman 27 .<br />

Nella stessa interv<strong>is</strong>ta l’autore afferma che l’accuratezza dei termini medici scientifici e<br />

della descrizione delle ferite deriva dalle sue esperienze giovanili da studente di medicina che<br />

comportavano anche la d<strong>is</strong>sezione di cadaveri, con il supporto del testo medico Crash Injuries. Tale<br />

accuratezza è strumentale al carattere di investigazione scientifica che ha voluto assegnare al<br />

romanzo, oltre che funzionale al d<strong>is</strong>tacco emotivo che lo caratterizza. In <strong>The</strong> Atrocity Exhibition<br />

l’asetticità dell’approccio scientifico si esprime principalmente attraverso il personaggio del Dr.<br />

25 «Phoebe Gloeckner‘s prec<strong>is</strong>ely-drawn illustrations […] real<strong>is</strong>m d<strong>is</strong>mantles “pornography” like Ballard’s text: as a<br />

series of fragmentary, <strong>alien</strong>ated, passionless responses to a set of stimuli. A pen<strong>is</strong> inside a mouth takes on the detached<br />

d<strong>is</strong>tancing of a medical lecture, its erotic<strong>is</strong>m exc<strong>is</strong>ed – just as an atrocity on the news <strong>is</strong> neutralized by the commercial<br />

that follows, resulting in deadened emotional response. Implied here <strong>is</strong> a critique of science as ultimate pornography,<br />

capable of reducing the ineffable [corsivo dei curatori] – unique personal relationships, the source of our greatest delight<br />

– to objectified purely functional commodifications». V. Vale e A. Juno, “Introduction”, in J. G. Ballard, Atrocity, a<br />

cura di V. Vale e A. Juno, op.cit., p. 6.<br />

26 «[Delvoye’s] ‘K<strong>is</strong>s’ series of x-ray photographs involved Delvoye asking friends to ‘paint themselves with small<br />

amounts of barium’ (that liquid used in x-rays for digestion and such like) and then be “photographed” having sex in<br />

medical clinics. […] Actually, it’s very relevant, given Ballard’s medical background and h<strong>is</strong> observation in the<br />

introduction to Crash that we live in a time in which ‘<strong>The</strong>rmo-nuclear weapons systems and soft-drink commercials<br />

coex<strong>is</strong>t in an overlit realm ruled by advert<strong>is</strong>ing and pseudo-events, science and pornography [grassetto dell’autore].’<br />

[…] Of Ballard’s books, it’s <strong>The</strong> Atrocity Exhibition that most clearly makes the case for th<strong>is</strong> fusion, something<br />

the RE/Search edition of Atrocity brilliantly enhanced with its anatomical art from Phoebe Gloeckner, art that very<br />

much anticipates the spirit of Delvoye’s ‘K<strong>is</strong>s’.» Uno dei commenti dei lettori del sito, a firma Rick Trembles (nota n.<br />

8) recita: «Besides h<strong>is</strong> dolls, much of Bellmer’s drawn artwork dealt with translucence; incredibly detailed x-ray v<strong>is</strong>ions<br />

of what’s going on with (& within) the genitals during the often d<strong>is</strong>turbing sorts of sexual situations he was expert at<br />

depicting. Genital folds merge perfectly with internal organs during the sex act, etc…» Simon Sellars, “<strong>The</strong> fusion of<br />

science and pornography” (http://www.ballardian.com/the-fusion-of-science-and-pornography) [Ultima v<strong>is</strong>ita il<br />

05/08/2010].<br />

27 James Goddard, “Ballard on Crash: Answers to Some Questions”, Cypher [fanzine] n. 10, ottobre 1973, pp 53-54.<br />

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