The only truly alien planet is Earth. - UniCA Eprints - Università degli ...

The only truly alien planet is Earth. - UniCA Eprints - Università degli ...

The only truly alien planet is Earth. - UniCA Eprints - Università degli ...


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Insomma, la “società dello spettacolo” di Debord, in stretta connessione con la cultura del<br />

simulacro 490 .<br />

Stelarc appartiene all’ordine della simulazione individuato da Baudrillard. Il cyborg è un<br />

simulacro high-tech: è «un organ<strong>is</strong>mo cibernetico, protesizzatosi nell’informazione, che, come<br />

sostiene Stelarc, integra un corpo biologico ormai funzionalmente obsoleto” 491 . Abbiamo v<strong>is</strong>to<br />

come in Ballard ogni tanto la figura del cyborg faccia un’apparizione, come per esempio nel<br />

personaggio di Gabrielle in Crash. Sul sito internet di Stelarc si può leggere la seguente<br />

dichiarazione su corpo e tecnologia:<br />

Bodies are both Zombies and Cyborgs. We have never had a mind of our own and we often perform<br />

involuntarily conditioned and externally prompted. Ever since we evolved as hominids and developed<br />

bipedal locomotion, two limbs became manipulators and we constructed artifacts, instruments and machines.<br />

In other words we have always been coupled with technology. We have always been prosthetic bodies. We<br />

fear the involuntary and we are becoming increasingly automated and extended. But we fear what we have<br />

always been and what we have already become - Zombies and Cyborgs 492 .<br />

Nell’accostare simulazione e fantasia Foster cita Platone e Deleuze. Il primo d<strong>is</strong>tingueva le<br />

immagini in copie conformi all’idea e copie infedeli, simulacri fantasmatici cattivi. Il secondo<br />

commenta che la tradizione platonica non si limita a respingere il simulacro in quanto brutta copia<br />

priva di un originale, ma perché mette in d<strong>is</strong>cussione il rapporto tra originale e copia, la gerarchia<br />

tra l’idea e la sua rappresentazione 493 .<br />

490 «[W]hat the architecture h<strong>is</strong>torians call ‘h<strong>is</strong>toric<strong>is</strong>m’, namely, the random cannibalization of all the styles of the past,<br />

the play of random styl<strong>is</strong>tic allusion, and in general what Henri Lefebvre has called the increasing primacy of the ‘neo’.<br />

Th<strong>is</strong> omnipresence of pastiche <strong>is</strong> not incompatible with a certain humor, however, nor <strong>is</strong> it innocent of all passion: it <strong>is</strong><br />

at the least compatible with addiction – with a whole h<strong>is</strong>torically original consumers’ appetite for a world transformed<br />

into sheer images of itself and for pseudo-events and ‘spectacles’ (the term of the situation<strong>is</strong>ts). It <strong>is</strong> for such objects<br />

that we may reserve Plato’s conception of the ‘simulacrum’, the identical copy for which no original has ever ex<strong>is</strong>ted.<br />

Appropriately enough, the culture of the simulacrum comes to life in a society where exchange value has been<br />

generalized to the point at which the very memory of use value <strong>is</strong> effaced, a society of which Guy Debord has observed,<br />

in an extraordinary phrase, that in it “the image has become the final form of commodity reification” (<strong>The</strong> society of the<br />

spectacle).» F. Jameson, op. cit., p. 18.<br />

491 E. L. Francalanci, op. cit. Stelarc è un performer multimediale nato a Cipro nel 1946 e naturalizzato australiano. La<br />

sua performance più famosa cons<strong>is</strong>teva nella sospensione del suo corpo a s<strong>is</strong>temi di uncini conficcati nella carne,<br />

replicata per 25 volte tra il 1976 e il 1988. Ma è noto soprattutto per aver trasformato il proprio corpo in un cyborg vero<br />

e proprio con <strong>degli</strong> innesti tecnologici, quali una terza mano sintetica e un braccio virtuale.<br />

492 Stelarc (http://www.stelarc.va.com.au/arcx.html) [Ultima v<strong>is</strong>ita 04/10/2010].<br />

493 «But what does simulation have to do with fantasy? Both can confound origins, and both are repressed within<br />

modern<strong>is</strong>m for doing so. It <strong>is</strong> in the desp<strong>is</strong>ed realm of fantasy that our aesthetic tradition long impr<strong>is</strong>oned simulation –<br />

that <strong>is</strong>, until its partial release in surreal<strong>is</strong>m. For Plato, images were divided between proper claimants and false<br />

claimants to the idea, between good iconic copies that resemble the idea and bad fantasmatic simulacra that insinuate it.<br />

As Gilles Deleuze has argued, the platonic tradition repressed the simulacrum not simply as a false claimant, a bad copy<br />

without an original, but because it challenged the order of original and copy, the hierarchy of idea and representation –<br />

the principle of identity, we might say after Ernst. In repression the fantasmatic simulacrum assumed a daemonic<br />

quality as well, and Deleuze describes it in terms similar to our ‘uncanny’ definition of surreal<strong>is</strong>t fantasy: ‘<strong>The</strong><br />

simulacrum implies great dimensions, depths, and d<strong>is</strong>tances which the observer cannot dominate. It <strong>is</strong> because he<br />

cannot master them that he has an impression of resemblance. <strong>The</strong> simulacrum includes within itself the differential<br />

point of view, and the spectator <strong>is</strong> made part of the simulacrum, which <strong>is</strong> transformed and deformed according to h<strong>is</strong><br />

point of view. In short, folded within the simulacrum there <strong>is</strong> a process of going mad, a process of limitlessness’<br />

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