The only truly alien planet is Earth. - UniCA Eprints - Università degli ...

The only truly alien planet is Earth. - UniCA Eprints - Università degli ...

The only truly alien planet is Earth. - UniCA Eprints - Università degli ...


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5. Ballard al cinema<br />

Da sempre Ballard ha manifestato interesse per tutto ciò che rientra nell’ambito<br />

dell’espressione iconica, dall’arte pittorica alle sperimentazioni sulla percezione v<strong>is</strong>iva. Il contributo<br />

delle arti v<strong>is</strong>ive al tema della comm<strong>is</strong>tione tra umano e non umano, tra organico e inorganico, così<br />

come a quello del rapporto tra macchine e produzione art<strong>is</strong>tica, è di primaria importanza. A questo<br />

proposito in un’interv<strong>is</strong>ta lo scrittore ricorda l’impressione che gli fece l’incontro con l’arte di<br />

Eduardo Paolozzi negli anni Cinquanta, le cui opere scultoree erano ibridi di questo tipo:<br />

I was absolutely knocked out by the early Paolozz<strong>is</strong>. I got to know him extremely well a few years<br />

later and have been friends with him ever since. He used to wander around car wreck yards and yards full of<br />

old shipping machinery in Scotland and the like, finding old gear wheels and bits of machine detritus and<br />

he'd assemble them into these extraordinary figures. <strong>The</strong>se are powerful, twentieth-century archetypes. When<br />

you see them actually standing as they stood in the outdoors about ten years ago - there was an exhibition at<br />

the Serpentine - standing on the grass, you feel you are arrIving at some place where these ancient figures,<br />

these Easter Island totems made of machine parts, are waiting for you. I think we screen out large areas of<br />

possible subject matter for the v<strong>is</strong>ual arts when we will not consider the rubble and refuse in a car breaker's<br />

yard or a machine or derelict machinery as the raw material for creating a poetically charged sculpture. Th<strong>is</strong><br />

idea had not occurred to anyone before Paolozzi. You can see in the machine elements a sort of mental<br />

dimension. When I was a medical student, I soon got bored with physiology and embryology and anatomy,<br />

and I homed in on the psychology department. I remember Richard Gregory was doing h<strong>is</strong> early experiments<br />

in v<strong>is</strong>ual perception and it struck me that a lot of the ordinary photographs of after-images, retinal afterimages,<br />

and the like were very close to the images produced by abstract art<strong>is</strong>ts, such as Mondrian. Th<strong>is</strong><br />

struck me as being somewhere in the central nervous system. Paolozzi's work <strong>is</strong> somewhere between<br />

circuitry and organics, a hybrid 385 .<br />

Probabilmente il lungo cammino che nell’opera ballardiana porterà fino a Crash inizia<br />

proprio qui. In fin dei conti i protagon<strong>is</strong>ti di Crash non sono altro che crash test dummies viventi,<br />

gli antesignani di una nuova identità post-umana 386 . Già in <strong>The</strong> Atrocity Exhibition avevamo<br />

incontrato una prima versione più letterale di questi personaggi simbolici: dei pupazzi di plastica<br />

dentro un automobile, i simulacri del pilota e della donna dal volto ustionato che ossessionavano il<br />

protagon<strong>is</strong>ta 387 . L’elemento <strong>alien</strong>ante, perturbante, è la presenza contemporanea nell’uomo divenuto<br />

un ibrido tra la macchina e l’essere umano, di stati contrapposti quale l’artificiale e l’animale,<br />

laddove la sessualità e le sue funzioni nel caso della macchina si manifestano come un fatto<br />

385<br />

William Feaver, “<strong>The</strong> film of Kennedy's assassination <strong>is</strong> the S<strong>is</strong>tine Chapel of our era”, <strong>The</strong> Art Newspaper n. 94,<br />

July 1999.<br />

386<br />

«[…] Crash witnesses the birth of a post-human identity, which <strong>is</strong> based on a fusion of animality and ‘machinality’<br />

fuelled by and explored through sexuality and violence. […] Ballard‘s (and Cronenberg‘s) new adapted version of man<br />

<strong>is</strong> a hybrid between animal and machine, which in its final stage <strong>is</strong> <strong>only</strong> programmed for its own destruction.» R. Vidal,<br />

op. cit.<br />

387<br />

«[…] a wrecked white car with the plastic dummies of a World War III war pilot and a girl with facial burns making<br />

love among a refuse of bubblegum war cards and oral contraceptive wallets.» J. G. Ballard, Atrocity, a cura di V. Vale e<br />

A. Juno, op. cit., p. 15.<br />

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