Catalogo Experimenta 06

Catalogo Experimenta 06 Catalogo Experimenta 06
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TO KNOW MORE How will the future technologies be? The most brilliant inventions are hidden in every day actions of animals and of plants that surround us. Even the most insignificant. Something that has not yet been invented is already here, in the world of nature, near at hand and ...the brain. Let’s try to imagine what is missing, always looking for new ideas! An intricate route. Here is how research proceeds: observation, formulating a hypothesis, experimentation and then? Sometimes it is true, one makes a great discovery but often it is a lot of work for... nothing? No, this never! Because no result is “useless” in scientific research, whatever the conclusion it brings about a new start and the work of one scientist, a group of scientists, gives energy and stimulates new research. But how to represent all this? A metaphor that is the solution! And then two researchers work in synergy: a powerful thrust, to indicate the strength of ideas that make the “start” of research; it is a game of ability and co-ordination to stimulate experimentation. It is important for them to be able to interact and to best communicate their competence. Two examples have been chosen which start from organisms which are very different from each other to arrive at discovering that the “trick” is the microscopic roughness of each: the roughness of a shark skin is useful to allow it to move more quickly in the water, while the surface roughness of lotus leaves is useful to “move dirt quicker” (otherwise: farewell to photosynthesis!). SHARK SKIN IS ...SPEED Sharks are cartilaginous fish Their skin is thin, resistant and rough. It is used to cover drums and to sand wood. The surface is rough because it is covered by superimposed triangular teeth. The superimposition makes the water run in microscopic vortexes and make swimming faster. Scientists have reproduced the structure of shark skin on boats and aircraft to reduce the friction. An artificial textile with the same micro-structure was experimented with success in swimming competitions. LOTUS LEAVES ...CLEANLINESS The lotus is a tropical aquatic plant. The roots and seeds are rich in starch and used as food. The various parts of the plant are used in popular medicine. It is cultivated and used world wide also for its beauty. The leaves are always covered by a rough layer of wax. The wax keeps the leaves dry, and the roughness keeps the dirt off. Scientists have reproduced the characteristics of the lotus leaf in synthetic, water resistant, rough varnish. These varnishes give protection from dirt, corrosion, mould and algae, on cars, tiles and façades of buildings. 33 EXPERIMENTA 06 - INTORNO AL FUTURO: VIAGGIO NELLE TECNOLOGIE INVISIBILI

EXPERIMENTA 06 - INTORNO AL FUTURO: VIAGGIO NELLE TECNOLOGIE INVISIBILI 34 L’AUTO DEL FUTURO Croce e delizia del nostro viver quotidiano, l’automobile è un “oggetto” complesso e con enormi implicazioni nella nostra società. Il suo e nostro prossimo futuro derivano dalla ricerca, dalla tecnologia, dall’innovazione dove i gusti, le abitudini e le richieste del pubblico vanno a conciliarsi con le normative in tema di ambiente, sicurezza e risparmio energetico. Di fronte alla rapidità delle nuove tecnologie, il padiglione propone un racconto che spiega non solo ciò che vedremo tra pochi anni ma anche quanto oggi abbiamo sotto il naso: l’auto è la nostra compagna di vita quotidiana, l’auto che a volte è “l’altra casa” dove passiamo più tempo che nella nostra vera abitazione; ma la conosciamo davvero fino in fondo? Conoscere ma anche giocare, divertirsi con le informazioni e le THE CAR OF THE FUTURE A cross to bear and a delight of our everyday life, the car is a complex “object” with enormous implications in our society. Its future and our near future derives from research, technology, innovation where tastes, habits and the requests of the public should be reconciled with the law in terms of the environment, safety and energy saving. Faced with the rapidity of the new technologies, the pavilion provides an account which not only explains that which will be seen in a few years but also what we have today under our noses: the car is our companion in daily life, the car that sometimes is the “other house” where we spend more time than in our real house, but do we know it really well? To know but also to play, amusing oneself with the information and the interactive proposals of the pavilion assisted by a research Centre which proposes and builds what we expect tomorrow. 1 - MOBILITY: THE CAR? NOT ONLY... How indispensable is the car to us? Is it possible to make more moderate use of it? At the entrance to the pavilion you can interact with a computer and discover what “type” you are: man/woman-car? man/woman-bus? or man/woman-bike? 2 - THE CAR OF THE NEAR FUTURE A big tridimensional structure shows the outline of a car in which the components of the car of today are placed and the car of the near future. The result of a decennial of refined technology, an average car and compo- proposte di interattività del padiglione aiutati da un Centro di ricerca che propone e costruisce quanto ci aspetta domani. 1 - LA MOBILITA’: AUTOMOBILE? NON SOLO... Quanto ci è indispensabile l’auto? E’ possibile farne un uso più moderato? All’ingresso del padiglione potrete interagire con un computer e scoprire che “tipo siete”: uomo/donna-auto?, uomo/donna-autobus? o uomo/donna-bici? 2 - L’AUTO DEL FUTURO PROSSIMO Una grande struttura tridimensionale riprende la sagoma di un’automobile nella quale sono inserite componenti dell’auto del presente e del prossimo futuro. Frutto di decenni di raffinata evoluzione tecnologica, un’auto media è composta di circa 15.000 pezzi, è attraversata da circa 4,5 km di cavi; e costa in media 11 euro al chilo. Potrete “guidare” la vostra esplorazione scegliendo le immagini che scorrono su uno schermo e che il computer riconduce alle caratteristiche del vostro “tipo”. 3 - LA SECONDA CASA Un’exhibit dedicato al sempre maggior “comfort” offerto dall’auto: per esempio il controllo della temperatura dell’abitacolo, la diffusione del suono, la comodità dei sedili... Toccate con mano le diverse risposte ai raggi solari dei materiali... con un approfondimento sulla temperatura e sulla percezione del calore. sed of about 15.000 parts, and with about 4.5 km of cables, and costs on average about 11 Euros per kilo. You can “guide” your exploration choosing images which appear on the screen and which the computer will bring to the characteristics of your “type”. 3 - A SECOND HOUSE An exhibit always dedicated to more “comfort” offered by the car: in the driver and passenger compartment for example the temperature control, the sound diffusion, the comfort of the seats... Touch the different response to the solar rays of the materials with your hand... with a closer examination of temperature and the perception of heat.


34<br />

L’AUTO DEL<br />

FUTURO<br />

Croce e delizia del nostro viver quotidiano, l’automobile è un “oggetto”<br />

complesso e con enormi implicazioni nella nostra società. Il suo e nostro<br />

prossimo futuro derivano dalla ricerca, dalla tecnologia, dall’innovazione<br />

dove i gusti, le abitudini e le richieste del pubblico vanno a conciliarsi<br />

con le normative in tema di ambiente, sicurezza e risparmio energetico.<br />

Di fronte alla rapidità delle nuove tecnologie, il padiglione propone un<br />

racconto che spiega non solo ciò che vedremo tra pochi anni ma anche<br />

quanto oggi abbiamo sotto il naso: l’auto è la nostra compagna di vita<br />

quotidiana, l’auto che a volte è “l’altra casa” dove passiamo più tempo<br />

che nella nostra vera abitazione; ma la conosciamo davvero fino in<br />

fondo? Conoscere ma anche giocare, divertirsi con le informazioni e le<br />


A cross to bear and a delight of our everyday life, the<br />

car is a complex “object” with enormous implications<br />

in our society. Its future and our near future derives<br />

from research, technology, innovation where tastes,<br />

habits and the requests of the public should be reconciled<br />

with the law in terms of the environment,<br />

safety and energy saving. Faced with the rapidity of<br />

the new technologies, the pavilion provides an account<br />

which not only explains that which will be seen<br />

in a few years but also what we have today under our<br />

noses: the car is our companion in daily life, the car<br />

that sometimes is the “other house” where we spend<br />

more time than in our real house, but do we know it<br />

really well? To know but also to play, amusing oneself<br />

with the information and the interactive proposals<br />

of the pavilion assisted by a research Centre which<br />

proposes and builds what we expect tomorrow.<br />

1 - MOBILITY: THE CAR? NOT ONLY... How indispensable<br />

is the car to us? Is it possible to make more<br />

moderate use of it? At the entrance to the pavilion<br />

you can interact with a computer and discover what<br />

“type” you are: man/woman-car? man/woman-bus?<br />

or man/woman-bike?<br />

2 - THE CAR OF THE NEAR FUTURE A big tridimensional<br />

structure shows the outline of a car in<br />

which the components of the car of today are placed<br />

and the car of the near future. The result of a decennial<br />

of refined technology, an average car and compo-<br />

proposte di interattività del padiglione aiutati da un Centro di ricerca<br />

che propone e costruisce quanto ci aspetta domani.<br />

1 - LA MOBILITA’: AUTOMOBILE? NON SOLO... Quanto ci è indispensabile<br />

l’auto? E’ possibile farne un uso più moderato? All’ingresso<br />

del padiglione potrete interagire con un computer e scoprire che “tipo<br />

siete”: uomo/donna-auto?, uomo/donna-autobus? o uomo/donna-bici?<br />

2 - L’AUTO DEL FUTURO PROSSIMO Una grande struttura tridimensionale<br />

riprende la sagoma di un’automobile nella quale sono inserite<br />

componenti dell’auto del presente e del prossimo futuro. Frutto di<br />

decenni di raffinata evoluzione tecnologica, un’auto media è composta<br />

di circa 15.000 pezzi, è attraversata da circa 4,5 km di cavi; e costa in<br />

media 11 euro al chilo. Potrete “guidare” la vostra esplorazione scegliendo<br />

le immagini che scorrono su uno schermo e che il computer<br />

riconduce alle caratteristiche del vostro “tipo”.<br />

3 - LA SECONDA CASA Un’exhibit dedicato al sempre maggior<br />

“comfort” offerto dall’auto: per esempio il controllo della temperatura<br />

dell’abitacolo, la diffusione del suono, la comodità dei sedili... Toccate<br />

con mano le diverse risposte ai raggi solari dei materiali... con un approfondimento<br />

sulla temperatura e sulla percezione del calore.<br />

sed of about 15.000 parts, and with about 4.5 km of<br />

cables, and costs on average about 11 Euros per kilo.<br />

You can “guide” your exploration choosing images<br />

which appear on the screen and which the computer<br />

will bring to the characteristics of your “type”.<br />

3 - A SECOND HOUSE An exhibit always dedicated<br />

to more “comfort” offered by the car: in the<br />

driver and passenger compartment for example<br />

the temperature control, the sound diffusion, the<br />

comfort of the seats... Touch the different response<br />

to the solar rays of the materials with your hand...<br />

with a closer examination of temperature and the<br />

perception of heat.

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