Riassunto - Rinascite

Riassunto - Rinascite

Riassunto - Rinascite


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STEINBECK, J., Sweet Thursday, Quel fantastico giovedì, Milano, Mondadori 1965.<br />

STONE, R. H., Professor Reinhold Niebuhr: a Mentor to the Twentieth Century, Louisville, Westminster<br />

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TALMON, J. L., Le origini della democrazia totalitaria, Bologna, Il Mulino 2000.<br />

THOMAS, J. L., La nascita d una potenza mondiale, Bologna, Il Mulino 1988.<br />

TRAVERSO, E., Il totalitarismo. Storia di un dibattito, Milano, Bruno Mondadori 2002.<br />

TRILLING, L., The Liberal Imagination, Garden City, Doubleday Anchor 1950.<br />

TRUMPBOUR, J. (ed.), How Harvard Rules: Reason in the Service of Empire, Boston, South End<br />

Press 1989.<br />

URBINATI, N., Individualismo democratico. Emerson, Dewey e la cultura politica americana, Roma,<br />

Donzelli 1997.<br />

VON HAYEK, F. A., L’abuso della ragione, Firenze, Vallecchi 1967.<br />

VIERECK, P., Unadjusted Man in the Age of Overadjustment: Where History and Literature Intersect,<br />

New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers 2004.<br />

VOEGELIN, E., Autobiographical Reflections , Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University 1989, p. 18<br />

(cfr. tr. it. Riflessioni Autobiografiche, Milano, Giuffré 1993.<br />

VOEGELIN, E., Dall’illuminismo alla rivoluzione, Roma, Gangemi 2007.<br />

VOEGELIN, E., The New Science of Politics, an Introduction, Chicago, University of Chicago Press<br />

1952, tr. it. La nuova scienza politica, Borla, Roma 1999.<br />

VOEGELIN, E., Order and History, Louisiana State University Press 1956.<br />

VOEGELIN, E., Science, Politics, Gnosticism, Willington, ISI Books 2002.<br />

VON HAYEK, F. A., Hayek on Hayek. An Autobiographical Dialogue, Chicago, University of Chicago<br />

Press 1994.<br />

VON HAYEK, F. A., Individualismo: quello vero e quello falso, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino 1997.<br />

VON MISES, L., Liberalism: the Classical Tradition, Indianapolis, Liberty Fund 2005.<br />

WADDELL, B., The War Against the New Deal: World War II and American Democracy, DeKalb,<br />

Northern Illinois University Press, 2006.<br />

WALIGORSKI, C., Liberal Economics and Democracy: Keynes, Galbraith, Thurow, and Reich, Lawrence,<br />

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WALTZ, K., Teoria della politica internazionale, Bologna, Il Mulino 1987.<br />


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