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GENTILE, E., Le religioni della politica. Fra democrazie e totalitarismi, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2001.<br />

GERSCHENKRON, A., Economic backwardness in historical perspective, a book of essays, Cambridge,<br />

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GIMPEL, J. G., Separate Destinations: Migration, Immigration, and the Politics of Places, Ann Arbor,<br />

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GRAEME, G., Counter-enlightenments: From the Einghteenth-Century to the Present, London-New<br />

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HALLIWELL, M., The Constant Dialogue. Reinhold Niebuhr & American Intellectual Culture, Lanham,<br />

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HANEY, D. P., The Americanisation of Social Science: Intellectuals and Public Responsibility in the<br />

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HENNESSY, P., Never Again: Britain 1945-51, London, Jonathan Cape 1992.<br />

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