Stefano Bartolini

Stefano Bartolini

Stefano Bartolini


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<strong>Stefano</strong> <strong>Bartolini</strong><br />

Riferimenti bibliografici<br />

<strong>Bartolini</strong>, S. (1996), Cosa è «competizione» e come va studiata, in «Rivista Italiana di<br />

Scienza Politica», XXVI, 2, pp. 209-268.<br />

<strong>Bartolini</strong>, S. (1998), Exit Options, Boundary Building, Political Structuring. Sketches of a<br />

Theory of Large-Scale Territorial and Membership ‘Retrenchment/Differentiation’<br />

versus ‘Expansion/Integration’ (with Reference to the European Union), Firenze,<br />

EUI Working Papers, SPS No. 98/1.<br />

<strong>Bartolini</strong>, S. (2000), The Class Cleavage. The Electoral Mobilisation of the European Left<br />

1880-1980, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.<br />

<strong>Bartolini</strong>, S. (2002), Lo stato nazionale e l’integrazione europea: una agenda di ricerca, in<br />

«Quaderni di Scienza Politica», 9, pp. 397-414.<br />

Chiti, M.P. (1993), Il Trattato dell’Unione Europea e la sua influenza sulla Costituzione<br />

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Easton, D. (1990), The Analysis of Political Structures, London, Routledge.<br />

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New Structuring?, in «Comparative Political Studies», 36, 6, pp. 611-652.<br />

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Flora, P. (2000), Externe Grenzbildung und Interne Strukturierung – Europa und seine<br />

Nationen, Eine Rokkanische Forschungperspektive, in «Berliner Journal für Soziologie»,<br />

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Gierke, O. (1988), Political Theories of the Middle Age, Cambridge, Cambridge University<br />

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Gilbert, M. (2002), Il processo storico dell’Europa integrata, in S. Fabbrini (a cura di),<br />

L’Unione Europea. Le istituzioni e gli attori di un sistema sovranazionale, Roma-<br />

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parziale in (1988), Stato e società, Bologna, Zanichelli.<br />

Hintze, O. (1964), Sociologie und Geschichte, Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht; trad.<br />

it. parziale in (1988), Stato e società, Bologna, Zanichelli.<br />

Hirschman, A.O. (1970), Exit, Voice, and Loyalty. Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations,<br />

and States, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.<br />

Lipgens, W. (1982), A History of European Integration, vol. 1: 1945-1950, Oxford, Clarendon<br />

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Majone, G. (1999), The Regulatory State and its Legitimacy Problems, in «West European<br />

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Milward, A.S. (1992), The European Rescue of the Nation State, London, Routledge.<br />

Moravcsik, A. (1998), The Choice for Europe. Social Purpose and State Power from Messina<br />

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Rokkan, S. (1974), Entries, Voices, Exits: Towards a Possible Generalisation of Hirschman<br />

Model, in «Social Science Information», 13, pp. 39-53.

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