Cristiano Vernesi

Cristiano Vernesi

Cristiano Vernesi


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Personal info<br />

Date of birth: 21/05/1973<br />

Place of birth: Verbania (Italy)<br />

Silvia Fuselli<br />

Curriculum vitae<br />

Mailing address<br />

Laboratory of Population Genetics<br />

Department of Biology and Evolution<br />

University of Ferrara<br />

Via L. Borsari 46<br />

44100 Ferrara, Italy<br />

Phone: +39-0532-455731<br />

e-mail: silvia.fuselli@unife.it


Education<br />

- 1998 First degree in Biological Science (5-year curriculum, with emphasis in Molecular Anthropology),<br />

University of Bologna, Italy. Qualification: 110/110 Cum Laude<br />

- PhD Curriculum Genetics and Evolution (2001-2003) at the laboratory of Population Genetics (advisor prof.<br />

Guido Barbujani) of the Department of Biology, University of Ferrara<br />

- Specialisation School: degree in Applied Genetics (2005), University of Bologna<br />

Present position<br />

- Assistant professor, laboratory of Population Genetics, University of Ferrara.<br />

Research experience<br />

- 1997-98 Genetic variation of STRs marker in Central Asian populations, Molecular Anthropology laboratory<br />

(prof. Davide Pettener) of the Department of Biology, University of Bologna<br />

- 1998-99 Role of p75 neurotrophine receptor in apoptotic intracellular program, Molecular Genetics laboratory<br />

(prof. Giuliano Della Valle) of the Department of Biology, University of Bologna<br />

- 2000-01 Mitochondrial DNA Diversity in Andean populations, Molecular Anthropology laboratory,<br />

Department of Biology, University of Bologna<br />

- August-October 2002 Development of new high-throughput methodology for CYP2D6 genotyping as a part of<br />

a population and evolution collaborative project between the Molecular Population Genetics laboratory<br />

of the University of Ferrara and the Laboratory of Forensic Biology of the University of Helsinki.<br />

Laboratory of Forensic Biology (prof. Antti Sajantila), Department of Forensic Medicine, University of<br />

Helsinki<br />

-PhD project (2001-2003): Investigation of genetic diversity and evolution at a locus involved in drug<br />

metabolism, CYP2D6, in human populations from Europe.<br />

-2004-2005 post-doc, Laboratory of Forensic Biology, Department of Forensic Medicine, University of Helsinki.<br />

(prof. Antti Sajantila). Projects: Pharmacogenetics, population genetics and evolution of drug<br />

metabolising enzymes.<br />

-January-November 2006 post-doc, laboratory of Population Genetics (Prof. Guido Barbujani), University of<br />

Ferrara. Project: The role of pharmacogenetics in prediction of anti-cholinesterase treatment in Alzheimer’s<br />

patients<br />

Teaching Experience<br />

- 2004 Biological Databases and Bioinformatics, University of Ferrara<br />

-2006-2010: Evolution and Genetics, University of Ferrara<br />

-2006: “The origin of life and genome evolution”, as a part of Genomics, University of Ferrara<br />

-2009: Genomics, University of Ferrara<br />

-2010: Molecular evolution, University of Ferrara


Research interests<br />

- Demographic history of South American native populations and genetic bases of human adaptation to high<br />

altitude<br />

(collaboration with professor Eduardo Tarazona-Santos, Departamento de Biologia, Universitade Federal de<br />

Minas Gerais, Brazil, Robert H Gilman, Department of International Health, Bloomberg School of Public<br />

Health, Johns Hopkins University, Bethesda, MD, USA; and Rosa Pacheco, National University of San Antonio<br />

Abad in Cuzco)<br />

- Evolution of detoxifying systems: the role of environment and population history in shaping genetic diversity at<br />

CYP2D6<br />

(collaboration with professor Antti Sajantila, Laboratory of Forensic Biology, University of Helsinki, Finland;<br />

collaboration with Guido Barbujani, University of Ferrara, Italy)<br />

- The role of pharmacogenetics in prediction of anti-cholinesterase treatment in Alzheimer’s patients<br />

(collaboration with Sez. di Neurologia, Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Azienda Ospedale-Università S. Anna,<br />

Ferrara)<br />

Invited speaker: Courses and Workshops<br />

European School of genetic Medicine, 4th Course in Statistical Genetic Analysis of Complex Phenotypes.<br />

Bertinoro di Romagna, 21-24 June 2008. Invited speaker: “Population genetics”<br />

PORTUGALIÆ GENETICA 10th. Edition 22-24 March 2007, University of Porto, Portugal, IPATIMUP.<br />

Invited speaker: “Diversity and evolution at loci of pharmacogenetic interest”<br />

“Human Population Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology” November, 15-19, 2004, Università di Roma La<br />

Sapienza, Roma. A course by Dr Eduardo Tarazona-Santos. Invited speaker<br />

Publications<br />

-Fuselli S, de Filippo C, Mona S, Sistonen J, Fariselli P, Destro-Bisol G, Barbujani G, Bertorelle G, Sajantila A.<br />

Evolution of Detoxifying Systems: the Role of Environment and Population History in Shaping Genetic<br />

Diversity at Human CYP2D6 Locus. Pharmacogenetics and genomics, in press<br />

- Sistonen J, Fuselli S, Palo J, Chauhan N, Padh N, Sajantila A. (2009) Pharmacogenetic variation at CYP2C9,<br />

CYP2C19, and CYP2D6 at global and micro-geographic scales. Pharmacogenetics and genomics,<br />

Pharmacogenet Genomics. 19(2):170-9.<br />

- Besaggio D*, Fuselli S*, Srikummool M, Kampuansai J, Castrì L, Tyler-Smith C, Seielstad M, Kangwanpong<br />

D, Bertorelle G. (2007) Genetic variation in Northern Thailand Hill Tribes: origins and relationships with social<br />

structure and linguistic differences. BMC Evol Biol. 16;7 Suppl 2:S12. *equal contribution<br />

- Tarazona-Santos E, Raimondi S, Fuselli S. Chapter 2: Controlling the effects of population stratification by<br />

admixture in pharmacogenetics. In: Guilherme Suarez-Kurtz. (Org.). Pharmacogenomics in Admixed<br />

populations. Austin, TX: Landes Bioscience, 2007, v. , p. 12-27.


- Cruciani F, La Fratta R, Trombetta B, Santolamazza P, Sellitto D, Colomb EB, Dugoujon JM, Crivellaro F,<br />

Benincasa T, Pascone R, Moral P, Watson E, Melegh B, Barbujani G, Fuselli S, Vona G, Zagradisnik B, Assum<br />

G, Brdicka R, Kozlov AI, Efremov GD, Coppa A, Novelletto A, Scozzari R. (2007) Tracing Past Human Male<br />

Movements in Northern/Eastern Africa and Western Eurasia: New Clues from Y-chromosomal Haplogroups<br />

E-M78 and J-M12. Mol Biol Evol. 24(6):1300-11.<br />

- Sistonen J, Sajantila A, Lao O, Corander J, Barbujani G, Fuselli S. (2007) CYP2D6 worldwide genetic variation<br />

shows high frequency of altered activity variants and no continental structure. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 17(2):<br />

93-101.<br />

- Fuselli S, Gilman RH, Chanock SJ, Bonatto SL , De Stefano G , Evans CA, Labuda D, Luiselli D, Salzano<br />

FM, Soto G , Vallejo G, Sajantila A, Pettener D, Tarazona-Santos E. (2007) Analysis of nucleotide diversity of<br />

NAT2 coding region reveals homogeneity across Native American populations and high intra-populations<br />

diversity. Pharmacogenomics J. 7(2):144-52.<br />

- Sistonen J, Fuselli S, Levo A, Sajantila A. (2005) CYP2D6 genotyping by a multiplex primer extension<br />

reaction. Clin Chem. 51(7):1291-5.<br />

- Fuselli S, Dupanloup I, Frigato E, Cruciani F, Scozzari R, Moral P, Sistonen J, Sajantila A, Barbujani G. (2004)<br />

Molecular Diversity at the CYP2D6 Locus in the Mediterranean Region. Eur J Hum Genet. 12(11):916-24.<br />

-Fuselli S, Tarazona-Santos E, Dupanloup I, Soto A, Luiselli D, Pettener D (2003) Mitochondrial DNA<br />

Diversity In South America And The Genetic History Of Andean Highlanders. Mol Biol Evol 20(10):1682-1691.<br />

-<strong>Vernesi</strong> C, Fuselli S, Castrì L, Bertorelle G, Barbujani G (2002) Mitochondrial Diversity in Linguistic Isolates<br />

of the Alps: A Reappraisal. Human Biology. 74 (5): 725-730.<br />

Tutoring<br />

AA 2006-2007<br />

- Laurea Specialistica in Scienze Biomolecolari e Cellulari: Caterina Chianella (titolo della tesi: Basi genetiche della<br />

risposta variabile al trattamento con tre farmaci per il morbo di Alzheimer)<br />

- Laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche: Pierpaolo Maisano (titolo della tesi: Effetto della stratificazione per età<br />

sull'associazione tra genotipo al locus BCHE e la risposta ai farmaci anticolinesterasici per il morbo di<br />

Alzheimer).<br />

- Laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche: Sonia Toniolo (titolo della tesi: Il locus ApoE come esempio di<br />

modificatore in uno studio farmacogenetico condotto su pazienti affetti dal morbo di Alzheimer)<br />

- Laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche: Fabiana Oliveti (titolo della tesi: Sintesi di dati disponibili in letteratura<br />

in un database di informazioni genotipiche e fenotipiche di interesse farmacogenetico)<br />

- Laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche: Sara Testoni (titolo della tesi: Descrizione della variabilità genetica a loci<br />

codificanti enzimi della fase I del metabolismo dei farmaci e conseguente predizione della risposta terapeutica<br />

in gruppi umani rappresentativi di diverse aree geografiche mondiali)<br />

AA 2007-2008<br />

- Laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche: Letizia Ma rullo (titolo della tesi: La variabilità genetica al locus ApoE e<br />

la risposta alla terapia farmacologia in pazienti affetti dal morbo di Alzheimer)


- Laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche: Carmen Corciulo (titolo della tesi: Studio dell'evoluzione molecolare del<br />

gene CYP2D6 in popolazioni di diversa origine geografica con particolare riferimento ai processi selettivi)<br />

AA 2008-2009<br />

- Laurea Specialistica in Scienze Biomolecolari e Cellulari: Pierpaolo Maisano (titolo della tesi: Studio della<br />

variabilità genetica per ricostruire scenari demografici ed adattativi in popolazioni native delle Ande peruviane)<br />

- Laurea triennale in Scienze Biologiche: Giampaolo Morciano (titolo della tesi: Studio della variabilità genetica<br />

del gene EPO in popolazioni umane di alta quota delle Ande peruviane)

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