Global Jihad: temi, piste di diffusione e il fenomeno del reducismo ...

Global Jihad: temi, piste di diffusione e il fenomeno del reducismo ...

Global Jihad: temi, piste di diffusione e il fenomeno del reducismo ...


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These key <strong>di</strong>fferences between nuclear and ra<strong>di</strong>ological weapons necessitate<br />

<strong>di</strong>fferent approaches to analysing the magnitude of the threat posed by each, and<br />

their control and counter-measures.<br />

Framing the <strong>di</strong>scussion: the faces of nuclear and ra<strong>di</strong>ological (NR) terrorism<br />

Nuclear and ra<strong>di</strong>ological terrorism is most often <strong>di</strong>scussed together but it must be<br />

stressed from the outset that there are fundamental and intrinsic <strong>di</strong>fferences between<br />

the two that<br />

affect how <strong>di</strong>scussions of terrorism using these weapons should be<br />

framed, and how countermeasures should be approached. Both types of terrorism,<br />

however, are usefully <strong>di</strong>scussed by assessing the threat in terms of specific likely<br />

scenarios on how a terrorism event may be perpetrated. By identifying these<br />

scenarios, further key <strong>di</strong>fferences between the two become apparent.<br />

Nuclear terrorism is most often examined by looking at four main scenarios –<br />

clear terrorism. 135 popularly known as the four faces of nu<br />

Accor<strong>di</strong>ng to Ferguson,<br />

Potter et al, these are:<br />

• The theft and detonation of an intact nuclear weapon<br />

• The theft or purchase of fiss<strong>il</strong>e material lea<strong>di</strong>ng to the fabrication and<br />

detonation of a crude nuclear weapon – an improvised nuclear device (IND)<br />

• Attacks against and sabotage of nuclear fac<strong>il</strong>ities, in particular nuclear power<br />

plants, causing the release of large amounts of ra<strong>di</strong>oactivity<br />

• The unauthorized acquisition of ra<strong>di</strong>oactive materials<br />

contributing to the<br />

fabrication and detonation of a ra<strong>di</strong>ological <strong>di</strong>spersal device (RDD) – a<br />

“<strong>di</strong>rty<br />

bomb” – or ra<strong>di</strong>ation emission device.<br />

135 see Ferguson, Charles D., & Potter, W.C.,et al, Four Faces of Nuclear Terrorism (Monterey Institute of<br />

International Stu<strong>di</strong>es, Monterey: 2004)<br />


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