Global Jihad: temi, piste di diffusione e il fenomeno del reducismo ...

Global Jihad: temi, piste di diffusione e il fenomeno del reducismo ...

Global Jihad: temi, piste di diffusione e il fenomeno del reducismo ...


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“The war in Iraq[…]has broadened and deepened the pools of recruits for<br />

jiha<strong>di</strong>st extremists in the Muslim world, by ‘demonstrating’ beyond Bin<br />

Laden’s w<strong>il</strong>dest dreams that the true American objective was to invade<br />

the land of Islam. […] Previous battlegrounds for al-Qa’ida types were on<br />

the periphery of the Arab world […]. With Iraq, these battlegrounds are<br />

now at the heart of the Arab Middle East. By fighting the invader, these<br />

terrorists strike a strong chord everywhere in the Arab world, even<br />

among those who, in Iraq, were indeed liberated as they were invaded. By<br />

casting the war in Iraq as a key stage in ‘the war on terror’, President Bush<br />

seemed once again to play into Bin Laden’s and Zarqawi’s agendas –<br />

especially given the fact that the war was seen by the world as a war of<br />

choice, not a war of necessity” 109<br />

Infine, <strong>il</strong> Paese pare rispondere perfettamente all’identikit <strong>del</strong>l’avamposto ideale<br />

tracciato da Ayman al Zawahiri, che, in un passaggio <strong>del</strong> suo scritto “Knights under<br />

the Prophet’s Banner”, afferma che l’instaurazione <strong>di</strong> una base qa’i<strong>di</strong>sta nel cuore <strong>del</strong><br />

mondo arabo rappresenti una precon<strong>di</strong>zione irrinunciab<strong>il</strong>e e da attuarsi a qualsiasi<br />

costo per la vittoria finale:<br />

“ «Victory for the Islamic movements against the world alliance cannot be<br />

attained unless these movements possess an Islamic base in the heart of<br />

the Arab region» He notes that mob<strong>il</strong>izing and arming the nation w<strong>il</strong>l not<br />

yeld tangible results unt<strong>il</strong> a fundamentalist base is established in the<br />

region: «The establishment of a Muslim state in the hearth of the Islamic<br />

world is not an easy or close target. However, it is the hope of the Muslim<br />

nation to restore its fallen caliphate and regain its lost glory… We must<br />

not despair of the repeated strikes and calamities. We must never lay<br />

down our arms no matter how much losses or sacrifices we endure. Let us<br />

start again after every strike, even if we had to begin from scratch» ” 110 .<br />

109 Ph<strong>il</strong>ippe Errera, Three Circles of Threat, Survival, vol. 47, no. 1, Primavera 2005, p 82<br />

110 Ayman al-Zawahiri, Knights under the Prophet’s Banner, in Ely Karmon, Al-Qa’ida and the War on Terror after the<br />

War in Iraq, Middle East Review of International Affairs,Vol. 10, No.1, Marzo 2006,p. 1<br />


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