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Zelula-moten ordezkapen itzulgarria kadmio pean jarritako Littorina littorea molusku itsastarraren liseri-guruinean. Kapitulua). Edonola ere, azken hipotesi hori baieztatzeko, teknika immunohistokimikoak erabiliz zelula apoptotikoen identifikazio espezifikoak eta mikroskopio elektroniko mailan egindako ikerketak burutzea beharrezkoa da. Ikerlan honen ekarpen garrantzitsuena, CTR itzulgarria dela frogatzea izan da: 10 eguneko arazketa-aldia eta gero, liseri-zelulak berriz ere zelula basofilikoak baino ugariagoak suertatu dira. Liseri-zelulen PCNA-markaketa Cd pean mantendutako zein araztutako magurioetan antzekoa izanik, CTRren itzulgarritasunak liseri- zelulen galera moteltzearekin zerikusia behar du izan, Cd-aren gabezian liseri-zelulen jarduera metabolikoa berriz ere bere egoera normalera itzultzea espero baita (Marigómez et al., 1986). Beraz, liseri-zelulen berriztapena kutsatzaileen gisako ingurumen-faktoreek modulatua dagoela dirudienez, zelula-moten osaketa bereizgarria ingurumen-baldintza berezi bati egotzi ahal zaio. Ingurumen-erasoaren maila eta luzeraren araberakoa izan daitekeen moldaera hori, liseri- guruinaren fisiologiaren ulermenean eta biomarkatzaileen aplikazioan eragina izan dezake, itu-zeluletan ezartzen ez diren eta matrize analitikoan (liseri-guruina) suertatzen diren aldaketak aintzakotzat hartzen ez dituzten prozedurak erabiltzen badira. Metal-esposizioak sortarazitako CTRk, BSD- hedapena bezalako esposizio-biomarkatzaile eta lisosomen erantzunak bezalako efektu- biomarkatzaileen gainean eragina izan dezakeela frogatu da muskuiluetan (Soto et al., 2002; 1. Kapitulua). Modu berean, metal-esposizioak muskuilu eta magurioen liseri-guruinean eragindako masa netoaren aldaketek, AAS bidez estimatutako ehunetako metal-zaman eragina izan dezakete (Soto et al., 1997a; 1997b). Dirudienez, liseri-zelulen galerak eta berreskurapenak, ikerlan honetan aplikatutako biomarkatzaileen (BSD- hedapena, lisosomen parametro estereologikoak) gainean eraginik ez dute. Magurioen liseri- guruineko Vv BAS balioak 0,2 µm 3 /µm 3 baino handiagoak izan arren, zelula basofilikoak saihestuz; lisosomen barneko metal-kopuru eta lisosomen handipenaren neurketak zuzenean liseri- zelulen gainean egin daitezke. Laburbilduz, ikerlan honen ondorioak honako hauek dira: (1) "itxurazko" zelula-moten ordezkapena liseri-zelulen galerak eta aldibereko zelula basofilikoen hipertrofiak sortua dela; (2) prozesua itzulgarria dela; (3) liseri-zelulen proliferazioa Cd pean mantendutako magurioetan areagotzen dela, eta tendentzia hori arazketa- aldiaren ondoren mantentzen dela; eta (4) liseri- zelulen galera eta berreskurapena ikerlan honetan erabilitako maila zelular eta tisularreko biomarkatzaileen gainean eraginik ez dirudi duenik. BIBLIOGRAFIA Axiak V, George JJ, Moore MN (1988) Petroleum hydrocarbons in the marine bivalve Venus verrucosa: accumulation and cellular responses. Mar. Biol. 97:225-230. Beyersmann D, Hechtenberg S (1997) Cadmium, gene regula- tion, and cellular signalling in mammalian cells. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 144:247-261. Bursch W, Ellinger A, Gerner CH, Fröhwein U, Schulte- Hermann R (2000) Programmed cell death (PCD) apopto- sis, autophagic PCD, or others?. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 926:1-12. 159

Emaitzak eta eztabaida Cajaraville MP, Marigómez JA, Angulo E (1989) A stereological survey of lysosomal structure alterations in Littorina littorea exposed to 1-naphtol. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C 93:231- 237. Cajaraville MP, Díez G, Marigómez I, Angulo E (1990a) Responses of basophilic cells of the digestive gland of mussels to petroleum hydrocarbon exposure. Dis. Aquat. Org. 9:221-228. Cajaraville MP, Marigómez I, Angulo E (1990b) Short-term toxic effects of 1-naphthol on the digestive gland-gonad complex of the marine prosobranch Littorina littorea (L.): a light microscopic study. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 19:17- 24. Cajaraville MP, Marifómez JA, Angulo E (1991) Automated measurement of lysosomal structure alterations in oocytes of mussels exposed to petroleum hydrocarbons. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 21:395-400. Cajaraville MP, Marigómez I, Díez G, Angulo E (1992) Comparative effects of the water accommodated fractions (WAF) of three oils on mussels. 2.- Quantitative alterations in the structure of the digestive tubules. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C 102:113-123. Cajaraville MP, Abascal I, Etxeberria M, Marigómez I (1995a) Lysosomes as cellular markers of environmental pollution: time- and dose-dependent responses of the digestive lyso- somal system of mussels after petroleum hydrocarbon exposure. Environ. Toxicol. Water Qual. 10:1-8. Cajaraville MP, Robledo Y, Etxeberria M, Marigómez I (1995b) Cellular biomarkers as useful tools in the biological monito- ring of environmental pollution: molluscan digestive lysoso- mes. 29-45 orr. Non: Cell Biology in Environmental Toxicology. Cajaraville MP (ed) University of the Basque Country Press Service. Bilbo. Chabicovsky M, Klepal W, Dallinger R (2004) Mechanisms of cadmium toxicity in terrestrial pulmonates: Programmed cell death and metallothionein overload. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 23:648-655. Clarke RM (1970) A new method of measuring the rate of shed- ding of epithelial cells from the intestinal villus of the rat. Gut 11:1015-1019. Couch JA (1984) Atrophy of diverticular epithelium as an indi- 160 cator of environmental irritants in the oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Mar. Environ. Res. 14:525-526. Danscher G (1984) Autometallography. A new technique for light and electron microscopic visualization of metals in bio- logical tissues (gold, silver, metal sulphides and metal sele- nides). Histochemistry 81:331-335. Dini L, Pagliara P, Carlà EC (2002) Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by liver: A morphological study. Microsc. Res. Tech. 57:530-540. Etxeberria M, Sastre I, Cajaraville MP, Marigómez I (1994) Digestive lysosome enlargement induced by experimental exposure to metals (Cu, Cd and Zn) in mussels collected from a zinc polluted site. Arch. Environ. Toxicol. 27:338- 345. Etxeberria M, Cajaraville MP, Marigómez I (1995) Changes in digestive cell lysosomal structure as biomarkers of environ- mental stress in the Urdaibai estuary (Biscay Coast, Iberian Peninsula). Mar. Poll. Bull. 30:599-603. Habeebu SSM, Liu J, Klaassen CD (1998) Cadmium-induced apoptosis in mouse liver. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 153:48- 58. Ireland MP, Marigómez I (1992) The influence of dietary cal- cium on the tissue distribution of Cu, Zn, Mn and P and his- tological changes in the digestive cells in the snail Achatina fulica Bowdich. J. Moll. Stud. 58:157-168. Livingstone DR, Pipe RK (1992) Mussels and environmental contaminants: molecular and cellular aspects. 425-464 orr. Non: The Mussel Mytilus: ecology, Physiology, Genetics and Culture. EM Gosling (ed). Elsevier Science Publs B.V. Amsterdam. Locke M (1985) A structural analysis of post embryonic deve- lopment. 103-165 orr. Non: Parasites-Their world and ours. Mattrick CF & Desser SS (ed). Elsevier Biomedical Press. New York. Lowe DM, Clarke KR (1989) Contaminant-induced changes in the structure of the digestive epithelium of Mytilus edulis. Aquat. Toxicol. 15:345-358. Lowe DM, Moore MN, Clarke KR (1981) Effects of oil in the digestive cells in mussels: quantitative alterations in cellu- lar and lysosomal structure. Aquat. Toxicol. 1:213-226. Marigómez I, Angulo E, Moya J (1986) Copper treatment of the digestive gland of the slug Arion ater L. 2. Morphometrics and histophysiology. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 36:608-615. Marigómez I, Cajaraville MP, Angulo E (1990) Histopathology of the digestive gland-gonad complex of the marine proso- branch Littorina littorea exposed to cadmium. Dis. Aquat. Org. 9:229-238.

Emaitzak eta eztabaida<br />

Cajaraville MP, Marigómez JA, Angulo E (1989) A stereological<br />

survey of lysosomal structure alterations in Littorina littorea<br />

exposed to 1-naphtol. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C 93:231-<br />

237.<br />

Cajaraville MP, Díez G, Marigómez I, Angulo E (1990a)<br />

Responses of basophilic cells of the digestive gland of<br />

mussels to petroleum hydrocarbon exposure. Dis. Aquat.<br />

Org. 9:221-228.<br />

Cajaraville MP, Marigómez I, Angulo E (1990b) Short-term toxic<br />

effects of 1-naphthol on the digestive gland-gonad complex<br />

of the marine prosobranch Littorina littorea (L.): a light<br />

microscopic study. Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 19:17-<br />

24.<br />

Cajaraville MP, Marifómez JA, Angulo E (1991) Automated<br />

measurement of lysosomal structure alterations in oocytes<br />

of mussels exposed to petroleum hydrocarbons. Arch.<br />

Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 21:395-400.<br />

Cajaraville MP, Marigómez I, Díez G, Angulo E (1992)<br />

Comparative effects of the water accommodated fractions<br />

(WAF) of three oils on mussels. 2.- Quantitative alterations<br />

in the structure of the digestive tubules. Comp. Biochem.<br />

Physiol. C 102:113-123.<br />

Cajaraville MP, Abascal I, Etxeberria M, Marigómez I (1995a)<br />

Lysosomes as cellular markers of environmental pollution:<br />

time- and dose-dependent responses of the digestive lyso-<br />

somal system of mussels after petroleum hydrocarbon<br />

exposure. Environ. Toxicol. Water Qual. 10:1-8.<br />

Cajaraville MP, Robledo Y, Etxeberria M, Marigómez I (1995b)<br />

Cellular biomarkers as useful tools in the biological monito-<br />

ring of environmental pollution: molluscan digestive lysoso-<br />

mes. 29-45 orr. Non: Cell Biology in Environmental<br />

Toxicology. Cajaraville MP (ed) University of the Basque<br />

Country Press Service. Bilbo.<br />

Chabicovsky M, Klepal W, Dallinger R (2004) Mechanisms of<br />

cadmium toxicity in terrestrial pulmonates: Programmed<br />

cell death and metallothionein overload. Environ. Toxicol.<br />

Chem. 23:648-655.<br />

Clarke RM (1970) A new method of measuring the rate of shed-<br />

ding of epithelial cells from the intestinal villus of the rat.<br />

Gut 11:1015-1019.<br />

Couch JA (1984) Atrophy of diverticular epithelium as an indi-<br />

160<br />

cator of environmental irritants in the oyster, Crassostrea<br />

virginica. Mar. Environ. Res. 14:525-526.<br />

Danscher G (1984) Autometallography. A new technique for<br />

light and electron microscopic visualization of metals in bio-<br />

logical tissues (gold, silver, metal sulphides and metal sele-<br />

nides). Histochemistry 81:331-335.<br />

Dini L, Pagliara P, Carlà EC (2002) Phagocytosis of apoptotic<br />

cells by liver: A morphological study. Microsc. Res. Tech.<br />

57:530-540.<br />

Etxeberria M, Sastre I, Cajaraville MP, Marigómez I (1994)<br />

Digestive lysosome enlargement induced by experimental<br />

exposure to metals (Cu, Cd and Zn) in mussels collected<br />

from a zinc polluted site. Arch. Environ. Toxicol. 27:338-<br />

345.<br />

Etxeberria M, Cajaraville MP, Marigómez I (1995) Changes in<br />

digestive cell lysosomal structure as biomarkers of environ-<br />

mental stress in the Urdaibai estuary (Biscay Coast,<br />

Iberian Peninsula). Mar. Poll. Bull. 30:599-603.<br />

Habeebu SSM, Liu J, Klaassen CD (1998) Cadmium-induced<br />

apoptosis in mouse liver. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 153:48-<br />

58.<br />

Ireland MP, Marigómez I (1992) The influence of dietary cal-<br />

cium on the tissue distribution of Cu, Zn, Mn and P and his-<br />

tological changes in the digestive cells in the snail Achatina<br />

fulica Bowdich. J. Moll. Stud. 58:157-168.<br />

Livingstone DR, Pipe RK (1992) Mussels and environmental<br />

contaminants: molecular and cellular aspects. 425-464 orr.<br />

Non: The Mussel Mytilus: ecology, Physiology, Genetics<br />

and Culture. EM Gosling (ed). Elsevier Science Publs B.V.<br />

Amsterdam.<br />

Locke M (1985) A structural analysis of post embryonic deve-<br />

lopment. 103-165 orr. Non: Parasites-Their world and ours.<br />

Mattrick CF & Desser SS (ed). Elsevier Biomedical Press.<br />

New York.<br />

Lowe DM, Clarke KR (1989) Contaminant-induced changes in<br />

the structure of the digestive epithelium of Mytilus edulis.<br />

Aquat. Toxicol. 15:345-358.<br />

Lowe DM, Moore MN, Clarke KR (1981) Effects of oil in the<br />

digestive cells in mussels: quantitative alterations in cellu-<br />

lar and lysosomal structure. Aquat. Toxicol. 1:213-226.<br />

Marigómez I, Angulo E, Moya J (1986) Copper treatment of the<br />

digestive gland of the slug Arion ater L. 2. Morphometrics<br />

and histophysiology. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol.<br />

36:608-615.<br />

Marigómez I, Cajaraville MP, Angulo E (1990) Histopathology of<br />

the digestive gland-gonad complex of the marine proso-<br />

branch Littorina littorea exposed to cadmium. Dis. Aquat.<br />

Org. 9:229-238.

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