Catalogue Lamiinae - The world of Prioninae Delahaye 2012

Catalogue Lamiinae - The world of Prioninae Delahaye 2012

Catalogue Lamiinae - The world of Prioninae Delahaye 2012


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19025<br />

Entelops (Aspineoentelops) longzhouensis Hua, 1990<br />

Entelops (Aspineoentelops) longzhouensis Hua, 1990<br />

Epiglenea comes Bates, 1884<br />

Epiglenea comes Bates, 1884 (Ohbayashi & Niisato, 2007)<br />

Daphisia formosana Schwarzer, 1925<br />

Daphisia lutoediversa Pic, 1926<br />

Epiglenea formosana Kano, 1928<br />

Epiglenea comes m. formosana Matsushita, 1933<br />

Epiglenea comes subsp. formosana Gressitt, 1938<br />

Phytoecia (Epiglenea) comes Breuning, 1951<br />

Phytoecia (Epiglenea) comes m. formosana Breuning, 1951<br />

Phytoecia (Epiglenea) comes m. griseopubescens Breuning, 1951<br />

Phytoecia (Epiglenea) comes m. luteodiversa Breuning, 1951<br />

Phytoecia (Epiglenea) comes m. ohbayashii Breuning, 1967<br />

Phytoecia comes Wang, 2003<br />

Epiglenea comes amoena (Gahan, 1895)<br />

Phytoecia amoena Gahan, 1895<br />

Phytoecia (Epiglenea) comes subsp. amoena Breuning, 1951<br />

Eudaphisia albonotata Pic, 1926<br />

Eudaphisia albonotata Pic, 1926<br />

Eudaphisia albonata Breuning, 1954<br />

Eudaphisia albonotatipennis Breuning, 1968<br />

Eudaphisia albonotatipennis Breuning, 1968<br />

Eudaphisia longicornis (Pic, 1926)<br />

Daphisia longicornis Pic, 1926<br />

Eudaphisia longicornis Breuning, 1954<br />

Eumecocera anomala (Bates, 1884)<br />

Stenostola anomala Bates, 1884<br />

Stenostola anomala m. ohbayashii Breuning, 1951<br />

Eumecocera anomala Ohbayashi, 1958 (Ohbayashi & Niisato, 2007)<br />

Eumecocera anomala m. ohbayashii Breuning, 1967<br />

Eumecocera morii Makihara, 2002<br />

Eumecocera argyrosticta (Bates, 1884)<br />

Stenostola argyrosticta Bates, 1884<br />

Paraglenea japonica Tamanuki, 1927<br />

Eumecocera argyrosticta Ohbayashi, 1958 (Ohbayashi & Niisato, 2007)<br />

Eumecocera callosicollis (Breuning, 1943)<br />

Stenostola callosicollis Breuning, 1943<br />

Stenostola callosicollis m. incallosa Breuning, 1951<br />

Eumecocera callosicollis Breuning, 1967 (Wang, 2003)<br />

Eumecocera callosicollis m. incallosa Breuning, 1967<br />

Entelops (Aspineoentelops)<br />

Hua, 1990<br />

Entelops (Aspineoentelops) longzhouensis - Hua<br />

Epiglenea<br />

Bates, 1884<br />

Epiglenea comes - Bates<br />

Eudaphisia<br />

Pic, 1926<br />

Eumecocera<br />

Solsky, 1871<br />

Saperda impustulata - Motschulsky<br />

mercredi 4 juillet <strong>2012</strong> Page 1342 <strong>of</strong> 1431

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