Northwest florida species list - Gulf Coast Shell Club

Northwest florida species list - Gulf Coast Shell Club

Northwest florida species list - Gulf Coast Shell Club


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Family/Genus/Species Common Name Size (mm)<br />

CAECIDAE (Continued)<br />

0895a Meioceras cornucopiae Carpenter, 1858 2 Horn-of-Plenty Caecum 2-3<br />

0895b Meioceras cubitatum de Folin, 1868 2 Smooth Caecum 2-3<br />


0309 Calliostoma yucatecanum Dall, 1881 Depressed Topsnail to 17<br />

0322 Calliostoma euglyptum (A. Adams, 1854) Sculptured Topsnail 16-28<br />

0323 Calliostoma marionae Dall, 1906 Marion’s Topsnail to 30<br />

0306 Calliostoma pulchrum (C. B. Adams, 1850) Beautiful Topsnail 5-16<br />

0307 Calliostoma roseolum Dall, 1880 Rosy Topsnail 7-20<br />

Calliostoma scalenum Quinn, 1992 <strong>Gulf</strong>stream Topsnail to 15<br />

0309 Calliostoma tampaense (Conrad, 1846)* Tampa Topsnail to 24<br />


1534 Calyptraea centralis (Conrad, 1841) Circular Chinese-hat 6-16<br />

1563 Bostrycapulus aculeata (Gmelin, 1791) Spiny Slippersnail 14-38<br />

1540 Cheilea equestris (Linne, 1758) 2 False Cup-and-Saucer Snail 12-25<br />

1559 Crepidula convexa Say, 1822 2 Convex Slippersnail 6-12<br />

1557 Crepidula fornicata (Linne, 1758) Common Atlantic Slippersnail 20-56<br />

1558 Crepidula maculosa Conrad, 1846 Spotted snail 20-35<br />

1570 Crepidula plana Say, 1822 Eastern White Slippersnail 12-43<br />

1541 Crucibulum auricula (Gmelin, 1791) West Indian Cup-and-Saucer to 29<br />


2700 Agatrix agassizii (Dall, 1889)* Agassizi’s Nutmeg 7-14<br />

2701 Axelella smithi (Dall, 1888)* Smith’s Nutmeg 7-20<br />

2683 Cancellaria reticulata (Linne, 1767) Common Nutmeg 25-57<br />

2695 Trigonostoma tenerum (Philippi, 1848) Fine-cut Nutmeg 15-25<br />

2404 Tritonoharpa lanceolata (Menke, 1828) Arrow Dwarf Triton 13-50<br />


1511 Capulus incurvatus (Gmelin, 1791) * Incurved Cap <strong>Shell</strong> to 17<br />

1510 Capulus ungaricus (Linne, 1767) Fool’s Cap 15-60<br />


1743 Cassis tuberosa (Linne, 1758) King Helmet 100-225<br />

1745 Cassis madagascariensis spinella Clench, 1944 Cameo Helmet 200-410<br />

1747 Cypraecassis testiculus (Linne, 1758) Reticulated Cowry-helmet 20-85<br />

1730 Sconsia grayi (A. Adams, 1855)* Royal Bonnet 30-71<br />

1737 Semicassis granulata (Born, 1778) Scotch Bonnet 50-100<br />

Semicassis granulata f. inflata (Shaw, 1811) 1 Inflated Scotch Bonnet 50-100<br />


4064 Cavolina tridentata (Niebuhr, 1775) Threetooth Cavoline 5-20<br />

4065 Cavolina uncinata (Rang, 1829) Uncinate Cavoline 4-15<br />

4049 Creseis aciculata (Rang, 1828)* Straight Needle-pteropod 5-13<br />

4062 Diacavolinia longirostris (Blainville, 1821)* Longsnout Cavoline 3-10<br />

4060 Diacria trispinosa (Blainville, 1821) Threespine Cavoline 5-13<br />


1037 Bittiolum varium (Pfieffer, 1840)* Grass Cerith 3-7<br />

0992 Cerithium atratum (Born, 1778) Dark Cerith 12-50<br />

Cerithium lutosum Menke, 1828 Variable Cerith to 10<br />

0993 Cerithium muscarum Say, 1832 Fly-specked Cerith 10-27<br />


1048 Cerithiopsis cf greenii (C B. Adams, 1839) Green’s Miniature Cerith 3-5<br />

1085 Cerithiopsis iontha Bartsch, 1911 to 3.2<br />

Cerithiopsis <strong>species</strong> 3-5<br />

1050 Retilaskeya emersoni (C. B. Adams, 1838)* Emerson’s Miniature Cerith 6-19<br />

1126 Seila adamsii (H. C. Lea, 1845) Adam’s Miniature Cerith 6-13<br />

Seila cf. adamsii (H. C. Lea, 1845)<br />


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