A. Engler

A. Engler

A. Engler


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72 Drepanolejeunea —Eccremidium. 1<br />

Drepanolejeunea Spruce (Jungerm. Dumortiera Reinw. (3Iarchantiac) 3. 23,<br />

akrog.) 3. 119, 126.<br />

35.<br />

D. dactylophora (Nees) Spruce 3. 123, Fig. Dumortiera West (Sphaerioidac) I** 382.<br />

69 3/<br />

Dumoulinia Stein (Lecideac.) 1* 213.<br />

Drepanophycus Goepp. (Algae) 2. 554. Duplicaria Fuckel /Phacidiac} \ 263.<br />

Drepanopkyllaceae 3. 285, 530—532. Durella Tul. (Patellariac.) I. 221, 222,<br />

Drepanophyllaria C. Mflll. (Hypnac) 3. 2 2 3.<br />

1027.<br />

I), compressa (Pers.) Tul. I 2 2 3. Fig.<br />

Drepanophylleae [= Drepanophyllaceae] I 7 IP.<br />

3. 285.<br />

D. connivens (Fr.) Rehm I. 223, Fig.<br />

Drepanophyllum Mitt. (Drepanophyllac) 3. 171 67.<br />

531.<br />

Duriaea Bory et Mont. (Jungerm. anakrog.)<br />

D r ep anophy 11 umRich. (Drepanophyllac) 3. 51.<br />

3. 531.<br />

Duriella Glaus etBill. (Jungerm. anakrog.)<br />

D. fulvum Rich. 3. 5 3 0, Fig. 392 4—E. 3. 51.<br />

Drepanospora Berk, et Curt. (Dematiac.) Durvillaea Bory (Fucac., •>. 2 7 3. 2 7 4,<br />

1**. 470, 480.<br />

278, 279.<br />

DrummondiaHook. (Orthotrichac.) 3. 157, D.utilisBory 2. 273, Fig. 182/7; 27 1, Fig.<br />

465, I 199.<br />

183/7<br />

D. clavellata Hook. 3. 105, Fig. 3154-77. Dusenia Broth. '.Leucodontac 3. 757.<br />

Druridgia Donkin(Bacillariac.) lb. 58, 60. DuseniellaBroth. (Neckerac} 3.807,812.<br />

D. geminata Donk. lb. 60, Fig. 674, B. D. genuflexa (C. Mflll.) 3. 813. Fi

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