A. Engler

A. Engler A. Engler


114 Hypnum — Hypopterygium. Hypnum Sw. (Prionodontac.) 3. 765. H. riccioidea (Bolt.) Karst. 1. 366, Fie. Hypnum Sw. (Rhacopilac.) 3. 975. 2444. Hypnum Sw. (Sematophyllac.) 3. I 108. Hypodematium Kze. (Polypodiac.) 4. 167. Hypnum Timm (Entodontac.) 3. 891. Hypoderma DC. (Hypodermatac.) 1. 267, Hypnum Vill. (Leskeac.) 3. 983. 268, 269. Hypnum Voit (Leskeac.) 3. 979. H. Bubi (Pers.) Schrot. I. 269, Fig. 194 Hypnum Weber (31eeseac) 3. 62 8. 4, B. Hypnum Weber et Mohr (Bryac.) 3. 545, Hypodermataceae i. 267, 267—270. 546, 552, 563. Hypodermella Tubeuf (Hypodermatac) Hypnum Weber et Mohr (Leskeac.) 3. 1. 267, 268. 1017. Hypodermium Link (3Ielanconiac) 1**. Hypnum Weber et Mohr (3Ieeseac) 3. 627. 399, 403. Hypnum Weinm. (Climaeiac) 3. 735. Hypoderris B.Br. (Polypodiac.) 4. 149, Hypnum Welw. (Hypnac) 3. 1083. 159, 162. Hypnum Wils. (Brachytheciac) 3. 1149. H. Brownii J. Sm. 4. 149, Fig. 86B; 162, Hypoblyttia Gott. (Jungerm. anakrog.) 3. 54. Fig. 88P—77. Hypocenia Berk, et Curt. (Sphaerioidac.) Hypodon Schrot. (Hydnac) 1**. 143. I**. 362, 364. Hypodontium C.Miill. (Calymperac.) 3. 364, Hypochlamys Fee (Polypodiac.) 4. 222. 372. Hypochnaceae |**. 114, 114—115. Hypodrys Pers. (Polyporac.) 1**. 188. HypochnellaSchrot. (Hypochnac) 1 **. 1 1 Hypoglossum 4. Kfltz. (Delesseriac) 2. 412. Hypochniella Sacc. (Dematiac) 1** 462. Hypogymnia Nyl. (Parmeliac) 1*. 212. Hypochniopsis Schrot. (Thelephorac) I**. Hypogymnia (Nyl.) Bitt. (Parmeliac.) 1*. 125. 212. Hypochnites Fries (Hymenomyeet.) 1**. Hypolepis Bernh. (Polypodiac.) 4. 146, 521. 255, 277, 278; 278, Fig. 1474—P. Hypochnopsis Karst. (Hypochnac.) I **. 1 H. I 7. repens Presl 4. 146, Fig. 85 67; 278, Hypochnus Ehrenb. (Ghiodectonac) 1 *. I 05. Fig. 147B. Hypochnus Ehrenb. (Hypochnac) I** H. Schimperi (Kze.) Hook. 4. 278, Fig. 147 115, 116; 1. 45, 55. 67, P. H. centrifugus I. 45, Fig. 30: 55, Fig. 42. H. tenuifolia Bernh. 4. 278, Fig, 1474. H. solani Prill, et Delacr. I**. H 3, Fig. Hypolyssus Pers. (Thelejjhorac) 1**. 118, 66 4, B. 127, 129. Hypochnus Fries (Hypochnac.) I**. 117. H. Montagnei Berk. I**. 129, Fig. 70P. Hypocopra Fries (Sordariac.) I. 390, 391, Hypomyces Fries (Ilypocreac) I. 346, 392. 3 49, 350. H. merdaria Fries 1. 391, Fig. 233 G — J. H. chrysospermus (Bull.) Tul. 1. 350, Fig. Hypocopra Fuckel (Sordariac.) 1. 390. 2,36 6?—/. Hypocrea Fries (Hypocreac) 1. 348, 364, H. ochraceus (Pers.) Tul. I. 350, Fig. 236 365. 4—7'. H. fungicola Karst. I. 365, Fig. 243P. H. rosellus (Alb. et Schwein.) Tul. 1. 350, H. rufa (Pers.) Fries 1. 365, Fig. 2 13 4 — P. Fig. 2 36 P. Hypocreaceae c 315 — 372; 1** 540 H. viridis (Alb. et Schwein.) Berk, et Br. — 541. I 350, Fig. 2367i". Hypocreales 1. 325, 343—372; I**. 540 Hypomyceteae (Hypocreac) I. 346. — 541 Hyponectria Sacc. (Hypocreac.) 1. 346, Hypocreeae (Hypocreac.) I. 340, 348. 348. Hypocrella Sacc. (Hypocreac) I. 348 Flyponectrieae (Hypocreac) 1. 346, 348. 366, 367. Hypopeltis Rich. (Polypodiac.) 4. I 89. H. abnormis P. Henn. I. 367, Fig. 245P. Hypophyllum Paul. (Agarieac) I**. 205, Hypocreodendron P Henn. (Nectrioi­ 251. ' dac.) I**, 383, 383. Hypopterygiaceae 3. 706, 964—972, Hypocreopsis Karst. (Ilypocreac) 1 318 123 4. 363, 366. Hypopterygium (Rhacopilac.) 3. 975.

Hypopterygium — Idiomyces. 115 Hypopterygium Brid. (Hypopterygiac) 3. Hysterium Wahlenb. (Graphidac) 1* 93. 965, 968. HysterocarpusLangsd. (Polypodiac.) 4.1 81. H. filiculaeforme (Hedw.) 3. 972, Fig. 708 Hysteroglonium Behm (Hysteriac) I. 4—P. 272, 274. H. plumarium Mitt. 3. 969, Fig. 706 4—P. Hysterographium Corda (Hysteriac) I. H. setigerum (Palis.) 3. 967, Fig. 7044. 272, 275. H. Thouinii Mont. 3. 971, Fig. 7074—P. H. Fraxini (Pers.) De Not. 1. 275, Fig. 199 Hyporhiza Crombie (Parmeliac.) I* 212. 67—P. Hyporhodius Fries (Agarieac.) 1** 231, Hysterographium DeNot.(Hysteriac) 1. 276. 232, 254, 255, 258. Hysteromella Speg. (Hysteriac) 1. 272, H. (Eceilia) atropunctus (Pers.) P. Henn. 274. I** 255, Fig. 120B. Hysteromyxa Sacc. et Ell. (Nectrioidac.) H. (Leptonia) euchrous (Pers.) Schrot. 1**. 1** 386. 255, Fig. 120 67. Hysteropatella Rehm (Patellariac.) 1. H. (Entoloma) nidorosus (Fr.) P. Henn. 222. 226. I** 253, Fig. I 20 P. H. Prostii (Duby) Rehm I. 226, Fig. 173 H. (Nolanea) pascuus (Pers.) Schrot. I** D—F. 255, Fig. 120P. Hysteropeziza Rabh. (Phacidiac.) 1. 261. H. (Clitopilus) Prunulus (Scop.) P. Henn. Hysteropsis Rehm (Hypodermatac) 1. I**. 2 55, Fig. I20P. 267, 269. H. (Pluteus) pyrrhospermus (Bull.) P. Henn. H. culmigena Rehm 1. 269,|Fig. 194P—67. I** 258, Fig. 12 14. Hytrix Bory (Baeillariae) lb. 115. H. (Claudopus) variabilis (Pers.) P. Henn. 1** 255, Fig. 120 4. I. J. HypospilaFries(Clypeosphaeriac) 1. 451, 453. Jaegerina C. Mflll. (Neckerac.) 3. 788, H. pustulata (Pers.) Karst. 1. 453, Fig. 274 789. P, P. J. stolonifera C. Mflll. 3. 789, Fig. 590 HypospilinaSacc. (Clypeosphaeriac) 1. 453. A—G. Hypostomaceae i** 24. Jaegerinopsis Broth. (Neckerac.) 3. 789, Hypostomum Vuill. (Hypostomac) 1** 790. 24. J. Ulei (C. Mflll.) 3. 790, Fig. 59 14—P. Hypotrachyna Wainio (Parmeliac), 1 * 212. Jamesonia Hook, et Grev. (Polypodiac) 4. Hypoxylon Bull. (Xylariac.) I. 481, 482, 255, 260; 260, Fig. 1374—P. 484, 486. J. canescens (Klotzsch) Kze. 4. 260, Fig. H. coccineum Bull. I. 484,Fig.2854; 486, 1 37B—P. Fig. 2 86 4. J. nivea Karst. 4. 260, Fig. 1374. H.'fuscum(Pers.)Fr. 1. 484,Fig.285B—P; JamesoniellaSpruce (Jungerm. akrogyn.) 486, Fig. 286P. 3. 70, 82. H. udum (Pers.) Fr. 1. 486, Fig. 286 P. Janczewski a Solms-Laub. (Rhodomelac) Hypsolophora Berk, et Cook (Dacryomyce­ 4. 425, 431, 432. tac) 1** 102. J. tasmanica Falkbg. 2. 43 1, Fig. 2 43 P. Hysterangiaceae i** 299. 304 — 308. Jania Lamx. (Corallinac.) 2. 543. Hysterangium Vitt. (Hysterangiac) 1**. Janischia Grun. (Bacillariac.) Ib. 66. 304, 303, 306, 556, 557. Janospora Starb. (Sphaerioidac.) I**. 374. H.clathroidesVitt. 1** 305,Fig. I 544- G. Jansia Penzig (Phallac.) I** 555, 556. Hysteriaceae i. 207, 272—277; 1**. Icmadophila Crb. (Lecanorac.) I*. 204. 53 4. Icm ado phi la Trevis. (Lecanorac.) I*. 199, Hysteriineae -1. 142, 265—278; 1** 534. 204. Hysteriographium Corda (Fungi) 1 *. 111. 1. ericetorum (L.) A. Zahlbr. I* 200, Fig. Hysterites Tode (Hysteriin.) 1**. 520. 1053/, N HysteriumTode (Hysteriac) 1. 272, 274, Idiomyces Thaxt. (Laboulbeniac) I. 496, 2 75. 500, 501. H. pulicare Pers. 1. 275, Fig. 199 4, B. I. Peyritschii Thaxt. I. 500, Fig. 29 IP. 8*

Hypopterygium — Idiomyces. 115<br />

Hypopterygium Brid. (Hypopterygiac) 3. Hysterium Wahlenb. (Graphidac) 1* 93.<br />

965, 968.<br />

HysterocarpusLangsd. (Polypodiac.) 4.1 81.<br />

H. filiculaeforme (Hedw.) 3. 972, Fig. 708 Hysteroglonium Behm (Hysteriac) I.<br />

4—P.<br />

272, 274.<br />

H. plumarium Mitt. 3. 969, Fig. 706 4—P. Hysterographium Corda (Hysteriac) I.<br />

H. setigerum (Palis.) 3. 967, Fig. 7044. 272, 275.<br />

H. Thouinii Mont. 3. 971, Fig. 7074—P. H. Fraxini (Pers.) De Not. 1. 275, Fig. 199<br />

Hyporhiza Crombie (Parmeliac.) I* 212. 67—P.<br />

Hyporhodius Fries (Agarieac.) 1** 231, Hysterographium DeNot.(Hysteriac) 1. 276.<br />

232, 254, 255, 258.<br />

Hysteromella Speg. (Hysteriac) 1. 272,<br />

H. (Eceilia) atropunctus (Pers.) P. Henn. 274.<br />

I** 255, Fig. 120B.<br />

Hysteromyxa Sacc. et Ell. (Nectrioidac.)<br />

H. (Leptonia) euchrous (Pers.) Schrot. 1**. 1** 386.<br />

255, Fig. 120 67.<br />

Hysteropatella Rehm (Patellariac.) 1.<br />

H. (Entoloma) nidorosus (Fr.) P. Henn. 222. 226.<br />

I** 253, Fig. I 20 P.<br />

H. Prostii (Duby) Rehm I. 226, Fig. 173<br />

H. (Nolanea) pascuus (Pers.) Schrot. I** D—F.<br />

255, Fig. 120P.<br />

Hysteropeziza Rabh. (Phacidiac.) 1. 261.<br />

H. (Clitopilus) Prunulus (Scop.) P. Henn. Hysteropsis Rehm (Hypodermatac) 1.<br />

I**. 2 55, Fig. I20P.<br />

267, 269.<br />

H. (Pluteus) pyrrhospermus (Bull.) P. Henn. H. culmigena Rehm 1. 269,|Fig. 194P—67.<br />

I** 258, Fig. 12 14.<br />

Hytrix Bory (Baeillariae) lb. 115.<br />

H. (Claudopus) variabilis (Pers.) P. Henn.<br />

1** 255, Fig. 120 4.<br />

I. J.<br />

HypospilaFries(Clypeosphaeriac) 1. 451,<br />

453.<br />

Jaegerina C. Mflll. (Neckerac.) 3. 788,<br />

H. pustulata (Pers.) Karst. 1. 453, Fig. 274 789.<br />

P, P.<br />

J. stolonifera C. Mflll. 3. 789, Fig. 590<br />

HypospilinaSacc. (Clypeosphaeriac) 1. 453. A—G.<br />

Hypostomaceae i** 24.<br />

Jaegerinopsis Broth. (Neckerac.) 3. 789,<br />

Hypostomum Vuill. (Hypostomac) 1** 790.<br />

24.<br />

J. Ulei (C. Mflll.) 3. 790, Fig. 59 14—P.<br />

Hypotrachyna Wainio (Parmeliac), 1 * 212. Jamesonia Hook, et Grev. (Polypodiac) 4.<br />

Hypoxylon Bull. (Xylariac.) I. 481, 482, 255, 260; 260, Fig. 1374—P.<br />

484, 486.<br />

J. canescens (Klotzsch) Kze. 4. 260, Fig.<br />

H. coccineum Bull. I. 484,Fig.2854; 486, 1 37B—P.<br />

Fig. 2 86 4.<br />

J. nivea Karst. 4. 260, Fig. 1374.<br />

H.'fuscum(Pers.)Fr. 1. 484,Fig.285B—P; JamesoniellaSpruce (Jungerm. akrogyn.)<br />

486, Fig. 286P.<br />

3. 70, 82.<br />

H. udum (Pers.) Fr. 1. 486, Fig. 286 P. Janczewski a Solms-Laub. (Rhodomelac)<br />

Hypsolophora Berk, et Cook (Dacryomyce­ 4. 425, 431, 432.<br />

tac) 1** 102.<br />

J. tasmanica Falkbg. 2. 43 1, Fig. 2 43 P.<br />

Hysterangiaceae i** 299. 304 — 308. Jania Lamx. (Corallinac.) 2. 543.<br />

Hysterangium Vitt. (Hysterangiac) 1**. Janischia Grun. (Bacillariac.) Ib. 66.<br />

304, 303, 306, 556, 557.<br />

Janospora Starb. (Sphaerioidac.) I**. 374.<br />

H.clathroidesVitt. 1** 305,Fig. I 544- G. Jansia Penzig (Phallac.) I** 555, 556.<br />

Hysteriaceae i. 207, 272—277; 1**. Icmadophila Crb. (Lecanorac.) I*. 204.<br />

53 4.<br />

Icm ado phi la Trevis. (Lecanorac.) I*. 199,<br />

Hysteriineae -1. 142, 265—278; 1** 534. 204.<br />

Hysteriographium Corda (Fungi) 1 *. 111. 1. ericetorum (L.) A. Zahlbr. I* 200, Fig.<br />

Hysterites Tode (Hysteriin.) 1**. 520. 1053/, N<br />

HysteriumTode (Hysteriac) 1. 272, 274, Idiomyces Thaxt. (Laboulbeniac) I. 496,<br />

2 75.<br />

500, 501.<br />

H. pulicare Pers. 1. 275, Fig. 199 4, B. I. Peyritschii Thaxt. I. 500, Fig. 29 IP.<br />


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