AGS Seed List No 60 2011 - Alpine Garden Society

AGS Seed List No 60 2011 - Alpine Garden Society

AGS Seed List No 60 2011 - Alpine Garden Society


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3351 Helianthemum nummularium<br />

3410 Heloniopsis orientalis<br />

3352 Helianthemum nummularium prostrate ex CH 3411 Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus<br />

3353 Helianthus annuus variegata<br />

3412 Hepatica maxima<br />

3354 Helianthus 'Triomphe de Gand'<br />

3413 Hepatica nobilis<br />

3355 Helichrysum balsalticum<br />

3414 Hepatica nobilis blue/white<br />

3356 Helichrysum italicum<br />

3415 Hepatica nobilis japonica<br />

3357 Helichrysum leucopsideum<br />

3416 Hepatica nobilis japonica cvs<br />

3358 Helichrysum plicatum<br />

3417 Hepatica nobilis japonica pink<br />

3359 Helichrysum 'Schwefellicht'<br />

3418 Hepatica nobilis pink<br />

33<strong>60</strong> Helichrysum scorpioides<br />

3419 Hepatica nobilis pubescens<br />

3361 Helichrysum sessilioides<br />

3420 Hepatica nobilis pyrenaica<br />

3362 Helichrysum thianschianicum<br />

3421 Hepatica nobilis red<br />

3363 Heliopsis helianthoides scabra<br />

3422 Hepatica nobilis white<br />

3364 Helleborus argutifolius<br />

3423 Herbertia lahue<br />

3365 Helleborus argutifolius 'Pacific Frost'<br />

3424 Herbertia pulchella<br />

3366 Helleborus caucasicus<br />

3425 Hesperantha baurii<br />

3367 Helleborus foetidus<br />

3426 Hesperantha coccinea<br />

3368 Helleborus foetidus yellow leaf<br />

3427 Hesperantha coccinea pink<br />

3369 Helleborus x hybridus anemone-centred 3428 Hesperantha coccinea 'Sunrise'<br />

3370 Helleborus x hybridus apricot, dbl, picotee 3429 Hesperantha cucullata<br />

3371 Helleborus x hybridus Ashwood <strong>Garden</strong> Hybs 3430 Hesperantha falcata<br />

3372 Helleborus x hybridus Ashwood yellow 3431 Hesperantha huttonii<br />

3373 Helleborus x hybridus 'Ballard's Black' 3432 Hesperantha latifolia<br />

3374 Helleborus x hybridus Ballard's Gp<br />

3433 Hesperantha vaginata<br />

3375 Helleborus x hybridus black/slate<br />

3434 Hesperis matronalis<br />

3376 Helleborus x hybridus cream<br />

3435 Hesperis matronalis albiflora<br />

3377 Helleborus x hybridus cream, spotted 3436 Heterotheca villosa<br />

3378 Helleborus x hybridus double, picotee 3437 Heuchera bracteata<br />

3379 Helleborus x hybridus green, spotted 3438 Heuchera chlorantha<br />

3380 Helleborus x hybridus Harvington Yellow 3439 Heuchera cylindrica 'Greenfinch'<br />

3381 Helleborus x hybridus pink<br />

3440 Heuchera maxima<br />

3382 Helleborus x hybridus pink, double<br />

3441 Heuchera pulchella<br />

3383 Helleborus x hybridus pink, picotee<br />

3442 Heuchera sanguinea<br />

3384 Helleborus x hybridus pink, spotted<br />

3443 Heuchera versicolor<br />

3385 Helleborus x hybridus purple<br />

3444 Hibiscus coccineus<br />

3386 Helleborus x hybridus 'Queen of the Night' 3445 Hibiscus militaris<br />

3387 Helleborus x hybridus red<br />

3446 Hibiscus trionum<br />

3388 Helleborus x hybridus red/green, double 3447 Hieracium alpinum<br />

3389 Helleborus x hybridus slate grey<br />

3448 Hieracium lanatum<br />

3390 Helleborus x hybridus spotted<br />

3449 Hieracium mixtum<br />

3391 Helleborus x hybridus white<br />

3450 Hieracium scotostictum<br />

3392 Helleborus x hybridus white, crimson centre 3451 Hieracium spilophaeum<br />

3393 Helleborus x hybridus white, double<br />

3452 Hieracium spilophaeum 'Leopard'<br />

3394 Helleborus x hybridus white, double, spotted 3453 Hieracium villosum<br />

3395 Helleborus x hybridus white, picotee<br />

3454 Hieracium aff villosum<br />

3396 Helleborus x hybridus white, spotted<br />

3455 Hieracium waldsteinii<br />

3397 Helleborus x hybridus yellow<br />

3456 Himantoglossum robertianum<br />

3398 Helleborus x hybridus yellow, double<br />

3457 Hippeastrum gracilis<br />

3399 Helleborus x hybridus yellow, picotee 3458 Hippeastrum hyb pink<br />

3400 Helleborus x hybridus yellow, spotted 3459 Hippeastrum sp<br />

3401 Helleborus niger<br />

34<strong>60</strong> Hippeastrum sp red<br />

3402 Helleborus x nigercors<br />

3461 Hippeastrum striatum<br />

3403 Helleborus odorus<br />

3462 Hippeastrum striatum petiolatum<br />

3404 Helleborus odorus x orientalis<br />

3463 Hippeastrum striatum 'Saltão'<br />

3405 Helleborus orientalis guttatus<br />

3464 Hippeastrum stylosum<br />

3406 Helleborus thibetanus<br />

3465 Hippocrepis emerus<br />

3407 Helleborus torquatus<br />

3466 Homogyne alpina<br />

3408 Helonias bullata<br />

3467 Horminum pyrenaicum<br />

3409 Heloniopsis kawanoi<br />

3468 Horminum pyrenaicum pale form

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