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Polyatomic Practice<br />

Polyatomic Ions Worksheet<br />

1. Name or write the formula for the following polyatomic ions<br />

sulfate CO3 2-<br />

nitrite MnO3 1-<br />

perphosphate SO5 2-<br />

hypoiodite BrO2 1-<br />

chlorite CO4 2-<br />

phosphite PO5 3-<br />

percarbonate ClO 1-<br />

bromate IO2 1-<br />

hyposulfite PO4 3-<br />

permanganate NO2 1-<br />

carbonite SO4 2-<br />

2. Name or write the formula for the following Type I polyatomic ionic compounds<br />

beryllium hydroxide Ba(IO3)2<br />

sodium nitrite Ga(CNO)3<br />

ammonium chloride Ag2SO3<br />

calcium bisulfate MgCO<br />

rubidium perchlorate NH3NO2<br />

strontium sulfite Al(C2H3O2)3<br />

aluminum acetate SrSO5<br />

ammonium nitrate RbClO2<br />

magnesium hypocarbonite Ca(HSO4)2<br />

silver hyposulfite NH4Cl<br />

gallium cyanate NaNO<br />

barium iodate Be(OH)2

3. Name or write the formula for the following Type II polyatomic ionic compounds<br />

iron (III) bromate Ni(MnO3)3<br />

copper (I) cyanate CrSO5<br />

plumbous perchlorate Sn(C2H3O2)4<br />

mercury (I) bicarbonate Cu2SO5<br />

antimony (III) perphosphate MnCO4<br />

arsenic (V) hypophosphite Au(NO)3<br />

manganese (II) carbonate SbPO3<br />

copper (I) sulfate HgHCO3<br />

tin (IV) acetate Pb(ClO2)2<br />

nickel (III) permanganate Fe(BrO)3<br />

Putting It All together<br />

4. Name or write the formula for the following ionic compounds<br />

magnesium chloride In2O3<br />

Strontium phosphate Zn(BrO3)2<br />

Tin (IV) nitrite AgNO3<br />

iron (III) thiosulfate Au3PO3<br />

lead (IV) sulfide KCNO<br />

Calcium nitride FeS<br />

Sodium sulfate FeSO3<br />

aluminum hydroxide Ga(IO)3<br />

nickel (III) permanganate Hg2SO4<br />

cuprous chloride CuCl<br />

Gallium hypoiodite Al(OH)3<br />

Ferrous sulfite Na2SO4<br />

potassium cyanate PbS2<br />

Sodium hydrogen carbonate Ca(BrO4)2

Polyatomic Practice<br />

Polyatomic Ions Worksheet Answer Key<br />

1. Name or write the formula for the following polyatomic ions<br />

2<br />

sulfate SO4 − CO3 2- carbonate<br />

nitrite NO3 − MnO3 1- manganate<br />

3<br />

perphosphate PO5 − SO5 2- persulfate<br />

hypoiodite IO − BrO2 1- bromite<br />

chlorite ClO2 − CO4 2- percarbonate<br />

3<br />

phosphite PO3 − PO5 3- perphosphate<br />

2<br />

percarbonate CO4 − ClO 1- hypochlorite<br />

bromate BrO3 − IO2 1- iodite<br />

2<br />

hyposulfite SO2 − PO4 3- phosphate<br />

permanganate MnO4 − NO2 1- nitrite<br />

2<br />

carbonite CO2 − SO4 2- sulfate<br />

2. Name or write the formula for the following Type I polyatomic ionic compounds<br />

beryllium hydroxide Be( OH ) Ba(IO3)2 barium iodate<br />

2<br />

sodium nitrite NaNO 2 Ga(CNO)3 gallium cyanate<br />

ammonium chloride NH4Cl Ag2SO3 silver sulfite<br />

calcium bisulfate Ca( HSO 4 ) MgCO magnesium hypocarbonite<br />

2<br />

rubidium perchlorate RbClO 4 NH3NO2 ammonium nitrite<br />

strontium sulfite SrSO 3<br />

Al(C2H3O2)3 aluminum acetate<br />

aluminum acetate Al( CHO 2 3 2) SrSO5 strontium persulfate<br />

3<br />

ammonium nitrate NH4NO 3 RbClO2 rubidium chlorite<br />

magnesium hypocarbonite MgCO Ca(HSO4)2 calcium bisulfate<br />

silver hyposulfite Ag2SO 2 NH4Cl ammonium chloride

gallium cyanate Ga( CNO ) NaNO sodium hyponitrite<br />

3<br />

barium iodate Ba( IO 3 ) Be(OH)2 beryllium hydroxide<br />

2<br />

3. Name or write the formula for the following Type II polyatomic ionic compounds<br />

iron (III) bromate Fe( BrO 3 ) Ni(MnO3)3 nickel (III) manganate<br />

3<br />

copper (I) cyanate CuCNO CrSO5 chromium (II) persulfate<br />

plumbous perchlorate Pb( ClO 4 ) Sn(C2H3O2)4 tin (IV) acetate<br />

2<br />

mercury (I) bicarbonate HgHCO 3 Cu2SO5 copper (I) persulfate<br />

antimony (III) perphosphate SbPO 5<br />

MnCO4 manganese (II) percarbonate<br />

arsenic (V) hypophosphite As3( PO 2) Au(NO)3 gold (III) nitrate<br />

5<br />

manganese (II) carbonate MnCO 3 SbPO3 antimony (III) phosphite<br />

copper (I) sulfate Cu2SO 4 HgHCO3 mercury (I) bicarbonate or<br />

mercury (I) hydrogen carbonate<br />

tin (IV) acetate Sn( CHO 2 3 2) Pb(ClO2)2 lead (II) chlorite<br />

4<br />

nickel (III) permanganate Ni( MnO 4 ) Fe(BrO)3 iron (III) bromate<br />

3<br />

Putting It All together<br />

4. Name or write the formula for the following ionic compounds<br />

magnesium chloride MgCl In2O3 indium oxide<br />

strontium phosphate Sr3( PO 4) Zn(BrO3)2 zinc bromate<br />

2<br />

tin (IV) nitrite Sn( NO 2 ) AgNO3 silver nitrate<br />

4<br />

iron (III) thiosulfate Fe2( S2O 3) Au3PO3 gold (I) phosphite<br />

3<br />

lead (IV) sulfide PbS 2<br />

KCNO potassium cyanate<br />

calcium nitride Ca3N 2<br />

FeS iron (II) sulfide<br />

sodium sulfate Na2SO 4 FeSO3 iron (II) sulfate<br />

aluminum hydroxide Al( OH ) Ga(IO)3 gallium hypoiodite<br />

3<br />

nickel (III) permanganate Ni( MnO 4 ) Hg2SO4 mercury (I) sulfate<br />


copper (I) chloride CuCl CuCl copper (I) chloride<br />

gallium hypoiodite Ga( IO ) Al(OH)3 aluminum hydroxide<br />

3<br />

iron (II) sulfite FeSO 3 Na2SO4 sodium sulfate<br />

potassium cyanate KCNO PbS2 lead (IV) sulfide<br />

sodium hydrogen carbonate NaHCO 3 Ca(BrO4)2 calcium perbromate

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