AAS 80 - La Santa Sede

AAS 80 - La Santa Sede AAS 80 - La Santa Sede


812 Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale In this way your works of charity and justice, of mercy and compassion will be true signs of Christ's présence in the world. 9. The challenges which you faced yesterday you will face again tomorrow. The thousand tasks that now draw upon your courage and your énergies will hardly disappear next week, next month, next year. What then is the meaning of our meeting? What "word of the Lord" is addressed to us here? As the one who for the time being has been given the place of the Fisherman from Galilée, as the one who occupies the Chair of Peter for this fleeting hour in the Church's life, allow me to make my own the sentiments of the Reading from our Evening Prayer : "Be examples to the flock" 19 —examples of faith and charity, of hope and joy, of obédience, sacrifice and humble service. And "when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will win for yourselves the unfading crown of glory". 20 To the contemplative Religious of the United States, whose lives are hidden with Christ in God, I wish to say a word of profound thanks for reminding us that "here we have no lasting city", 21 and that all life must be li ved in the heart of the living God. May the whole Church in this land recognize the primacy and efläcacy of the spiritual values which you represent. The Second Vatican Council deliberately chose to call you "the glory of the Church". 22 Brothers and Sisters, men and women Religious of the United States : your country needs the witness of your deep spirituality and your commitment to the life-giving power of the Gospel. America needs to see ali the power of love in your hearts expressed in evan- gelizing zeal. The whole world needs to discover in you "the kindness and love of God our Savior". 23 Go forward, therefore, in the mystery of the dying and rising of Jesus. Go forward in faith, hope and charity, expending yourselves in the Church's mission of evangelization and service. Always be examples to the flock. And know that "when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will win for yourselves the unfading crown of glory". 24 In this Marian Year of grace may you find joy and strength in 19 1 Pt 5:3. w y 4 21 Heb 13:14. 22 Perfectae Caritatis, 7. 23 Tit 3:4. 24 1 Pt 5:4.

Acta Ioannis Pauli Pp. II 813 an ever greater dévotion to Mary, tht Virgin Mother of the Redeemer. As "the model and protectress of all consecrated life" 25 may she lead each one of you to perfect union with her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and to ever closer collaboration in his redempti ve mission. And may the example of Mary's discipleship confirai you all in generosity and love. * « * Franciscopoli, ad laicos christifideles congregatos habita.* "To him whose power now at work in us can do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine—to him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus through all générations ...'V Dear Brothers and Sisters, Dear Catholic Lay People of America, 1. I am grateful to you for your kind welcome and pleased to he with you this morning in glorifying the Father, "in the Church and in Christ Jesus", through the working of the Holy Spirit. I also wish to thank you for the informative présentations which have been made in the name of the Catholic laity of the United States. The Letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians has a deep meaning for the life of each one of us. The text movingly describes our relationship with God as he reveáis himself to us in the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. Saint Paul reminds us of two fundamental truths : first, that our ultimate vocation is to glorify the God who created and redeemed us ; and secondly, that our eternai and highest good is to "attain to the fullness of God himself"—to participate in the loving communion of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for all eternity. God's glory and our good are perfectly attained in the Kingdom of heaven. The Apostle Paul also reminds us that salvation, which comes as a free gift of divine love in Christ, is not oífered to us on a purely 25 Can. 663, § 4. • Die 18 m. Septembris a. 1987. 1 Eph 3:20-21.

Acta Ioannis Pauli Pp. II 813<br />

an ever greater dévotion to Mary, tht Virgin Mother of the Redeemer.<br />

As "the model and protectress of all consecrated life" 25 may she lead<br />

each one of you to perfect union with her Son, our Lord Jesus<br />

Christ, and to ever closer collaboration in his redempti ve mission.<br />

And may the example of Mary's discipleship confirai you all in<br />

generosity and love.<br />

* « *<br />

Franciscopoli, ad laicos christifideles congregatos habita.*<br />

"To him whose power now at work in us can do immeasurably more<br />

than we ask or imagine—to him be glory in the Church and in Christ<br />

Jesus through all générations ...'V<br />

Dear Brothers and Sisters,<br />

Dear Catholic <strong>La</strong>y People of America,<br />

1. I am grateful to you for your kind welcome and pleased to he<br />

with you this morning in glorifying the Father, "in the Church and<br />

in Christ Jesus", through the working of the Holy Spirit. I also<br />

wish to thank you for the informative présentations which have been<br />

made in the name of the Catholic laity of the United States.<br />

The Letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians has a deep meaning for<br />

the life of each one of us. The text movingly describes our relationship<br />

with God as he reveáis himself to us in the mystery of the Most Holy<br />

Trinity. Saint Paul reminds us of two fundamental truths : first,<br />

that our ultimate vocation is to glorify the God who created and<br />

redeemed us ; and secondly, that our eternai and highest good is to<br />

"attain to the fullness of God himself"—to participate in the loving<br />

communion of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for all<br />

eternity. God's glory and our good are perfectly attained in the<br />

Kingdom of heaven.<br />

The Apostle Paul also reminds us that salvation, which comes as<br />

a free gift of divine love in Christ, is not oífered to us on a purely<br />

25 Can. 663, § 4.<br />

• Die 18 m. Septembris a. 1987.<br />

1 Eph 3:20-21.

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