AAS 80 - La Santa Sede

AAS 80 - La Santa Sede AAS 80 - La Santa Sede


780 Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale and local—that there be close and harmonious links between you and the Bishops, who "preside in place of God over the flock whose shepherds they are, as teachers of doctrine, priests of sacred worship and ofiicers of good order". 7 They for their part wish to support you in your witness and service. 7. I have come here today to encourage you in your splendid work and to confirai you in your vital apostolate. Dear brothers and sisters : for your dedication to meeting the health care needs of all people, especially the poor, I heartily congratulate you. You embody the legacy of those pioneering women and men Religious who selflessly responded to the health care needs of a young and rapidly expanding country by developing an extensive network of clinics, hospitals and nursing homes. Today you are faced with new challenges, new needs. One of these is the présent crisis of immense proportions which is that of AIDS and AIDS-Related Complex (ARC). Resides your professional contribution and your human sensitivities toward all affected by this disease, you are called to show the love and compassion of Christ and his Church. As you courageously afiirm and implement your moral obligation and social responsibility to help those who suffer, you are, individually and collectively, living out the parable of the Good Samaritana The Good Samaritan of the parable showed compassion to the injured man. By taking him to the inn and giving of his own material means, he truly gave of himself. This action, a universal symbol of human concern, has become one of the essential éléments of moral culture and civilization. How beautifully the Lord speaks of the Samaritan ! He "was neighbor to the man who feil in with the robbers". 9 To be "neighbor" is to express love, solidarity and service, and to exelude selfishness, discrimination and neglect. The message of the parable of the Good Samaritan echoes a reality connected with today's Feast of the Triumph of the Cross: "the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared ... that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs, in hope, of eternai life". 10 In the changing world of 7 Lumen Gentium, 20. 8 Cf. Lk 10:30-32. 9 Lk 10:36. 10 TU 3:4-7.

Acta Ioannis Pauli Pp. II 781 health care, it is up to you to ensure that this "kindness and love o f God our Savior" remains the heart and soul of Catholic health services. Through prayer and with God's help, may you persevere in your commitment, providing professional assistance and selfless personal care to those who need your services. I pray that your activities and your whole lives will inspire and help ali the people of America, working together, to make this society a place of full and absolute respect for the dignity of every person, from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. And may God, in whom "we live and move and have our being", 11 sustain you by his grace. God bless you and your families and your contribution to America ! * * » Angelopoli, ad eos qui operam dant instrumentis communicationis socialis coram admissos.* Ladies and Gentlemen of the Communications Industry, Dear Friends, 1. I am very pleased to be here with you. I would like to be able to greet each one of you personally and to express my regard for you individually. Although this is not possible, I wish to express my sincere respect for ali the catégories of the media that you represent —the film industry, the music and recording industry, radio, electronic news, television and all those who inform the world through the written word—and for the diverse functions that you perforai as workers, writers, editors, managers and executives. I greet you in the full range of your activities, from the very visible to the relatively hidden. My visit to Los Angeles, and indeed to the United States, would seem incomplete without this meeting, since you represent one of the most important American influences on the world today. You do this in every area of social communications and con tribute thereby to the development of a mass popular culture. Humanity is profoundly influenced by what you do. Your activities affect communication itself: supplying information, influencing public opinion, offering 11 Acts 17:28. * Die 15 m. Septembris a. 1987.

7<strong>80</strong> Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale<br />

and local—that there be close and harmonious links between you and<br />

the Bishops, who "preside in place of God over the flock whose<br />

shepherds they are, as teachers of doctrine, priests of sacred worship<br />

and ofiicers of good order". 7 They for their part wish to support<br />

you in your witness and service.<br />

7. I have come here today to encourage you in your splendid work<br />

and to confirai you in your vital apostolate. Dear brothers and<br />

sisters : for your dedication to meeting the health care needs of all<br />

people, especially the poor, I heartily congratulate you. You embody<br />

the legacy of those pioneering women and men Religious who selflessly<br />

responded to the health care needs of a young and rapidly expanding<br />

country by developing an extensive network of clinics, hospitals and<br />

nursing homes.<br />

Today you are faced with new challenges, new needs. One of<br />

these is the présent crisis of immense proportions which is that of<br />

AIDS and AIDS-Related Complex (ARC). Resides your professional<br />

contribution and your human sensitivities toward all affected by this<br />

disease, you are called to show the love and compassion of Christ and<br />

his Church. As you courageously afiirm and implement your moral<br />

obligation and social responsibility to help those who suffer, you are,<br />

individually and collectively, living out the parable of the Good<br />

Samaritana<br />

The Good Samaritan of the parable showed compassion to the<br />

injured man. By taking him to the inn and giving of his own material<br />

means, he truly gave of himself. This action, a universal symbol<br />

of human concern, has become one of the essential éléments of moral<br />

culture and civilization. How beautifully the Lord speaks of the<br />

Samaritan ! He "was neighbor to the man who feil in with the robbers". 9<br />

To be "neighbor" is to express love, solidarity and service, and to<br />

exelude selfishness, discrimination and neglect. The message of the<br />

parable of the Good Samaritan echoes a reality connected with today's<br />

Feast of the Triumph of the Cross: "the kindness and love of God<br />

our Savior appeared ... that we might be justified by his grace and<br />

become heirs, in hope, of eternai life". 10 In the changing world of<br />

7 Lumen Gentium, 20.<br />

8 Cf. Lk 10:30-32.<br />

9 Lk 10:36.<br />

10 TU 3:4-7.

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