AAS 80 - La Santa Sede

AAS 80 - La Santa Sede AAS 80 - La Santa Sede


1754 Acta Apostolicae Sedis - Commentarium Officiale As with the Eucharist, the Sacrament of Penánce calis for careful catechesis. An evident appréciation of this sacrament on the part of priests themselves will help the laity to realize the necessity and value of individual confession and absolution for growth in holiness and as the ordinary way by which a person who is aware of serious sin is reconciled with God and with the Church. 11 7. I also wish to mention the link between the vitality of sacra­ mental practice and vocations to the priesthood and religious life, which are so important for the future of your local Churches. God's gift of priestly and religious vocations is mysteriously related to the participation of the faithful in the Eucharistie Sacrifice with révérence and with a worthiness conferred by the Sacrament of Penance. As the chief source of pastoral charity, 12 the Eucharist not only sustains priests and Religious in a life of faith and selfless love; it also enkindles that pastoral charity in potential priests and Re­ ligious, so that they too may serve Christ and his Church in these special vocations. Fostering love for the sacraments among the young, especially love for the Eucharist, is an important part of promoting vocations. We must also pray, since what is at stake is not any human project of our own, but rather the réalisation o f God's plan. 13, Düring his earthly ministry, Jesus recognized that "the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few". 14 He then revealed our serious responsi- bility for overcoming the imbalance between the needs of God's people and the number of apostolic labourers when he commanded us to "pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest". 15 Here too, the fefvour of our prayer for vocations is intimately linked to our love and understanding of the sacraments. At the same time the local Churches, as well as religious com­ munities, must be energetic in undertaking the research, planning and Organization necessary for the promotion of vocations. The quality and number of personnel and resources allotted to this work are not only a measure of the priority given to this challenge, but also a testimony to the firm conviction of the various diocèses and religious 11 Cf. C.I.C., 960. 12 Cf. Presbyterorum Ordinis, 14. 15 Cf. Congrégation for the Clergy, Postquam Apostoli, 25 March 1980. 14 Lk 10:2. 15 Ibid.

Acta Ioannis Pauli Pp. Il 1755 communities that God's generosity will not be lacking to support our human endeavours. We must constantly renew our trust in the im­ mense power of Christ's Paschal Mystery to raise up and sustain new vocations in the Church. Dear Brothers, as Australia célébrâtes her Bicentenary, you and your people are called to reflect on the contribution which the Church has made and is ihaking to your national life and history. It was my special joy to witness this contribution at first hand during my pastoral visit. Together with you, I pray that the people of Australia will not fail to build a society based on the love and worship of Almighty God. May Catholics always be a shining example of this to their brothers and sisters ! In this year dedicated to Mary, Mother of Christ and Mother of his Church, I commend you and your clergy and people to her loving intercession, and I cordially impart my Apostolic Blessing. III Ad quosdam episcopos Foederatarum Civitatum Americae Septemtrionalis limina Apostolorum visitantes.* Dear Brothers in our Lord Jesus Christ, 1. Once again it is a great joy for me to welcome a group of American Bishops. In you I greet ali the priests, deacons, Religious and laity of the Provinces of Louisville, Mobile and New Orleans. Memories of New Orleans encourage me to send special greetings to those groups that I met there : the youth of America, the apostles of Catholic éducation, the belo ved black community throughout your land, and ali those striving to meet the challenge of greatness in higher Catholic éducation. At the same time I remember in my thoughts and cherish in my heart ali the faithful of America, for whom we are striving to provide true pastoral service in the name of "the Chief Shepherd of the flock", 1 our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In all the pastoral events that I expérience with you, the Bishops of the United States—each event in continuity with the preceding ones—it is my intention to reflect with you on an organic pastoral • Die 31 m. Maii a. 1988. 1 1 Pt 5:4.

Acta Ioannis Pauli Pp. Il 1755<br />

communities that God's generosity will not be lacking to support our<br />

human endeavours. We must constantly renew our trust in the im­<br />

mense power of Christ's Paschal Mystery to raise up and sustain new<br />

vocations in the Church.<br />

Dear Brothers, as Australia célébrâtes her Bicentenary, you and<br />

your people are called to reflect on the contribution which the Church<br />

has made and is ihaking to your national life and history. It was<br />

my special joy to witness this contribution at first hand during my<br />

pastoral visit. Together with you, I pray that the people of Australia<br />

will not fail to build a society based on the love and worship of<br />

Almighty God. May Catholics always be a shining example of this<br />

to their brothers and sisters ! In this year dedicated to Mary, Mother<br />

of Christ and Mother of his Church, I commend you and your clergy<br />

and people to her loving intercession, and I cordially impart my<br />

Apostolic Blessing.<br />

III<br />

Ad quosdam episcopos Foederatarum Civitatum Americae Septemtrionalis<br />

limina Apostolorum visitantes.*<br />

Dear Brothers in our Lord Jesus Christ,<br />

1. Once again it is a great joy for me to welcome a group of<br />

American Bishops. In you I greet ali the priests, deacons, Religious<br />

and laity of the Provinces of Louisville, Mobile and New Orleans.<br />

Memories of New Orleans encourage me to send special greetings<br />

to those groups that I met there : the youth of America, the apostles<br />

of Catholic éducation, the belo ved black community throughout your<br />

land, and ali those striving to meet the challenge of greatness in<br />

higher Catholic éducation. At the same time I remember in my<br />

thoughts and cherish in my heart ali the faithful of America, for<br />

whom we are striving to provide true pastoral service in the name<br />

of "the Chief Shepherd of the flock", 1 our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.<br />

In all the pastoral events that I expérience with you, the Bishops<br />

of the United States—each event in continuity with the preceding<br />

ones—it is my intention to reflect with you on an organic pastoral<br />

• Die 31 m. Maii a. 1988.<br />

1 1 Pt 5:4.

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