Outline of Ascomycota - 2007. Myconet 13: 1-58. - The Field Museum

Outline of Ascomycota - 2007. Myconet 13: 1-58. - The Field Museum

Outline of Ascomycota - 2007. Myconet 13: 1-58. - The Field Museum


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Australiaena Matzer, H. Mayrh. &<br />

Elix<br />

Buellia De Not.<br />

Calicium Pers.<br />

Coscinocladium Kunze<br />

Cratiria Marbach<br />

?Culbersonia Essl.<br />

Cyphelium Ach.<br />

Dermatiscum Nyl.<br />

Dermiscellum Hafellner, H.<br />

Mayrh<strong>of</strong>er & Poelt<br />

Dimelaena Norman<br />

Diploicia A. Massal.<br />

Diplotomma Flot.<br />

Dirinaria (Tuck.) Clem.<br />

Gassicurtia Feé<br />

Hafellia Kalb, H. Mayrh<strong>of</strong>er &<br />

Scheid.<br />

Heterodermia Trevis.<br />

Hyperphyscia Müll. Arg.<br />

Hyp<strong>of</strong>lavia Marbach<br />

Mischoblastia A. Massal.<br />

Mobergia H. Mayrh<strong>of</strong>er, Sheard &<br />

Matzer<br />

Monerolechia Trevis.<br />

Phaeophyscia Mob.<br />

Phaeorrhiza H. Mayrh<strong>of</strong>er & Poelt<br />

Physcia (Schreb.) Michaux<br />

Physciella Essl.<br />

Physconia Poelt<br />

Pyxine Fr.<br />

?Redonia C.W. Dodge<br />

Rinodina (Ach.) Gray<br />

Rinodinella H. Mayrh<strong>of</strong>er & Poelt<br />

Santessonia Hale & Vobis<br />

Stigmatochroma Marbach<br />

?Sphinctrinopsis Woron.<br />

Tetramelas Norman<br />

Texosporium Nádv. ex Tibell &<br />

H<strong>of</strong>sten<br />

<strong>The</strong>lomma A. Massal.<br />

Tholurna Norman<br />

Tornabea Oesth.<br />

?Tylophoropsis Sambo<br />

Teloschistaceae Zahlbr. 1898<br />

30<br />

Caloplaca Th. Fr.<br />

Cephalophysis (Hertel) H. Kilias<br />

Fulgensia A. Massal. & De Not.<br />

Huea C.W. Dodge & G.E. Baker<br />

Ioplaca Poelt<br />

Josefpoeltia Kondratyuk &<br />

K Ûrnefelt spelling<br />

Seirophora Poelt<br />

Teloschistes Norman<br />

Xanthodactylon P.A. Duvign.<br />

Xanthomendoza Kondratyuk &<br />

K Ûrnefelt spelling<br />

Xanthopeltis R. Sant.<br />

Xanthoria (Fr.) Th. Fr.<br />

Lecanoromycetidae, families incertae<br />

sediss<br />

Brigantiaeaceae Hafellner & Bellem.<br />

1982<br />

?Argopsis Th. Fr.<br />

Brigantiaea Trevis.<br />

Elixiaceae Lumbsch 1997<br />

Elixia Lumbsch<br />

Fuscideaceae Hafellner 1984<br />

Fuscidea V. Wirth & Vèzda<br />

Hueidia Kantvilas & P.M. McCarthy<br />

?Lettauia D.Hawksw. & R. Sant.<br />

?Maronea A. Massal.<br />

?Orphniospora Körb.<br />

?Ropalospora A. Massal.<br />

Lecideaceae Chevall. 1826<br />

syn. Porpidiaceae Hertel &<br />

Hafellner 1984<br />

Amygdalaria Norman<br />

Bahianora Kalb<br />

Bellemerea Hafellner & Cl. Roux<br />

Catarrhospora Brusse<br />

Cecidonia Triebel & Rambold<br />

Clauzadea Hafellner & Bellem.<br />

Cryptodictyon A. Massal.<br />

Farnoldia Hertel<br />

Immersaria Rambold & Pietschm.<br />

Koerberiella Stein

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