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112 NOMENMYX<br />

Physarum nigrum Fr., Syst. Mycol. 3: 146 (1829)<br />

Cited by Rostafiński, Sluzowce Monogr.: 155 (1874), as<br />

synonym of Didymium farinaceum Schrad.; “p.p.” in in<strong>de</strong>x.<br />

Fries, Syst. Mycol. 3: 147 (1829), equates it with Strongilium<br />

minus Fr., Symb. Gasteromyc.: 9 (1817), incorrectly cited by<br />

Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7: 381 (1888), as “S. minor”.<br />

Possibly a synonym of Didymium minus (Lister) Morgan of<br />

the present treatment [M. & A., 1969: 341].<br />

Physarum nodulosum Cooke & Balf.f. in Ravenel & Cooke,<br />

Fungi Amer. Exs. No. 479 (1881)<br />

Nom. nud. Without <strong>de</strong>scription on the label of the exsiccata.<br />

The material served Massee as a base to <strong>de</strong>scribe Badhamia<br />

nodulosa Massee, now seen as a synonym of Ph. pusillum<br />

(Berk. & M. A. Curtis) G. Lister.<br />

“Physarum obrusseum T. Macbr.”<br />

Invalid. Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 2 (1911)<br />

and ed. 3 (1925). Macbri<strong>de</strong>, N. Amer. Slime-Moulds: 52<br />

(1899), wrote Ph. obrusseum (Berk. & M. A. Curtis) Rostaf.<br />

[M. & A., 1969: 341].<br />

“Physarum ochraceum Hoffm.”, Krypt.-Fl. Schlesien Pilze<br />

Schles. 3(1): 130 (1886)<br />

The specific epithet was evi<strong>de</strong>ntly based on that of<br />

Hoffmann’ s name (Di<strong>de</strong>rma ochraceum Hoffm.), but the<br />

combination was not validly published, and was probably<br />

applied by Schroeter to a quite different species, probably<br />

Ph. conglomeratum (Fr.) Rostaf. [M. & A., 1969: 364].<br />

Physarum ornatum Peck, Annual Rep. New York State Mus. 31:<br />

40 (1879)<br />

Both, Lister and Hagelstein, cited it as a possible<br />

synonym of Ph. oblatum T. Macbr. Hagelstein examined<br />

what is left of the type and found only stalks remaining. It<br />

must, therefore, be regar<strong>de</strong>d as a doubtful species [M. &<br />

A., 1969: 319].<br />

Physarum oxyacanthae Schumach., Enum. Pl. 2: 199 (1803)<br />

Cited by Rostafiński, Sluzowce Monogr.: 154 (1874), as<br />

synonym of Didymium farinaceum Schrad.; “p.p.” in in<strong>de</strong>x.<br />

Doubtful, see G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3: 260<br />

(1925) [M. & A., 1969: 341].<br />

Physarum petersii var. genuinum Rostaf., Sluzowce Monogr.<br />

Suppl.: 6 (1876)<br />

Nom. inval., see ICBN, art. 24.3.<br />

Physarum physaroi<strong>de</strong>s (Pers.) Chevall., Fl. Gén. Env. Paris, ed.<br />

2, 1: 339 (1836)<br />

Based on Spumaria physaroi<strong>de</strong>s Pers. See comments un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

this species.<br />

Physarum piceum Fr., Syst. Mycol. 3: 143 (1829)<br />

Doubtful, see Rostafiński, Sluzowce Monogr.: 383 (1875)<br />

[M. & A., 1969: 341].<br />

“Physarum pini Fr.”<br />

Cited by Rostafiński, Sluzowce Monogr.: 383 (1875). As<br />

noted in p. 128, this is Ph. pini Schumach. as interpreted by<br />

Fries [M. & A., 1969: 419].<br />

Physarum polonicum Skup., Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci.<br />

Biol. 1924: 391 (1924)<br />

Cited by G. Lister, Monogr. Mycetozoa, ed. 3: 51 (1925), as<br />

a synonym of Ph. connatum (Peck) G. Lister, i. e. Ph.<br />

notabile T. Macbr. of the present treatment. Denied by<br />

Skupienski, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 42: 158 (1924). The<br />

species is recognized by Krzemieniewska, Sluzowce Polsk.:<br />

82 (1960) [M. & A., 1969: 341].<br />

Physarum polyhedron Schwein., Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. 4:<br />

257 (1832)<br />

An ascomycete, Argynna polyhedron (Schwein.) Morgan<br />

[M. & A., 1969: 341].<br />

Physarum psittacinum var. fulvipes (Fr.) Rostaf., Sluzowce<br />

Monogr. Suppl.: 8 (1876)<br />

Based on Didymium fulvipes Fr., see comments un<strong>de</strong>r this<br />

species.<br />

“Physarum pulchripes Peck 26 Rep. pag. 75”<br />

Cited by Berlese in Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 7: 349 (1888), and<br />

recor<strong>de</strong>d and attributed to Berlese by M. & A. (1969: 324).<br />

Clearly a direct reference to Ph. pulcherripes Peck, 1873.<br />

Physarum purpurascens Link, Ges. Naturf. Freun<strong>de</strong> Berlin Mag.<br />

Neuesten Ent<strong>de</strong>ck. Gesammten Naturk. 7: 42 (1815)<br />

Doubtful; see Rostafiński, Sluzowce Monogr.: 383 (1875)<br />

[M. & A., 1969: 341].<br />

Physarum pyriforme Schumach., Enum. Pl. 2: 204 (1803)<br />

Cited by Rostafiński, Sluzowce Monogr.: 244 (1875), as a<br />

synonym of Trichia fallax Pers. Berlese in Saccardo, Syll.<br />

Fung. 7: 439 (1888), spells epithet piriforme [M. & A., 1969:<br />

419].<br />

“Physarum ramentaceum Fr. in litt. an Wein. (1836)”<br />

Cited by Rostafiński, Sluzowce Monogr.: 101 (1874), as a<br />

synonym of Ph. leucopus Link. Reference is to Weinmann,<br />

Fl. Ross. (1836), but it is uncertain whether Fries’s name was<br />

validly published in that work [M. & A., 1969: 342].<br />

Physarum rubiginosum Berk., Engl. Fl. 5(2): 315 (1836)<br />

Cited by Rostafiński, Sluzowce Monogr. Suppl.: 4 (1876), as<br />

a synonym of Badhamia dictyospora Rostaf., with “non<br />

Chevall.” specifically ad<strong>de</strong>d. If proposed by Berkeley as<br />

new, the name had already been preempted by both<br />

Chevallier and Fries [M. & A., 1969: 342].<br />

Physarum salicinum Schumach., Enum. Pl. 2: 200 (1803)<br />

Cited by Rostafiński, Sluzowce Monogr.: 204 (1874), as<br />

synonym of Lampro<strong>de</strong>rma columbinum (Pers.) Rostaf.;<br />

“p.p.” in in<strong>de</strong>x. Doubtful; see G. Lister., Monogr.<br />

Mycetozoa, ed. 3: 155 (1925) [M. & A., 1969: 342].<br />

“Physarum schumacheri Rostaf.” ex Massee, Monogr.<br />

Myxogastr.: 275 (1892)<br />

Rostafiński, Sluzowce Monogr.: 98 (1874), cited Sprengel as<br />

author [M. & A., 1969: 342].<br />

Physarum schumacheri var. genuinum Rostaf., Sluzowce<br />

Monogr.: 99 (1874)<br />

Nom. inval., see ICBN, art. 24.3.<br />

“Physarum sinuosum Wallr.” ex Rostaf., Sluzowce Monogr.:<br />

102 (1874)<br />

Cited as synonym of Ph. cinereum (Batsch) Pers. Wallroth,<br />

Fl. Crypt. Germ. 349 (1833), cited Fries as author [M. & A.,<br />

1969: 342].<br />

Physarum solutum Schumach., Enum. Pl. 2: 204 (1803)<br />

Basionym of Tilmadoche soluta (Schumach.) Fr., Summa<br />

Veg. Scand.: 454 (1849). Both doubtful synonyms of Ph.<br />

nutans Pers. [M. & A., 1969: 342].<br />

Physarum sphaeroidale (Bull.) Chevall., Fl. Gén. Env. Paris 1:<br />

339 (1826)<br />

Based on Reticularia sphaeroidalis Bull, see comments<br />

un<strong>de</strong>r this species.

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