indici - Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki

indici - Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki indici - Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki


MENTIS<br />

Studi di filologia<br />

e letteratura umanistica<br />

Anno I – 2012<br />

Direttori<br />

Claudio Griggio – Paolo Viti<br />

<strong>Leo</strong> S. <strong>Olschki</strong> Editore

INDICE<br />

CLAUDIO GRIGGIO – PAOLO VITI, Presentazione. . . . . . . . . . . . . Pag. VII<br />


ILARIA PIERINI, Per l’edizione dei carmi latini di Carlo Marsuppini.<br />

Una possibile raccolta d’autore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

PAOLO ROSSO, Percorsi letterari e storiografici di un allievo di Lo-<br />

» 3<br />

renzo Valla: il cronista piacentino Giacomo Mori. . . . . . . . . .<br />

SILVIA FIASCHI, L’acqua, il vino e la podagra: consigli di temperanza<br />

» 25<br />

alimentare nell’Umanesimo fra etica patristica e medicina . . . .<br />

HIDEO KATAYAMA, Riconsiderazioni su un manoscritto scoperto da<br />

» 49<br />

Poggio Bracciolini . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

ROBERTO RICCIARDI, L’epistola del Poliziano a Piero de’ Medici sull’origine<br />

di Firenze (Ep. I, 2): il problema del cosiddetto Editto<br />

» 67<br />

o Decreto di Desiderio, ultimo re dei Longobardi . . . . . . . . .<br />

AUGUSTO GUIDA – VINKO HINZ, Luciano e Poliziano. Un codice de-<br />

» 85<br />

gli «Amores» postillato. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

GIORGIA ZOLLINO, Note sul commento all’«Ambra» di Poliziano di<br />

» 105<br />

Francisco Sánchez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

ANGELO FLORAMO, Nicolaus Modrussiensis. Il sogno di un umani-<br />

» 121<br />

sta illirico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 139<br />


ANTONIO MANFREDI, Per la ricostruzione della ‘Bibliotheca traversariana’<br />

di Pietro Del Monte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

EVA GREGOROVIČOVÁ, Per la biblioteca di Stanislao de Velvary, pro-<br />

» 159<br />

fessore nell’Università di Praga nel Quattrocento . . . . . . . . . . » 173<br />

— V —

IDA GIOVANNA RAO, San Gregorio Magno e la moralizzazione delle<br />

acque in alcuni codici laurenziani. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

CRISTINA COCCO, I marginalia nel codice dell’«Hunfreidos» di Tito<br />

Pag. 187<br />

Livio Frulovisi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

SONDRA DALL’OCO, La «Philogenia» di Ugolino Pisani in un codice<br />

» 197<br />

di Staffarda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

LUCA RUGGIO, Due note sull’inedita commedia «Laphra» di Gian<br />

» 215<br />

Mario Filelfo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

ROBERTO NORBEDO, Tra Lorenzo Valla ed Erasmo da Rotterdam.<br />

» 225<br />

Due scritti di Johann Pering per l’educazione dei fanciulli . . . . » 237<br />


VANNA ARRIGHI, Iacopo Angeli collaboratore di Coluccio Salutati<br />

nella Cancelleria fiorentina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 243<br />

MATTEO VENIER, Spicilegium veronense. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 253<br />

ABSTRACTS a cura di Deborah Saidero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 261<br />

INDICI<br />

INDICE<br />

Indice delle fonti manoscritte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 269<br />

Indice dei nomi, di persona e di località . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 273<br />

— VI —


A cura di DEBORAH SAIDERO<br />


For an Edition of Carlo Marsuppini’s Latin Poems. A Possible Author’s Collection –<br />

Although small, Carlo Marsuppini’s poetic production is preserved in a considerable<br />

number of manuscripts and printed witnesses. Among the many manuscripts, one<br />

code in particular deserves attention: the Strozzi 100 from the Laurentian Library<br />

in Florence. It not only contains, in fact, the biggest collection of Marsuppini’s<br />

poems, but also displays a special formal attention in the way it is prepared, which<br />

suggests that it could have been a manuscript with dedication. A close examination<br />

of the collection of poems it contains (in part confirmed by other two miscellaneous<br />

witnesses) fosters the belief that it could be the last version of ‘Collected Poems’, conceived,<br />

or perhaps even put together, by Marsuppini during the last year of his life.<br />


Literary and Historiographic Experiences of Giacomo Mori, the Chronicler from<br />

Piacenza, disciple of Lorenzo Valla – The humanist interests of Giacomo Mori, canon<br />

and chronicler from Piacenza, are reconstructed by examining both his letters, which<br />

shed light on his contacts with the humanist circles active between Milan and Pavia<br />

during the 1430s, his library, which was made up of mainly historical miscellaneous<br />

collections, and his transcription and revision of the fourteenth-century Chronica Placentina<br />

written by his fellow countryman Pietro da Ripalta. This revised text is an interesting<br />

attempt to link the notary-style town chronicles with elements from more<br />

modern humanist historiography: the sources and historiographic techniques used<br />

show the influence of Lorenzo Valla, whose lessons in rhetoric Mori attended at<br />

the University of Pavia in 1431.<br />

— 261 —



Water, Wine and Podagra: Advice on Food Temperance during Renaissance Humanism<br />

amidst Patristic Ethics and Medicine – This essay tackles the issue of water<br />

for alimentary use, which, in the Patristic tradition, was seen positively even when<br />

mixed with the right amount of wine. Indeed, the two terms were not antithetical,<br />

but complementary, since, in dietary terms, wine was a ‘condition’ of water and an<br />

unbalanced use of these two elements led to a debilitation of the body and the onset<br />

of illnesses like podagra (gout), which were linked to ethically incorrect behaviour.<br />

Drawing on the classical medical tradition, Christian precepts added new value to<br />

water – not pure water, but water mixed with wine, which became a yardstick for<br />

and instrument of temperance. The essay analyses the works of authors who were<br />

widely translated during Renaissance Humanism (Giovanni Crisostomo, Basilio di<br />

Cesarea) and highlights how, in the XV century, they influenced both literature on<br />

podagra (Antonio Galateo, Francesco Filelfo) and numerous pedagogical treatises<br />

(Pietro Paolo Vergerio, Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Vittorino da Feltre).<br />


Reconsideration of a Manuscript Discovered by Poggio Bracciolini – This essay resumes<br />

the discussion about the famous ‘codex poggianus’ of Statius Silve (Madrid,<br />

Biblioteca Nacional de España, 3678 = M), which was quoted by Politian in the collation<br />

contained in an incunabulum, now kept in the Corsiniana Library (Rome). It<br />

reviews the philologists’ opinions about the subject and discusses, by means of special<br />

tables, agreements and disagreements between M and Politian’s collation in the Corsiniana<br />

Library. The author that the manuscript collated by Politian is not M, but,<br />

seemingly, a copy of M.<br />


Politian’s Letter to Piero de’ Medici on the Origins of Florence – In his letter to<br />

Piero dei Medici on the origins of Florence, Angelo Poliziano quotes – and implicitly<br />

confers historical authenticity to – the so-called Edict of King Desiderio, an archaeological<br />

hoax which was mentioned by Friar Annio da Viterbo (Giovanni Narni) in<br />

his The Antiquitates (published in 1498, but certainly widespread as a manuscript). In<br />

it he claimed to find proof for the Fluentini hypothesis (considered corrupt by Politian)<br />

which appeared both in his incunabula of Pliny and in some codes of the Naturalis<br />

historia. Friar Annio’s intention to attribute the reconstruction of Florence to<br />

King Desiderio after the Sack of Rome by King Totila and break out the news to<br />

Pope Alexander VI Borgia in order to celebrate Viterbo had already been proven<br />

— 262 —


to be a forgery in the XVI century by scholars like Vincenzio Borghini. Nevertheless,<br />

XVII- and XVIII-century scholars continued to consider the Edict authentic until<br />

Ludovico Antonio Muratori confuted it once and for all.<br />


Lucian and Politian. An Annotated Code of «The Amores» – The postils added to<br />

the Greek text of The Amores by (Pseudo-)Lucian in the cod. Laur. 57.1 and attributed<br />

to Politian add new insight into Lucian’s success among the Humanists and offer<br />

another example of Politian’s philological approach to a classical text and his reactions<br />

as a reader. The great philologer’s notes are transcribed and commented, and<br />

every correction made to the Greek text is signaled. When viewed in the broader context<br />

of the manuscript tradition of The Amores, an examination of the textual interventions<br />

shows a close relationship between these corrections and a subsequent editio<br />

princeps of Lucian’s text edited in 1496 by Giano Lascaris. It is, thus, possible to single<br />

out the variants used for collation and the possible speculative emendations made<br />

by Politian.<br />


Some Notes on Francesco Sanchez’s Commentary to Politian’s «Ambra» – Francesco<br />

Sanchez’s commentary to Politian’s Silvae has underlying didactic purposes: in the<br />

case of Ambra, in particular, the Spanish scholar analyses the extracts that spur indepth<br />

research at various levels, including geographical, anthropological and mythological<br />

aspects. Classical sources lie side by side with more ‘modern’ writers like Erasmus<br />

from Rotterdam and Andrea Alciato, showing how Politian’s poems can be the<br />

starting point for further reflection. This is indeed the most important innovation of<br />

Sanchez’s exegesis, which differs greatly from that made by Petreio who focused<br />

more on the text’s rhetorical and stylistic implications.<br />


Nicola di Cattaro: An Illyrian Humanist’s Dream – The personal and intellectual<br />

experiences of Nikola Modruski (ca. 1427-1480), a Croatian humanist, papal nuncio<br />

and curious investigator of inedited cultural happenings, spur new research on the<br />

intricately rich Balkan territory at a time when it was undergoing great historical<br />

transformations, i.e., the decline of the Christian reign in Bosnia, the advance of<br />

the Turks, and a period of groundbreaking ideals and civil passions. Indeed, his<br />

works attempted to voice the need for a new cultural identity by endlessly searching<br />

for inedited expressive registers that could highlight his passionate defense of the Sla-<br />

— 263 —


vonic peoples and their dignity, a task he dedicated his long and adventurous prelate<br />

life to.<br />


For a Reconstruction of Pietro del Monte’s ‘Traversarian Library’ – The manuscript<br />

currently known as Vat. lat. 1793 and preserved at the Vatican Apostolic Library<br />

belonged to jurist, theologian and humanist Pietro del Monte, who was also<br />

protonotary apostolic and Bishop of Brescia and referendary of Nicholas V. Datable<br />

to the 1450s, it is an important witness of the collection in 18 books of Ambrose Traversari’s<br />

letters, which was put together for Cosimo dei Medici by friar Michele. In<br />

the manuscript it is also possible to retrieve an almost complete multivolume collection<br />

of Traversari’s translations, which can currently be found in other 10 manuscripts<br />

(Vat. lat. 173, 257, 394, 401, 403, 404, 412, 523, 1213, 1217), all of which<br />

were probably from the same Florentine workshop and collected for del Monte as<br />

part of a sort of opera fere omnia of Traversari’s works. The collection, certainly<br />

one of the first on the Camaldolese monk, went to the Vatican as part of del Monte’s<br />

inheritance, which was managed by Paul II. Since the collection coincides almost<br />

completely with the list of works that Vespasiano da Bisticci includes in his biography<br />

of Traversari, it is plausible to suppose that there was a relation between the collection<br />

and the Florentine book dealer Vespasiano, who knew and valued the bibliophile<br />

del Monte. It was, thus, del Monte’s intention to be among the first to collect the entire<br />

translational oeuvre of the Camaldolese monk, with whom he had also established<br />

a correspondence. The manuscripts are briefly catalogued and the elements which<br />

can be attributed to del Monte are highlighted.<br />


Stanislaus de Velvary, Professor at the University of Prague in the XV century and<br />

His Library – This essay examines the cultural inclination of Stanislaus de Velvary, an<br />

esteemed professor at the University of Prague in the XV century and an ecclesiastic<br />

dignitary of the local Church. The research carried out shows that de Velvary’s library<br />

did not particularly abound in volumes, which makes it very difficult to compare with<br />

other private collections. His library comprised works by Scholastic masters who<br />

were not influenced by new intellectual currents and was devoid of humanist works.<br />

It thus reflected the daily needs of the medieval scholar and churchman de Velvary<br />

most certainly was.<br />

— 264 —



San Gregory the Great and the Moralization of Water in some Laurentian Codes –<br />

This essay analyses the Christian reconversion that took place in the use of thermal<br />

baths under the Papacy of Gregory the Great and focuses on how these former sites<br />

of perdition were turned into places of purification for repentant sinners.<br />


Marginalia in the Hunfreidos Code by Tito Livio Frulovisi – On the only manuscript<br />

which contains the epic poem Hunfreidos, written by the Veneto humanist Tito<br />

Livio Frulovisi around 1437, there are many marginal or interlinear annotations, some<br />

of which, being rather extensive, contribute greatly to a better understanding of the<br />

verses, which are often very difficult to interpret. Although the annotations were not<br />

written on the code by the author himself, it is plausible to assume that he meant<br />

them to be an exegetical instrument to help the reader understand events and characters<br />

mentioned in the poem.<br />


Ugolino Pisani’s «Philogenia» in a Staffarda Code – The complex recensio codicum<br />

of Philogenia, a particularly successful comedy in its times, has led to the discovery of<br />

a witness which has had a somewhat unique history. The code, now preserved in<br />

Manuscript H.V.25 at the National University Library of Turin, comes from the Abbey<br />

of Santa Maria di Staffarda, which was founded in the XII century by the Cistercian<br />

monks of Tiglieto and is now part of the Diocese of Saluzzo. Despite the fire that<br />

broke out in the Library in 1904, the pages are almost completely intact. When the<br />

comedy first arrived at the University Library together with Persio’s Satirae, it was not<br />

immediately identified: the first inventory in which it is mentioned is the Index compiled<br />

by Francesco Domenico Bencini in 1732. Moreover, in subsequent inventories<br />

the title was erroneously entered as Philogema, a mistake that recurred until Cosentini<br />

corrected it.<br />


Some Notes on Gian Mario Filelfo’s Unpublished Comedy «Laphra» – Gian Mario<br />

Filelfo’s unpublished comedy Laphra, which has so far remained unknown to scholars<br />

of Humanist theatre, is stored in the Harley 2605 Manuscript at the British Library in<br />

London. Although it was written in 1458, the comedy shows similarities both with<br />

— 265 —


works belonging to the first half of the XV century, such as <strong>Leo</strong>nardo della Serrata’s<br />

Poliscena, Antonio Barzizza’s Cauteriaria and Ugolino Pisani’s Philogenia, and with<br />

contemporary novellas. In particular, there are links with the theme of the unhappily<br />

married woman, with the strong sexual innuendoes and the use of evocative names<br />

for the characters.<br />


Between Lorenzo Valla and Erasmus from Rotterdam. Two works by Johan Pering<br />

For the education of young children – This essay gives an account of the discovery of a<br />

rare Cinquecentina (Cologne, 1517) containing two contemporary works, by the<br />

school teacher Johannes Peringius, who attended the school of Deventer run by A.<br />

Hegius together with Erasmus from Rotterdam. Both addressed to an audience of<br />

young students, the first consists of a series of judgments and colloquial phrases extracted<br />

from or inspired by Lorenzo Valla’s De vero bono, which are described by<br />

Peringius; the second is a speech which exhorts to the study of basic Hebrew. The<br />

essay provides a description of the Cinquecentina and gives an account of three copies,<br />

one of which is copiously glossed.<br />


Iacopo Angeli da Scarperia, Collaborator of Coluccio Salutati during his Florentine<br />

Chancellery – Although Iacopo di Angelo da Scarperia, better known as Iacopo Angeli,<br />

is a well-known figure among experts in Renaissance Humanism, biographical<br />

information on him has so far been scarce, vague and at times incorrect. In particular,<br />

almost nothing was known about his professional collaboration with Coluccio Salutati,<br />

Chancellor of the Republic of Florence. This study draws on inedited documents<br />

from the State Archive in Florence to trace a fairly precise biography and document<br />

the chronology of Angeli’s presence at the Florentine chancellery. The author hypothesizes<br />

Anegli’s direct intervention in the writing of official correspondence so<br />

far attributed entirely to Salutati.<br />


Spicilegium Veronense – Guglielmo Bottari’s recent book titled Fili della cultura<br />

veronese nel Trecento depicts significant aspects of literary culture in Verona between<br />

the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance. Some critical<br />

points of the works studied and edited by Bottari in the above quoted book are here<br />

reviewed and discussed.<br />

— 266 —


Berlin<br />


Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz<br />

– Lat. oct. 431: 26, 32<br />

Cambridge<br />


– Add. 2603: 109, 111, 118<br />

Cape Town<br />


– Grey 3: 10, 18<br />

– Grey 12: 10, 18, 20-21<br />

Città del Vaticano<br />




– Archivio della Congregazione dell’Indice<br />

XVIII/1: 221<br />


– Barb. gr. 177: 96<br />

– Barb. lat. 1809: 143-144<br />

– Barb. lat. 2423: 41<br />

– Barb. lat. 2714: 41<br />

– Barb. lat. 2715: 41<br />

– Barb. lat. 3185: 111<br />

– Capp. 147: 101<br />

– Chig. L. V. 15: 110<br />

– Chig. L. VI. 215: 107<br />

– Ottob. lat. 2253: 41<br />

– Pal. gr. 141: 96<br />

– Pal. lat. 1615: 233<br />

– Urb. gr. 110: 114<br />

– Vat. gr. 87: 105<br />

– Vat. gr. 88: 109<br />

– Vat. gr. 90: 114, 118<br />

– Vat. gr. 1322: 109<br />

– Vat. gr. 1834: 106<br />

– Vat. lat. 173: 161-162, 167, 169<br />

– Vat. lat. 215: 161<br />

– Vat. lat. 257:162, 166-167, 169-170<br />

– Vat. lat. 260 (ex): 164, 170<br />

– Vat. lat. 394: 162, 167, 170<br />

– Vat. lat. 401: 163, 167<br />

– Vat. lat. 403: 163, 167, 169<br />

– Vat. lat. 404: 163, 167, 170<br />

– Vat. lat. 411: 50<br />

– Vat. lat. 412: 164<br />

– Vat. lat. 523: 164, 167<br />

– Vat. lat. 525: 170<br />

– Vat. lat. 1213: 161, 164, 167, 170<br />

– Vat. lat. 1217: 164, 167, 170<br />

– Vat. lat. 1551: 161<br />

– Vat. lat. 1693: 161<br />

– Vat. lat. 1711: 161<br />

– Vat. lat. 1731: 161<br />

– Vat. lat. 1749: 161<br />

– Vat. lat. 1793: 160-161, 170<br />

– Vat. lat. 1793: 162, 166-167<br />

– Vat. lat. 1829: 161<br />

– Vat. lat. 1863: 161<br />

– Vat. lat. 1874: 161<br />

– Vat. lat. 1894: 165, 170<br />

– Vat. lat. 1946: 161<br />

– Vat. lat. 3660: 66<br />

– Vat. lat. 3681: 86<br />

– Vat. lat. 3870: 233<br />

– Vat. lat. 5890: 146<br />

– Vat. lat. 7852: 41<br />

– Vat. lat. 11266-11326: 220-221<br />

– Vat. lat. 11301: 221<br />

– Vat. lat. 11302: 221<br />

Firenze<br />

— 269 —<br />


– Bardi s. II, 62: 17<br />

– Estimo 215: 246

– Miscellanea repubblicana 144: 245, 247<br />

– Notarile antecosimiano 1764: 247, 250<br />

– Notarile antecosimiano 1766: 247<br />

– Notarile antecosimiano 4417: 248, 251<br />

– Notarile antecosimiano 7449: 247, 250<br />

– Notarile antecosimiano 11492: 246<br />

– Prestanze 369: 246<br />

– Prestanze 1436: 246<br />

– Prestanze 1538: 247, 250<br />

– Prestanze 1595: 247<br />

– Prestanze 2214: 250<br />

– Prestanze 2792: 250<br />

– Signori, Carteggio, Missive, I cancelleria 22:<br />

248<br />

– Tratte 597: 245<br />

– Tratte 1367: 245<br />


– Acquisti e doni 233: 194<br />

– Acquisti e doni 409: 190<br />

– Acquisti e doni 414: 190<br />

– Acquisti e doni 429: 190<br />

– Ashburnham 434: 190<br />

– Ashburnham 492: 190<br />

– Ashburnham 991:190<br />

– Conventi soppressi 1: 190<br />

– Conventi soppressi 342: 190<br />

– Conventi soppressi 345: 191<br />

– Conventi soppressi 411:190<br />

– Conventi soppressi 505:190<br />

– Fiesolani 36: 191<br />

– Fiesolani 37:190<br />

– Fiesolani 38: 190<br />

– Palatini 110:190<br />

– Plut. 12. 10: 193<br />

– Plut. 14. 22: 193<br />

– Plut. 15. 15: 193<br />

– Plut. 15. 16: 193<br />

– Plut. 15. 17: 193<br />

– Plut. 16. 16: 190<br />

– Plut. 17. 33: 190<br />

– Plut. 17. 34: 190<br />

– Plut. 17. 35: 190<br />

– Plut. 18. 1: 194<br />

– Plut. 18. 2: 194<br />

– Plut. 18. 3: 191-192, 194-195<br />

– Plut. 18. 6: 190, 194<br />

– Plut. 18. 7: 191, 194-195<br />

– Plut. 21. 18: 193<br />

– Plut. 27. 1: 190<br />


– Plut. 28. 14: 96<br />

– Plut. 29. 32: 100<br />

– Plut. 53. 5: 63<br />

– Plut. 57. 1: 109-110, 118-120<br />

– Plut. 57. 6: 112<br />

– Plut. 57. 51: 109, 111, 117<br />

– Plut. 65. 36: 193<br />

– Plut. 68. 19: 193<br />

– Plut. 73. 4: 193<br />

– Plut. 73. 39: 193<br />

– Plut. 74. 7: 195<br />

– Plut. 89 sup. 24: 190<br />

– Plut. 89 sup. 31: 190<br />

– Plut. 89 sup. 93: 190<br />

– Plut. 19 dext. 6: 190<br />

– Plut. 19 dext. 10: 190<br />

– Plut. 20 dext. 4: 190<br />

– Plut. 20 dext. 5: 190<br />

– Plut. 20 dext. 8: 190<br />

– Redi 6: 190<br />

– Redi 27: 190<br />

– San Marco 556: 191<br />

– San Marco 559: 190<br />

– San Marco 564: 190<br />

– San Marco 566: 190-191, 193<br />

– Strozzi 100: 5, 11, 13-14<br />

– Strozzi 102: 161<br />


– Naz. II. IX. 148: 10, 18-20<br />


– 488: 86<br />

Frankfurt am Main<br />


– Lat. Oct. 136: 26<br />

Leiden<br />


– Lips. 7: 86<br />

– Voss. F 4: 86<br />

London<br />

— 270 —<br />


– Add. 2603: 118<br />

– Add. 14848: 212

– Harley 2522: 227<br />

– Harley 2605: 225-226<br />

– Harley 3682: 41<br />

– Harley 3830: 58<br />

– Harley 4094: 39<br />

– Harley 5694: 118-119<br />


– NAH 8320: 198<br />

Lucca<br />


– 2128: 30, 36-37, 39-40, 46-47<br />

Madrid<br />


– 3678: 67-83, 75-84<br />

Milano<br />


– G. 82 sup.: 233<br />


– 735: 58<br />

Modena<br />


– Est. lat. 2: 58<br />

New Haven<br />


– 72: 17<br />

Nürnberg<br />


– Cent. I. 58: 192<br />

– Cent. I. 59: 192<br />

– Cent. I. 60: 192<br />

Roma<br />


– 4157: 41<br />

– 4158: 41<br />



– 127: 145, 151<br />

Oxford<br />


– Clark 12: 106<br />

Paris<br />


– Gr. 1409: 96<br />

– Gr. 2954: 119-120<br />

– Gr. 3069: 95, 111, 114, 133<br />

– Gr. 3084: 96<br />

Piacenza<br />


– Manoscritti diversi, busta 3, ms. 10: 40, 45<br />


– Com. 43: 41<br />

– Com. 145: 41<br />

– Pallastrelli 6: 40-42<br />

– Pallastrelli 99: 41<br />

– Pallastrelli 101: 41<br />

– Pallastrelli 138: 41<br />

– Pallastrelli 225: 41<br />

Praha<br />

— 271 —<br />



– VI / 6: 175-176<br />

– VI / 7: 175<br />


– A. IX/2: 177-179<br />

– A. LXXVIII/3: 178, 181<br />

– B. XLVI: 178, 181<br />

– B. LII/1: 178, 181<br />

– D. LXIII: 178, 182<br />

– D. CIII: 178, 183<br />

– E. LXXVIII/1: 177-178, 180<br />

– F. CXII: 178, 182<br />

– M. XL/2: 175-176, 178, 183<br />

– M. LXXXI: 178, 184<br />

– N. LVIII: 177


– X. C. 11: 178, 180<br />

– X. H. 21: 175, 178, 184<br />

– XI. C. 8: 177, 184<br />

Salamanca<br />


– 2648: 226<br />

Sevilla<br />


– 7-2-23: 200<br />

Strasbourg<br />


– 2: 35<br />

Torino<br />


– Inventari 86.3: 218<br />

– Sezione I, Archivio dell’Archivio, cat. 9,<br />

scrittura relativa alla Biblioteca degli Archivi<br />

di Corte, mazzo I: 222<br />


– 1269: 219<br />


– D. III. 30: 224<br />


– D. III. 34: 224<br />

– D. IV. 8: 224<br />

– D. IV. 34: 224<br />

– D. IV. 39: 224<br />

– D. V. 12: 224<br />

– D. V. 18: 224<br />

– E. V. 4: 219<br />

– E. VI. 9: 219<br />

– G. IV. 33: 224<br />

– H. V. 25: 215, 222-224<br />

– K. I. 21: 224<br />

– R. I. 5: 221<br />

– R. I. 28: 222<br />

Venezia<br />


– 1: 74<br />


– Lat. XII. 159 (4212): 226<br />

Verona<br />


– CLXVIII (155): 256<br />

– CCXXXI (394): 256, 259<br />

Weimar<br />

— 272 —<br />


– Q. 127: 151


Abbondanza R., 122<br />

Abel J., 142<br />

Acciaioli Donato, 92<br />

Acciaioli Zanobi, 111<br />

Accolti Benedetto, 4, 14-15, 19, 21<br />

Adele di Blois, 207<br />

Adorisio A.M., 17<br />

Adriano I, papa, 88-89, 98<br />

Agapito I, papa, 193<br />

Agnano, 187<br />

Agostinelli L., 226, 229<br />

Agostino Aurelio, santo, 38, 42, 57, 224, 239,<br />

257<br />

Alano da Lilla, 180<br />

Alarico, re dei Visigoti, 149<br />

Albanese G., 199<br />

Alberti Leandro, 102<br />

Alberti <strong>Leo</strong>n Battista, 13, 18, 107, 231<br />

Alberto da Ripalta, 42<br />

Albornoz Gómez, 36<br />

Alciato Ambrogio, 122<br />

Alciato Andrea, 122, 125-127, 132, 136<br />

Alemagna, 47<br />

Alençon, d’, Philippe, cardinale, 101<br />

Alessandro VI, papa, 87, 90-91, 130<br />

Alessandro Magno, re dei Macedoni, 131,<br />

136<br />

Alexanderson B., 57<br />

Alfonso I d’Aragona, re di Napoli, 199<br />

Alfonso II d’Aragona, re di Napoli, 86<br />

Alighieri Dante, 92, 231, 253<br />

Allmand Ch., 201<br />

Alopa Lorenzo, 107<br />

Alpi Cozie, 43<br />

Altilio Gabriele, 59-62<br />

Amalasunta, regina degli Ostrogoti, 149<br />

Ambra, 124<br />

Ambrogio, santo, 64<br />

Ambrosio de Boleslav, 182<br />

Amfipoli, 135<br />

— 273 —<br />

Ammannati Piccolomini Iacopo, cardinale,<br />

123<br />

Ammiano Marcellino, 231<br />

Anassimene, 135<br />

André J.M., 57<br />

Andreozzi D., 39, 45<br />

Andreucci C., 25-26, 33<br />

Andrioli Nemola P., 59<br />

Angeleri C., 99<br />

Angeletti L.R., 50<br />

Angeli Iacopo 243, 245-249<br />

Angiò, d’, famiglia, 141<br />

Annibale, 43<br />

Annio da Viterbo, v. Nanni (Narni) Giovanni<br />

Ansedonia, 89<br />

Antonio da Rho, 62<br />

Antonio da Ripalta, 39, 42<br />

Aonia, 132<br />

Apollodoro, 127<br />

ps.-Apollodoro, 127<br />

Apollonio Rodio, 127, 134<br />

Appennini, 42<br />

Apuleio Lucio, 59, 107, 235<br />

Arbizzoni G., 197<br />

Archer R.E., 200<br />

Archetti G., 56<br />

Areta di Cesarea, 119<br />

Arezzo, 92<br />

Argegni C., 9<br />

Aristide di Mileto, 110<br />

Aristofane, 129, 229, 234<br />

Aristotele, 96, 129-130, 132<br />

Armellini M., 38<br />

Arnaldi G., 43, 140<br />

Arniesi, 90<br />

Arno, 86, 90, 94, 96<br />

Arras, 33, 201, 204<br />

Arriano, 135<br />

Arrighi V., 243-251<br />

Arsenio da Liegi, 38

Artaserse I Longimano, re di Persia, 228<br />

Artese E., 215, 225<br />

Asor Rosa A., 203<br />

Astesano Antonio, 33<br />

Astolfo, re dei Longobardi, 88<br />

Atanasio di Alessandria, santo, 66, 164, 170<br />

Attavanti, degli, Attavante, 193-194<br />

Attila, re degli Unni, 92<br />

Augustijn C., 237<br />

Augusto Ottaviano Gaio Giulio Cesare, imperatore,<br />

95, 102-103<br />

Ausonio Decimo Magno, 88<br />

Austria, 151<br />

Autenrieth J., 28<br />

Avesani R., 88, 165<br />

Avicenna, 60<br />

Avignone, 120<br />

Aviz, d’, Maria Emanuela, 121<br />

Bade Josse, 87-88, 97-98<br />

Bádvila, v. Totila<br />

Baehrens A., 69<br />

Baffioni G., 90<br />

Bagnaia, 89<br />

Balbi Pietro, 49-50, 66<br />

Balcani, 140-141, 143<br />

Balderico di Bourgueil, 207-208<br />

Balduino A., 88<br />

Balnearia (Bagnaia?), 89<br />

Balsamo A., 41-42, 44<br />

Baluze S., 30, 38, 40<br />

Bandini A.M., 111<br />

Bar, 140, 145<br />

Barbarano Romano, 89<br />

Barbaro Ermolao, 96, 107, 143<br />

Barbaro Francesco, IX, 37, 67<br />

Barbavara Francesco, 27-29<br />

Barbavara Marcolino, 27-29<br />

Barbieri E., 220<br />

Barbo Marco, cardinale, 52<br />

Barbo Pietro, v. Paolo II, papa<br />

Barea J.P., 58<br />

Bargellini S., 6<br />

Baroni L.F., 28<br />

Barozzi Pietro, 87<br />

Bartolomeo di Exeter, 258<br />

Bartoli Langeli A., 44<br />

Bartosˇ F.M., 177<br />

Barzizza Antonio, 229<br />

Barzizza Gasparino, 32, 36<br />


— 274 —<br />

Basilea, 88, 148<br />

Basilio di Ancira, 163<br />

Basilio Magno, santo, 53, 163, 169<br />

Basin Th., 212<br />

Basini Basinio, 205, 208<br />

Bassi S., 220, 222<br />

Bath, 198<br />

Battaglia S., 232, 234<br />

Battista, 27, 29<br />

Bausi F., 108-109, 124<br />

Beaufort Edmund, 210-212<br />

Beaufort John, cardinale, 212<br />

Beaumont, v. John barone Beaumont<br />

Beccadelli Antonio, 12, 22, 28, 32-33<br />

Beda il Venerabile, santo, 41<br />

Beggiamo Baldassare, 219<br />

Beheim Michele, 151<br />

Belbello Luchino, 33<br />

Belic Ligatic J., 140<br />

Belloni A., 159, 199, 205-206<br />

Beltramo S., 219<br />

Benadduci G., 226, 229<br />

Bencini F.D., 222-223<br />

Bénédectins du Bouveret, 162<br />

Benedetto da Norcia, santo, 188, 191<br />

Benvenuto da Imola, 35-36<br />

Benzo (Benso), famiglia, 218<br />

Benzo d’Alessandria, 255, 258<br />

Berardi Varvello C., 219, 221-222<br />

Berger A., 205<br />

Berna, 34<br />

Bernabò M., 195<br />

Bernardi Perini G., 203<br />

Bernardo di Chiaravalle, santo, 219<br />

Bernays J., 95<br />

Beroaldo Filippo, il Vecchio, 74, 107<br />

Berrigan J.R., 255<br />

Berselli A., 44<br />

Bertalot L., 11, 26, 38<br />

Bertelli S., 59<br />

Berti E., 105-107, 110<br />

Bertoldo, 106<br />

Bertolini L., 17, 23, 107, 159<br />

Besomi O., 25, 28, 33<br />

Bessi R., 124<br />

Bethesda, 52<br />

Bianca C., 123<br />

Bianchi D., 36<br />

Biliotti, famiglia, 247<br />

Billanovich G., IX, 38, 42-43, 253, 256

Billerbeck M., 106-107<br />

Biondi A., 44<br />

Biondo Flavio, 92, 94-95<br />

Bisaha N., 146<br />

Bisanzio (Costantinopoli, Istanbul), 89, 105,<br />

141, 143, 153-154<br />

Bizantini, 105<br />

Blaise A., 258<br />

Bloch R., 109<br />

Bluhme F., 96<br />

Bobovac, 141<br />

Boccaccio Giovanni, 231<br />

Boccardino, 194<br />

Boemi, 147<br />

Boemia, 150<br />

Bolgar R.R., 107<br />

Bollea L.C., 25, 226<br />

Bologna, 29, 36, 122, 130<br />

Bompaire J., 107, 109, 119<br />

Bonifacio IX, papa, 35<br />

Borghello P., 6<br />

Borghini Vincenzo Maria, 88, 90, 95, 99-101<br />

Borgia L., 6<br />

Borgogna, duca, v. Valois, di, Filippo III, il<br />

Buono; Valois, di, Giovanni Senza Paura<br />

Borinski K., 199<br />

Boristene (Dniepr), 152<br />

Boristeni, 128<br />

Borraccini R.M., 220<br />

Bose, 53<br />

Boselli G.V., 45<br />

Bosnia, 140-141, 145<br />

Bossi Francesco, 33<br />

Bosso Matteo, 88<br />

Bottari G., 253, 255-258<br />

Botticelli Sandro, v. Filipepi Alessandro<br />

Bottoni G.G., 99<br />

Boudon-Millot V., 50<br />

Bourdelot J., 110<br />

Bourges, 122<br />

Bourgin G., 35, 38<br />

Braccio da Montone, 9, 11-16, 19-22<br />

Bracciolini Giovan Battista, 8<br />

Bracciolini Poggio, 4, 14-15, 19, 21, 67, 69,<br />

74, 92, 101, 229<br />

Braggion G., 38<br />

Branca V., IX, 72, 74, 96, 108, 191<br />

Brand C.P., 88<br />

Brassicano, v. Kohlbürger Johann Ludwig<br />

Breitenberg, 182<br />


— 275 —<br />

Brescia, 37, 39-40, 159<br />

Breswhorn K., 26<br />

Brie F.W.D., 208<br />

Brioschi F., 44<br />

Brocense, v. Sánchez Francisco<br />

Brown A., 86<br />

Brown J.C., 95<br />

Bruges, 208<br />

Brühl C., 86<br />

Bruni <strong>Leo</strong>nardo, 3, 5, 10-12, 14-16, 19-22,<br />

37, 92-95, 97, 147, 197, 245-246<br />

Bruschi A., 6<br />

Buda, 150-151<br />

Bueri Piccarda, 17<br />

Buonaventura T., 99<br />

Bury St. Edmunds, 212<br />

Butler H.E., 198<br />

Caby C., 161<br />

Cáceres, 121<br />

Calais, 199, 201, 204, 207-208, 210-212<br />

Calceopulo Atanasio, 53<br />

Caldelli E., 160<br />

Calderini Domizio, 74<br />

Callimaco, 18, 134<br />

Callimaco di Atene, 233<br />

Calvello, 89<br />

Cammelli G., 105, 247<br />

Camoys Roger, 210-211<br />

Campana A., 123<br />

Campanelli M., 254<br />

Campano Giovan Battista, 8<br />

Campano Giovanni, 173<br />

Campesani Benvenuto, 253-254<br />

Canart P., 106<br />

Canensi Michele, 159<br />

Canfora D., 90<br />

Canne, 43<br />

Capitaine U., 38<br />

Cappelli A., 204<br />

Caprini Agostino, 226<br />

Capua, 188<br />

Carafa Gurello, 123<br />

Cardini F., 6<br />

Cardini R., 3, 23, 107, 226, 243-244<br />

Caria, 133<br />

Carlo III, il Semplice, re di Francia, 97<br />

Carlo IV di Lussemburgo, imperatore, 173,<br />

184<br />

Carlo V di Valois, re di Francia, 194

Carlo VI di Valois, re di Francia, 204<br />

Carlo VII di Valois, re di Francia, 204-205<br />

Carlo VIII di Valois, re di Francia, 91, 97<br />

Carlo Magno, imperatore, 88-89, 91-92, 95,<br />

97-98, 101-102<br />

Carniola, 140<br />

Caroti S., 107<br />

Carpentras, 219<br />

Carpi, 193<br />

Carrara Giovanni Michele Alberto, 229<br />

Carraud Ch., 58<br />

Cartagine, 43<br />

<strong>Casa</strong>grande G., 146<br />

<strong>Casa</strong>le O.S., 59<br />

<strong>Casa</strong>massima E., 107<br />

Casella M., 40-42<br />

Cassio A.C., 108, 114<br />

Castellesi Adriano, 130<br />

Castiglione Branda, cardinale, 35<br />

Castignoli P., 41, 44<br />

Cataldi Palau A., 105<br />

Cateau-Cambrèsis, 220<br />

Caterina di Valois, regina d’Inghilterra, 204<br />

Catilina Lucio Sergio, 95<br />

Catone Marco Porcio, il Censore, 37, 87, 90-<br />

91<br />

Cattaro (Kotor, Boka Kotorska), 140, 145,<br />

149<br />

Catullo Gaio Valerio, 7, 11, 14-15, 18, 20, 23,<br />

59, 253-254<br />

Cavalchini Rinaldo, 256<br />

Cavallo G., 112<br />

Cavarra B., 50<br />

Cazacu M., 150-151<br />

Celeni, 133<br />

Celso Aulo Cornelio, 61, 234<br />

Cengarle F., 39<br />

Cenni G.G., 101<br />

Censorino, 124<br />

Centocelle, 189, 192<br />

Cerboni Baiardi G., 162<br />

Černá S ˇ lapáková L.M., 175-176<br />

Cerri L., 39<br />

Cervicornus Eucharius, 237, 239<br />

Cesare Gaio Giulio, 10, 94-95<br />

Cesari A.M., 92<br />

Cesarini Martinelli L., 68, 76, 95, 108-109,<br />

112, 226<br />

Cetinje, 144<br />

Chaix G., 44<br />


— 276 —<br />

Chiabò M., 90, 215<br />

Chiesa P., 190<br />

Chisen Shokan, 67<br />

Chittolini G., 45<br />

Ciabani R., 6<br />

Ciarpellone, capitano di ventura, 8-9, 14-15,<br />

21<br />

Ciccolini L., 191<br />

Cicerone Marco Tullio, 10, 93, 131, 231, 235<br />

Cima Giorgetti C., 202<br />

Cipolla C., 215, 219, 222, 224<br />

Cipriani G., 86<br />

Cipriano, santo, 37<br />

Ciriaco d’Ancona (Anconetano), v. Pizzicolli,<br />

dei, Ciriaco<br />

Cirillo Costantino, 153<br />

Cistercense, Ordine (Cistercensi), 221<br />

Città del Vaticano, Basilica di San Pietro, 149<br />

Città del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana,<br />

139, 143, 233<br />

Clark A.C., 67-68<br />

Clark F., 188<br />

Claudiano Claudio, 205<br />

Clemente VIII, papa, 221<br />

Clough C.H., 226<br />

Cobban A.B., 173<br />

Cobet C.G., 110<br />

Cocco C., 197-213, 232<br />

Codagnello Giovanni, 41-42<br />

Coenen J., 109, 111, 119<br />

Cognasso F., 29<br />

Colet John, 53<br />

Collaoni C., 67<br />

Collet B., 197<br />

Colmar, Bibliothèque Municipale, 151<br />

Colomanno, re d’Ungheria, 154<br />

Colonia, 31, 233, 237, 239<br />

Colonna Giovanni, 58, 235<br />

Comba R., 218<br />

Como, 33<br />

Contamine Ph., 200, 205<br />

Conti E., 246<br />

Coppini D., 3-4, 13, 23, 57, 159<br />

Corbellini A., 28-29, 32, 36<br />

Corchiano, 89<br />

Cordo, 10<br />

Cornaggia Medici G., 45<br />

Cornazzano Antonio, 232<br />

Cornelia, moglie di Pompeo Magno, 9<br />

Cornwall John, 209

Corradi A., 29<br />

Corsini Amerigo, 93<br />

Cortelazzo M., 6<br />

Cortesi M., 49-50, 52-53, 66, 105-106, 108,<br />

112<br />

Corvino Mattia Hunyadi, re d’Ungheria, 193,<br />

195<br />

Cosentini F., 223<br />

Cosma di Monserrat, 49<br />

Costantino di Preslav, 154<br />

Costantino Flavio Valerio, imperatore, 89<br />

Costantinopoli, 20, 154, 247<br />

Costanza, 31, 34-35, 67, 148<br />

Cotignola, 11<br />

Courtney E., 69, 76<br />

Crahay R., 88, 90, 100<br />

Cremona, 36<br />

Cremona Antonio, 29<br />

Crinito Pietro v. Del Riccio Baldi Piero<br />

Crisciani C., 59<br />

Crisippo, 135<br />

Crisolora Manuele, 105-107, 247<br />

Crisolora Teodora, 226<br />

Crisostomo Giovanni, 49-50, 52, 66<br />

Cristante L., 4<br />

Critobulo, 135<br />

Croati, 147-148<br />

Croazia, 140<br />

Crollalanza, di, G., 218<br />

Cromwell Oliver, 209<br />

Crotti Luigi, 28<br />

Cruz Andreotti G., 127<br />

Csapodi C., 193<br />

Cunningham J.C., 120<br />

Curzel E., 44<br />

Cuticis, de, Antonio, 30<br />

Cuticis, de, Stefano, 30, 46<br />

Da Pozzo G., 97<br />

Dacia, 148<br />

Dal Verme Luigi, 44-45<br />

Dall’Oco S., 215-224<br />

Dalmazia, 142, 154<br />

Danai, 134<br />

Daneloni A., 108, 112, 114, 116<br />

Dapelo G., 106<br />

Dario I, re dei Macedoni, 135<br />

Dati Agostino, 226<br />

Dati C.R., 99<br />

Davies J.S., 212<br />

Davies K., 97<br />


— 277 —<br />

De Caprio V., 93<br />

De Corso P.S., 38<br />

De Faveri L., 110<br />

De Ferrariis Antonio, 59- 61<br />

De Gregorio G., 53<br />

De la Mare A.C., 162, 169<br />

De Marinis T., 85<br />

De Nichilo M., 90, 100<br />

De Orto Ludovico, 34<br />

De Ritis A., 201<br />

De Robertis T., 192, 248<br />

De Sanctis F., 216, 219, 222, 224<br />

Degler-Spengler B., 31<br />

Del Bene Francesco, 244<br />

Del Lungo I., 75, 124<br />

Del Monte Pietro, 159-171<br />

Del Riccio Baldi Piero, 99, 102-103<br />

Del Treppo M., 9<br />

Delattre A., 4<br />

Deligiannis I., 106<br />

Della <strong>Casa</strong>, famiglia, 247<br />

Della Fonte Bartolomeo, 93, 107<br />

Della Pergola Paolo, 140<br />

Della Scala Cangrande, 255-256<br />

Della Scala Mastino, 255<br />

Della Serrata <strong>Leo</strong>nardo, 229, 232<br />

Della Seta Lombardo, 37<br />

Democrito, 234<br />

Den Haag (L’Aja), Koninklijke Bibliotheek,<br />

239<br />

Derolez A., 166<br />

Desiderio, re dei Longobardi, 85-89, 91-93,<br />

97-98, 100-103<br />

Devon, v. Edmund conte di Devon<br />

Di Girolamo C., 44<br />

Di Sante A., 171<br />

Dicenus, 148<br />

Diettrich A., 175<br />

Díez <strong>Leo</strong>nor, 121<br />

Diocleziano Gaio Aurelio Valerio, imperatore,<br />

36, 151<br />

Diogene Laerzio, 134, 165, 170<br />

ps.-Dionigi Aereopagita, 169<br />

Dionisotti C., IX<br />

Disislavič Novak, 155<br />

Distaso G., 100<br />

Ditchfield S., 41, 43<br />

Dodona, 113<br />

Doglio F., 215<br />

Doig J.A., 200, 208, 210-212

Domizi Pietro, 225<br />

Doni Garfagnini M., 99<br />

Donisi Giovanni Battista, 226<br />

Donnini M., 146<br />

Döpp S., 206<br />

Douët d’Arcq L., 210<br />

Drzenik, 144<br />

Duchkon Paganus, 180<br />

Dunston A.J., 70<br />

Duval F., 36<br />

Duval Y.-M., 55<br />

Economou N.T., 52<br />

Edmund conte di Devon, 209<br />

Efrem Siro, 162, 170<br />

Egidio da Viterbo, 123<br />

Egitto, 9, 136<br />

Eigler U., 28<br />

Einsiedeln, 67<br />

Eisenhut W., 7<br />

Eliade M., 148<br />

Eliano Claudio, 96, 135<br />

Elpidio Rustico, 65<br />

Emili Paolo, 97-98<br />

Enea di Gaza, 37, 163, 170<br />

Enrico V di Lancaster, re d’Inghilterra, 197,<br />

201, 204<br />

Enrico VI di Lancaster, re d’Inghilterra, 197,<br />

201, 204<br />

Enrico Glareano, 127<br />

Erasmo da Rotterdam, 53, 62, 122, 125-127,<br />

129-130, 136, 237-239<br />

Ermippo, 135<br />

Erode il Grande, re di Giudea, 151<br />

Erodiano, 135<br />

Erodoto, 133, 148<br />

Esichio di Alessandria, 120<br />

Esiodo, 127, 131, 229<br />

Esopo, 133<br />

Este, d’, Borso, 199<br />

Este, d’, <strong>Leo</strong>nello, 37, 39, 197<br />

Este, d’, Niccolò, 39, 59<br />

Étaix R., 52<br />

Etruria, 87-89, 91-92<br />

Etruschi, 88, 90<br />

Eu, 209<br />

Eubel K., 140<br />

Euforione, 135<br />

Eugenio IV, papa, 26, 29, 34, 37-38, 53, 159,<br />

164<br />


— 278 —<br />

Eugenio da Palermo, 105-106<br />

Eupoli, 234<br />

Euripide, 126<br />

Europa, VII, 141, 148, 221<br />

Eustazio di Tessalonica, 95-97, 109, 125<br />

Everest-Phillips L.Ch.Y., 198, 200, 202<br />

Evis Luksˇić M., 140, 143-144<br />

Évora, 121<br />

Fabbri L., 3<br />

Fabbri R., 6, 16<br />

Fabio Pittore Quinto, 90-91<br />

Fabretti Ariodante, 9<br />

Falaride, 109<br />

Falzone P., 245<br />

Fanhope, barone, v. Cornwall John<br />

Fano, 142<br />

Fantuzzi M., 108<br />

Faramundo, re dei Franchi, 97<br />

Farnese, famiglia, 87<br />

Farnese Alessandro, 87<br />

Farnese Giulia, 87<br />

Farsalo, 10<br />

Faure G.B., 90, 101<br />

Favi A., 160<br />

Favre G., 226<br />

Federico di Saluzzo, 219<br />

Federico III d’Absburgo, imperatore, 150<br />

Fedwick P.J., 53<br />

Feo M., 256<br />

Fera V., 33, 66<br />

Ferdinando II d’Aragona, il Cattolico, re di<br />

Castiglia, 91<br />

Fernández de Córdova Miralles A., 91<br />

Fernández López J., 127<br />

Ferrara, 29, 35, 39, 41, 59, 96, 122, 148<br />

Ferrari M., 28, 165<br />

Ferraris M., 88<br />

Ferraù G., 33, 42, 44, 66, 91, 100-101<br />

Ferretti G., 3<br />

Feruffini Domenico, 28<br />

Festa N., 109<br />

Fiandre, 201, 213<br />

Fiaschi S., 49-66, 106<br />

Ficino Marsilio, 60<br />

Fiesolani, 89, 94, 99<br />

Fiesole, 90, 92-95<br />

Filadelfo, v. Lido Giovanni<br />

Filelfo Francesco, 6, 62-64, 112, 205, 226<br />

Filelfo Gian Mario (Giovanni Mario), 225-<br />


Filip I., 4<br />

Filipepi Alessandro, 107<br />

Filippini Andrea, 34<br />

Filippo, notaio, 246<br />

Fiorani L., 220-221<br />

Fiorentini, 85-87, 89, 93-94, 98<br />

Fiori G., 34, 41, 45<br />

Firenze, IX, 6, 9, 13, 15, 20, 29, 34-35, 63, 67,<br />

85-87, 92-99, 101-102, 105, 108-109, 123,<br />

142, 148, 162-166, 169, 225, 246-247<br />

Firenze, abbazia di Santa Maria, 38<br />

Firenze, Biblioteca del convento di San Marco,<br />

191-192, 194<br />

Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, 6,<br />

63, 108, 111-112<br />

Firenze, chiesa di Santa Maria Novella, 87<br />

Firenze, Palazzo della Signoria, 9<br />

Firenze, Quartiere di San Giovanni, 246-248<br />

Firpo L., 64<br />

Fischer G.M., 96<br />

Fissore G.D., 254<br />

Fiume (Rijeka), 155<br />

Flaccus, 152<br />

Flamini F., 227<br />

Fleetwood W., 100<br />

Floramo A., 139-155, 148<br />

Floriani P., 162<br />

Focesi, 89<br />

Foffano T., 88, 159, 165<br />

Fogliesi, 219-220<br />

Foligno, 147<br />

Fontaine J., 188<br />

Fonzio Bartolomeo, v. Della Fonte Bartolomeo<br />

Förster R., 107<br />

Fortebracci Niccolò, 11<br />

Forteguerri Niccolò, cardinale, 87<br />

Fortini Benedetto, 244<br />

Fossati C., 197<br />

Foster K., 88<br />

Fozio I, patriarca di Costantinopoli, 109, 135<br />

Fragnito G., 221<br />

Fraknói V., 145, 149<br />

Francesco da Toledo, 66<br />

Franchi, 89, 98, 101<br />

Franchi de’ Cavalieri P., 162-165<br />

Francia, 67, 91, 97, 102, 151, 201, 203, 219<br />

Frankopani, famiglia, 143, 154<br />

Frassica P., 226<br />

Frasso G., 59, 88, 165, 253<br />

Frati C., 139, 216, 219, 222, 224<br />


— 279 —<br />

Frati L., 94<br />

Fregoso Paolo, cardinale, 87<br />

Frère H., 68-69, 76<br />

Frigia, 132-133<br />

Frigionaia, 38<br />

Frioli D., 192<br />

Fritzsche F., 119<br />

Frontino Sesto Giulio, 100<br />

Frulovisi Tito Livio, 197-199, 203, 205-210,<br />

212, 225, 232<br />

Fryde E.B., 110-111, 195<br />

Fubini R., 88, 90-91, 95, 101<br />

Fumagalli E., 88, 90<br />

Fumi Cambi Gado F., 218<br />

Fuss J.D., 97<br />

Gabriele, cubiculario, 38<br />

Gabriele M., 122<br />

Gacka, 144<br />

Gain P., 162<br />

Gaisford Th., 106<br />

Galand-Hallyn P., 3, 58<br />

Galasso G., 45<br />

Galateo Antonio, v. De Ferrariis Antonio<br />

Galeno, 55, 60<br />

Gallarati L., 39<br />

Gallia, 74, 302<br />

Gallo Cornelio Gaio, 135-136<br />

Gargan L., 35-36, 121<br />

Garin E., IX, 3, 65-66, 92, 226, 233<br />

Gariofilo, 89<br />

Garofalo I., 50<br />

Garzelli A., 162<br />

Gaspare da Verona, 159<br />

Gatis, de, famiglia, 29<br />

Gatis, de, Andrea, 27<br />

Gatis, de, Antonio, 27-29<br />

Gatis, de, Guiniforte, 26, 28<br />

Gayrdner J., 211<br />

Gazzera C., 219<br />

Gelcich G., 141<br />

Gellio Aulo, 131, 135<br />

Genova, 87, 218, 229, 245<br />

Gentile S., 37, 112<br />

Gentz, von, F., 96<br />

Gepidi, 148<br />

Germania, 67, 74<br />

Germano, santo, 188-189, 192<br />

Gertges W., 237<br />

Gervaso da Piacenza, 27, 30-31, 46-47

Geti, 148<br />

Gherardi A., 247<br />

Gherardi Dragomanni F., 92<br />

Ghittolini G., 162<br />

Giacomo, apostolo, santo, 218<br />

Gian Pietro d’Avenza, 112<br />

Giannarelli E., 168<br />

Giannetto N., 65<br />

Giappone, 67<br />

Gill J., 161<br />

Gillet R., 188<br />

Gilli P., 160<br />

Ginanni M.A., 218<br />

Giorgio da Trebisonda, 52-53, 66<br />

Giorgio di Podebrady (Podiebrad), re di Boemia,<br />

177, 184<br />

Giovan Francesco da Brescia, 50-51<br />

Giovanni, 119<br />

Giovanni XXIII, papa, 35<br />

Giovanni, apostolo, santo, 52, 239<br />

Giovanni Climaco, 164<br />

Giovanni Crisostomo, santo, 163-164, 169-<br />

170, 255<br />

Giovanni degli Abbati, 57<br />

Giovanni di Krbava, 146<br />

Giovanni di Krumlov, 179, 181, 183<br />

Giovanni di Tluczna, 179<br />

Giovanni di Transilvania, 151<br />

Giovanni Hunyadi, re d’Ungheria, 150<br />

Giovanni Mansionario, 253-254<br />

Giovenale Decimo Giunio, 42, 63, 125<br />

Girgensohn D., 35<br />

Girolamo, santo, 32, 55-56, 65, 146, 239<br />

Girolamo da Asola, 57<br />

Giuseppe II, patriarca, 20<br />

Giustiniani Bernardo, 37<br />

Glatz K.J., 32<br />

Glazenbrook A., 231<br />

Gloucester, duca, v. Lancaster Humphrey<br />

Goffredo da Viterbo, 92<br />

Gonzaga Lodovico, 199<br />

Goold G.P., 75<br />

Gorgon D.J., 198<br />

Gorni G., 13<br />

Gorrini G., 215<br />

Goti, 86, 145, 147-149<br />

Gradenigo G.G., 160<br />

Graevius J.G., 100<br />

Granata G., 221<br />

Greci, 148, 231, 233-234<br />


— 280 —<br />

Grecia, 96<br />

Greco A., 3, 94, 169<br />

Gregorio di Nazianzo, santo, 106, 135<br />

Gregorio Magno, papa, santo, 130-131, 182,<br />

187-189, 191-195<br />

Gregorovičová E., 173-185<br />

Gregory William, 211<br />

Grey, v. Hernri barone Grey<br />

Grgur, 145<br />

Griffolini Francesco, 52<br />

Grifo <strong>Leo</strong>nardo, 206<br />

Grifoni Andrea di Iacopo, da San Miniato,<br />

247<br />

Griggio C., VII-IX, 253, 257<br />

Grillo P., 30<br />

Grimoaldo, prefetto di Viterbo, 88-89, 91<br />

Grion G., 92<br />

Gronovius Johann Friedrich, 75<br />

Grummit D., 200, 208, 210-211<br />

Gruterus Janus, v. Gruytière, de, Jan<br />

Gruytière, de, Jan, 100<br />

Gualdo Rosa L., 17, 26, 29<br />

Guarini Guarino, 37, 53, 106-107<br />

Guarino Veronese, v. Guarino Guarini<br />

Guglielminetti R., 191<br />

Guglielmo da Pastrengo, 253-255, 258<br />

Guida A., 105-120<br />

Guido da Castello, 254<br />

Haim de Halbertstadt, 178, 180<br />

Haller J., 161<br />

Hammond M., 206<br />

Hankins J., 11, 37, 94, 146<br />

Hansen M.H., 120<br />

Hardouin J., 100<br />

Hardy E.L.C.P., 210<br />

Hardy W., 210<br />

Harley E., 227<br />

Harlfinger D., 111<br />

Harlfinger J., 111<br />

Harnack, von, A., 50<br />

Hartwig, von, O., 92<br />

Hase C.B., 96-97<br />

Hay D., 130<br />

Haye Th., 205<br />

Hearne Th., 197, 204-205<br />

Hedvika, regina di Lituania, 184<br />

Heidelberg, 31<br />

Heidelberg, Universitätbibliothek, 108<br />

Helm R., 109

Hendledorp Iohannes, 34<br />

Henry barone Grey, 209<br />

Henry M.M., 231<br />

Herceg Novi, 140<br />

Hermannus de Erfordia, v. Ormanno di Giovanni<br />

della Magna<br />

Hermans M.M., 160<br />

Hertz J.G., 92<br />

Hilberg I., 56<br />

Hinz V., 105-120<br />

Hlaváček I., 173-174<br />

Hoffmann F., 174<br />

Hofmann H., 199<br />

Hofmann J.B., 202<br />

Holder-Egger O., 41<br />

Höllger W., 106<br />

Holmes G., 200<br />

Holsten Luca, 88<br />

Hortis A., 193<br />

Hrdina K., 173<br />

Humphrey conte di Stafford, 209<br />

Humphrey duca di Gloucester, v. Lancester<br />

Humphrey<br />

Hungerford, 209<br />

Huntingdon v., John conte di Huntingdon<br />

Hurst A., 215<br />

Hyadra, 145<br />

Hyuga T., 67<br />

Iacobaeus Oliger, v. Jacobi Holger<br />

Iacopo di Angelo, v. Angeli Iacopo<br />

Iaria S., 160, 165<br />

Igino Astronomo, 125<br />

Ijsewijn I., 162<br />

Ilario di Litoměrˇice, 175, 177<br />

Illiri, 148<br />

Immonide Giovanni, 190<br />

Incardona V., 197<br />

Inghilterra, 130, 198, 219, 227<br />

Inglesi, 147<br />

Innocenzo VIII, papa 246<br />

Iordanes, 150<br />

Ippocrate, 55, 59-60, 62<br />

Ippona, 57<br />

Irigoin J., 107-108<br />

Isabella I di Castiglia, la Cattolica, regina, 93<br />

Isidoro di Siviglia, 41-42<br />

Isocrate, 17, 228<br />

Ister (Hister, Danubio), 152<br />

Istria, 154<br />


— 281 —<br />

Italia, VII-VIII, 8, 67, 87-91, 96, 98-99, 105,<br />

107-108, 116, 130, 139<br />

Italiani, 98<br />

Itzkowitz J.B., 111, 119<br />

Iurilli A., 3, 58<br />

Ivan III Vasilyevich, zar di Russia, 151<br />

Ivan IV Vasilyevich, zar di Russia, 140<br />

Ivan Grozny, v. Ivan IV Vasilyevich<br />

Izaac H.-J., 68<br />

Jackson D.F., 195<br />

Jacobi Holger, 85<br />

Jaice, 141<br />

Jaitner-Hahner U., 26, 39, 106<br />

Jancovics J., 142<br />

Jocelyn H.D., 201<br />

John barone Beaumont, 209<br />

John barone Lovel, 209<br />

John conte di Huntingdon, 209<br />

John conte di Oxford, 209<br />

John duca di Norfolk, 209<br />

Jones-Davies M.T., 107<br />

Jouffroy Jean, 33, 168<br />

Jovanović N., 139, 142, 146<br />

Juchhoff R., 237<br />

Juhasz L., 93<br />

Jurilli A., 100<br />

Kadlec J., 183, 184<br />

Kaeppeli Th., 17<br />

Kalina T., 175<br />

Kallendorf C., 3, 58<br />

Kallierges Zacharias, 108<br />

Kampanus M.J., 173<br />

Katayama H., 67-84, 108, 110<br />

Kejrˇ J., 174<br />

Kenney E.J., 68<br />

Kervyn de Lettenhove H., 206-207<br />

Keussen H., 31<br />

Kibre P., 110<br />

Kingsford Ch.L., 200, 211-213<br />

Kisky W., 31<br />

Klaniczay T., 142<br />

Klette T., 226<br />

Klostomalles Michele, 119<br />

Knös B., 108<br />

Knowles Frazier A., 163-164<br />

Kohlbürger Johann Ludwig, 123<br />

Kopriva, 143<br />

Kostílková M., 174, 177

Kotoran Tripun, 140<br />

Kotroman, famiglia, 148<br />

Krbava, 143-144, 154<br />

Kristeller P.O., IX, 11, 26, 32, 37, 39, 66, 146,<br />

201, 226-227<br />

Krˇizˇ Andrea de Telc, 184<br />

Krˇizˇanovsky´ Venceslao, 174-175, 177<br />

Kubíček A., 173<br />

Kühner R., 202<br />

Kuricyn Teodoro, 151<br />

Kurjaković, famiglia, 143<br />

Kurjaković Ivan, 143-144<br />

Kurjaković Karlo, il Giovane, 143-144<br />

La Ferté, 219<br />

La Luna, 89<br />

La Spezia, 89<br />

Ladislao I d’Absburgo, Postumo, re di Boemia<br />

e d’Ungheria, 65<br />

Laffranchi M., 30<br />

Lago perugino, v. Trasimeno<br />

Lambach, monastero, 151<br />

Lami A., 50<br />

Lami G., 88, 90, 101<br />

Lancaster Humphrey, 198-199, 201-202, 204,<br />

208-209, 211-212<br />

Landino Cristoforo, 12, 22, 92, 94<br />

Landriani Margherita, 122<br />

Langosch K., 226<br />

Laourdas B., 109<br />

Las Brozas, 121<br />

Lascaris Giano, 96, 107-108, 119<br />

Lasso Giovanni, 122<br />

Lattanzio Lucio Cecilio Firmiano, 22, 239<br />

Lauer W., 109-110<br />

Laurent M.H., 194<br />

Laurenzi Giuseppe, 234<br />

Lazzati G., 38<br />

Lebreton M.M., 220-221<br />

Lecce, IX<br />

Legrand E., 108<br />

Leko R., 144<br />

Lemaire N.É., 100<br />

Lenzuni A., 193<br />

<strong>Leo</strong>nardi C., 53<br />

<strong>Leo</strong>nardus M., 27, 29<br />

<strong>Leo</strong>ne X, papa, 194-195<br />

<strong>Leo</strong>ni Pietro, 75<br />

<strong>Leo</strong>nico Tomeo Nicolò, 96<br />

<strong>Leo</strong>nida di Taranto, 234<br />


— 282 —<br />

<strong>Leo</strong>pardi G., 130-131<br />

Lepori F., 140<br />

Leroy F.J, 163<br />

Levi Della Vida G., 194<br />

Libelli Lilio, 106<br />

Licino Porcio, 120<br />

Licofrone, il Tragico, 232<br />

Lidia, 97<br />

Lido Giovanni, 95-97<br />

Liegi, 38<br />

Ligota Chr., 110<br />

Liguria, 29<br />

Lika, 140, 154<br />

Limentani U., 88<br />

Lione, 127, 220<br />

Lionetto Hesters A., 4<br />

Lippincott K., 199, 206<br />

Lisbona, 121<br />

Lisci Biagio, 94<br />

Litomerice, 176<br />

Livio Tito, 42<br />

Lo Monaco F., 13, 108<br />

Loewe G., 67-68<br />

Löfstedt E., 202<br />

Lombardi G., 93<br />

London, British Library 58, 151, 226<br />

Londra, British Museum, 227<br />

Londra, Torre, 130<br />

Longobardi, 85, 88, 91, 101-102, 188<br />

Longueville, 38<br />

López Posa S., 127<br />

Lorcin M.-Th., 55<br />

Lorenzo, antipapa, 188-189<br />

Lorini T., 49, 50, 163<br />

Lotta, madre di Iacopo di Angelo, 248, 251<br />

Lovel, v. John barone Lovel<br />

Lubecca, 86<br />

Lucano Marco Anneo, 8, 10-11, 19, 21, 36,<br />

128<br />

Lucca, 92, 112<br />

Luciano di Samosata, 59, 105-110<br />

ps.-Luciano di Samosata, 107<br />

Ludovico I di Saluzzo, 219<br />

Ludwig W., 205<br />

Luigi XII d’Orléans, re di Francia, 97<br />

Luiso F.P., 160<br />

Lunelli A., 68<br />

Luni, 89<br />

Lupfen, von, famiglia, 31-32<br />

Lupfen, von, Heirich, 31-32, 47

Lupfen, von, Johann, 31-32<br />

Lupfen, von, Sigmund, 31-32<br />

Lupfen-Stühlingen, 31<br />

Lupo de Olmeto, 55<br />

Maas P., 114<br />

Macedoni, 148<br />

Macedonia, 135<br />

Macerata, 220<br />

Machet F.M., 221-222<br />

Machiavelli Niccolò, 94-95<br />

Macleod M.D., 111-112, 118-119<br />

Macrobio Ambrogio Teodosio, 65, 102-103,<br />

125-126, 231<br />

Madan F., 106<br />

Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, 68<br />

Madunic D., 147-148<br />

Maffei Raffaele, 90<br />

Maffei Timoteo, 38<br />

Magra, 88<br />

Mai Angelo, cardinale, 233<br />

Maïer I., 68, 86<br />

Mainardi G., 36<br />

Mainz, Stadtbibliothek, 239<br />

Maiocchi R., 30, 32-34, 36<br />

Maisano R., 105<br />

Maissen Th., 86, 93, 98, 101<br />

Malatesta Galeotto, 18<br />

Malatesta Sigismondo Pandolfo, 199<br />

Mallet M.E., 9, 45<br />

Maltese E.V., 108<br />

Malvezzi Troilo, 226<br />

Mañas Núñez M., 121<br />

Mancini A., 37<br />

Mancini G., 35<br />

Manetti A., 229<br />

Manetti D., 50<br />

Manfredi A., 159-171<br />

Manfredi G., 34<br />

Manilio Marco, 67-68, 74-75<br />

Manselli R., 45<br />

Mantova, 87<br />

Mantovani D., 28<br />

Maometto II, sultano, 141, 150<br />

Mar Nero, 128, 152-153<br />

Marastoni A., 69, 70<br />

Marchesato di Saluzzo, 220<br />

Marchesi C., 3<br />

Marchi G.P., 253<br />

Marcovecchio E., 57<br />


— 283 —<br />

Maria, Infanta del Portogallo, v. Aviz, d’, Maria<br />

Emanuela<br />

Mariani F., 90<br />

Marichal R., 35<br />

Marini G., 35<br />

Mariotti S., 235<br />

Marrasio Giovanni, 12-13, 18-19<br />

Marsh D., 107<br />

Marsuppini Carlo, 3-13, 15-18, 20, 22-23<br />

Martelli M., 95-96<br />

Martinelli Tempesta S., 112<br />

Martines L., 246<br />

Martini R.A., 99<br />

Martino V, papa, 34<br />

Martino de Lomnice, 182<br />

Martino de Rotundo Hradist, 179<br />

Martino di Braga, santo, 191<br />

Märtl C., 33<br />

Marucchi A., 162<br />

Marullo Michele, 18<br />

Marzi D., 244-245<br />

Marziale Marco Valerio, 59<br />

Marziano Capella, 233<br />

Marzio Galeotto, 93<br />

Massalin P., 192<br />

Massimiano, 22<br />

Massing J.M., 107<br />

Masson O., 231<br />

Mathias de Baronellis, 143<br />

Matociis, de, Giovanni, v. Giovanni Mansionario<br />

Matteo, cubiculario, 38<br />

Matteo, notaio, 246<br />

Mattia Corvino, re d’Ungheria, 123, 141-142,<br />

150<br />

Mattia da Trevi, 64<br />

Mattiangeli P., 88, 90<br />

Mattioli E., 105-107<br />

Maturanzio Francesco, 123, 146<br />

Mayhoff C., 86<br />

Mazzarino S., 147<br />

Mazzei Lapo, 246<br />

Mazzuconi D., 32<br />

Mc Killop S.R., 6<br />

Meandro, 132-133<br />

Mecenate Gaio Cilnio, 102-103<br />

Medici, dei, famiglia, 6-7<br />

Medici, dei, Cosimo, 6, 17, 34, 52, 160, 162,<br />

191-192, 199<br />

Medici, dei, Giovanni, 6

Medici, dei, Giovanni, cardinale, 193-194<br />

Medici, dei, Lorenzo di Giovanni, 194, 199,<br />

245<br />

Medici, dei, Lorenzo di Piero, 6, 17, 34, 60,<br />

96, 111-112, 124, 142<br />

Medici, dei, Piero, 85, 93, 95, 97, 109, 194<br />

Medioli Masotti P., 123<br />

Megna P., 132<br />

Mehus L., 246<br />

Mei Girolamo, 99<br />

Meirinhos J., 213<br />

Mela Pomponio, 122, 128<br />

Melk, abbazia di, 151<br />

Menestò E., 146<br />

Mensi L., 41<br />

Mercati G., 139, 145-146, 149<br />

Mercer R.G.G., 32, 36<br />

Merino J., 127<br />

Merisalo O., 197, 213<br />

Merlo G., 218<br />

Mesia, 148<br />

Metodio, 153<br />

Mezzo, de, Tommaso, 228, 231<br />

Michele II Amorio, imperatore, 153<br />

Michele, monaco, 160, 165<br />

Mietke J., 159<br />

Milano, 9, 11, 27, 29, 30, 33, 39, 45-46, 122,<br />

227<br />

Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, 233<br />

Milano, Biblioteca Trivulziana, 58<br />

Milano E., 193<br />

Mileto, 133<br />

Mills R., 208<br />

Mineccia F., 215<br />

Minervini L., 44<br />

Minoia M., 28<br />

Mioni E., 163<br />

Mirsilo di Metimna, 91<br />

Misi, 152<br />

Mnesarco, padre di Pitagora, 148<br />

Modena, 41<br />

Modena, Biblioteca Estense, 58<br />

Modesto, cubiculario, 38<br />

Modrussa (Modrusˇ), 139-140, 142-143, 145,<br />

149, 154-155<br />

Mohacs, 141<br />

Mohrmann Ch., 202<br />

Moldavia, 151<br />

Mommsen Th., 100<br />

Mondrain B., 119<br />


— 284 —<br />

Monfasani J., 52<br />

Monferrato, 227<br />

Monstrelet, de, Enguerran, 210, 212<br />

Montanari M., 55<br />

Montanus Jacob, 237<br />

Monte Calvello, 89<br />

Montefeltro, di, Federico, 199<br />

Monfeltro, di, Guidobaldo, 130<br />

Montereau, 205<br />

Monti C.M., 36<br />

Monti V., 92, 94<br />

Moore O.H., 206<br />

Moravi, 147<br />

Mori Giacomo, 25-30, 32-43, 45<br />

Mori Ludovico, 29<br />

Mortain, conte, v. Beaufort Edmund<br />

Mortimer, 227<br />

Mosca, 140<br />

Moschetti A., 3<br />

Mosco Giovanni, 164<br />

Moyer A.E., 99<br />

Mras K., 119<br />

Mugnone, 89, 94<br />

München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 51, 53<br />

Münster Sebastiano, 151<br />

Muratore D., 119<br />

Muratori L.A., 38, 88, 101<br />

Mussini Sacchi M.P., 35, 121, 123, 127<br />

Musto R.G., 164<br />

Naldi Naldo, 12, 93<br />

Nanni (Narni) Giovanni, 85-91, 97-103<br />

Napoli, 141, 186, 199<br />

Nardi B., 140<br />

Nardi C., 168<br />

Nares R., 39, 41<br />

Nasalli Rocca E., 34-35, 44<br />

Nasi Ludovico, 220<br />

Naupelagi Antonio, 178, 180<br />

Nazor A., 155<br />

Negri C., 67<br />

Neralic J., 140, 143<br />

Nerone Domizio Lucio, imperatore, 151<br />

Neue F., 202<br />

Niccoli Niccolò, 6, 67, 166<br />

Niccolo V, papa, 6-7, 13, 18-19, 21, 52, 159,<br />

167-168, 171<br />

Niccolò da Cusa, 233<br />

Niccolò da Lonigo, 96, 110<br />

Niccolò <strong>Leo</strong>niceno, v. Niccolò da Lonigo<br />

Nicolas N.H., 212

Nicolò da Carrara, 255<br />

Nicolò della Magna 92<br />

Nicoud M., 59<br />

Niermeyer J.F., 258<br />

Nikola Modrusˇki (Kotoranin, Machiniensis,<br />

Ascriviensis), 139-155<br />

Nistri E., 6<br />

Noboru K., 67<br />

Noel F., 232<br />

Noel N., 227<br />

Nogara B., 160, 165<br />

Nonno di Panopoli, 129, 133<br />

Norbedo R., 237-240<br />

Norberg D., 190<br />

Norfolk, v. John duca di Norfolk<br />

Norimberga, 123, 151<br />

Novati F., IX, 247<br />

Novembri V., 168<br />

Núñez Francisco, 121<br />

Obrovac, 143<br />

Ocrida (Ohrid), 154<br />

Odorisio A.M., 108, 114<br />

Ognibene da Lonigo, 66, 146<br />

Olimpia, 135<br />

Ombrone, 124<br />

Omero, 6, 12-14, 17-18, 21, 37, 124, 126-128,<br />

131-132, 134-136<br />

ps.-Omero, 17<br />

Opunte, 128<br />

Orazio Flacco Quinto, 59, 122, 127, 135<br />

Orbetello, 98<br />

Orlandi G., 202<br />

Ormanno di Giovanni della Magna, 169<br />

Orosio Paolo, 41-42, 148<br />

Ortalli G., 44<br />

Osio L., 39<br />

Ostrogoti, 95<br />

Otranto, 62<br />

Overgaauw E.A., 159, 161, 171<br />

Ovidio Nasone Publio, 22, 32, 59, 108, 110,<br />

122, 125-128, 135<br />

Oxford, 227<br />

Oxford, v. John conte di Oxford<br />

Oxford, Bodleian Library, 86<br />

Pade M., 37<br />

Padoan G., 6, 225-226<br />

Padova, IX, 38, 130, 255<br />

Paesi Bassi, 57<br />


— 285 —<br />

Paganelli C., 95<br />

Pais E., 100<br />

Pál J., 253<br />

Palefato, 97<br />

Paleologo Giovanni IV, 227-228<br />

Paelologo Guglielmo VIII, 227<br />

Palermo, Biblioteca Comunale, 49<br />

Palladio, 164, 170<br />

Palmieri Matteo, 102<br />

Palmieri R., 36<br />

Paltasic Andrija, 140<br />

Pamato L., 44<br />

Pandolfi V., 225<br />

Pandoni Giannantonio, 11<br />

Pani L., 254<br />

Panizza L., 110<br />

Pannartz Arnold, 86<br />

Panormita, v. Beccadelli Antonio<br />

Panvinio Onofrio, 99<br />

Paolazzi C., 36<br />

Paoletti L., 36<br />

Paola Urbica (Romana?), 239<br />

Paolo II, papa, 159-161, 166, 168<br />

Paolo da Moneglia, 91<br />

Paolo di Tarso, apostolo, santo, 51, 224<br />

Paolo Diacono, 41, 130<br />

Paravano, 40<br />

Parentucelli Tommaso, v. Niccolò V, papa<br />

Parigi, 98, 181, 208<br />

Parigi, cattedrale di Nôtre Dame, 97<br />

Parigi, Università della Sorbona, 174, 176,<br />

183<br />

Pascasio, diacono, 188-189, 192<br />

Paschini P., 38<br />

Pascual Barea J., 3<br />

Pascucci G., 226<br />

Pasini E., 50<br />

Pasini G., 223-224<br />

Passarella R., 50<br />

Pastor, von, L., 146<br />

Pastore Stocchi M., 67-68, 74, 108, 140<br />

Patera A., 177-182<br />

Patetta F., 231<br />

Patrasso, 232<br />

Pausania, 132-133, 232<br />

Pavanello Placido, 38<br />

Pavia, 25, 27, 36, 44-46, 122<br />

Pellistrandi S.-M., 188<br />

Pellizzari G., 159<br />

Peloponneso, 133

Peracchi A., 232<br />

Pérez Jiménez A., 127<br />

Perić O., 148<br />

Peričić E., 145<br />

Pericoco S., 188<br />

Pering Johann da Büderich, 237-240<br />

Perosa A., IX, 57, 86, 93-94, 102, 110, 121,<br />

123-125, 127-129, 131-133, 225, 232<br />

Perroy É., 200, 205<br />

Persiani, 136<br />

Persio Flacco Aulo, 108, 122, 216, 222-224<br />

Persona Cristoforo, 52<br />

Pesenti Marangon T., 59<br />

Pest, 150<br />

Petitmengin P., 191<br />

Petráň J., 173<br />

Petráňová A., 173<br />

Petrarca Francesco, 58-60, 122, 229, 231, 234-<br />

235, 256<br />

Petreio, 123-129, 131-133, 136-137<br />

Petrina A., 200, 202<br />

Petronio Arbitro, 59<br />

Petrović R., 141<br />

Petrucci A., 248-249<br />

Petrucci F., 9<br />

Phillimore I.S., 69-70<br />

Piacentini, 39-40<br />

Piacenza, 27, 29, 34-36, 39-40, 43-45<br />

Piacenza, chiesa di San Vincenzo, 40<br />

Piacenza, chiesa di Sant’Antonio, 40<br />

Pian di Mugnone, 89<br />

Piazza Pietro, 39<br />

Piazzoni A.M., 171<br />

Piccinino Francesco, 28, 44-45<br />

Piccinino Niccolò, 8-9, 14-15, 21<br />

Piccolomini E., 194-195<br />

Piccolomini Enea Silvio, v. Pio II<br />

Pico della Mirandola Giovanni, 12, 32, 108,<br />

110-111, 228<br />

Piemonte, 89, 221<br />

Pienza, 143<br />

Pierini I., 3-23<br />

Piero di ser Grifo da Pratovecchio, 245<br />

Pietrasanta, 89, 98, 101<br />

Pietro, apostolo, papa, santo, 130<br />

Pietro, suddiacono, 187-188<br />

Pietro da Eboli, 60-61<br />

Pietro da Ripalta, 25, 40-43, 45<br />

Pignatti F., 226-227<br />

Pignoli, de’, Stefano, 20<br />


— 286 —<br />

Pindaro, 127<br />

Pio II, papa, 49, 65-66, 141, 143, 150-152,<br />

229, 231<br />

Pio Giovanni Battista, 57<br />

Pipino III, il Breve, re dei Franchi, 98<br />

Pirckheimer Willibald, 62<br />

Pisani Ugolino, 216, 223-224, 232<br />

Piscia Filippo, 34<br />

Pistoia, 92<br />

Pitagora, 134, 148<br />

Pittaluga S., 197, 225<br />

Pizzicolli, dei, Ciriaco, 4, 14-15, 19, 21<br />

Planude Massimo, 96<br />

Platina Bartolomeo, v. Sacchi Bartolomeo<br />

Platone, 228-229<br />

Plauto Tito Maccio, 230-231, 233<br />

Plinio Gaio Cecilio Secondo, il Giovane, 59<br />

Plinio Gaio Secondo, il Vecchio, 85-86, 90,<br />

93-94, 96, 98-100, 126, 136, 228, 234<br />

Plutarco, 37, 131-133, 135-136, 246<br />

ps.-Plutarco, 132-134<br />

Plzeň, 177, 179<br />

Podlaha A., 173, 175, 177-182, 184<br />

Podlaha J., 177<br />

Poeschel S., 90<br />

Poggiali C., 45<br />

Poggio a Caiano, Villa medicea, 124<br />

Polacchi, 147-148<br />

Policastro, 59<br />

Polidoro Virgilio, 130-131, 136<br />

Polisˇenshy´ J., 173<br />

Poliziano Angelo, 13, 18, 57, 67-70, 73-76,<br />

85-88, 90-94, 96-97, 99, 101-103, 105,<br />

108-111, 114, 116-120, 122-125, 128-130,<br />

132-137, 233<br />

Polono Martin, v. Troppau, von, Martin<br />

Polychron, monastero di, 153<br />

Pompeo Magno Gneo, 9-10<br />

Pontani A., 96<br />

Pontani F., 109, 114<br />

Pontani Giorgio Bartoldo, 182<br />

Pontano Tommaso, 4, 14-15, 19, 21<br />

Pontarin F., 25-26, 33<br />

Ponto, v. Mar Nero<br />

Ponto Eusino, v. Mar Nero<br />

Porfirio, 135<br />

Porfirione Pomponio, 127<br />

Portonari Andrea, 122<br />

Pouderon B., 50<br />

Poulakou-Rebelakou E., 52

Powitz G., 26<br />

Pozzi G., 96<br />

Pozzoli G., 232<br />

Prachatice, 180<br />

Praga, Capitolo Metropolitano, 173, 179<br />

Praga, Collegio Universitario Recek, 175-176,<br />

184<br />

Praga, Monastero Na Slovanech, 183<br />

Praga, Università, 173-175<br />

Prato G., 112<br />

Prazˇák J., 174<br />

Prelini C., 30<br />

Prendilacqua Francesco 65, 66<br />

Previté-Orton C.W., 197-198, 213<br />

Pribojevic Vinko, 148<br />

Procopio de Plzen, 181<br />

Procopio di Cesarea, 92, 120<br />

Profous A., 179<br />

Prokesˇ J., 181<br />

Properzio Sesto Aurelio, 18, 100, 131<br />

Pucci Donati F., 55<br />

Puglia, 43, 123<br />

Quaglioni D., 161<br />

Quarnaro, 140, 154<br />

Questa C., 233<br />

Quicherat J., 212<br />

Quinto Smirneo, 128<br />

Rabe H., 114<br />

Radcliffe John, 210-212<br />

Radicofani, 89<br />

Radicondoli, 89<br />

Raffaele L., 20, 28<br />

Ragusa (Dubrovnik), 140-141, 143, 148<br />

Ramakus G., 59<br />

Rambaldoni Vittorino, v. Vittorino da Feltre<br />

Ramminger J., 258<br />

Raňkovu˚ v Adalberto di Jezˇov, 183<br />

Rannusio Domenico Crispo, 226<br />

Ranzo Mercurino, 232<br />

Rao I.G., 187-195<br />

Raponi N., 28<br />

Ratisbona, 153<br />

Recanato J.B., 92<br />

Reeve M.D., 68-70<br />

Reggio Emilia, 41<br />

Reginald barone la Warre, 209<br />

Regoliosi M., 4, 23, 25, 28, 32-33, 43, 57, 107,<br />

238<br />


— 287 —<br />

Reichenau, 31<br />

Reske C., 237<br />

Resta G., 28, 37<br />

Reynolds L.D., 70<br />

Riario Raffaele, cardinale, 142<br />

Ribuoli R., 114<br />

Ricci P.G., 3, 17-18, 226<br />

Ricciardi R., 85-103, 108<br />

Richard conte di Warwick, 209<br />

Ries L., 107<br />

Rimini, 18<br />

Rinuccini Neri di Filippo, 194<br />

Rizzo S., 37, 73, 88, 203<br />

Rocca Bartolomeo di Pralormo, 221<br />

Rocco A., 6<br />

Rococciolo Francesco, 205<br />

Rodacamalum, 89<br />

Rodi, 146<br />

Roether W., 96<br />

Rollo A., 105, 253, 255, 257<br />

Rolls J., 198<br />

Roma, VII, 34, 38, 52, 86-87, 102, 123, 130,<br />

142, 145, 147, 149, 153-154, 169, 218,<br />

221, 228<br />

Roma, abbazia di San Paolo, 38<br />

Roma, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 91<br />

Roma, Biblioteca <strong>Casa</strong>tanense, 108, 113<br />

Roma, Biblioteca Corsiniana, 68<br />

Roma, Palazzo di Sant’Eustachio, 194<br />

Roma, Università La Sapienza, 220<br />

Romagna, 6<br />

Romani, 43, 51, 92, 152<br />

Romani F., 232<br />

Romano Giacomo, 40<br />

Romei, 218<br />

Romeni, 151<br />

Romeo, famiglia, 218<br />

Ronozar Michele, 180<br />

Roselli A., 50<br />

Rosmini, de’, C., 66<br />

Rossi L.C., 13<br />

Rossi P.B., 50<br />

Rossi V., IX, 36, 58, 199<br />

Rosso P., 25-47, 232<br />

Rotondi Secchi Tarugi L., 159<br />

Rubeus J., 92<br />

Rubinstein N., 85-86, 99-100, 243<br />

Rucellai Giovanni, 87<br />

Rufo Quinto Curzio, 131<br />

Ruggeri R., 130

Ruggio L., 215, 225-235,<br />

Ruiz del Peso Ana, 121<br />

Rundle D., 159-161, 169, 200, 202, 204, 213<br />

Rüpke J., 199<br />

Rusconi R., 220<br />

Russi, 147<br />

Russia, 151<br />

Rysen, de, Johannes, 31<br />

Sabbadini R., IX, 3, 6, 16, 197, 233<br />

Sabbatini M., 13<br />

Sabellico Marco Antonio, 99<br />

Sacchi Bartolomeo, 66<br />

Sacco Catone, 28<br />

Sáez Guillén J.F., 200-202<br />

Saffo, 99<br />

Salamanca, 121-122<br />

Salisburgo, 153<br />

Salutati Coluccio, 101, 192, 243-248<br />

Salutati <strong>Leo</strong>nardo, 245, 248<br />

Salutati Piero, 245, 248<br />

Saluzzo, collegiata, 219<br />

Samaran Ch., 35<br />

Sambin P., 38<br />

Sammut A., 159<br />

Samo, 148<br />

Sampieri T., 93<br />

San Gallo, 67, 69<br />

San Gallo, abbazia, 151<br />

San Giacomo di Compostela, 218<br />

San Gimignano, 89<br />

San Giovanni di Verdara, 38<br />

San Miniato, 89<br />

Sánchez Francisco, 121-137<br />

Sánchez Pedro, 121<br />

Sánchez Rodrigo, 121<br />

Sanesi I., 225<br />

S ˇ anjek F., 140, 148<br />

Santa Giustina, Congregazione, 38<br />

Santagata M., 13<br />

Santinello G., 60<br />

Santini C., 226<br />

Santoro C., 39<br />

Santoro M., 59<br />

Sarasini L., 36<br />

Sarmati, 148<br />

Sarti Alessandro, 102<br />

Sarzana, 89, 98<br />

Sassi G.A., 226<br />

Sassoni, 151<br />


— 288 —<br />

Savelli R., 245<br />

Savigliano, 219<br />

Savio C.F., 218<br />

Savoia, di, famiglia, 220<br />

Savoia, di, Bona, 64<br />

Savoia, di, Carlo Emanuele I, 219-220<br />

Savoia, di, Emanuele Filiberto, 220<br />

Savoia, di, Filiberto I, 64<br />

Savoia, di, Vittorio Amedeo II, 221-222<br />

Savonarola Michele, 59<br />

Savy P., 45<br />

Saygin S., 200<br />

Sbutega A., 130<br />

Scaffai N., 13<br />

Scala Bartolomeo, 85-86, 92, 95<br />

Scaliger Joseph Justus, 75<br />

Scaramella G., 102<br />

Scarperia, 245-246, 250-251<br />

Schlechter A., 107<br />

Schmale-Ott I., 206<br />

Schöner, 35<br />

Schow N., 96<br />

Schultze J.F., 96<br />

Scotti Alberto, 45<br />

Scribani, famiglia, 33-35<br />

Scribani Antonia, 34<br />

Scribani Caterina, 34<br />

Scribani Elisabetta, 34<br />

Scribani Giovanni, 34<br />

Scribani Lorenzo, 32<br />

Scribani Maddalena, 34<br />

Scribani Marta, 34<br />

Scribani Melchiorre, 34<br />

Segna (Senji), 140, 143-144, 154-155<br />

Segre Montel C., 218-222<br />

Seneca Lucio Anneo, IX, 234<br />

Senofonte, 129<br />

Senziati, 89<br />

Serbi, 147<br />

Serse, re dei Persiani, 228<br />

Sertorio Quinto, 37<br />

Servio Onorato Mauro, 127, 135<br />

Sevello R.M., 221<br />

Sforza Francesco, 11, 39-40, 198, 227<br />

Sforza Galeazzo, 66<br />

Sforza Muzio Attendolo, 11<br />

Shackleton D.R., 10<br />

Sheehan W.J., 106, 108<br />

Sicilia, 43, 218<br />

Sidonio Apollinare, santo, 57

Sidwell K., 107<br />

Sigismondi, de’, Sigismondo, 193-194<br />

Signorini R., 65<br />

Sigonio Carlo, 131<br />

Silber Eucharius, 87<br />

Silio Italico, 67-68<br />

Silla Lucio Cornelio, 90, 94<br />

Silvestro, cubiculario, 38<br />

Simmaco, papa, 188-189<br />

Simone, 27-29<br />

Sipilo, 97<br />

S ˇ isˇić F., 145, 147<br />

Sisto IV, papa, 66, 146, 160, 171<br />

Sizˇgorić Jurai, 148<br />

Skradin, 142<br />

Slavi, 147-148<br />

Slavonia, 140<br />

Sloveni, 147<br />

S ˇ mahel F., 173-174<br />

Small G., 201, 206<br />

Smarrito, v. Dati C.R.<br />

Smirne, 132<br />

Smith G., 201<br />

Socrate, 131<br />

Soldi Rondinini G., 28<br />

Solone, 228<br />

Sostegni Angelo di Lippo, 246, 251<br />

Sottili A., 28-29, 33, 88, 159-160, 163, 165<br />

Spagna, 91, 127<br />

Speroni M., 32<br />

Spirk A., 175<br />

Spoleto, 142<br />

S ˇ poliarić L., 139, 146<br />

Spreti V., 218<br />

St. John H.L., 197, 204-205<br />

Stadter P.A., 191-192<br />

Staffarda, 220-222, 224<br />

Staffarda, abbazia di Santa Maria, 218-219,<br />

222, 224<br />

Stafford, 209<br />

Stafford John, 198<br />

Stafford, v. Humphrey conte di Stafford<br />

Staikos K., 108<br />

Stäuble A., 201, 215, 225, 229<br />

Stazio Publio Papinio, 8, 11, 14, 21, 67-74,<br />

77-83, 95, 108-109<br />

Stegmann C., 202<br />

Stella Domenico, 143<br />

Stephanus, 135<br />

Stevenson J., 209<br />


— 289 —<br />

Stiepan II Kotromanić, re di Bosnia, 141<br />

Stilicone Flavio, 149<br />

Stinger Ch.L., 160, 162<br />

Stjepan Tomasˇević Kotromanić, re di Bosnia,<br />

141, 145<br />

Stoker B., 149<br />

Strabone, 132-133, 135, 229<br />

Straehle G., 93<br />

Strimone, 135<br />

Strozzi, famiglia, 6, 247<br />

Strozzi Tito Vespasiano, 205<br />

Stumphol Giovanni, 179<br />

Suffolk, 204<br />

Suttie G., 227<br />

Svatosˇ M., 176<br />

Svizzera, 151<br />

Sweynheim Konrad, 86<br />

Szantyr A., 202<br />

Tacconi M., 3<br />

Tachaios A.E.N., 153<br />

Talavera Esteso F., 127<br />

Talenti Tomà, 140<br />

Tanturli G., 192, 248<br />

Tanzini L., 146<br />

Tanzini R., 95<br />

Tarabochia Canavero A., 60<br />

Tartari, 151<br />

Tartarini Niccolò, 34<br />

Tassi F., 95<br />

Tateo F., 59, 61<br />

Tebe, 132<br />

Tedeschi, 147-148<br />

Temkin O., 50<br />

Tenenti A., 44<br />

Teocrito, 129, 132<br />

Teodolinda, regina dei Longobardi e d’Italia,<br />

187<br />

Teodorico, re degli Ostrogoti, 149<br />

Teofilo II Amorio, imperatore, 153<br />

Teomnesto, 120<br />

Terenzio Afro Publio, 32, 112, 128, 223, 233<br />

Terpsione, 131<br />

Tessalonica, 153<br />

Teti V., 55<br />

Tevere, 88<br />

Thielemans M.R., 208-209, 211<br />

Thiermann P., 37<br />

Thomas R.H., 210<br />

Tibullo Aulo Albio, 11, 124

Tifernate Lilio, v. Libelli Lilio<br />

Tiglieto, 219<br />

Tilliette J.Y., 208<br />

Timoteo, 50-51, 56<br />

Timpanaro S., 68<br />

Tiptoft, 209<br />

Tmolo, 97<br />

Tobolka Z., 173<br />

Todi, 142<br />

Toepke G., 31<br />

Tognon G., 58<br />

Tolomeo, 246<br />

Tolomeo II Filadelfo, re d’Egitto, 136<br />

Tolomeo da Lucca, 101<br />

Tombeur P., 258<br />

Tomek V.V., 175, 177<br />

Tommaso, arcidiacono, 148<br />

Tommaso d’Aquino, santo, 91, 178, 183-184,<br />

257<br />

Torino, 221, 227<br />

Torino, Archivio di Stato, 222<br />

Torino, Biblioteca Civica, 222<br />

Torino, Biblioteca dell’Accademia delle Scienze,<br />

219<br />

Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria (Biblioteca<br />

Pubblica dell’Università), 215, 220-<br />

222, 224<br />

Torino, Biblioteca Reale (Biblioteca Ducale),<br />

220, 222<br />

Torino, Università, 220<br />

Tortelli Giovanni, 6, 16<br />

Toscana, 89-90, 98, 102<br />

Tosi R., 112<br />

Totila, re degli Ostrogoti, 86, 92, 95, 97, 101,<br />

188<br />

Traci, 148<br />

Tracia, 135<br />

Transilvania, 151<br />

Trapezunzio Giorgio, v. Giorgio da Trebisonda<br />

Trasimeno, 43<br />

Traversari Ambrogio, 37, 50-51, 160, 162-<br />

164, 166, 169<br />

Travesi Giovanni, 36<br />

Trifiodoro, 134<br />

Trisˇka J., 173, 175<br />

Troia, 36, 134<br />

Troiani, 128<br />

Troppau, von, Martin, 90<br />

Troyes, 205<br />


— 290 —<br />

Truhlárˇ J., 177-178, 180, 184<br />

Tsiamis C., 52<br />

Tucidide, 135<br />

Tucker G.H., 3, 58<br />

Turchi, 141, 146, 150, 151<br />

Tuscia, 43, 87-91, 94, 100-101<br />

Tusco Claudio, 96<br />

Tvrtko I Kotromanić, re di Bosnia, 141<br />

Tzezes Giovanni, 128<br />

Uberti, degli, Fazio, 92, 94, 101<br />

Udine, IX<br />

Ughelli F., 160<br />

Ullman B.L., 191-192<br />

Umbria, 142<br />

Ungheria, 65, 140-141, 143, 150<br />

Unni, 152<br />

Urbánek R., 175-177, 184<br />

Urbino, 130<br />

Ureña Bracero J., 127<br />

Vaerini B., 229<br />

Valacchi, 150, 152<br />

Valacchia, 150-151<br />

Valdinievole, 247<br />

Valerio Flacco Gaio, 131<br />

Valerio Massimo, 131, 134<br />

Valerio S., 58-59<br />

Valla, famiglia, 35<br />

Valla Giorgio, 45<br />

Valla Lorenzo, 13, 25-29, 32-35, 42-45, 237-<br />

240<br />

Valla Luca, 34<br />

Valladolid, Università, 121<br />

Vallaresso Maffeo, 143<br />

Vallera, 34-35<br />

Valois, di, Filippo III, il Buono, 201, 205-207,<br />

210-212<br />

Valois, di, Giovanni, Senza Paura, 205<br />

Van Binnebeke X.E., 192<br />

Van de Kieft C., 258<br />

Vandali, 148<br />

Varalda P., 50<br />

Varanini G.M., 44-45<br />

Varazˇdin, 141<br />

Varchi Benedetto, 98<br />

Vassilich G., 144<br />

Vattasso M., 162-165<br />

Vaughan R., 201, 206

Vegio Maffeo, 4, 12, 14-15, 19-22, 28-29, 38,<br />

106<br />

Veglia (Krk), 143-144, 154<br />

Velićan T., 139<br />

Velika Kapela, 140<br />

Velvar Stanislao, v. Velvary, de, Stanislao<br />

Velvar Venceslao, 175<br />

Velvary, de, Stanislao, 174-179, 181-185<br />

Venceslao de Prachatic, 180-181<br />

Veneto, 6, 89<br />

Venezia, IX, 29, 39, 74, 140-141, 143-144, 147,<br />

221, 225<br />

Venezia, Biblioteca Fondazione Giorgio Cini,<br />

74<br />

Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, 226<br />

Venier M., 67, 253-259<br />

Ventrone P., 6<br />

Vergerio Pier Paolo, 65<br />

Verino Ugolino, 12<br />

Verona, 253, 256, 258-259<br />

Verona, Biblioteca Capitolare, 253<br />

Vespasiano da Bisticci, 3, 94, 169-171<br />

Vicenza, 146<br />

Vickers K.H., 201, 209<br />

Victor U., 119<br />

Vienna, 123<br />

Vigili Fabio, 194<br />

Vignati B., 28<br />

Vigoleno, 45<br />

Villa Pompeiana, 29<br />

Villani Giovanni, 93, 97, 101<br />

Villari P., 215<br />

Vinodol, 144<br />

Virgilio Marone Publio, 42, 60, 112, 122,<br />

126, 135, 206<br />

ps.-Virgilio, 22<br />

Visconti Filippo Maria, 9, 28-30, 39, 45, 62<br />

Visdomini Michele, 246<br />

Vitale Brovarone A., 218<br />

Viterbesi, 89<br />

Viterbo, 85, 87-89, 91, 101-103<br />

Viterbo, Duomo, 101<br />

Viterbo, Museo Civico, 88, 101<br />

Viterbo, Palazzo Comunale, Sala del Consiglio,<br />

87<br />

Vitez Ivan, 141<br />

Viti P., VII-IX, 3, 26, 57, 59, 102, 108, 110,<br />

112, 147, 168, 175, 197, 215, 226, 243-244<br />

Vitorchiano, 89<br />

Vitruvio Pollione, 136<br />


— 291 —<br />

Vittore Gaio Giulio, 233<br />

Vittorino da Feltre, 65-66, 112<br />

Vlad III Dracul, re della Valacchia, 150-151<br />

Vobrátilová J., 173<br />

Vogel J., 93<br />

Volterra, 89<br />

Wachsmuth K., 96<br />

Wagener C., 202<br />

Waitz G., 42<br />

Warre, v. Reginald barone la Warre<br />

Warwick, v. Richard conte di Warwick<br />

Watson A.G., 226-227<br />

Waurin, de, Jehan, 210, 212<br />

Weijers O., 213<br />

Weiss R., 88, 105, 159, 198-202, 205, 213, 245<br />

Wells, 198, 209<br />

Wesel sul Reno, 237<br />

Westerink L.G., 109<br />

White J.A., 92, 94<br />

Wickersheimer E., 35<br />

Wiegand H., 3, 58<br />

Wiener Neustadt, 150-151<br />

Wilcox D.J., 96<br />

William barone la Zouche, 209<br />

Willis J., 103<br />

Wilson N.G., 105<br />

Winter U., 62<br />

Winter Z., 180<br />

Wittig K., 96-97<br />

Wohlgemuth G., 237<br />

Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, 239<br />

Wolkan R., 32<br />

Wolsey Thomas, 130<br />

Worstbrock F.J., 237<br />

Wright C.E., 226-227<br />

Wright R.C., 226<br />

Wünsch R., 96<br />

York, 204<br />

Yoshihiro O., 67<br />

Zabbia M., 43<br />

Zabughin V., 199, 204, 208<br />

Zaccaria R.M., 13, 243<br />

Zagli A., 215<br />

Zakopani, famiglia, 154<br />

Zambrini F., 36<br />

Zamolxis, 148<br />

Zamponi S., 107, 192, 248

Zappacosta G., 146<br />

Zappala M.O., 107<br />

Zara (Zadar), 143-144<br />

Zardin D., 220<br />

Zenone Flavio, imperatore, 149<br />

Zenti D.A., 90<br />

Zeuxis, 148<br />

Zippel G., 3, 6, 18, 44<br />

Zoilo, 135-136<br />


— 292 —<br />

Zollino G., 121-137<br />

ps.-Zonaras, 135-136<br />

Zoppelli B., 106<br />

Zorzi N., 105<br />

Zouche, v. William barone la Zouche<br />

Zubler Chr., 106-107<br />

Zuccolin G., 59<br />

Zug Tucci I., 9<br />

Zuppardo Matteo, 199

Amministrazione<br />

<strong>Casa</strong> <strong>Editrice</strong> <strong>Leo</strong> S. <strong>Olschki</strong><br />

Casella postale 66, 50123 Firenze . Viuzzo del Pozzetto 8, 50126 Firenze<br />

e-mail: . Conto corrente postale 12.707.501<br />

Tel. (+39) . fax (+39)<br />

2012<br />



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