Catalogue of Brazilian Plants - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Catalogue of Brazilian Plants - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Catalogue of Brazilian Plants - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew


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George Gardner’s <strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brazilian</strong> <strong>Plants</strong><br />

116 Dorstenia contrayerva, Linn. ––<br />

116/2 Dorstenia sp. nova ––<br />

117 Celtis lima Swartz ––<br />

118 Piper sp. ––<br />

119 Piper sp. ––<br />

119/2 Piper sp. ––<br />

119/3 do. do. do. Rio Comprido<br />

120 Brasavola sp. Moro do Flamengo<br />

121 Orchideae sp. terrestrial / Prescotia plantaginea, Lindley Aquaduct<br />

121/2 Orchideae sp. do.<br />

121/3 Orchideae sp. do.<br />

122 Cyrtopodium glutiniferum ? Raddi ––<br />

––<br />

123 Maxillaria sp. Praia Vermelho<br />

124 Oncidium sp. nova O. uncinatum Rio Comprido<br />

125 Orchideae cres. Cayete Rio Comprido<br />

125/2 Oncidium ––<br />

126 Maxillaria rock Rio Comprido<br />

127 Maxillaria tetragona ? Lindl. ––<br />

128 Cattleya Forbesii, Lind. ––<br />

128/2 Orchideae crescen. Cayete-small<br />

128/3 Orchideae tree Corcovado<br />

129 Maranta ? ––<br />

130 Heliconia sp. ––<br />

131 Barbacenia purpurea, Hook. ––<br />

132 Vellosia candida, Mikan ––<br />

133 Hypoxis ––<br />

134 Tillandsia ––<br />

135 Tradescantia pilosa ? Corcovado<br />

136 Gramineae/ Merostachys ? capitata, Hook. ––<br />

137 Gramineae ––<br />

138 Gramineae ––<br />

139 Gramineae ––<br />

140 Gramineae ––<br />

141 Gramineae ––<br />

142 Gramineae ––<br />

143 Gramineae ––<br />

144 Gramineae ––<br />

145 Gramineae ––<br />

146 Gramineae ––<br />

147 Gramineae ––<br />

148 Carex sp. ––<br />

149 Carex sp. small<br />

150 Scirpus ––<br />

151 Scirpus ––<br />

152 Scirpus ––<br />

153 Cyperaceae ––<br />

154 Cyperaceae ––<br />

155 Cappaaris lineata, Pers. ––<br />

156 Terebinthaceae ––<br />

157 ? ? Rio Comprido<br />

158 ? ? small Pinheiros<br />

159 ? ? shrub Aquaduct<br />

7 | P a g e Transcribed by D.J.N. Hind, <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong>, <strong>Kew</strong>

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