Catalogue of Brazilian Plants - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Catalogue of Brazilian Plants - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Catalogue of Brazilian Plants - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew


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George Gardner’s <strong>Catalogue</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Brazilian</strong> <strong>Plants</strong><br />

312 Viola subdimidiata St. Hil. Macacú<br />

313 Jasminum commune, St. Hil. Vargim<br />

314 Drosera villosa, St. Hil. Bog. Fazenda<br />

315 Polygala Pasture Fazenda<br />

316 Polygala laaureola St. Hil. ––<br />

317 Drymaria cordata, Wild. ––<br />

318 Abutilon Serra<br />

319 Abutilon rufinerve, St. Hil. ––<br />

320 Abutilon Bedfordianum, Hook. Imbuhy<br />

321 Abutilon striatum, Dicks. Vargim<br />

322 Sida ? Pavonia sepium St. Hil. Imbuhy<br />

323 Sida erosa, Link. Imbuhy<br />

324 Sida ? Pavonia Serra<br />

325 Chorisia speciosa, St. Hil. Araras<br />

326 Byttneriaceae / Buttneria [sic!] Imbuhy<br />

327 Aub. Sloanea? ^ Dasynema (adenobasium) salicifolium ? Presl Banks Paquequer<br />

328 Hypericum Brasiliense, Chois. Fazenda<br />

329 Vismia Brasiliensis, Chois. Vargim<br />

330 Clusia First waterfall Paquequer<br />

331 Clusia Paquequer<br />

332 Clusia high waterfall<br />

333 Morantea Brasiliensis, Choisy. ––<br />

334 Trigonia ––<br />

335 Casearia montana, Gardn. ––<br />

336 Casearia inaequilatera, St. Hil. ––<br />

337 Malpighiaceae at De Luze’s<br />

338 Banisteria at Antonio José’s<br />

339 Sapindaceae Do. do.<br />

340 Sapindaceae W. fall Paquequer<br />

341 Sapindaceae Antonio José’s<br />

342 Sapindaceae Vargim<br />

343 Meliaceae/ Symplocos laxiflora, Benth. Lin. Trans. Vargim<br />

344 Cissus Magé<br />

345 Oxalis repens, Thunb. ––<br />

346 Ilex Paraguaiensis ? St. Hil. ––<br />

347 Rhamnaceae ? Piedade<br />

348 Casearia pauciflora, St. Hil. Paquequer<br />

349 / Laurus Araras<br />

350 Leguminosae Imbuhy<br />

351 Leguminosae Imbuhy<br />

352 Leguminosae / [Rhynchosia phaseoloides, DC.] Magé<br />

353 Leguminosae / [Cleobulia multiflora, Mart.] Freschal<br />

354 Phaseolus ––<br />

355 / Canavalia picta, Mart.[, var. longiracemosa] Antonio José’s<br />

356 / Centrosema [dasyanthema] Araras<br />

357 Leguminosae / Machaerium [sericiflorum, Vogel] Imbuhy<br />

358 Swartzia elegans, Schlt. Paquequer<br />

359 Mimosa Imbuhy<br />

360 Mimosa Paquequer<br />

361 Mimosa/ [Acacia] Imbuhy<br />

362 Inga Araras<br />

363 Inga Campo Grande<br />

364 Inga ? / Stryphnodendron polyphyllum, Mart. et B. Sy. M. Vargim<br />

11 | P a g e Transcribed by D.J.N. Hind, <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Botanic</strong> <strong>Gardens</strong>, <strong>Kew</strong>

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